
By David
First published 22nd May 2000 (Last Modified 14th August 2016)
  1. Election of Councillors and Alderman
    Every Midwinter the electors of a ward may cast a vote to elect one person to the Wardmoot of that ward. The guildmember receiving the highest number of votes is elected as Alderman of that ward for a period of one year. The remaining people for whom votes have been cast are ranked in order of the number of votes cast for them, with the person receiving the highest total being placed at the top of the list. The top twelve guildmembers on this list are elected as councillors for a period of one year. In the event that less than twelve guildmembers are present on the list, all the guildmembers on the list are elected as councillors and the Alderman must co-opt sufficient guildmembers owning property in that ward to act as councillors to make up a total of twelve councillors.
  2. Election of Envoys
    In the month of Skelern, the Clerk of the Court of Common Council shall accept nominations for envoys to the following cities: Salvoyn, Eresan, Nyskilde, and Cascorach. The nominations must be for members of the Court of Common Council, and if the nomination is for a member of the Aldermanic Court, the nominated member may insist that the clerk reject the nomination. During the first meeting of the Aldermanic Court held in the month of Galemir, the Aldermanic Court shall elect the envoy for each of the above mentioned cities from amongst the nominated members for that city. In the event of a tie the Lord of the City has a casting vote.In the event of one person being elected to two or more envoyships, that person must choose one of the envoyships. The other envoyship(s) are then awarded to the candidate with the next highest total of votes.
  3. Election of Committee Chairs
    In the month of Skelern, the Clerk of the Court of Aldermanic Court shall accept nominations for chairmen of the following committees of the Witanmoot: Treasury, Trade, Law & Order, Shipping, Welfare & Education, and Lands & Agriculture from members of the Aldermanic Court. The nominations must be for members of the Court of Aldermanic Court.During the first meeting of the Aldermanic Court held in the month of Galemir, the Aldermanic Court shall elect the chairman for each of the above mentioned committees from amongst the nominated members for that committee. In the event of a tie the Lord of the City has a casting vote.In the event of one person being elected to two or more chairmanships, that person must choose one of the chairmanships. The other chairmanship(s) are then awarded to the candidate with the next highest total of votes.
  4. Election of the Sherrifs
    In the month of Menderal, the Clerk of the Aldermanic Court shall accept accept nominations for the post of Sherrif from members of the Aldermanic Court. The nominations must be for members of the Court of Aldermanic Court. During the Midsummer festival, each member of the Aldermanic Court shall have two votes in the Election of the Sherrifs. The two votes must be for different candidates (but one or both votes may be absentions). The Lord of the City shall not normally vote, but has a casting vote with which to resolve any ties.
  5. Election of the Lord of the City
    During the Greengrass Festival, each member of the Aldermanic Court has one vote in the Election of the Lord of the City. Each vote must be cast for either the existing Lord of the City, for one of the two sherrifs or not cast at all. The person with the highest number of votes shall be the Lord of the City. In the event of a tie, the existing Lord of the City has the casting vote.

Last updated: August 14, 2016 at 10:19 am