Le Journal de Paris de juin 1624
Recording the events of Paris and beyond during juin 1624

Midsummer Masquerade
After the careful preparation and logistics set in train by Albert Kestrel, the Midsummer Masquerade held at the de Gonde estate to the south-west of Paris. Most of the great and the good of Paris attended the event, with some even managing to get into the spirit of the event rather than just hobnob with their better. Phillipe Lemoine (who had arranged the event), Guillame De Batz (who arranged the musicians and entertainment) even managed to convince the normally aloof Sir Alex Kuzbidon to attend the event along with Duke Gaston. All three were companied by the their lady-friends. Marius Thibodeaux was prevailed upon to give a short recital, although he did insist on reciting the melancholy poems from the obscure English poet, John Donne. M. Thibodeaux costume was also one of the more elaborate with a prominent broken heart motif. Also attending the masquerade was Roget Thésaurus and Colonel Henri d'Alembert.
The grounds of the hunting lodge were almost overshadowed by the marquee that had been set up for the festivities and a great time was had by all, even if the event was broken up in the early morning when a herd of wild boar, recently released into the surrounding woods broke into the marquee and started to consume the remains of the feast and charging the musicians! In the resulting fracas many of the attendees received minor injuries. Suggestions of the sounds of laughter from the hunting lodge itself have been denied by the de Gondi family.
Roget Thésaurus/Jean Huile duel quickly over
In the early morning glare of the 25th of June, Roget Thésaurus and Jean Huile met for their duel under the watchful eye of Albert Kestrel who was acting as Roget's second1. Both men had selected to fight with Sabres. After formally declining to withdraw either the insult or the challenge both men saluted each other and prepared for the fight. When Albert dropped his handkerchief to signal the start of the duel, Roget immediately took sprang to the attack and struck Jean soundly on his left leg causing a serious injury and deep cut which instantly started to bleed. Jean quickly offered his surrender and this was, as quickly, accepted by Roget2. The local surgeon for gardens of the Palais Royale quickly moved in to bind Jean's wounds and, although he is expected to recover, he will have an impressive scar3.
Marius Thibodeaux/Cochon de Lait
As expected, Marius Thibodeaux has challenged Cochon de Lait to a duel for the fourth week of juillet. The challenge was met quite vehemently and definitely and it will be interesting to see how the skilled M. Thibodeaux will approach the duel. M. Thibodeaux has been recently praised by Le Perche du Coudray for dedication to his practice and for being one of the best swordsmen in Paris.
Dispatches from Phillipeville
We now have the reports from the frontier regiments that captured Phillipeville. The commanders of the frontier regiments had called for volunteers to lead a diversionary attack to allow sappers to lay a large bomb at the town gates and our brave gentlemen all volunteered. So, led by Captain Omer Dalors, Harry Covert and Fourier Transformée were part of a team sent to make a noisy attack on the town's water gate. The townsmen had thought that the water gate would be relatively secure since the swamp outside the water gate was also overlooked by the town wall. Indeed as the small team began to set up its light artillery piece (sadly without cannon balls since those cost real money) the townsfolk started to pepper their temporary platform with musket fire. Captain Dalors4 maintained order amongst the team and ensured that several large puffs of gun-smoke were seen coming their position despite several shots whizzing over his shoulders. Fourier Transformée was less lucky, but despite the musket ball in his left shoulder he was able to keep passing the charges of gunpowder to the gun crew, even when a couple of the town lads started chucking lighted torches over the wall towards them5. Sadly Harry Covert took several musket balls as he provided cover to the team.
Misdirected mail?
The following has been delivered to us by an anonymous contact who says that he bought the poem from a servant of Flora Pernet's household. Quite how the letter ended up there is very unclear as it is obvious that the intended recipient was not Flora, but Émilie Beaufils. That lady, however, denies receiving the poem or its covering letter. We are unable to ascertain the author.
I stand here, that hath been Love's gentle Fool
A sadder, but a wiser man become
And though my tears about me form'd a pool
My much lamenting tongue hath fallen dumb.
Those tears have washed the scales from my eyes
And clearer see I than I did before
And dazzled am I by the bright Sunrise
The pallid moon; a thing that I abhor.
I know that by aspiring to the Sun
I stand the chance, mayhap, of being burned
But faint heart never Phoebus' daughter won
And any scorching shall be gladly earned
And so, sweet Émilie, to thee I'll fly
E'en though this Icarus might fall and die.
Devils target Guillame De Batz?
Mystery still surrounds the house fire that has seriously damaged one of the houses being rented out by Guillame De Batz. Several witness report seeing strange lights in the sky during the evening before the fire and state that they saw a glowing orb descend down from above the house and touch down on the thatched roof of the property. The property was badly damaged in the incident and will need considerable work and repair before it can be rented out again.
