Tag name:Linrodeth


First published 20th December 2017 (Last Modified 22nd December 2017)


Linrodeth is the second-largest port and the capital of the Kingdom of Athion.

Linrodeth's wealth is based upon its vigorous Trade Guilds, which over the years created an unusually literate and articulate citizenry of craftsmen and shopkeepers. These Guilds men and women are permitted a limited form of self-rule, in return for a suitable tax, under the watchful scrutiny of the nearby Citadel.

The port and docks below the bridge over the River Ishtan are the lifeblood of the city and increasingly, the city is coming to rely on its seafaring traders and merchant navy to increase its prosperity.

For administrative purposes, the city is divided into 21 wards. At Midwinter the householders of each ward elect 12 councillors and an Alderman to represent their ward on the city council. These representatives must be guildmembers as well as householders and, because politics is an expensive and time-consuming business, most are actively sponsored by their guilds. The city guilds are granted a monopoly on their trade, and many citizens are members of one. The city has many popular markets as well as the shops.

Once elected the ward representatives take their place on the Court of Common Council which sits in the Witanmoot at the heart of the city. Here they are drawn into the complex and chaotic political arena, riven as it is with factionalism, feuding, intrigue, bribery and occasional reforms. To everyone's surprise, most problems get sorted out eventually. Interested citizens can catch up on the latest news about their councillors in The latest issue of The Chronicle.

Linrodeth is blessed with several major temples, and many countless minor cults. The major religions include: Hahn (law and justice), Torus (healing), Daleth (earth and growth), Esprayenna (sea and self-reliance) and Brynette (fire and construction). Of these religions, the Wellhouses of Daleth and the Smithies of Brynette are most likely to be found in rural villages.

Also resident in the city are the students of the Bards' College. The college is a squat, rambling structure in the easternmost corner of the city, which is rumoured to pre-date the city itself. It produces very few bards, but many musicians, poets and scholars of all types. Their entertainments, and occasional serious work, are the source of much vexation for their neighbours.

On the north shore of the River Ishtan are the civilian shipbuilding yards and stinking tanneries. To the west, 3 miles further down the estuary, lies the military harbour of Kingsport where the Fleet is based.

Because of the strict guild monopoly in Linrodeth, many immigrants and paupers are reduced to begging and often end up in the river slum known as the Floating Market. It has some advantages. If they can find something floating to live on there is no rent. If they can find customers for their trade there are no guild laws and no poll tax. The edges of the market do receive a number of customers; the boats close to the bridge and the embankment sell more exotic items as well as strange and wonderful meals. The latter areas have even become a favourite stop for the pleasure boats of the rich young nobles from the Citadel.


The times of Cascorach Midsummer 139

First published 20th December 2017

The times of Cascorach

for the festival of Midsummer in the Year 139

In characteristic style, Duke Alexander Calverin left the city of Cascorach on the first day of Heliora, The Duke is travelling by the ducal barge to Salvoyn, where he will hire a ship to take him to Linrodeth to attend Princess Eleanor's eighteenth birthday celebrations. The Duke is accompanied by Baron Tancred Mendoza and a retinue of loyal retainers.

Baroness Shellay Silveria of Rosendale has been appointed Steward of the Castle of Caradache until the Duke’s return.

A special tax was imposed by the Duke on the wealthy guildmembers of Cascorach in order to fund his trip to Linrodeth. The Duke was unable to give any estimated date of return to Cascorach, but assured members of his last audience that he would return as soon as possible, and that he had full confidence in the abilities of Baroness Shellay Silveria.

News from Bethesda is that Eorliane Cynthia Fitzholme has given birth to a healthy son. The child will be called Baron Edmund Alexander Fitzholme until his succession. The child was blessed by the Temple of Daleth at a special ceremony at Bethesda Castle.

The news throws fresh doubt over the reasons for the hurried marriage between Eorliane Cynthia Fitzholme and Baron Edvard Caerlon last year. The marriage now appears to be a coup by someone other than the happy couple.

Baron Morgan de Huengenaunt of Radford’s period of official mourning for his mother ends with the end of the festival of Midsummer. He vowed to repay the Gelt for the murder and, with the help of Baroness Shellay Silveria, the Gelt have suffered several defeats in the Barony of Radford in recent months. After Baroness Silveria became Steward of Cascorach, she ordered the refugees in Rannoch to return home and begin planting.

News from Linrodeth

Lord Raphael Fitz-Simmons has been re-elected Lord of the City of Linrodeth. He celebrated his re-election by staging a ‘mega-hunt’ and banquet.

