Tag name:Linrodeth

The times of Cascorach Midwinter 139

First published 20th December 2017

The times of Cascorach

for the festival of Midwinter in the Year 139

Duke Alexander led the remembrance ceremony for the Duchess Angela de Cranbourne of Cascorach, who died last year in Childbirth. The child was to have been the Duke and Duchess’s first child. The Duke firmly denies that there was any sinister aspect to her death, as several courtiers have found out in duels with the Duke.

Duke Alexander renewed the invitations of attendance to the emissaries of the Salvoyn, the City State of Adaqua and the City State of Laurea during the festival.

The Gelt have continued to attack outlying villages and stores. The main cause of the attacks appear to be a lack of food. These include the generally bad harvest throughout Athion, their loss of Cair Taned last year, and consequently its grain stores, and a supposed lack of support from their allies in the City States.

The worst affected area is the Barony of Radford, and Baroness Vivian de Huengenaunt has asked for (and received) the help of the Caradache garrison.

Eorliane Cynthia Fitzholme and Baron Edvard announced that they will be helping Baroness Vivian de Huengenaunt. Their honeymoon will be delayed until the spring.

Duke Alexander has warned that if grain stocks fall low and the Guild of Cornmongers indulges in profit-taking he will be forced to impose a special tax on the Cornmongers.

Both the Carpenter’s Guild and the Mason’s Guild have started work on the new Guildhall for the Thatchers. This followed an announcement by Duke Alexander that he was granting a temporary Guild Charter (renewable annually) for the formation of a Guild of Thatchers. It is suspected that the main reason for the commencement of work is the persistent rumours of an imminent investigation into the reasons why the backlog on the Cascorach City Walls was reported to be three years behind schedule. The Guild of Masons has issued the following statement: “The state of repair of the City Walls can be summed up in one word: ‘Excellent’. Any attempt to say otherwise will be met appropriate action”.

The Temple of Daleth has made representations to the Duke following the discovery that the fines for non-attendance of the weekly archery practice were being used to finance the extra city watches ordered by the Duke. The Temple is concerned that the fines are being imposed without regard to the situations caused by the recent heavy falls of snow in the city. Several cases have been reported of the fines being imposed after the archery practice was abandoned after three feet of snow fell overnight.

News from Linrodeth

All overland routes to Linrodeth have now been cut off, following the bad weather during Kruthos. Salvoyn reports that sea travel to the capital will be resumed in the spring.

News from Salvoyn

The river route to Salvoyn is now blocked with ice, but some contact with the city of Salvoyn is possible using skaters. The expectation is the current emissary from Salvoyn to Cascorach will remain as Karen Anderson, and Emissary Anderson did not return to Salvoyn.

Kruthos 138

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Kruthos in the year 138

Scandals continue to brew in the turbulent ward of Levestone where Malcolm Mowbray has formally accused Matthew Dixon of attempted blackmail. The blackmailing apparently concerned some old debts which (unhappily for Cllr Dixon) are fully paid off. Cllr Beatrice Perignon then came forward to bear witness that she had overheard the incident (how we wonder). The Hearing takes place before Alderman Martin Key next Thursday and Cllr Mowbray has already contacted the Temple of Hahn concerning the prosecuting lawyer for the subsequent trial.

The Knight-Marshall has been forced to send troops through the snow to restore order in nearby villages after fighting broke out around the granaries. Some villages have already run out of food and The Wellkeeper reports severe shortages throughout the countryside. Despite several pleas the Cornmongers Guild continues to hold its stockpile and many citizens are laying in their own store for the winter.

Further east the harsh winter has forced bandits out of the hills in search of food and shelter. Several manors in the Gavelkinden area are rumoured to have been raided, although the true extent of the problem may not be discovered until spring.

The Chronicle would like to welcome two new Aldermen after the Midwinter elections: Susan Faithside for Avigon, and Olivia Warin of Temple ward. A surprise result is the announcement from Bassishaw that Marc Bergeren has been elected councillor as a member of the Thatchers guild. Naturally the Carpenters are contesting the legality of this. It is also noted that Cllr 'Mobile' Mowbray, previously a member of two other factions, is now setting up his own group.

