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First published 22nd May 2000 (Last Modified 27th August 2017)

For the purposes of the motions carried by the court of common council the following definitions shall apply:

Guildmembers are those inhabitants recognised by a guild charter as being members of a guild.
Guild Charter
A Guild Charter is a document recognised by the monarch as such.
A citizen is a householder, or a person recognised by a householder as being members of that household who has either sworn as follows: "I declare my loyalty to the City of Linrodeth and place my fealty to it above all other Cities, States and Kingdoms." or was a citizen prior to Ternost 150. Direct employees of the witanmoot (or have been a member of the Guard for 15 years or more), who must also make the same oath, are also classed as citizens. Citizens (or the householder of their household) must pay the poll tax of that household's ward.12
A ward is an area of the city of Linrodeth recognised as such by the court of common council.
Any inhabitant owning property in a ward of the city of Linrodeth. If a citizen owns property in more than one ward, that citizen is considered to run a separate household in each ward in which that citizen owns property, and as such is liable to pay the poll tax for each such household.
An elector for a ward is a citizen who owns property in that ward. Provided that the value of the citizens' share of the property is worth at least £10 and the Citizen is aged 21 years or older.3
An alderman for a ward is a guildmember who resides in that ward and is elected to that post as per the witanmoot procedures for Aldermen and Councillors. Aldermen are members of the Aldermanic Court and of the Court of Common Council.
A councillor for a ward is a guildmember who resides in that ward and is elected to that post as per the witanmoot procedures for Aldermen and Councillors. Councillors are members of the Court of Common Council.
An inhabitant of the city of Linrodeth is anybody capable of saying (or writing), in Athionic, the phrase "I am an inhabitant of the City of Linrodeth", and whose residence is within one mile radius of the Mootstoneboundaries of the City of Linrodeth as measured by the Lord of the City on the Springtide Festival 152.4
Lord of the City
The Lord of the City is elected by the Aldermanic Court by the standard procedure for the election of the lord of the city. The Lord of the City is also the Lord Chief Magistrate and the Duke of the Ishta Valley. The Lord of the City is a member of the Aldermanic Court and of the Court of Common Council.
The two sherrifs are elected by the Aldermanic Court by the standard procedure for the election of the sherrifs. The two sherrifs are members of the Aldermanic Court and the Court of Common Council.
The Royal Court
Any court designated as such by the Monarch.
The Court of the Lord Chief Magistrate
Any court designated as such by the Lord Chief Magistrate.
The Sherrif's Court
Any court designated as such by either Sherrif.
The Magistrate's Court
Any court designated as such by any Alderman.
The Aldermanic Court
Any meeting designated as such by any 13 (all of whom must be present) members of the Aldermanic Court.
The Court of Common Council
Any meeting designated as such by any 140 (all of whom must be present) members of the Court of Common Council.
Any meeting designated as such by both the alderman and a majority of councillors for that ward.

Last updated: August 27, 2017 at 19:41 pm


  1. Underlined text added by motion proposed by Alison Shefford and passed by the court of common council in Galemir 150.
  2. Double underlined text added by motion proposed by Maureen Quiller and passed in Ternost 150
  3. Underlined text added by motion proposed by Eva Capel and seconded by Mary Hastings and passed by the Court of Common Council during spring 159
  4. overstruck text deleted and replaced by the underlined text by motion proposed by Jim Bottler and passed Pipetal 152


First published 22nd May 2000 (Last Modified 12th January 2023)

There are many things which can be seen in the sky, clouds, birds, and of course the sun, the two moons, and the stars.

This article discuss these latter objects. The last, the stars can be divided into two groups. The first of these groups, the fixed stars, are, on the whole, uninteresting. The exception is Polaris, the pole star. This is the navigator's friend, known to sailors and guides alike as it always occupies the same location in the sky. It is easily recognised as it is part of a group of three brights stars which are grouped closely together and in a straight line. The direction of this group of stars can usually be safely taken as the direction of north.

The second class of stars is the planets or 'wandering stars'. These can be further subdivided into two groups :- those which always stay near the sun, and those which can wander across all the sky.

The first, Psykomena (the observer of folly) is the fastest moving, but is always close to the sun, thus committing the ultimate folly of assuming that folly only occurs during the day!

The second planet is Alderoth (observer of recovery and health) can be seen further from the sun than Psykomena and shows that for good health, a regular regimen of sleep is required.

The third planet, Panurgio (observer of Vitality and Wit), can be seen still further from the sun, but still shows that a quick mind also requires a regular regimen of sleep.

The next planet, Erosina (observer of love and enjoyment), can be seen yet further from the sun, and can often be seen in the late evenings.

Genhelia (observer of birth and growth) is never far behind Erosina, often reaching the same position in the sky in a matter of days. Genhelia can be distinguished from Erosina by its distinctive blue-green colour.

The second group of planets begins with Psykelia (observer of luck and fortune). Psykelia is the quickest of those planets which do not stay near the sun, thus visibly demonstrating that luck is fickle and cannot be relied upon.

The next is Letophoro (observer of malady and death) is difficult to observe, but also wanders across the entire sky watching death occur at any time.

Adamasto (observer of conflict and war) is next. It too wanders far from the sun, and suffers from a striking orange-red colour as befits its nature. Adamasto shows that the causes of war can occur at any time, but also take time to build, as Adamasto only wanders slowly.

