The Chronicle

of the month of Pipetal in the year 145

Sheriff Dixon survived a surprise attack in Oldgate last week when a lone archer, apparently choosing the same vantage point as Cllr Castlemaine's murderer, narrowly missed putting an arrow through Dixon's back. The Sheriff was amongst a group of senior councillors setting out for a Torian service. All displayed remarkable agility for their age and various disabilities, finding cover before a second arrow could be loosed. Apart from bruises and dusty garments, none of the group took any injury apart from the Witanmoot Guard member who had considerately caught the first arrow. Sheriff Perignon, when informed of the incident, displayed genuine horror and concern. "They'll never believe I didn't do it," she said.

The Witanmoot is becoming increasingly concerned at the continued absence of the firewood gathering part that set off up the river well over a month ago. Aside from the problem of fuel for the burnt quarter, Aralan Derwent's friends and followers are voicing fears for her personal safety. The wagons, which will have to come back down the river ice to return to the city, may well be caught by an early thaw. Cynics have commented that Aralan is well used to walking on thin ice.

The distinctive aroma of boiled cabbage has been added to the city's reek now that the stores have been released by the Fruiterers. Although this has provided a cheap and welcome addition to the pottage of many poor householders, the Torians have noted with concern that problems with teeth and skin sores continue to worsen.

Dowgate is in uproar after Cllr Jocelyn Barnes and several members of the watch were arrested by the Witanmoot Guard after an alleged attack on Sheriff Dixon late one night. Residents, while clearly appalled that a local councillor might turn to violence, have noted with suspicion that yet again the Guard 'just happened' to be in the vicinity of the attack, and that those arrested are in isolation at the Torian Temple and are too 'damaged' from the arrest to be permitted to talk to relatives. Wild rumours are flying round of a provoked attack, and of the sheriff either (a) turning the Floating Market into a ward of the city or (b) wanting to remove certain 'difficult elements' from the existing wards so that Floating Market traders can be moved into the city proper.

Alderman Hubold has become the target of some direct legislation to prevent his planned ward reforms. An emergency motion proposed by Adam Avery and seconded by Larken Drum was pushed through council in a surprise move against the Alderman. The motion states, "That the Ward Watches be composed solely of Citizens of the Ward and no other. The members of the Watch shall receive no financial recompense for this work". This effectively means that Hubold will have to disband his current paid watch, and recruit a new one from the citizens. The Aldermen, in a furious speech told the council, "It will lead to blood all over the ward. Normal citizens are no match for the criminals which my watch has been keeping under control. The council's motive for this is disgraceful, the nearby wards are seeing their crime level increase as the criminals move out of Cripplegate. They want to keep the crime in Cripplegate, and sod my residents who will have to cope with their ward becoming a second floating market." Alderman Hubold, however, saved his most strident remarks for Sheriff Perignon; "That pompous bitch just doesn't understand what we are trying to do. We in Cripplegate are at the front line in the fight against crime. As a sheriff she ought to be supporting us. Instead she backed this stupid motion and made snide innuendoes about the legality of what I and my watch are doing. I'm disgusted that she put the need to 'do a good performance' and look good before the election, above her duty to defend the people from crime."

Troubles are beginning to beset the charmed owners of the Half Chance and its exotic cargo. The investigation by Alderman Griffiths and his guild into the activities of Eshi Cyarçon and Talus Snapdragon, have been complicated by the attention of the Salvoynian envoy and the suspicious disappearance of their Imperial interpreter.

Cllr Alan Monterey demonstrated surprising courage when he decided to meet protesters marching against his cess pits legislation. The noisy and near riotous group marched on the Witanmoot to demonstrate their dislike of the legislation by 'shitting in the street'. Alderman Hubold, who led this novel protest, told the Chronicle, "We are trying to show the council the result of their ill-considered law. Poor people are now committing a crime if they dig their own cess pits. Shitting in the street is the only legal thing they can do." Cllr Monterey's strident defence of his legislation, "It's for your own good", did not please the marchers and resulted in him being pelted with some very unpleasant missiles. Cllr Richard Saunders commented to the Chronicle, "The whole thing stinks. The council's really up the creek without a paddle on this one. They just can't admit to themselves that the whole idea was stupid."


The Springtide festival dawned bright and clear, and many families took part in the dancing, processions and naming celebrations around the city. People were especially please to see the new flowers and small gardens being created around the little houses and shacks in the burnt quarter. "Ought to do well with all that manure," commented Cllr Rimon.

In a brief announcement to just prior to the elections, Lady Cox has completed by Decree her plans for the Witanmoot Guard. The Guard now has jurisdiction throughout the city and no longer needs to answer to the Alderman of any ward in which they are operating. The Council was stunned into silence, and as yet the only comment on this shocking expansion of the power of the Lord and Sheriffs is Richard Saunders smug, "I told you so". Gax is believed to be considering a legal challenge.

In the closest vote ever recorded Beatrice Perignon has been elected as the new Lord of the City. The victory was achieved due to a last minute switch by a consortium of Larken Drumm and Adam Avery. Initially it was thought that the switch was the result of the exposure of Sheriff Dixon's links with the floating market. However Larken Drumm's decision seems to have been based more on Beatrice Perignon connections with Citadel society and the opinion of the influential Lady Amelia. Grantham Morgan commented to the Chronicle, "It amazes me that Larken can maintain an image as a man of the people, when it is quite clear that his main aim in life is to join the aristocracy." More serious questions are being asked about Avery, a previously adamant supporter of Matthew Dixon. Rumours persist that he has been promised a major shipbuilding contract and a 'large investment' in the Portsoken docklands. "I think it's disgusting that he should let his own re-election chances dominate such an important decision" said one prominent councillor. The Chronicle itself would like to congratulate Lady Perignon on her election, and looks forward to her inaugural ball with interest. The full voting was:


Romanie, Dunn, Tasker, Worton, Martel, Pencric, Key, Perignon, Shefford, Fytton, Hastings, Rucche.


Anderson, Griffiths, Dixon, Belcher, Horl, Downe, Lambourne, Hubold, Warin, Isenbard, Spitch.

The announcement was delayed both by late voting and many careful recounts. It was followed by an undignified scramble as aldermen and senior councillors simultaneously attempted to offer personal congratulations, conspire to select a second sheriff and nab a front seat for Samantha's wedding.

Lady Cox's long-awaited wedding turned out to be a small, private ceremony held in the Citadel's own shrine, much to the disappointment of the hundreds of well-wishers gathered outside the gates. Shinannon the wellkeeper officiated in a haze of perfume generated by the clumps of primroses, daffodils, celandines, forsythia, broom, hyacinths, crocuses and witch hazel. A few members of the court appeared to be overcome by the occasion. The bride, of course, outshone her surroundings in a trailing silk gown of a most startling yellow. The exchange of names was witnessed by the King and Queen, senior members of their court, seemingly the entire Arbuthnot family, and the city's Aldermanic court. Some noted the complete absence of the bride's family, and the Chroniclers themselves have been unable to track down any close relatives to question on this.