Tag name:Linrodeth

Jasmarill 138

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Jasmarill in the year 138

We open this months Chronicle with the surprise news that Mark the thatcher has had a "most productive" audience with the King. To fully understand the significance of this event, it is necessary to look back to his recent return from honeymoon with his new bride Catherine Bergeren. She is the daughter of Alderman Bergeren, treasurer of the Goldsmiths Guild. The Carpenters Guild is said to be in a state of panic – watch this space for further developments.

The past few weeks have seen much turmoil and confusion in that bastion of tradition, the Scriveners Guild. Master Thomas Harrison (their elderly treasurer) was seemingly inspired by the springtime festivities to elope with his assistant, Miss Magnolia Williams, leaving behind his wife and daughter. A spokesman for the Guild revealed that he was well-known for "working late at the office", subsequently falling asleep "from the strain of the job". Young Miss Magnolia frequently devoted her time to "easing Master Harrison's burden".

The two eased themselves out of the guild a scant two weeks before the elections caused by the death, over winter, of the guildmaster and his deputy. Guild affairs are currently in confusion despite attempts by junior members, notably David Northropp, Richard Nixon and Victor Eggleston, to fill suddenly vacant posts. Master Northropp is tipped to do well in the coming election.

The ward of Marshgate was rocked by an explosion late last week. The home of one Talus Snapdragon (Master Apothecary) was almost totally destroyed when "one of his preparations got a little out of hand". Mr Snapdragon is recovering in the Torian Temple.

Bern Morgan, the eldest son of Grantham, is also recovering in the Temple of Torus from unspecified injuries. A widespread rumour that he was seriously wounded in a duel with Arianne Pencric is being denied by the Morgans.

The first arrivals in port this year were the naval vessels "Spirit of Fire" and "Wandals Retribution". These ships had successfully completed the arduous journey from the South carrying men of the Kings 7th Infantry, who will replace the 5th Infantry at the Citadel. Some of the battle-hardened troops described the trip as the worst part of their three year war.

Sir William Ruthven was one of the first people to leave the City once the floods subsided. An unattributed source at the Citadel commented "Well 'es off back to wherever 'e come from. I hears 'is Lady Charlotte ain't too pleased with 'im trying to skewer Sir Boece".

Pipetal 138

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Pipetal in the year 138

The first weeks of Pipetal have seen the winter snows washed away in deluge of rain. The river Ishta is still rising and the marshlands have flooded all roads out of the city except the Causeway leading north east, and the South East Road out of Oldgate. The City is becoming increasingly isolated and the River Dow is now threatening to separate Easthill and Wheathill, although the priests of Brynette have constructed several "interesting" new footbridges over the waters for the citizens use. The Wellhouse has become particularly crowded as local villagers seek refuge.

No help has been forthcoming from the Citadel whose gates have remained firmly closed "for security reasons" since the departure of the 5th Infantry last week. The turnout of citizens for the 5th Infantry's farewell was noticeable for its absence – just a few merchants were waiting outside the gate to travel south with them. The regiment departed in the relentless drizzle through a shuttered and largely oblivious city.

The death of Councillor Cerern Pencric of Marshgate ward has been announced. Her body was found in the early hours of the morning by her house servants. Reports say that she committed suicide using a dagger belonging to her late son. Neighbours confirm that Cerern, a widow, never entirely recovered from the murder of her eldest son last Heliora. The silk business will be inherited by Arianne, her daughter.

Violence flared in the long-suffering ward of Dowgate this month as vagabonds from the floating market mounted yet another raid on the local citizenry. The usually fleet and elusive aliens were this time caught out by the rising flood waters. Trapped on the narrow riverbank between a lone member of the Kings Rangers and the pursuing watch the scum were forced to jump into the river Ishta, where under the bow fire of the watch they hopefully perished.