The Princess Eleanor was recently seen to be dressed in deepest mourning, although nobody appears to be sure for whom. All members of the royal family are reported to be in full health.

Early rising citizens (or sleepless students) may have noticed a duel fought outside Bardsgate earlier this month. Marc Bergeren's erratic brilliance was slowly worn down by the consistency of Matthew Dixon. Marc eventually conceded after sustaining a messy wound. Perhaps Cllr Mowbray should try to do better?

The Chronicle would request citizens not to play Pooh Sticks with the frozen beggars from the newly repaired bridge. Several Watermen have had to avoid these navigation hazards at very short notice, and the local fishermen are also becoming upset.

Ternost 138

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Ternost in the year 138

The Armundus Septer Hearing was held before Sheriff Courtney early this month in a packed room at the Witanmoot. Master Septer, Recorder for the Court of Common Council, was accused of Treachery, but significantly the main witness refused to repeat the accusation under oath. A number of Levestone householders, including fellow councillor Malcolm Mowbray, then testified to Master Septer's upstanding and law-abiding nature. Sheriff Courtney concluded that the rumours were without substance and dismissed the allegations. The Levestone Alderman, Martin Key, later spoke to our reporter outside the court. He deeply abhorred this attempt to denigrate Armundus' character just before the coming elections, and hoped that the remaining days of the election campaign would be without further incident.

Shinannon, the Wellkeeper of the Temple of Daleth, has sent messages to the Citadel and to Alderman Tholin, Chairman for Lands and Agriculture, warning that excessive grain has been sold off to merchants by irresponsible landowners. Many complaints are reaching her from the surrounding countryside, describing granaries inadequately stocked against the coming winter.

Events in the Welland/Shambles border dispute have taken a bizarre turn with the behaviour of Erik 'The Finger' Dragonsbane, owner of the blood-daubed "Dancing Bear". Ignoring completely the political wranglings of his councillors, our proprietor set out, apparently to trace the donor of the entrails. Erik has since been seen collecting entrails and wrestling pigs across the city.

In a dramatic intervention, The Archimandrite of the Temple of Hahn has adjourned the Carpenters vs Thatchers court case. Presenting a writ from the King, the Archimandrite told the assembled citizens that those wishing to be considered as Craftmaster of the new Thatchers' Guild should present themselves to the King at the hunting lodge, come the Springtide Festival. Applicants are required to bring the tools of the trade, and will be required to demonstrate their skill.

Gax the Heretic is appealing for donations of food and firewood to help the city orphans survive the winter. With thick snow covering most of the Bardsgate site, the orphanage has removed to Hanley Barn, where all donations should be sent.

The Times of Cascorach Ghostmoons 138

First published 20th December 2017

The times of Cascorach

for the festival of Ghostmoons in the Year 138

The announcement of the marriage between Eorliane Cynthia Fitzholme of Bethesda and Baron Edward Caerlon of Rannoch came as a sudden surprise during Lorinfall. The romance between the Eorliane and the Baron, the talk of the summer, had been assumed to be a simple crush on behalf of the Baron for the Eorliane, and that the Eorliane had been encouraging it for her own purposes. However it now seems that the Baron has played the Court of Cascorach to his own advantage. Perhaps Baron Tancred Mendoza will have to watch out!

The marriage itself was held on the first of Kryll. It was one of the most sumptuous affairs seen in Cascorach for some time. The bride wore a most gorgeous white gown, with a train that stretched almost to the other end of the Temple of Hahn. The groom, looking (and sounding) very nervous, was very dashing in his Baronial regalia. His best man was Duke Alexander Calverin. Priests from both the temple of Daleth and the Temple of Torus were in attendance and added their blessings to those of the Temple of Hahn.

The choice of the Temple of Hahn is very unusual. The most common choice is the Temple of Daleth, and speculation in the court of Dike Alexander is varied as to the exact meaning of their choice.

Concern is growing over the conduct of Prince Edward’s battle against the Gelt barbarians. Since his victory at Cair Taned not much progress has been reported. Indeed the Emissary from Salvoyn reports that the Gelt harassing of the Salvoyn merchant trains to and from the City States is growing and could force up prices in the near future. Duke Alexander is growing concerned about the possibility of Gelt attacks reaching into Cascorach itself, and possibly even the castle of Caradache.. The city watches have been told to increase their strengths by fifty percent and non-attendance at the weekly archery practises now attracts a fine of two shillings.

