Jasmarill 138
The Chronicle
of the month of Jasmarill in the year 138
We open this months Chronicle with the surprise news that Mark the thatcher has had a "most productive" audience with the King. To fully understand the significance of this event, it is necessary to look back to his recent return from honeymoon with his new bride Catherine Bergeren. She is the daughter of Alderman Bergeren, treasurer of the Goldsmiths Guild. The Carpenters Guild is said to be in a state of panic – watch this space for further developments.
The past few weeks have seen much turmoil and confusion in that bastion of tradition, the Scriveners Guild. Master Thomas Harrison (their elderly treasurer) was seemingly inspired by the springtime festivities to elope with his assistant, Miss Magnolia Williams, leaving behind his wife and daughter. A spokesman for the Guild revealed that he was well-known for "working late at the office", subsequently falling asleep "from the strain of the job". Young Miss Magnolia frequently devoted her time to "easing Master Harrison's burden".
The two eased themselves out of the guild a scant two weeks before the elections caused by the death, over winter, of the guildmaster and his deputy. Guild affairs are currently in confusion despite attempts by junior members, notably David Northropp, Richard Nixon and Victor Eggleston, to fill suddenly vacant posts. Master Northropp is tipped to do well in the coming election.
The ward of Marshgate was rocked by an explosion late last week. The home of one Talus Snapdragon (Master Apothecary) was almost totally destroyed when "one of his preparations got a little out of hand". Mr Snapdragon is recovering in the Torian Temple.
Bern Morgan, the eldest son of Grantham, is also recovering in the Temple of Torus from unspecified injuries. A widespread rumour that he was seriously wounded in a duel with Arianne Pencric is being denied by the Morgans.
The first arrivals in port this year were the naval vessels "Spirit of Fire" and "Wandals Retribution". These ships had successfully completed the arduous journey from the South carrying men of the Kings 7th Infantry, who will replace the 5th Infantry at the Citadel. Some of the battle-hardened troops described the trip as the worst part of their three year war.
Sir William Ruthven was one of the first people to leave the City once the floods subsided. An unattributed source at the Citadel commented "Well 'es off back to wherever 'e come from. I hears 'is Lady Charlotte ain't too pleased with 'im trying to skewer Sir Boece".