The slowest and last wanderer is Celeno (observer of slowness and dullness). Celeno only moves slowly relative to the fixed stars, but is able travel all around the sky in time, thus showing slow and careful will get you there! (The fastest moving planet, Psykomena, never moves far from the sun, whereas Celeno, the slowest, is the planet most often further from the sun in the sky)

The two most obvious features in the night sky, however, are the two moons, Sisamora and Senemora (These can, of course, be seen during the day, but are not the most obvious daytime features!). Sisamora (observer of good) is the larger of the two. Sisamora changes Phase in a thirty and seven-sixteenths of a day cycle. When Sisamora is full (Around the beginning/end of each month and, of course, during festival days), it can be seen brightly shining. However, it is recorded that it is occasionally suffers during these occasions from strange redness and indeed blackening.

The second moon, Senemora (observer of evil) is harder to describe. Senemora also follows a sequence of phases, but follows its cycle in a matter of hours, (21 hours and 13 minutes to be precise!). However its movement across the sky is most fickle. Whereas all the other moons, planets and even the sun, rise in the west and set in the east (within 18 hours indeed), Senemora usually rises in the east and sets in the west 3 or 4 days later! In addition, senemora is both eager to rise (often rising in the east several hours early then being forced to set in the east within a few hours) and relucant to set (often rising again in the west, and then setting again within a matter of a few hours)!

The last object in the sky is, of course, the sun. It too, dislikes the winter and is in the sky for less than eight hours on Midwinter Day, while on Midsummer Day it is in the sky for over sixteen hours.

Last updated: January 12, 2023 at 9:13 am


First published 22nd May 2000 (Last Modified 18th November 2024)

Character Generator

In preparation for running a new Traveller Campaign, The GK Strategem, I've created a Mongoose Traveller V2 Character Creator. This new campaign will be in an alternate universe to that described below (mostly because my memory of those campaigns has faded to the level of mostly gone!


I have, on and off, over the last couple of decades run a traveller campaign. Some players have expressed an interest in the timeline, so let's see if I can reproduce it from my limited memory.

Approx -300,000
Ancients abound developing many weird and wonderful devices and ships. It is rumoured that one or more of these still exists and that the vessel concerned is capable of Jump-6 without the aid of 60% of the ship being devoted to fuel.It is also believed that the computer system fred dates from this time.
Date of my first campaign. A group of merchants and friends attempt to make a living in the spinward marches. They soon misjump and crash land on a remote system. They only escape when their cargo forces them to repair their 200-ton trader (after which it becomes a 150-ton trader!).
Fifth Frontier War begins. The Zhodani launch a surprise attack on the Imperium aided by Vargr and the sword worlds.
The Zhodani capture Regina, the Spinward Marches sector capital
The capital of the Sword Worlds (Gramm) is devestated by a huge explosion. Riots ensue after it becomes apparent that the rulers cared more about protecting their main computer complex (which survived the explosion) instead of the inhabitants of the surrounding city (which didn't!).
Imperium suffers a major reverse when a dozen stars spontaneously turn in supernovae. Although Darrian action is suspected (and the Imperium breaks off all treaties with the Darrians) nothing is proven. One of the systems lost is the Glisten system which was a major imperial starship construction facility (capable of constructing TL15 ships)
The Zhodani capture Rhylanor, which had only recently become the new sector capital. The Imperials sue for peace with the Zhodani, who agree to sign a new peace treaty. The Imperium moves considerable deterrent force into their remaining portion of the spinward marches and a cold war begins
The Zhodani launch a covert mission into the border worlds on both sides of the imperial/zhodani border. It disappears (although an internal zhodani report suggests that the use of people from planets which had been imperial might have a contributory factor, and certainly was very foolish).
Unusual activity is seen around the ancient sites in the Five Sisters subsector including the recorded disappearance of a merchant vessel
A passenger liner jumping between xxx and Trin's Veil fails to arrive on schedule

Notes on the timeline

As should be noted I run with a different universe to that of either Traveller or MegaTraveller. In my universe the Zhodani won the fifth frontier war and the Civil War never happened (and neither did the virus). I have used the virus as an alternative universe (unsurprisingly the players had needed some encouragement to do the 'right' thing!)

At the time of my latest campaign (dated 1150), the Zhodani/Imperial cold war was just beginning to end. Some more normal contact was being resumed between the Zhodani and the Imperium and there were those considering resuming a 'normal' postal service.

The Vargr were being their usual nuisance to all concerned.

The Sword worlds were worried that they were about to be abandoned by the Zhodani.

The Darrians have had a problem for the last thirty years. How do you convince someone that you didn't blow up twelve stars when your entire defence strategy depends on your enemies knowing that you can!

More and more Aslan have begun to be seen in the Spinward Marches after decades of absence. They pointedly kept out of the fifth frontier war and appear to want to take advantage of the trade possibilities of being a neutral player between the Zhodani and the Imperium.

The fred computer system

An important element in at least two or more of my campaign has been (and may be still is!) the fred computer system. Fred comes in a 20-ton cargo package. Intelligence reports that it contains a TL20 sentient computer system and packs some pretty impressive systems:

  • Fusion Gun ('Man' Portable)
  • Gauss Rifle and Pistol equivalent
  • Black globe generator (although to be fair this needs to be connected to a ship's jump capacitors to be generally useful in ship combat).
  • Self repair capability

Last updated: November 18, 2024 at 13:33 pm