Tag name:play-by-mail

1968 GOSsiP Summary

First published 17th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
2. Interplanetary Satellite 1 69%
3. Lunar Probe 0 83%
B. Two Stage Rocket 1 94%
D. Liquid Fuel Strap-Ons 1 88%
EVA Suits n/a 60%
c. Three Person Capsule 1 91%
g. Two Person Lunar Lander 1 44%


Name Completed Flights
Maja Hansen 1
Curtis Adamson 1
Kristian Swenhaugen 1

One time only, may plan a manned mission to take animal passengers instead of human, thus avoiding most of the risk of a catastrophic accident. Success counts as a subsequent mission for budget purposes.

1 Launch Facility at Julianehåb.

1 Launch planned for 1969

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm

1968 SARSA Summary

First published 17th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 0 96%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 0 92%1
3. Lunar Probe 1 86%2
A. One Stage Rocket 0 85%
C. Three Stage Rocket 2 98%3
EVA Suits n/a 98%
d. Two Person Lunar Module 2 87%
f. Three Person Capsule 1 43%4
Photo-Reconnaissance n/a 80%


Name Completed Flights
Wei Engel 1
Fiona Ngubane 0
Ryan Cilliers 0
Herman Hanekom 0
Yolandi Schutte 0
Victor Nzimande 0
Gugulethu Turner 0

2 Launch Facilities at undisclosed locations

1 Launch planned for 1969

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm


  1. May be researched to 95%, absolute maximum of 98%
  2. May be researched to 90%, absolute maximum of 93%
  3. Next launch (only) at a 20% safety penalty
  4. May be researched to 92%

1968 SHADO Summary

First published 17th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 1 71%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 0 91%
3. Lunar Probe 0 85%
4. Docking Module 1 45%
A. One Stage Rocket 1 54%
B. Two Stage Rocket 0 94%
C. Three Stage Rocket 1 46%
F. Kicker 1 74%
EVA Suits n/a 45%
b. Two Person Capsule 1 85%


Name Completed Flights
Walter Clark 0
Judith Harris 0

One time only, may plan a manned mission to take animal passengers instead of human, thus avoiding most of the risk of a catastrophic accident. Success counts as a subsequent mission for budget purposes.

Astronauts may be recruited for only $1,000,000 each for the rest of the game

2 Launch Facilities at Honolulu and Lenur Island.

1 Launch planned for 1969

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm

1968 Smaug Summary

First published 17th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 1 97%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 0 89%
3. Lunar Probe 1 86%
4. Docking Module 0 45%
B. Two Stage Rocket 3 97%
F. Kicker 1 85%
EVA Suits n/a 98%
b. Two person capsule 1 34%
c. Three person capsule 2 42%1
d. Two person Lander 1 23%
Photo-reconnaissance n/a 95%


Name Completed Flights
Hannah Kelley 0
Ian Carpenter 0
Johnny King 0
Nehemiah Juarez 0
Oscar Hudson 0
Patricia McNeely 0

3 Launch Facilities at an undisclosed locations.

0 Launches planned for 1968

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm


  1. May be researched up to 91%


First published 17th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Launch from SHADO's base

No successes in 1968 either

Continuing the trend from 1968, there was no successful completed mission during 1968. The closest to success is another in the long line of planetary explorers launched by SHADO. This probe is on its way to Mars and will (assuming that it completes its work at Mars) continue onwards to Venus. SHADO's other mission was an attempt at a lunar probe landing. However, despite an almost perfect launch and its safe arrival in the vicinity of the moon, the probe did not respond when commanded to leave Lunar orbit and approach the lunar surface. It appears that a control valve has jammed on the probe preventing the main engine from firing. The probe continues to orbit the Moon.

SARSA's budget halved after failing to land a person on the moon by the end of 1968

Unsurprisingly the two planned missions from SARSA have been scrubbed. As a result of this failure to obey the orders of the South African Government, SARSA's budget was halved as a sign of disappointment.

Failure of GOSsiP's three man capsule prevents orbit

The attempt by GOSsiP's Maja Hansen, Curtis Adamson and Kristian Swenhaugen to join SARSA's Wei Engel as the only living astronauts to have circled the earth was thwarted by a malfunction in their three person capsule. When the craft attempted to enter Earth Orbit (having been lifted perfectly by a combination of a two stage rocket with additional liquid fuel strap booster rockets), the main engine of the capsule failed to ignite. The crew were able to use the manoeuvring jets to align their capsule for a re-entry and the crew was safely recovered from the South Atlantic1.

Australia challenges GOSsiP and SHADO with the biggest firework yet!