The thatchers of Cascorach have complained to Duke Alexander about the non-cooperation from the other guilds in the construction of a guildhall. The thatchers argue that, following the granting of a Guild charter to Marc Bergeren (a thatcher in the capital), they are entitled to both a guild charter from Duke Alexander and to build a Guildhall. However the carpenters are refusing to work on the building and have put pressure on the masons to insist that they have a three year backlog on repairs to the city wall already, and have no time to work on the thatcher’s Guildhall.

News from Linrodeth

The Carpenter’s Guild have been presenting a court case to invalidate the thatcher’s new guild charter.

It has been announced that Princess Eleanor will be attending the Temple of Hahn’s new law school in the spring..

A major dispute has broken out between two wards of the city. The dispute is over the disposition of a group of people on the border of the two wards.

News from Salvoyn

The Gelt have been attacking many army stores on the trade routes between Salvoyn and Cascorach The major item of booty has been the grain stores kept by the army. Heavy losses have been reported by the defending garrisons and Duke Alexander has sent reinforcements to the area.

Kryll 138

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Kryll in the year 138

Pendentite Jasmine Beauvaire, Priestess of Hahn, has officially announced that the Princess Eleanor will be attending the Temple's new Law School upon its completion next year. We understand that the princess will have her own suite of rooms in the main temple for security reasons. Pendentite Jasmine went on to assure us that the Princess would otherwise be treated like any other novice.

The civic funeral for the late Alderman Geoffrey Morris was held last month and many hundreds of citizens attended despite the cold weather. Before lighting the pyre, Lord Fitz-Simmons delivered a moving eulogy, and the respectful hush was broken only by some rather tasteless laughter from Councillor Dexter. Later, the Wardmoot of Temple appointed the cornmonger John Emberson as their new Alderman, in a surprisingly uncontested debate.

The deteriorating weather has bought a last flurry of caravans off the trade routes. News from the southern mountains tell of the Gelt launching a sudden attack on many of the armies stores. Gaining surprise and attacking with their usual ferocity, the tribesmen inflicted heavy losses on many detachments. It was noted that in each case the tribesmen chose to encumber themselves with substantial amounts of grain during their retreat.

Our star reporter Chinon has been kept busy this month with two major parties to keep track of. The first, a noisy, beer-swilling affair lasting several days and involving half of Welland, appeared to be in honour of the birth of the youngest member of the Marcs family. The second was a wine-tasting party and an altogether more dignified affair hosted by the elderly Armundus Septer at the Scriveners Guildhall, and attended by many notable citizens including Alderman Elliot Sparman.

Now it appears that associations of this kind can have unfortunate effects as, not a fortnight later, Master Septer is accused of Treachery and is himself required to attend a Hearing. We understand that the Hearing will be before Sheriff Paston Courtney at the Witanmoot during Kryll. Certain nameless councillors have suggested that Armundus' Hearing has been going for years.

Keen political observers may note that many previously dormant councillors are beginning to stir themselves into action, having noticed the approaching Midwinter elections. Only 45 more backstabbing days until Yuletide!

Vanessa St Lawrence would be pleased to receive any information leading to the recovery of a small bronze casket stolen last Monday. No intrinsic but great sentimental value. A small reward is offered.

Lorinfall 138

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Lorinfall in the year 138

The public galleries of the Court of Justice has been packed all week to witness the contention between Gax the Heretic and Pendentite Antonious Cyan-Dorius. The legal battle is being hard fought on both sides. The two lawyers are presenting their cases with great knowledge and eloquence in what has sometimes seemed like a personal contest of skill to which we are ignorant and unworthy observers. If you have not yet been to see what is possibly the greatest display of the legal art to take place this generation then I suggest you join the queues.

The social occasion of the civic year – the Higharvestide Ball – was noticeable mainly for its lack of incidents. As the music rose and the colourful, glittering crowd swirled around the Great Hall it seemed that the plagues, floods and wars that have troubled the city had not touched these people.