The attackers appeared to be a mixture of Babel and Solistel, and this has rekindled local fears of a combined attack by the river scum on the City. Renewed calls for protection from the Citadel, this time backed by the Aldermen and Lord Magistrate, were met with a polite refusal. Perhaps the Knight Marshal is not as brave as his men?

Captain 'Kurt' is expected to fully recover from the wound he received during the action.

A small fire which broke out in Ishta ward overnight was quickly contained by local residents and the appalling weather. Only one building was destroyed (a tavern) and a neighbouring warehouse slightly damaged. The owner of the tavern, Alex Windrake, is missing presumed dead although no body has been found. The regulars of the tavern were unavailable when the Chroniclers' reporter visited the area. However a local resident commented. "It's the first fire I've come across which caused sword wounds".

One of the few rumours to make its way outside the Citadels' defences is of the Princess' fencing practice. Apparently her Royal Highness has been surprising everybody with her "natural grace and skill with a rapier". Would the Chronicle dare to suggest that this might be due to the previous surreptitious training which we also keep hearing of?

The widely circulating rumour concerning a peasant revolt in Aclea appears to have no credited source and no available verification. The Chroniclers are somewhat puzzled by the apparent credibility being given to this news. After all who do you know who's made the journey from Aclea in the last month?

Galemir 138

First published 20th December 2017 (Last Modified 28th August 2023)

The Chronicle

of the month of Galemir in the year 138

There were dramatic scenes in the Court of Common Council during a debate on the city youth, when Cerern Pencric (silk merchant) launched a vicious attack on the Mercers Guild, the discipline of their apprentices, and the Morgan family in particular. The Morgan and Pencric families both lost sons during the so-called 'barbed arrow' murders last summer, and Councillor Pencric came dangerously close to accusing Grantham Morgan of responsibility for this. Amid general uproar, Councillor Morgan's comment on "hysterical females" could clearly be heard and earned him a black eye from Maud Blessop, who happened to be seated in front of him at the time. Lord Raphael Fitz-Simmons adjourned the meeting while order was restored.

When the Council reconvened the atmosphere was lightened by Carl Marc. In his maiden speech he apologised for the immaturity of his contemporaries and assured the council (amid general laughter) that they would no doubt learn from their elders and betters.

Highly reliable sources at the Citadel have confirmed the rumour that the 5th Infantry are due to leave for the Southern border "as soon as the weather permits – probably come Pipetal". It is not yet known which, if any, regiment replaces them. Along with the regiment will go Sir Gryphon Harcourt, Sir Gawain Carleon and Sir Maxemillian Talbot. They have recently been knighted by the King but cannot serve in the 2nd cavalry regiment until they have seen active service. Sir Roger Colleton is also returning.

Still at the Citadel – Sir William Ruthven required the attention of a Torian Priest after meeting Sir Alan Boece in a duel over the matter of Lady Charlotte's honour. An alleged comment by the lady about Sir Alan's attraction ("because he is the one man who has refused to marry me") may have been the cause of this incident. Lady Charlotte is the sole named heir of the Earl Brecenan and remains unmarried at the age of 26, despite many attempts to persuade her otherwise.

Yeoman Hanley is reported to have settled out of court with Lord Scrope for an undisclosed but "substantial" sum. Yeoman Hanley has insisted on bestowing a large portion of the money on the City Orphanage Fund after Gax had refused to accept any money on his own behalf.

Guildmaster Cuthbert de Cranford has been exceptionally busy this month buying rare maps from scriveners, expensive ingredients from apothecaries, and delving into ancient archives all over the city. The subject of this sudden frenzy – dragon relics?!?!

The 'Empty Barrel' in Welland has announced its intention to hold what it describes as a "beer festival". This seems to involve drinking as much beer as you can and then attempting to decide which one is the best before you pass out. Chinon assures us there is more to it than that but even if there isn't it sounds worth going to. In answer to the rumour that the Knight-Marshall had been invited to attend, a source at the Citadel told us; "If the Knight-Marshall attends it will be with a full complement of armed troops, and he won't be there to judge beers".