Large numbers of refugees have been shipped south in emergency measures this month. They are being set to work to improve on last year’s harvest.

Princess Eleanor's eighteenth birthday celebration ball is being described as ‘THE event of the year’. The King has imposed a special tax to pay for the celebration, which is being held in the Archimandrite’s Palace rather than the currently almost empty Citadel. The event us to be held on the 23rd of Menderal.

News from Salvoyn

Queen Emma has arrived in the City to prepare for the royal reception to be held on Dragonfeast. Rumours suggest that both King Edmund and Prince Edward will be holding receptions during the day.

The City remains on heavy alert, with the City Guard under orders to support Prince Edward and the 5th Infantry if required.

The Ladies of the City of Salvoyn have imposed heavy tariffs on all traders and merchants deemed to be supported by subsidies. Particularly affected are the Mercers and Grossers of Linrodeth. The ladies claim that they are attempting to undercut and force out of business the trading families of Salvoyn.

Princess' Ball

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the Princess’ Ball

On the 23rd day of the month of Menderal 139, the Princess Eleanor’s 18th Birthday Ball was held in the Temple of Hahn. The Archimandrite’s Hall of Munificent Hospitality, newly redecorated in white and gold, echoed to the sound of the Royal Court and the music of the Master Bards. At eight of the clock most of the suitors were introduced to Her Royal Highness; all but Duke Alexander managing an elegant and flamboyant bow. Her Highness carefully ignored the Duke’s Handshake and turned to greet Prince Pharos, who had been delayed for an assortment of reasons.

Gifts and compliments were then exchanged with the Princess, but guests seem to be having some trouble with the Lady in Waiting. Lady Caroline managed several snubs at Duke Alexander’s expense, laughed at Prince Pharos’ gift and swore loudly before retiring to deal with her lapdog, which had unaccountably become sick. On her return several other guests excused themselves, starting a mysterious bout of interest in the dog’s health, which lasted for much of the evening.

Another topic of mutual interest was trade, upon which all Princes except Konrad of Garth managed to exchange contracts during the evening. It is believed that the Hahnite priest, Pendentite Edward de Belleme, collected significant donations for his hard work in finalising these contracts. Not unnaturally these discussions tended to distract guests away from the Princess, who became progressively less pleased with events. After chatting with Lady Caroline for several minutes she acidly reminded guests that it was her birthday. Her potential suitors leapt into attendance and Lady Caroline excused herself to check on the dog.

Meanwhile Pendentite Edward was having a less successful time. Having exchanged icy words with a priest of another deity – Esprayenna – he left to speak with Lady Caroline, who was by then attempting to grab a scrap of parchment that Lord Izzat had removed from her pet’s sickbed. Pendentite Edward firmly ushered guests out, intending to have a quiet word or three. Shortly thereafter guests heard a thud against the door and a rattling of the doorhandle. A Temple Guard kept onlookers away as a harassed-looking Edward extracted himself from the room and explained that the Lady Caroline was distraught by her dog’s illness.

Back at the ball, the Princess was circulating amongst the guests, having noticed that Prince Khalid and Duke Alexander were monopolising her time. She discovered Prince Konrad in a quiet corner, and a few minutes later dismissed her bodyguard for a while. Much encouraged, Prince Konrad was persuading her to take a cosy stroll in the gardens, when Lady Caroline and Jan Ostern both appeared and provided a sufficient delay for the bodyguard to re-appear. We have since heard that the road running past the garden wall was crowded with Prince Konrad’s men and Temple Guards at the time.

The Princess returned to the ball until, tired of interrupting trade deals, and depressed by the fact none of the Princes had proposed to her personally, she retired early. Her Highness thus missed the subsequent undiplomatic exchange between Prince Pharos of Kerun and Prince Khalid of Orissa; where Prince Khalid accused Kerun of stealing State Regalia, and Prince Pharos accused Orissa of lying through his teeth. Pendentite Edward intervened to prevent a major incident on Athion’s soil, but we have learnt that the two countries have since declared war,

Menderal 139

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Menderal in the year 139

Trade in Linrodeth is rapidly grinding to a halt as more and more merchants make their way south for the Royal Dragonfeast at Salvoyn. Even the docks are unusually quiet and look set to become entirely deserted by the time of the Midsummer fair. Many Guilds are worried by their sudden drop in income and are calling for action from the City Council. Within the last week the problem has been made worse by news of a heavy tariff imposed by the Ladies of Salvoyn on foreign merchants. Both these problems fall squarely in the lap of James Isenbard, the Chairman of Trade, who is even now arranging urgent talks with Samantha Cox and Alan Griffiths.