From the Royal Court, Lady Sapphire arrived daringly dressed (or almost dressed) on the arms of Councillor Castlemaine. Miranda Andrews, still working on the highly confidential defence project, was seen deep in discussion with the Armourer, Olnorth Dexter. Reg Marc, dressed elegantly in stark black, became the centre of attention of many of the ladies. Lord Raphael, of course, was the centre of the political discussions of the evening.

Reports of large numbers of demon worshippers in the area south of the Great Fens are being denied by the Lord of Burbage; "A small group of Azial worshippers was discovered in the area near Emlett, but they have been dealt with and are unlikely to trouble anyone again, at least in this life."

Alderman Isenbard of Welland has intervened in the boundary dispute between Welland and Shambles. In a letter to the Chronicle he stated "I have spoken with the (South Kingsway) group, and see it as entirely proper for me to do so. However Alderman Belcher's insinuation that I am somehow behind this group, manipulating it for my own ends, is completely without foundation and frankly seems somewhat paranoid. Alderman Belcher should be looking to the way his ward is governed; not blaming external factors. The differences in the natures of our two wards are quite apparent and I am in complete sympathy with the citizens of Shambles who want to come under a more effective council."

Alderman Belcher was unavailable for comment as he was busy attempting to have Alderman Sparman censored for allegedly libelling him. The action was unsuccessful but perhaps Alderman Belcher needed the practice.

Outside of the councils the situation has been worsening. The watches of the two wards have been seen exchanging insults over the contested boundary; and in a rather tasteless incident, blood and entrails were strewn over the doorway of the Dancing Bear, the one inn in the area.

Arvinoth 138

First published 20th December 2017 (Last Modified 28th August 2023)

The Chronicle

of the month of Arvinoth in the year 138

A major row is brewing between the wards of Welland and Shambles. The residents of Shambles living South of the Kingsway have suggested that they ought to be included in the Welland ward. Their leader, Della Sarth, explained further, "We in the south Kingsway area do most of our business with residents of Welland and have far more in common with them than with the butchers of Shambles. The Kingsway is a natural boundary and its high time this anomaly was sorted out." Alderman Belcher of Shambles commented that he had "little time for the manoeuvrings of the Welland council" and saw no need for change.

The Lord Raphael Fitz-Simmon's plans for electoral reform have been accepted by the Council in an almost uncontested debate. It would seem that nobody wanted to speak against what is a sensible and worthwhile reform.

The Carpenters Guild have announced that Pendentite Antonius Cyan-Dorius of the Temple of Hahn will formally contest the right of the Thatchers to form a Guild. The case will come before the Courts next month. A rather smug Mark Bergeren announced that Gax the Heretic will be acting on the thatchers behalf. It would seem that the Hahnites top lawyer is in for a rough time.

Dear Sirs,

It has come to my notice that your esteemed publication has been casting dispersions (sic) about the power of prophecy and astrology. May I point out the portent revealed by both last year's Midsummer Festival (where bad weather stopped play) and the "demented soothsayer" (reported last Ternost) has, of course, rung true. The bad weather on Midsummer day predicts, as is well known, usually precedes famine or plague, but last year this was affected by the multiple conjunction of Adamasto with both Letophoro and Senemora and thus preceded the large number of violent deaths during the last year (see the Chronicles for the months of Setheran, Lorinfall, Kryll, Kruthos, Skelern, Pipetal and Jasmarill). The "demented soothsayer" predicted "floods, storms and vile death". As is, I'm sure, well remembered by readers of this esteemed publication, last year's storms and floods were the worst in living memory and the plague now inflicting Marshgate fulfils the last part of the prophecy. Finally, had the Temple of Hahn contacted me before starting rebuilding of their new law school, I could have told them to delay work for six months rather than suffer the wrath of the conjunction of Letophoro with Alderoth.

Goodgulf Astrologer Royal

The ward of Marshgate has now been declared 'safe' by the priests of the Temple of Torus.

Setheran 138

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Setheran in the year 138

This years Midsummer Fair was blessed with bright sunshine and a light breeze. Fat Sal once again took the wrestling purse, although she was very nearly beaten by the much younger Fendus Graf of Portsoken. The Coopers and Brewers easily retained the Stone Cup. Their Captain Councillor Carl Marc strongly denied rumours that the team would be splitting up next year.