There has been some speculation and comment following your article last month in which you mentioned a visit by our Healer to the floating market. The Priests of Torus will administer to anyone in need, regardless of who they are or how low they may be. The belief held by many in this city that only the rich deserve care and justice saddens me deeply.

- Baylin (Temple of Torus)

Dear Sirs,

Since my favourite sport of football was banned by Royal edict, I have, as a loyal citizen, abstained from the sport. I am however angered at how the so-called sport of bugger has grown. This 'sport' requires little skill and achieves nothing but broken bones and maiming. Surely if football is against the good of the nation, this brawling with rules must be more so? I am disappointed that the King's advisers have not seen fit to bring this to his attention. Yours in anger

- A loyal citizen.

Honourable Sirs,

A copy of your esteemed news sheet has been bought to my attention. It is wrong. The term 'Kinjuru' refers to the exiles and outcasts from our glorious Empire. The term may correctly be applied to your river slum. The correct address for your Imperial Envoy is; His Excellency Zataki Takura, the Lord Keeper of the Staff, Count of Siir Marshes, Holder of the Estuary of Karachyi, Sidimaat of the Deep and Defender of the Eastern Shore – Envoy to the Court of Athion. Please ensure that a suitable apology is printed in your revered paper before the Envoy returns. He will otherwise be forced to settle this as a matter of honour.

Second under-clerk of State

Ah. Apologies honourable Sir! We trust that the term 'Imperial Envoy' is a suitable alternative to the above list.

Skelern 138

First published 20th December 2017 (Last Modified 28th August 2023)

The Chronicle

of the month of Skelern in the year 138

Lord Alexander Scrope's case has been dismissed by the Court of Hustings after a brilliant and concisely argued defence by Gax the Heretic. Gax, working from the King's Records at the Citadel (which are of course definitive) questioned the entire validity of Lord Scrope's property deeds, which were registered only at the Witanmoot. Lord Scrope has so far escaped with a minor fine on behalf of the King, but Yeoman Hanley, of Hanley Farm (the Old Hall), is believed to be considering recompense and may even have claim to the entire Scrope property.

The snow has finally settled over this year's Council elections. This year sees the city with three new Aldermen: Martin Key of Levestone, a popular Master-brewer whose campaign may have been enhanced by the marriage of his daughter to Master vintner Malcolm Mowbray (who also retained his seat on the council). Leonard Tholin replaces Paston Courtney who became a sheriff in the Midsummer election, as Alderman of Avigon. And Douglas du Bolay, who's campaign had the full support of the Lord Chief Magistrate, Raphael Fitz-Simmons, became the new Alderman of Arpent.

Overall the Chroniclers note a shift in the Council of more Grossers and less Mercers, whilst the Cornmongers have had a particularly noticeable slump after their price-fixing attempt of last autumn. The Chroniclers would also like to welcome the first Mason to be elected since the start of the Gelt wars, Councillor Robert Beaureli; and the youngest Councillor to be elected this year – Master brewer Carl Marc.

The Chronicle would like to offer its seasonal good wishes to those Watch members who have worked so assiduously to clear the city's major roads of the drifting snow and other debris. Although travelling, even across the city, is difficult in these snowbound days, the Watches are requested not to dump the dead paupers into the Ishtan.

The Priests of Torus seem to be living fast and dangerously these days; one 'disappeared' last month, one was summoned hurriedly and quietly to the Temple of Hahn, and yet another seen entering (and more surprisingly leaving) the Floating Market. If any of our readers are aware of what's going on then would they please write and put the Editor's fevered imagination at ease.

The Bards' College celebrated the Midwinter festival with their usual lavish banquet. Two of their distinguished patrons, Sir Roger Colleton and Guildmaster Cuthbert de Cranford, were honoured guests. Members of the College provided entertainment with the 'Epic of Antithesis', the saga of the last known dragon hunt. Fierce debate then raged along the high table as to whether any of these fabulous beasts still exist.