Elsewhere in the city Mrs Maud Blessop has been facing some severe criticism after her slanderous attack on Alderman Suzan Faithside. In an informal meeting with her own Alderman, Martin Key, Mrs Blessop was fined £3 and informed of Lord Raphael's decision to ban her from future civic balls. Earlier demands for a full trial seem to have been dropped.

Linrodeth’s spring romances appear to have wilted in the heat of summer. After last months entanglements Alderman Samantha Cox has been deserted by both her lovers. Gibian Horl has even left the city entirely; boarding a southbound trade ship. Old man Septer is, of course, visibly relieved. Thomas Castlemaine, jilted lover of the courtier Lady Sapphire, is made of sterner stuff. Often this past month he has been seen beneath the royal apartments of the Hahnite Temple, serenading his beloved and persistently sending gifts of flowers, jewellery and rare perfumes. He caused considerable consternation among the Hahnite Priesthood when it was suddenly realised that he was courting, not the Lady Sapphire, but the young Princess herself. Shortly thereafter Cllr Castlemaine made his first foray over the Temple wall and was duly detained by the Guards. A spokesman for the Archimandrite stated that he would not be released until after the Princess' Ball.

This has been a bumper month for snoopers and gossipmongers with investigation after investigation whispering its way through the Witanmoot. Now far be it from the Chroniclers to spoil any councillor's fun, but shouldn't they really be spending our hard-earned taxes on solving the city's problems?

Meanwhile the hot weather has been adversely affecting Malcolm Mowbray's judgement. Once again our righteous young councillor has got into a quarrel and must now meet Elliott Anderson in a duel. He seems to be trying to don the mantle of the departed Crimson Councillor; it is suggested that perhaps he should start by improving his duelling technique?

Coming Soon – a special Chronicle supplement on the Princess' Ball.

Heliora 139

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Heliora in the year 139

Romance seems to have been the in occupation this month; Thomas Castlemaine's pursuit of the Lady Sapphire has been conspicuous by its failure and it would appear that the once dashing councillor, having lost the lady of his dreams, has turned to drink and despair.

Samantha Cox has also been pursued relentlessly by both Duncan Barnett and Gibian Horl. Alderman Cox appears to be thoroughly enjoying both the sparkling wit of Duncan Barnett, and the trappings of success provided by man of the month Gibian Horl. Which will be successful in winning her heart is up for debate, but as Samantha said herself "when two wonderful men chose to entertain you, only a fool would choose between them". The chaperoning actions of her 'sugar daddy' Armundus Septer seem to have met with little success, and indeed the old man has often found himself left behind in this whirlwind of romance.

It was a solemn and distinguished court that gathered before Lord Raphael Fitz-Simmons to judge Matthew Dixon, lately councillor of Levestone Ward, on the charge of Lawlessness and Treachery. Cllr Beatrice Perignon appeared as the main witness, having investigated and gathered evidence on Dixon's dealings during the month of Pipetal. Other witnesses also appeared, one backing Cllr Perignon's statements, and one backing Dixon's denials of the same. Lord Raphael's summing up was as follows: "Matthew Dixon is a well-liked and respected resident of Levestone ward, and a hardworking member of the Guild of Carpenters. In recent months he seems to have borne the brunt of a number of allegations, and I note that the evidence presented here is conflicting and by no means conclusive. I must repeat that all citizens are innocent until proven guilty." Despite this warning the court found ex-Cllr Dixon guilty as charged. Matthew Dixon was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The recent duel between Malcolm Mowbray and Elliot Sparman lacked the sparkle and flair that we have become used to in recent months. Indeed compared with the brilliant display produced by the Crimson Councillor, this months clash was positively embarrassing in its execution. They met at dawn and, after a number of minutes edging around, finally lunged at each other. Blood was drawn on both sides and a rather relieved pair of councillors agreed that honour had been satisfied and headed off to the nearest pub for a stiff drink.