View of the Mega-stage rocket explosion

After the problems of last year ASA scrubbed two of the three missions it was planning for 1968. The remaining mission was to be a Lunar Probe launched on one of ASA's mega-stage rockets. While the rocket did leave the launch pad successfully, the rocket exploded 37 seconds after liftoff at a height of twenty miles. The sound of the explosion was heard in both Perth and Sydney on opposite of the Australian continent2.

GOSsiP takes a leaf (monkey)3 out of SARSA and SHADO's book

It seems that GOSsiP has been learning from the experiences of the other agencies and has announced that it too has the capability of performing an animal test instead of trying a manned flight. The reaction of the brave crew rescued from the South Atlantic have not been recorded4.

Saboteurs still work inside Smaug Inc.

Despite a major exercise to vet all of the scientists and crew working for Smaug Inc.'s space division, it seems that the South Africans5 have again been able to gain information about possible flaws in the Smaug Inc.'s three person capsule. It seems though, that as a repeat customer, South Africa is only requesting the transfer of $10,000,000 from Smaug Inc. to SARSA6.

Dr. Von Graun's world tour continues

It seems that Dr. Von Graun is attempting to be as even handed as possible (or possibly to collect as many pay checks as possible. He has now been seen at the South Pacific resorts commonly frequented by scientists, engineers and officials from SHADO7.

Problems hit SARSA's three stage rocket

A major problem with the piping and control valves in SARSA's three stage rocket mean that either the rocket's fuel systems will need a redesign or its next launch will be significantly more dangerous as the problems in the fuel system are ironed out8.

Australia's rockets rated as perfect

A review of the launch procedures of Australia's rockets have been rated as A+ by the Australian Engineering Safety Board. The board complemented the agency on the thoroughness of the pre launch checks and have asserted that they are confident that the next launch will go without a hitch9.

Launch Calendar

The provisional calendar for launches planned in 1969 (assuming none of the missions are rushed or scrubbed) is as follows:

5th Dec
10th Dec
14th Dec
21th Dec
23rd Dec
27th Dec

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm
31 October 2017
Launch Schedule is for 1969, Clarify footnote 4.


  1. So, a mission failure causing a budget cut of $3,000,000 but the crew survived and have gained a flight's worth of experience.
  2. The explosion did not damage the launch facility.
  3. Turns out there is a variety of monkey called a lead monkey!
  4. One time only GOSsiP may plan a manned mission to take animal passengers instead of human. The mission provides the usual 1% improvement to safety factor to any equipment used without (most of) the risk of a catastrophic failure. A successful mission will improve the agency's budget as if the mission was a subsequent mission. A failed mission will decrease the budget by the standard $3,000,000 (assuming the rocket didn't kill people on the launch pad).
  5. Who, of course, refuse to confirm or deny the existence of any secret service or any of its operations if it did exist...
  6. Smaug Inc. must either spend $10,000,000 on discovery and fixing of the fault, or suffer a 10% safety penalty to the capsule on its next mission (this penalty only applies to the next mission).
  7. +1 to every R&D die rolled by SHADO in 1969.
  8. SARSA must either pay $36,000,000 to correct the fault or its next launch (only) will be at a 20% penalty. SARSA's cash in hand is shown without this payment.
  9. ASA's next launch (only) will have a 10% bonus to its rocket safety (yes, assuming that ASA is not planning to a third rocket type, its next launch will not fail). Had ASA's launches not already been planned (due to the size of ASA's budget) to be last, the thoroughness of the launch checks would have bumped its launches to the end of the list.

Aline Yar

First published 16th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Second Son of a very wealthy merchant.

Attribute Currently Notes
Player Dawn Pinchen (Fio)
Strength 10 Started at 10
Rapier Expertise 9 Started at 8. 1 week of practice
Sabre Expertise 8 Started at 8. 2 weeks of practice
Cutlass Expertise 8 Started at 8
Constitution 14 Started at 14
Endurance 140 of 140 Started at 140
Military Ability 1 Started at 1
Cash 985 Started at 500
Allowance and/or Pension 100 Started at 100
Social Level 5 Started at 3
Club Red Phillips
Regiment & Rank Picardy Musketeers, Captain C company
Female Companion Auriane Delaunay Social Level 7, Influential, Wealthy
Stable 1 horse

Order Template

septembre 1624
Becomes the companion of Auriane Delaunay
mai 1624
Social Level climbs to 4. Duke Gaston will help him into Crown Prince Cuirassiers when the time comes.
mars 1624
Promoted to Subaltern
février 1624
Joins Picardy Musketeers as a Private
janvier 1624
Application to join Picardy Musketeers rejected
décembre 1623
Arrives in Paris for the first time

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:35 pm

Côte de Boeuf

First published 16th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Second Son of a Peasant.

