More panoramas
I enjoy taking panoramas (usually stitched together using Microsoft's Image Composite Editor1. They are quite a few on this website and here's a few more:
- Apparently now no longer available for download 🙁 ↩
I enjoy taking panoramas (usually stitched together using Microsoft's Image Composite Editor1. They are quite a few on this website and here's a few more:
Includes bonus of my shadow! Taken from St. Catherine's Hill on 1st February 2018 during a walk with Brian, Sue and Matthew. At usual you can click on image to see a bigger version.
I'm quite pleased with how this panorama of Bristol's floating harbour turned out, I perhaps should have been further along to the east so that perhaps SS Great Britain would have been included - but then I'd have had to contend with the black pipe visible on the right edge of this image and would probably have lost the tower of Clifton Suspension Bridge that this one includes. I might play with GIMP to see if I can tone down the brightness of all the white houses, but I'm liking this one.
(You may wish to click on the image to get the full resolution, this 900x322 version doesn't do this image justice.)
Yesterday I did a walk from Severn Beach to Chepstow via the old Severn Bridge (the newer one (M4) doesn't have a walkway/cycleway on it). This is a walk that is only recommended on days without much wind as you're quite exposed once on the Severn bridge crossing. Also worth noting that you're actually not in Wales until halfway across the Wye Bridge (which crosses the River Wye).
Taken a couple of days ago, looking towards Wales from above the (sadly) derelict Birnbeck Pier
Taken just a few days ago from nearby Westbury's White
Horse. On this trip I discovered that the horse, while once from Chalk, was concreted over by English Heritage in the 1950's to preserve it. The fact that the horse was corrected
in the 1700's means that there's isn't as much archaeology to preserve as there might have been, so, on balance, probably a reasonable decision. That said I'm now loath to call it a white horse bearing in mind that Uffington's one is a better preserved iron age one still made of Chalk.
This was taken in March 2015 from the Leigh Woods side of the Bridge (i.e., looking towards Clifton. It looks a bit weird (no roadway for example) as it's composed from images from both the north and south sides of the Bridge Parapets.
A panorama I took while visiting Knaresborough last Septemeber.
Another panorama from my visit to Bristol during the Heritage Days last year. I was near the end of the floating harbour when a flotilla of boats passed through the lock into the harbour - so the swing bridge across this end of the harbour was open while I was collecting this panorama.
Composed from a set of pictures I took in Bristol during the Heritage Days last year.