Preparations for THE event of the year are already underway as the city begins to prepare for the 18th birthday celebrations of Her Royal Highness the Princess Eleanor. Initial rumours that the event will be held within the Archimandrite's Palace have been confirmed, and many notables of the city are attempting to gain invites (without any success). The most honoured guests of the ball will be; Prince Khalid al-Kabeshi of Orissa, Prince Pharos Karandreos of Kerun, Prince Konrad vagn Korsbaek of Garth and Duke Alexander Calverin of Cascorach, all of whom hope to win the Princess' hand (and her not inconsiderable dowry) in marriage. The ball promises to be the most spectacularly lavish bash yet seen, and the King has imposed a special tax in order to pay for it all.

Jasmarill 139

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Jasmarill in the year 139

The results for the election for Overlord of the City were:

Raphael Fitz-Simmons 13 votes,

Paston Courtney 5 votes,

Kennet Maxil 3 votes.

So once again Armundus and his band of merrie men have routed the opposition. Meanwhile for the Castle Bard Aldermanship:

Alison Shefford 148 votes,

Leonard Tholin 57 votes,

Ellis Devon 16 votes

Pre-election rumours concerning Cllr Devon's demise were much exaggerated and may adversely have affected his results on the day.

Susan Faithside and Gibian Horl appear to be co-operating in solving the corn crisis. Alderman Horl swiftly commandeered all ships in harbour and shipped large numbers of peasants south, beyond the crisis area. Alderman Faithside is organising those remaining into refugee camps, and anticipated having sufficient corn once the ships return.

During the long wait the peasants are certainly not going to get bored. Lord Raphael has already laid on a very entertaining hunting party (sans picnic) and Alderman Rimon is dispersing posses left, right and centre. Participants agreed that it keeps one very healthy, provided one stays out of the way of the King and the 2nd Cavalry who are also hunting bandits in the area.

The Crimson Councillor appears to have finally overstepped his mark this month. Cllr Perignon, after detailed investigation, has unearthed details of Cllr Dixon's treacherous dealings. Demands that this man resign and be made to answer for his crimes are even now sweeping the city. Our reporter was there when the Levestone watch arrived to arrest the man on a charge of Lawlessness. Although Matthew Dixon at first tried to pretend mistaken identity, watch member Malcolm Mowbray (who'd heard that one before) was having none of it. Matthew Dixon's trial next month will be judged by Lord Raphael. Cllr Beatrice Perignon is understood to be appearing as the main witness.

A civic ball was held last week to celebrate Lord Raphael's re-election as Lord of the city. This lavish event was preceded by a 'mega-hunt' whereby Lord Raphael attempted to organise all the peasants and mercenaries into a massive hunting party. Led by the Lord and many trumpeting horns the mob disappeared off into the countryside and succeeded in terrifying all the wildlife for miles around. However enough food was collected to enable the banquet to continue.

At the banquet Lord Raphael spent most of his time with young upcoming councillor Tiliniel Falgar, who seems to have charmed her way into his affections. Matthew Dixon at one point engaged the Lord in a discussion about Gibian Horl's corn crisis solution, but the Lord's attention quickly returned to Miss Falgar. Meanwhile Malcolm Mowbray was being less than tactful about the mega-hunt, his scathing description of this "product of senile dementia" resulted in him being pointedly ignored by Lord Raphael and even more pointedly challenged to a duel by Elliot Sparman. Olnorth Dexter's table joined in the barracking by decrying Suzan Faithside's chairmanship, but things seem to have got a little out of hand and Alderman Faithside has accused them of Scandalous Behaviour.

The times of Cascorach Springtide 139

First published 20th December 2017

The times of Cascorach

for the festival of Springtide in the Year 139

Duke Alexander has announced that he has been invited by King Edmund to attend Princess Eleanor’s 18th Birthday ball in Linrodeth. The Duke has accepted the invitation and inside sources suggest that the Duke intends to ask the King’s permission to court the princess.

The princess, only daughter of King Edmund, will be 18 in Menderal and, in order to arrive in plenty of time, he will have to leave Cascorach during Jasmarill. The Duke has not yet made up his mind concerning companions for the trip, or who will be left in charge at Caradache Castle.. The most likely people for both these jobs are Baron Tancred Mendoza and Baroness Shellay Silveria of Rosendale..

On the 17th of Pipetal, Baroness Vivian de Huengenaunt of Radford fell in combat fighting the Gelt. Characteristically she was defending a small hamlet to the west of her estate at the time. The Gelt had earlier raided the hamlet, but were beaten off by the town’s defenders. However the inhabitants had captured a Chieftain of the Gelt and Baroness de Huengenaunt had arrived on the scene with a small band of retainers. The Gelt then counter-attacked in large numbers to recover their chieftain.

