MegaCivilization Logistics
Here are my thoughts on logistics for my MegaCivilization Game, but if you have any questions please let me know and I'll try to answer them!
I'd like to try to get us actually gaming by 11am on both days, so ideally people should plan arrival for, say, 10:45. That will allow time for introductions etc. I'm hoping to have the game ready to go pretty much thereafter (though some of the game setup depends on the actual number of players so if you can't make it the sooner you can let me know the better).
Note that on the Sunday Romsey is hosting an Antiques Fair so if the weather is dry the area in front on the hotel in The Hundred and Bell Street will have stalls etc and will be quite busy (on the other hand there's usually some interesting stuff for sale).
Food and Drink
I have arranged for some tea and coffee for the morning and afternoon but nothing beyond that. There are several cafes and coffee shops adjacent to the Hotel (and, to be fair, the hotel does good food too - but that's definitely big meal affairs!).
By Car
The White Horse Hotel (ringed in black below) does not have any parking of its own. Romsey does have some long stay car parks which I've ringed in blue in the first map below. I'd recommend the Princes Road Car Park (the northernmost of the three) since that's a quieter part of town than either Alma Road or Crosfield hall (it's also cheaper for long stay but smaller than the other two). I believe all three have charging points (albeit with limited parking time) as does the train station, Waitrose (adjacent to the Alma Road parking though that's only recently been installed).
Alternatively there's Romsey Rapids Swimming Pool (which is out of view to the southeast on the first map but shown opposite the allotments on the second map) which alos provides both long-term car parking and charging points. It's more likely to have empty spaces than the ones in the centre of town but is further away from the White Horse Hotel (probably about ten minutes on foot).

Map of Romsey showing the white horse hotel (ringed in black) and nearby long stay car parks (ringed in blue)
You are, instead, welcome to park at my house but note that I'm about 30 minutes walk from the hotel and plan to leave home shortly before 10am. The walking route is shown on the next map.
Public Transport
Alternatively you can travel by Train (no strikes or overtime bans are planned), Romsey Train Station is shown in the top right corner of the first map. There are two trains an hour to/from Southampton on both days). Bus from Southampton is another option. Romsey Bus Station is just south of the Hotel. The Number 4 bus goes to Southampton and there are two an hour on Saturday but only one an hour on Sunday.