Turn 12
Turn 12
The map starts to look quite full following expansion by the Kellesonians in particular.
However in other respects this is a quiet turn with no new major breakthroughs.
The map starts to look quite full following expansion by the Kellesonians in particular.
However in other respects this is a quiet turn with no new major breakthroughs.
On this turn a second joint colony was formed, this time between the Worati and the Kellesonians. Again both powers had scanned the planet but not each other. This time the Worati had also sent armed ships, but a discussion between the Worati and the Kellesonians result in a joint colont being formed.
Average Imperial production exceeded 600 points on this turn and the average Ship Size Tech Level reached 2.
Elsewhere the Caffeinians scanned N13 and so could start their take the colonies from the other empires
strategy into effect.
This turn saw the rapid growth of the Jerandi People's Republic as their colony ships reached the worlds which had been discovered.
The average Power Plant technology reached Tech Level 2. In practise, since the Tech Level 3 breakpoint was quite high this average meant that everyone had reached Tech Level 2!
The Drahmini made the Tech Level 4 breakthrough in Planetary Defences on this turn.
The orders for this turn had to be in by September 1994, but the reports weren't sent out until December due to my trip to Barcelona (I had processed the orders before going and so putting them in the post was one of the first things I did on my return).
All the empires (except for the Caffeinians and the Drahmini) have now gained at least one colony.
The new Worati colony at N13 was (unknown to the Worati) going to be the first target of the Caffeinians once they discovered the world.
This was the last turn before the game was interrupted by my trip to Barcelona. It was also the turn when the average Imperial Production exceeded 500 points and the average communications Tech level reached 2.
The game is clearly still in the initial Exploration and Colonisation
phase. The Kellesonians and Strata Inc. showing strong growth.
The most significant event this turn was the accidental joint colony between the Fleet and the Worati. Both empires had detected the world (L13) between them without detecting the other empire. So both empires sent out colony ships which arrived together. Since neither colonising fleet had any weapons I decided that both would land and thus a joint colony was formed. The joint colony had the effect of helping to pull these two empires together which turned out to be a very useful effect for the Worati in later turns....
Elsewhere it can be seen that most empires now had at least one colony. There are six exceptions: The Caffenians (still researching), the Drahmini (still deeply researching), the Gobannaen Principalities (still waiting to find an unoccupied world), the Chroniomancy of Iyanden, the Jerandi People's Republic (these two both having only just discovered a world to colonise) and the Picans (who researched and built two Large Colony Ships in preference to the standard size one).
Neil decided that he could no longer continue to play in DOA2. Since his empire was already in contact with the alliance, the best solution was to supernova
his homeworld (i.e. remove it). The only other effect was for the single Alkari scout ship to defect to the Picans who it had just contacted.
The alliance immediately benefitted from the opportunity to confer: The Kellesonians and Strata Inc. agreeing to a border and which planets were to be colonised by colony ships already in flight.
The Clangers declared their Undying hatred
towards to the alliance little realising quite how close (4 hexes) they were to that alliance. However several more turns were to pass before the two empires actually made contact.
The Caffenians reached their target Weaponary Tech Level of 4 (which provides Fusion Guns which have a 100% chance to hit) on this turn.
The Sagittarians and the Aurons use this turn to expand by colonising the worlds that they had found.
It was a gaming weekend in Uffington that allowed the Kellesonians, the Gobbanaean Principalities, the Picans and Strata Inc. to discover just how close they were to one another and enabled them to make a mutual aid agreement. This laid the ground work for some very beneficial trading to take place in later turns. These empires also agreed to exchange map infomation, thus avoiding the need for all four empires to scan the same space. This alliance
was to have interesting effects amongst the other players in later turns.
The Kellesonians capitalised on their effective scouting and colonised the two worlds they had found. Similarly the Kallikanzaroi colonised the world their scouts had found.
Meanwhile most of the other empires had now launched at least one scout ship. The exceptions were the Drahmini (researching deep into Planetary Defences), the Caffeinians (who had a deliberate plan to let the other empires build its colonies) and the Fleet (going for a good spread of technologies before building ships).
Impressively Strata Inc. lost a scout ship due to a lack of fuel. This loss was achieved in the minimum possible game time (built on Turn 1, lost on Turn 4). The wreckage of this ship on the world it had just scanned caused the Kellesonians no end of confusion when they scanned it during the next turn.
Strata Inc. went for a quick expansion policy and was lucky enough to find a habitable planet straight away (on Turn 2!). With colony ships at the ready Strata Inc. was the first empire to gain a second colony.
The Kellesonians were also exploring well. They achieved TL3 communications on Turn 1 and built four 100% scout ships on Turn 2.
The Drahmini, the Jerandi People's Republic, the Regul, the Saggitarians, the Fleet and the Worati had invested almost all their Production into Research.
The Caffeinians had all their Turn 1 and Turn 2 productions pumped into Weaponary and continued their research into other topics on this turn.
All the other empires adopted a mixed approach whereby they built some ships on these first few turns while still doing some research.