The new baron is Morgan de Huengenaunt. He said “Although I will, of course, be observing the honours and rituals of mourning for my mother, I will be pursuing all possible methods of dealing with these barbarians.”

Baroness Shellay Silveria of Rosendale has offered her considerable knowledge and aid to the new baron. Baroness Shellay has involved in several major battles against the Gelt before the turn of the century. Baron Morgan de Huengenaunt accepted Baroness Shellay’s offer, and we understand that they are now actively seeking the band of Gelt which murdered Baroness Vivian de Huengenaunt.

The beginnings of the spring thaw have meant that large numbers of refugees have been arriving from the Barony of Radford. Duke Alexander has requisitioned the grain stores of the Cornmongers’ Guild. These are being distributed to the refugees on the strict understanding that they return home for the planting. The costs of the requisitions will be borne by the baronies of Radford and Rannoch.

News from Linrodeth

The King has ordered the 7th Infantry regiment to be brought to full strength by imposing a draft on the mercenaries which are currently overwintering there.

The city of Linrodeth is suffering from the same food shortages as the rest of the country, but has solved it by requisitioning the grain stocks held by the Cornmongers.

News from Salvoyn

News that Prince Edward has not requested extra forces to aid the depleted 5th Infantry regiment was greeted with great consternation in the City. Following the raids on the Army’s grain stores over the winter, and the still lingering effects of last summer’s engagements has meant that Prince Edward’s forces are thought to be understrength.

The Ladies of the City (who control the great merchant families) are reported to be very concerned about the use of shipping which is supported by means other than that of trading. This apparently applies to both ships from the City States and traders from Linrodeth (who are subsidised by their guild)

Pipetal 139

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Pipetal in the year 139

The spring thaw has arrived, and with it many refugees from the surrounding domains. The main through roads have become filled with homeless families and Lord Raphael has now ordered the city gates closed to all but those with business or relatives in the city. The city watches, already at double strength from last month, are said to be coping with the situation, although the 7th Infantry have taken over duty at the gates. Most food suppliers have now closed down, but Lord Raphael has assured the Chronicle that the city still retains enough corn to feed its citizens.

Beyond the city, many refugees speak of bandits raiding the villages and manors, especially along the Chineway and Gavelkinden areas. Both the Mercers and Grossers are organising large caravans to avoid trouble, and merchants are advised to contact these guilds if they are thinking of travelling East.

King Edmund has summoned Lord Raphael and Aldermen Rimon, Faithside and Horl to a short interview at the Citadel. All four refused to comment afterwards, but His Majesty has since left the city accompanied by most of the 2nd Cavalry and travelling upriver. Princess Eleanor is at the Hahn Temple, where she is now residing and studying at the newly re-opened Law School. The Queen has taken ship to Salvoyn, where preparations are starting for a royal reception on Dragonfeast. Prince Kieran is also said to have left the Citadel for the Wealden area, along with an undisclosed number of rangers. Sources describe the Citadel as "quiet – too damn quiet." Their Majesties have given notice that the thatching contest has been postponed until Harvest.

Apothecary Falgar, after an extensive and unconventional guild investigation, has been cleared of all blame in the murder of Elsania Dawson. the investigation ended with the arrest of a dockland thug who has since been tried and executed. After suitable interrogation.

The duel between Cllrs Ellis Devon and Matthew Dixon ended with Cllr Devon being taken to the Torian infirmary, seriously ill. Cllr Dixon attacked with lethal skill and, had his luck matched his intent, would have killed his opponent. Fellow members of the Common Council refused to comment on these tactics, but a number of anonymous ditties featuring the "Crimson Councillor" have begun to be heard around Bardsgate.

The Springtide Festival approaches and many celebrations are being planned, although the traditional tossing of buns from the Witanmoot steps has been cancelled for fear of a riot. The street singing and colour dancing will continue, and no doubt the peal of Hahnite bells will deafen everyone as usual. During the celebrations the Aldermen will be gathering to cast their votes for the new city overlord. Lord Raphael has gained a strong start by becoming part of Armundus Septer's powerful group. Can either of the two challengers organise an effective campaign? Paston Courtney's party manager is the brilliant but erratic Thomas Castlemaine, whereas Kennet Maxil is relying on the ubiquitous Reg Marc. Will they split the uncommitted vote?

Galemir 139

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Galemir in the year 139

With the solving of the corn crisis our councillors seem to have settled in for a quiet spring, well some of them at least. Councillor Matthew Dixon of Levestone, fresh from his duel with Marc the Thatcher and his court battle with Malcolm Mowbray, seems unable to stay out of trouble. Apparently our respected councillor got into an argument with Councillor Ellis Devon of Faringdon whilst they were 'having a few jars' in the Empty Barrel. The two men came to blows and were quickly dragged apart by other councillors, however the men could not be pacified and a duel will take place next month.

There were ugly scenes last week when some mercenaries attempted to resist His Majesty's summons to service. Several taverns, including the Falcon, the Dancing Bear and the Spinning Sow, witnessed mass brawls as patrons were required to prove citizenship. Large numbers of the Seventh Infantry, looking far from convalescent, reinforced this late night call-up. Of those 'rounded up', many were released the following morning. The remainder are understood to have been recruited into the Seventh Infantry.

More scandal within the Apothecaries Guild, where Tilly Falgar of Welland is being investigated by Guildmaster Samantha Cox following the death of Elsania Dawson of Cartage, one of Guildmember Falgar's customers. When interviewed by the Chronicle Camilla Dawson stated, "Mother was fine until she took her regular dose of Falgar’s preparation, and ten minutes later she was dead. If the Guild doesn't take some action then we will." A young spokesman for the Apothecary could only say that since receiving the news Miss Falgar had gone "all pale and interesting".

Lord Raphael, in response to popular demand, is encouraging local watches to 'crackdown on crime'. Anyone noting suspicious activity in their vicinity is asked to report it at once to their local Alderman. Lord Raphael stated "There is only one way we will make our city safe, and that's through concerted action. It is the duty of every citizen to be wary and to support their local watch." The Chroniclers note without comment that the City's Inner Council is due to vote this month on the appointment of the next Lord of the City.

The first day of Galemir saw the accidental death of Anton Morris in a duel against Olnorth Dexter. Witnesses say that young Anton was an inept duellist and that he was killed by his own recklessness. The Chronicle deplores the current foolhardy fashion among the young of challenging for sport, and requests all citizens to discourage duelling as a way of settling minor disputes.

Skelern 139

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Skelern in the year 139

This month sees the 'Corn Crisis' worsening and the price of bread rising. The situation is not helped by the fact that a new Chairman of Lands & Agriculture has yet to be elected. Against a background of increasing complaints and reports of rioting at a bakery in Ishtan, the initiative was taken by Councillor Reg Marc, who attempted to persuade the Cornmongers to release their stockpile of grain. The attempt failed but Councillor Malcolm Mowbray later managed to force an emergency debate on the crisis. Called at short notice, there were many councillors absent, but the motion to purchase the grain store with the City funds was passed by 120 votes to 77. Speaking for the motion were Cllrs Marc, Mowbray, Septer and Devon. Protests were then heard from the Cornmongers (inevitably) and also surprisingly from Sheriff Paston Courtney, who led the Carpenters in a "no" vote.

The Hearing against Matthew Dixon in Levestone has been held before Sheriff Kennet Maxil. Cllr Malcolm Mowbray had accused Cllr Dixon of attempted blackmail, and Cllr Beatrice Perignon testified that she had witnessed the "disgraceful" attempt. A number of senior Master Carpenters then testified that Matthew Dixon had been present in their Guildhall at the time in question, and could not have been the blackmailer. Amid outcry from the public gallery, Sheriff Maxil dismissed the allegation on the assumption that an imposter had been at work. Cllr Mowbray, looking deeply shocked, later stated that he knew Cllr Dixon very well, and could not have been mistaken.

Rumours sweeping the city indicate that a draft will be imposed on the mercenaries currently overwintering here, presumably to boost the depleted 7th Infantry. Wealthy guildmembers have already been feeling the pinch as an emergency tax has been imposed specifically to fund the Gelt war. Precisely which regiment(s) will be sent south remains confused, as much of the citadel's complement has been sent out to the villages to maintain the King's law. Rumour from the countryside (probably unfounded) is that they are having only limited success.

A body was found in silt land last week. The body had been mutilated and the woman, who was known to have criminal connections, is believed to have been the victim of a feud between two of the criminal groups in the city. The Portsoken watch has been increased and neighbouring wards are asked to increase their vigilance.

The incidence of duelling in the city is on the increase, the latest was rumoured to have been fought between Rayburn Fields (apprentice Chandler of Bardsgate) and Graythorn Lance (a student bard). The duel was apparently over Julia Killcade, a lady of their acquaintance. At her insistence the duel was fought with snowballs. It is believed that Mr fields will recover from his injuries.