Attribute Currently Notes
Location Provence
Player Dave Lovett
Strength 18 Started at 18
Rapier Expertise 11 Started at 11
Sabre Expertise 11 Started at 11
Cutlass Expertise 11 Started at 11
Constitution 9 Started at 9
Endurance 162 of 162 Started at 162
Military Ability 5 Started at 5
Cash 892 Started at 10
Allowance and/or Pension 0 Started at 0
Social Level 1 Started at 2

Order Template

mai 1624
Heads to Provence
mars 1624
Mentioned in dispatches (1SP) for actions during the assault of Mariambourg with the Royal North Highland Regiment
janvier 1624
Joins the frontier regiments (Royal North Highland Regiment)
décembre 1623
Arrives in Paris for the first time.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm

Fourier Transformée

First published 16th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Second Son of a Peasant.

Attribute Currently Notes
Player John Taylor
Strength 14 Started at 14
Rapier Expertise 11 Started at 11
Sabre Expertise 11 Started at 11
Cutlass Expertise 11 Started at 11. 3 weeks of practice
Constitution 8 Started at 8
Endurance 112 of 112 Started at 112
Military Ability 1 Started at 1
Cash 1067 Started at 10
Allowance and/or Pension 0 Started at 0
Social Level 3 Started at 2
Location In Paris
Regiment & Rank Royal Marines, Subaltern member of D company
Club Red Phillips

Order Template

juillet 1624
Helen Transformée rescued from gaol, now in a safe house
juin 1624
Mentioned in dispatches (6SP) for actions during the assault of Phillipeville with the Royal North Highland Regiment
avril 1624
Rejoins the frontier regiments (Royal North Highland Regiment)
mars 1624
Mentioned in dispatches (6SP) for actions during the assault of Mariambourg with the Royal North Highland Regiment
janvier 1624
Joins the frontier regiments (Royal North Highland Regiment)
décembre 1623
Arrives in Paris for the first time.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm

Sir Alex Kuzbidon

First published 16th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Orphaned son of Sir Kuzbidon, a wealthy knight.

Attribute Currently Notes
Player Neil Leach
Strength 7 Started at 7
Rapier Expertise 12 Started at 11. 2 weeks of practice
Sabre Expertise 11 Started at 11
Cutlass Expertise 11 Started at 11
Constitution 8 Started at 8
Endurance 56 of 56 Started at 56
Military Ability 5 Started at 5
Cash 2888 Started at 4000
Allowance and/or Pension 0 Started at 0
Social Level 10 Started at 10
Regiment & Rank Royal Marines, Captain C company
Club Hunter's
Favours One Level 2 favour
Female Companion Aurélie Pueyrredón Social Level 9, Wealthy
Stable 1 horse

Order Template

octobre 1624
Promoted to Captain
mai 1624
Successfully courts Aurélie Pueyrredón
janvier 1624
Accepted by Royal Marines and joins as a subaltern.
décembre 1623
Arrives in Paris for the first time.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm


First published 9th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Between Players

Players are free to make any bets or wagers between themselves as they see fit. However the GM will only know about them if the bets are specified in your orders and the player's funds will be adjusted as a result of the outcome of the bet if both players specify the wager in their wagers (and the GM can determine the outcome of the wager of course!). Status points will be awarded and deducted based on the size of the wager, the relative status level of the bettors and the visibility of the wager as described by the players.

At your club or the bawdyhouse

All clubs and the bawdyhouse provide the same (abstracted) mechanism for gambling against the house. On each round of gambling:

  1. The player declares (in his orders) how much he is going to bet
  2. The house rolls a d6.
  3. If the player's order declare a cut value and the house's score equals or exceeds the cut value, the player loses half of his bet, but gets to keep the other half. He also loses a status point.
  4. If the player is still in the round (i.e., didn't cut), he rolls a d6
  5. The player has the higher score he wins both his original stake and the same again as winnings. He also gains a status point.
  6. If the player has the lower score or has only tied with the house, he loses his bet and a status point.

A player may make up to nine bets in the week. Each club (but not the bawdyhouse) has a house limit on the size of each bet (If you're gambling at Bothwell's it has a minimum bet size of 100 crowns). If you're gambling at a club, your bets for the week are totalled (with any bets that you chose to cut counting as half). This total is then divided by the club's gambling divisor and the result rounded down. You then gain this amount in additional status points.