Notice from the Temple of Hahn:

One of the Temple Guards has been murdered by person or persons unknown, presumably in the mistaken belief that the underground workings contained valuables. The workings have now been mapped so that further cave-ins can be avoided, and will be sealed forthwith.

Kruthos 137

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Kruthos in the year 137

Once again election time draws near, and as usual the Chronicle has been inundated with letters. As usual the Chronicle intends to show its complete independence and non-bias by publishing none of them.

Gax the Heretic has appeared in court this month, not as a defendant one should add, but in the Court of Hustings on behalf of a peasant entangled with the Honourable Lord Alexander Scrope over a boundary dispute. Gax's unexpected appearance as the defence council apparently took Lord Scrope's Hahn Mandatien by surprise, since Gax requested, and got, an adjournment to research the relevant documents.

The Chronicle regrets to announce the death of Master Matthias Tate, lately of the Drapers and Tailors Guild. Master Tate was found dead in Birchin Lane late last month. The Torian priest who examined the body on behalf of the widow said that he had died from exposure during the night, presumably after having been mugged.

The Priests of Torus are seeking information about a missing pupil. Novice Fraser went missing last Sixthday afternoon whilst on an errand to the Court of Common Council. He did not reach the council chambers and foul play is suspected. Anyone with information should contact the temple directly.

Up at the Citadel, the cellars are being stocked up in anticipation of the Royal Court's Midwinter residency. News has leaked that the Princess Eleanor's Yuletide gift is to be a series of rapier lessons. Brawls are now common in the Great Hall as the young squires sort out who is to be her sparring partner. The incredibly wealthy Lady Charlotte has a new beau in the form of an elegant and courteous stranger to the court with no apparent past. Count Garioch is reported to have consoled himself elsewhere. 'Sir' Roger Colleton is visiting the Knight-Marshall bearing messages from the Crown Prince, although several cavalry officers appear to be having trouble remembering his title. Colonel Karine Agrevaine has refused her own son permission to join the regiment and is also rumoured to have cut his allowance. The 5th Infantry have petitioned their commander for permission to form a bugger team. All this appears to be too much for the Kinjuru Envoy, who has gone to a Temple upriver for meditation during the winter.

This month Chinon, our redoubtable reporter, was pleased to accept an invitation to the newly restored 'Bullion' inn in Welland Ward. This well-decorated, cosy place would be an ideal drinking haven for tired election campaigners wishing to enjoy an affluent atmosphere. Others however may prefer to sample the significantly better beer available at the other pub down the road.

The Court of Common Council is pleased to announce that the contract for maintenance of the Bridge has been awarded to Master-mason Robert Beaureli. Work will be starting in the spring.

Lastly, citizens of the affluent wards of Arpent and Faringdon are warned that some prankster is lifting random items of laundry from back yards. "Is this relevant?" I hear you ask. No, but we needed a brief item to finish with.

Ternost 137

First published 20th December 2017 (Last Modified 28th August 2023)

The Chronicle

of the month of Ternost in the year 137

Our loyal readers will no doubt have been missing the regular reports of Marc the Thatcher. Never fear, the chroniclers can reveal exclusively that Marc is away on honeymoon in Aclea and will return with the spring thaw. The identity of the bride is something of a mystery but it is thought that she will add an interesting new dimension to the struggle for a new guild. The chroniclers also note that Aclea is an expensively distant place to go.

A demented soothsayer appeared in Bilgegate Market last month to forecast floods, storms and vile death; a not inaccurate prediction for the coming season you might think. The crazed crone disappeared under a hail of herring (storms not being a popular subject with fisher folk) but events took an unexpected turn when a respectable Mandatien of the Temple of Hahn appeared the following day to "make enquiries". Has a new prophet been revealed unto them?

The Guild of Skinners and Leathersellers has elected Master Cuthbert de Cranford as its head following the retirement of Master Leofwin. Master Cuthbert who is believed to be recovering from a massive post-election celebration, was unavailable for comment.

