Sir Alex Kuzbidon

Orphaned son of Sir Kuzbidon, a wealthy knight.

Attribute Currently Notes
Player Neil Leach
Strength 7 Started at 7
Rapier Expertise 12 Started at 11. 2 weeks of practice
Sabre Expertise 11 Started at 11
Cutlass Expertise 11 Started at 11
Constitution 8 Started at 8
Endurance 56 of 56 Started at 56
Military Ability 5 Started at 5
Cash 2888 Started at 4000
Allowance and/or Pension 0 Started at 0
Social Level 10 Started at 10
Regiment & Rank Royal Marines, Captain C company
Club Hunter's
Favours One Level 2 favour
Female Companion Aurélie Pueyrredón Social Level 9, Wealthy
Stable 1 horse

Order Template

octobre 1624
Promoted to Captain
mai 1624
Successfully courts Aurélie Pueyrredón
janvier 1624
Accepted by Royal Marines and joins as a subaltern.
décembre 1623
Arrives in Paris for the first time.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm