Domain of the Ancients Plugin Details
This plugin adds the ability to insert an instance of the Domain Of The Ancients game. To do this:
Change Log
3.244.0 - 23 February 2023
Use the browser's small viewport
3.242.0 - 06 February 2023
Expand height of the game to the full screen if available (removing the text resize in the process)
3.241.0 - 26 January 2023
Allow the text pane to be resized
3.240.0 - 23 January 2023
Adjust size of the map and notes to better fit the size of the window
3.239.0 - 22 January 2023
Fix css variables
3.238.0 - 22 January 2023
Improve layout on my new caporil theme by simplifying the css
3.226.0 - 12 January 2023
Correct hex annotation width (some quirk of the ningxia theme seems to have caused the need (in that theme) for the incorrect value. This has been changed with my new caporil theme!
3.222.0 - 13 October 2022
- Since dredgers need to be deployed to empty hexes, ensure that computer players designing ships with them include a jump drive (and adjust computer behaviour to account for this, along with other minor behaviour changes)
- Allow Star Bases to be repaired in empty space
3.221.0 - 04 October 2022
- Refactor to improve the ability to have a completely headless version of the game
- Actually stop the game when the human player loses!
- Fix exception when computer players try to scrap their first star base
- Add review of ship designs
- Add a new computer player mood of 'paranoid'
3.219.0 - 27 September 2022
Allow more control over retreat standing orders
3.218.0 - 26 September 2022
Fix average hits to account for the new phase 0
3.217.0 - 26 September 2022
- Make reflecting shields always fire in the phase after they absorb damage regardless of the combat speed of the ship to which they are fitted
- Add a phase 0 to combat (that allows a ship with no maneuver drive or computer to fire) - renumber the phases so that the new Phase 0 is reported as Phase 1 (and old phase n is reported as Phase n+1)
- Rebalance computer tech research (and add a TL9 computer) to allow for the addition of Phase 0
3.216.0 - 15 September 2022
Hide comms Research once it is max'ed out
3.195.0 - 15 April 2022
Revamp of computer player's ship orders. Minor bug fixes to the vessel order dialog.
3.194.0 - 11 April 2022
Count reflecting shields as weapons (plus some refactoring)
3.192.0 - 09 April 2022
Bug fix (with this fix you can no longer cancel an order for a ship (and get a refund) AND still get the ship!)
3.191.0 - 07 April 2022
More AI improvements, More events get recorded for the history
3.190.0 - 05 April 2022
- Add Suicide planet busters
- Improve ship design stats
- Slightly improve computer AI
- Nerf jump space dredgers by significantly increasing their price and by resetting their production if a non-dredger unit enters their hex
3.186.0 - 01 April 2022
Support Standing Orders, fix fighters, minor wording/typo fixes
3.185.0 - 31 March 2022
Fix typo in the research (which broke selecting computers as the favoured tech)
3.184.0 - 30 March 2022
Wording Tweaks, Give the computer players some kind of AI and get them to make their own ship designs, Adjust ground combat
3.183.0 - 27 March 2022
Bug fixes, Refactoring, UI Redesign
3.182.0 - 10 March 2022
Bug fixes
3.181.0 - 04 March 2022
Minor cleanup, bug fixes
3.180.0 - 04 March 2022
- Bug fixing
- Colony Blocks converted into a single large block
- Change one of the archaelogy techs and support one of the weaponary techs
- Apply interdiction of colonies
- Implement the history pages
- Compute Win/Lose conditions
3.179.0 - 28 February 2022
Bug fixing. Complete support for some technologies
3.178.0 - 27 February 2022
Refactoring. Correctly report on other ships in the hex. Implement (largely) combat.
3.177.0 - 21 February 2022
Invert ship design sublist (so the best technology appears at the top of the list). Ensure computer players can't improve their low level colonies.
3.176.0 - 21 February 2022
Add computer players (who act at random). Remove Sensor Buildings
3.175.0 - 17 February 2022
Correct typo's in the ship designer for a couple of block types
3.174.0 - 17 February 2022
Allow colony ships to add to existing low-level colonies. Prohibit zero speed ships. Minor bug fixes. Some refactoring
3.173.0 - 16 February 2022
Bug fixes and some refactoring
3.172.0 - 15 February 2022
Add support for bases and fighters
3.171.0 - 13 February 2022
Allows most player actions - no AI
3.170.0 - 06 February 2022
Initial Version
The information on this page was retrieved by Plugin Information Version 3.263.0.