Master Vintner Malcolm Mowbray wishes to announce the discovery of several forged documents, which purport to come from him. All merchants are requested to send a messenger to check any financial matters directly. On a more pleasant note, he would also like to announce his engagement to Sandra Key, daughter of Master-brewer Martin Key.

The King's troops have been withdrawn from the watch of the Floating Market, despite protests by nearby residents. The market appears to have quietened with the first winter snows, but remnants of the Cursos quarter continue to be scattered around the river.

An irate Mrs Blessop is out hunting for blood this month, in search of the originator of the rumour linking her name with the appearance of the Sea Monster. The joker is advised to make peace with his/her God as Mrs Blessop is offering a 5s reward for information!

Notice from the Temple of Hahn:

There is no cause for concern regarding the unfortunate accident last month. It was an isolated incident caused by the unforeseen presence of earlier workings beneath the law school site. These workings have been investigated and should cause no further problems to the building project.

Dear Councillor Marc,

Re: Thatching of New Law School:


Yours Faithfully

>Torrel (Temple of Hahn)

Dear Torrel,

Interested in your choice of roofing for the new Law School. May I enquire whether this is because you consider thatch to be an unsuitable roofing material for your purposes – or because you do not wish to become involved in the current controversy. Incidentally, I could not fully understand the last sentence in your last letter to the chronicle. Was the punctuation, spelling of words deliberate?

Yours Sincerely Reg Marc (councillor)

John William Giffard is pleased to announce the opening of 'The Bullion', a magnificent new inn on Generals Way, Welland. Book your Midwinter celebrations here now.

The Chronicle will be sending Chinon along to discover just how "magnificent" the Bull and Bucket has become.

Kryll 137

First published 20th December 2017 (Last Modified 28th August 2023)

The Chronicle

of the month of Kryll in the year 137

The last days of Lorinfall have seen a massive increase of violence in the floating market. A bitter internal war, aided by fire, has destroyed a large portion of the floating slums. A detachment of the Kings Archers is keeping watch from the section of city wall above the river, and the area is said to be "quiet". Fishermen report that most of the dead are Cursos, and indeed a small flotilla of these people are now moored around Masons Stairs, refusing to return across the river to the floating market.

Earlier in the month D'Alenson, the notorious cat-burglar, escaped from Marshgate prison which had held him for over two years. Several days later an archer was found stabbed to death on the northern wall overlooking the marshes. The events may not be connected, but certain nervous Goldsmiths have seen fit to set a rooftop guard.

Merchants from the southern border bring the interesting news that the Crown Prince has graciously knighted Roger Colleton, his household chamberlain. The unexpected ennoblement of a Scrivener's son from Salvoyn has caused some surprise, and the Knight Marshall is openly furious after so many of his own recommendations were refused "for lack of funds". Sources at the Citadel have confirmed that Sir Roger Colleton is currently writing a history of the Prince's Gelt Campaign.

Citizens of Linrodeth,

May I, on behalf of the College, thank all those keen zoologists who have called on us throughout the past month. I trust that it will not be taken amiss if I point out that the College welcomes all knowledge freely given, but will not exchange coin on this matter. I trust that all misunderstandings have now been fully clarified.

Archivist Major

Chinon Starsinger is extolling 'The Sea-Serpent' as this months place to eat out. The lampreys in galantine sauce come highly recommended, although the owner is prepared to flambee almost anything at your table. (River opposite for those of a nervous disposition.)

The Court of Common Council and the Aldermanic Court have elected Master Raphael Fitz-Simmons of the Grossers Guild as the next Lord Chief Magistrate of the City.

Lorinfall 137

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Lorinfall in the year 137

We open this month's Chronicle with news of a great victory. Prince Edward has (at great cost) taken the barbarian stronghold of Cair Taned. This victory is a major relief to the merchants of this city. A senior member of the Vintners Guild commented:- "The removal of this threat to our trade routes is particularly good news. It means that next year we will be able to bring goods through the mountains in relative safety. Prince Edward is to be congratulated."