Power problems for Aline Yar
Aline Yar was called urgently to his father's mill outside of Paris this month to supervise the repair of the water wheel that powers the mill. As result M. Yar was unable to attend any events in Paris during juin.
Regimental News
13th and 53rd Fusiliers, the 27th Musketeers, the 4th and 69th Arquebusiers
Members of these regiments are reminded that they are required to join their regiments for the summer campaign during juillet, août and septembre
The Greasy Pole
Name | SL | ± | SP | Position(s) | Last Seen With | Club | Location |
Albert Kestrel | 6 | +1 | 30 | Queen's Own Carabiniers, Private | Élisabeth Beaumont | ||
Aline Yar | 4 | Picardy Musketeers, Subaltern | Red Phillips | Father's estate | |||
Fourier Transformée | 2 | At Frontier | |||||
Guillame De Batz | 10 | 20 | Bernadette Cuvier | Hunter's | |||
Jean Huile | 4 | 10 | Picardy Musketeers, Subaltern | Victoria Gainsbourg | Red Phillips | ||
Marius Thibodeaux | 7 | +1 | 21 |
Picardy Musketeers, Subaltern | The Frog & Peach | ||
Omer Dalors | 1 | 13th Fusiliers, Captain | At Frontier | ||||
Phillipe Lemoine | 10 | 17 | Gisèle Barthélemy | ||||
Roget Thésaurus | 5 | +1 | 25 | Grand Duke Maximillian Dragoons, Private | Red Phillips | ||
Sir Alex Kuzbidon | 10 | 18 | Royal Marines, Subaltern | Aurélie Pueyrredón | Hunter's | ||
Cochon de Lait | 7 | 8 | Royal Marines, Private | Flora Pernet | The Blue Gables |
- SL
- Status Level as of the end of the month
- ±
- Change in status level this month
- SP
- Status Points earned this month (blank if the character is out of Paris during the month).
- Position
- Regiment and Rank and other posts if any
- Location
- Location during the current month if out of Paris
Femmes Fatales
Name | SL | Attributes | Last Seen With |
Auriane Delaunay | 7 | Influential, Wealthy | |
Flora Pernet | 7 | Stunning, Influential | Cochon de Lait |
Solène Prudhomme | 12 | Wealthy | |
Micheline Barbet | 15 | Influential | |
Élisabeth Beaumont | 8 | Albert Kestrel | |
Brigitte Silvestre | 8 | ||
Albane Bacque | 15 | ||
Lesly Beaumont | 11 | Wealthy | |
Aurélie Pueyrredón | 9 | Wealthy | Sir Alex Kuzbidon |
Bernadette Cuvier | 7 | Stunning, Influential | Guillame De Batz |
Émilie Beaufils | 11 | Influential, Wealthy | |
Victoria Gainsbourg | 5 | Wealthy | Jean Huile |
Gisèle Barthélemy | 14 | Stunning, Influential | Phillip Lemoine |
Roseline Geffroy | 11 |
Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm
- 23 January 2018
- Note: Duke Gaston and Colonel D'Alembert also attended the Midsummer Masquerade significantly increasing the toadying bonuses and resulting in Marius Thibodeaux, Albert Kestrel and Roget Thésaurus all gaining a social level. Albert Kestrel gained another status point for acting as a second.
- 3 March 2018
- Change image links to the library page (for copyright and attribution)
Versailles hunting lodge drawing created during DensityDesign Integrated Course Final Synthesis Studio
at Polytechnic University of Milan, organized by DensityDesign Research Lab in 2016. Image is released under CC-BY-SA licence. Attribution goes to Eyleen Camargo, DensityDesign Research Lab.
Cannon image © Copyright Dave Hitchborne, used under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.
- Albert Kestrel gains a status point for acting as a second. ↩
- As the winner of the duel, Roget's Sabre expertise increases by one and he gains two status points this month. ↩
- Jean's endurance was halved by this single blow - Jean's health will slowly recover over the coming months. ↩
- Four bonus status points for Omer Dalors for three months on his return to Paris and one permanently thereafter. (As Omer Dalors is a member of the 13th Fusiliers he is required to join that regiment during the months of juillet, août and septembre. ↩
- Fourier Transformée gains another six status points for the first three months of his return to join those gained in the previous campaigning season and will have two statis points permanently thereafter. ↩
Note: Taking your companion to your club will now cost you her social level in crowns. This was a bug in the javascript used to process the orders on the order template form. I have not applied this retrospectively, but it will be charged as from the juillet set of orders.