This year the King has not permitted his forces to compete in the competitions, which have therefore been much more open. However his Majesty did attend the festival this year and presented many of the prizes himself. The Archery contest was the only major disappointment of the fair, with performances well below the expected standards. The mysterious failure of Miranda Andrews and many other senior members of the Bowyers Guild to attend cannot have helped.

The day after the festival His Majesty issued the following proclamation.

"Be it known that His Majesty King Edmund is seriously displeased by the failure of the citizens of Linrodeth to fulfil their duty to train for war. Any citizen who by the last day of Menderal has not demonstrated the ability to hit a standard target at a range of 30 yards with six arrows in less than 5 minutes will be fined the sum of five shillings."

The battle between the Thatchers and the Carpenters seems to be hotting up. The Carpenters have formally challenged the Thatchers' right to immediately operate a guild monopoly. They have suggested that instead an interim system should be established whereby the Thatchers guild would be administered by a committee of interested parties until the Thatchers have had the time to develop the sophistication and skill to operate an effective and fair guild. Mark the Thatcher commented to the Chronicle: "We have not fought for our own guild just so that it can be run by the people who've been oppressing us for the last century. I have taken legal advice and although there is a precedent for their plan, it bears little relation to the present situation. I will fight them all the way on this, and although they may get the Law on their side, Justice will be on mine."

The Lord Chief Magistrate Raphael Fitz-Simmons has now released details of his plan for electoral reform. It appears to consist chiefly of shifting the annual election of Lord Chief Magistrate to the Spring instead of the Autumn, thus making the choices for the Sheriffs election more obvious and, incidentally, avoiding the need for his own re-election for another six months.

The ward of Marshgate is this month afflicted with a sweating fever which has already claimed lives. The Torian priests are warning people to avoid the area unless their business is urgent, however they have not yet decided to apply to the Council for quarantine permission.

Menderal 138

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Menderal in the year 138

According to sources within the higher echelons of the council, Lord Chief Magistrate Raphael Fitz-Simmons is sounding people out over a new concept. Apparently he plans a "Reform of the electoral system, which will stabilise the government of the city, ensure good, efficient government and save money.”

Most of the Royal family has retired to its summer lodge at Easthaga, taking a detachment of the second cavalry regiment as household guard. Rumour has it that the Queen is not impressed with the discipline of the seventh infantry regiment and has placed her famous rose garden out of bounds. The Queens opinion appears to be shared by many city watchmen, perhaps others areas may be placed off limits?

Heliora 138

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Heliora in the year 138

We open this month with the news that for the first time in over 30 years a new Guild Charter has been granted. Last week Marc Bergeren was formally summoned to the citadel where the King granted him the right to form a Guild of Thatchers. The news has thrown the Council into turmoil. How many members will the guild have?, will they be eligible to join the council?, who will they side with?, will the carpenters drinks evenings become less extravagant.....

The Carpenters refused to comment on rumours that they will challenge the legality of the charter, however Sheriff Courtney seems to be spending a lot of time at the Temple of Hahn. The question on everyone’s mind at the moment is – will Gax defend the thatchers, and if he does, who will the Hahnites put up against him?

The Scriveners have sorted out their problems, and have elected David Northropp as their Guildmaster. Master Northropp is thought to be 'none too pleased ' with the Mercers backing of his opponent Richard Nixon, and frantic behind the scenes attempts are being made to stop the Scriveners joining the grocers and cornmongers faction. Meanwhile the Vintners and Brewers & Hostellers have settled their longstanding differences and left their relative factions to 'build a closer relationship between the two guilds'. Not as close as Sandra Key and Malcolm Mowbray one hopes.

The Leviathon (flagship of the growing Warin fleet) finally made it into port this month. The Leviathon's attempt to be the first merchantman into Linrodeth for the third year running ended miserably when she sustained 'serious' damage in a storm and was forced to put into port further south for repairs. A sailor commented "without captain Eagleview we would never have lived. But then if it wasn't for him we'd never have been there anyway."