The Chroniclers note that the merchants of the city of Salvoyn are already within striking distance of the Taned pass, and will be the only ones able to get through before the pass is again closed by the onset of winter. These merchants are likely to make "a killing".

Bad luck continues to dog the construction of the new Hahn Law School. Last week work slowed even further when a labourer was killed in what is thought to have been a subsidence of the foundations.

The Temple of Daleth has given thanks for this years bountiful harvest. The success is in part due to the new strain of barley which was introduced by the Temple a few years ago, and which is more resilient to damp summers. Grain prices have already fallen, despite an attempt by members of the Cornmongers Guild to maintain them at last years levels.

Rumours reaching the Chronicle this month suggest that trouble is brewing amongst the factions in the floating market. Citizens are warned to take greater than usual care if in the vicinity of this market.

The sea monster was again sighted early last month. The beast is believed to have attempted to reach the port under cover of the early morning fog. However a diligent watchman at the Citadel spotted the creature and the Citadel's weaponry was brought to bear. One of the catapults claims a direct hit, after which the beast was seen to drift out with the tide. It has not troubled the city since and may even be dead.

The Chronicle is pleased to note that no new 'barbed arrow' murders have taken place. Perhaps Councillor Tholin was not as unsuccessful as we thought.....

Amongst a cargo full of rare and valuable furs, Master Skinner Cuthbert de Cranford has found a black and silver pelt of unknown origin. De Cranford has graciously presented the fur to the Bards College, who are in turn eager to talk with anyone who can help them identify the pelt.

Linrodeth Sherrifs

First published 20th December 2017 (Last Modified 25th December 2017)

Linrodeth Sheriffs

139 Kennet Maxil, Paston Courtney

140 Kennet Maxil, Samantha Cox

141 Alan Griffiths, Samantha Cox

142 Alan Griffiths, Beatrice Perignon

143 Beatrice Perignon, Matthew Dixon

144 Beatrice Perignon, Matthew Dixon

145 Matthew Dixon, Alan Griffiths

146 Alison Shefford, Ann Tasker

147 Aralan Derwent, Ann Tasker,
Alison Shefford (appointed third Sheriff as from Arvinoth)

148 Alison Shefford

149 Alison Shefford, Jenny Davy

150 Jenny Davy, Miranda Andrews

151 Nicholas Bowden, Jenny Davy

152 Jenny Davy, Nicholas Bowden

153 Jenny Davy, Nicholas Bowden

154 Mary Hastings, Olivia Warin

155 Nicholas Bowden, Olivia Warin

156 Nicholas Bowden, Olivia Warin

157 Mary Hastings, Nicholas Bowden


No Lordship or Sheriff elections held in 144 due to the Great Fire, Incumbents remained in post.

No Lordship or Sheriff elections held in 148 due to the Invasion, Alison Shefford remained in post.

Lords of the City

First published 20th December 2017 (Last Modified 28th August 2023)

Lords of the City

136 Raphael Fitz-Simmons

137 Raphael Fitz-Simmons

138 Raphael Fitz-Simmons

139 Raphael Fitz-Simmons

140 Paston Courtney

141 Paston Courtney

142 Samantha Cox

143 Samantha Cox

144 Samantha Cox

145 Beatrice Perignon

146 Matthew Dixon

147 Matthew Dixon

148 Ann Tasker

149 Ann Tasker

150 Ann Tasker

151 Miranda Andrews

152 Miranda Andrews

153 Miranda Andrews

154 Jenny Davy

155 Jenny Davy

156 Jenny Davy

157 Olivia Warin


No Lordship or Sheriff elections held in 144 due to the Great Fire, Incumbents remained in post.

Ann Tasker became Lady of the City in 148 following the invasion by Princess Selina.

No election for Lord of the City was held during 149 and Ann Tasker remained in post.