Tag name:Linrodeth

The times of Cascorach Midwinter 140

First published 21st December 2017

The times of Cascorach

for the festival of Midwinter in the Year 140

With no further news from Linrodeth, speculation on the fate of Duke Alexander is widespread. The latest news from the capital, which arrived before the winter snows and storms cut off communication, is that the Duke has regained consciousness, but is still gravely ill.

It is believed that Councillor Thomas Castlemaine merely won the right to court Princess Eleanor, and not her hand as first suspected. Duke Alexander might have withdrawn his suit for the Princess’ hand, but sources at the Castle say that this would be most unlike the Duke.

During his convalescence Duke Alexander will be relying on his right hand man, Baron Tancred Mendoza to run the vast majority of his affairs, including action to ensure that Duke Alexander knows what Thomas Castlemaine is up to.

The curfew imposed by Baroness Shellay Silveria, on behalf of Duke Alexander was lifted after it became clear that the Duke’s injuries were not fatal.

The Steward of Caradache, Baroness Shellay Silveria, on behalf of Duke Alexander, made the traditional renewal of the invitations to the city of Salvoyn, the City of Adaqua and the City State of Laurea to send an emissary (and associated party) to Cascorach.

The recent bad weather has meant the recently built Thatcher’s Guildhall being requestioned by the Steward of Caradache, and is being used to house the newly homeless of the City of Cascorach’s Drapers and Tailors, whose own Guildhall was destroyed along with the rest of that quarter of the city.

Baron Morgan de Huengenaunt has complained of a lack of support for his anti-Gelt operations. Baroness Shellay Silveria has said that his attempts to take the war into the Gelt mountains was unnecessary, unneeded and too expensive for the Duchy.

News from the City States

Latest news of the war between the City States of Kerun and Orissa, two city states on the coast, is that the two sides are stalemated by the fact that their nearest neighbours appear to be acting to ensure equality between the two states. When Kerun managed to destroy about half of Orissa’s fleet in a naval battle, several mysterious and very suspicious fires broke out in the harbour area of Kerun. Both Kerun and Orissa are economic rivals of Cascorach, and in times of peace, ship large quantities of grain to Salvoyn.

News from Linrodeth

All communications with the capital have been cut off by the winter storms. The first travellers are expected during Jasmarill.

News from Salvoyn

The Ladies of Salvoyn have replaced their current envoy to Cascorach by Alderman Joanne Kaslar. The Kaslar family are major shipwrights in Salvoyn and the arrival of one of their number points to a power shift in Salvoyn

Kruthos 139

First published 21st December 2017 (Last Modified 28th August 2023)

The Chronicle

of the month of Kruthos in the year 139

His Majesty King Edmund is pleased to announce that, following a personal interview, the name of Thomas Castlemaine is to be added to the list of approved suitors permitted to court the Princess Eleanor. Councillor Castlemaine is to be released on the seventh, and the Chroniclers would like to take this opportunity to offer their congratulations to the happy couple. Crowds of well-wishers have already started to gather outside the Princess' apartments in Oldgate in anticipation of a celebration. The Torian Priests wish to point out that the Princess is currently working night shift, and outbreaks of spontaneous singing during daylight are unlikely to be appreciated.

Interviews with the King appear to be popular this month. Following our report last month on the disgraceful necromancy rituals on the edge of Botmoor, Lord Raphael Fitz-Simmons has requested an audience. Lord Raphael confirmed that the activities of the Astrologer Royal would be the main subject of discussion.

Olnorth Dexter, Tiliniel Falgar and Malcolm Mowbray are pleased to announce the formation of Linrodeth's first political party: The Justice League. "Our aims are to ensure that justice is seen to be done, and that Law and Order are maintained. We feel that a united stance on these issues would be beneficial to the well-being of the citizenry."

The first action of the new party appears to have been taken by Malcolm Mowbray, who today released the following statement to the Chronicle: "Following the unrest of Kryll against the Vintners, I in my capacity of Guild Treasurer have been investigating the origins of the rumours. It soon became clear to me, as it did to James Isenbard, that someone was behind it – and that this man was Armundus Septer. I believe James' investigations showed the same, however I believe that like me he was unwilling to denounce such an important and well-connected councillor without firm evidence. Fortunately independent investigations by Councillor Perignon have provided this evidence, which I intend to present in a court of law."

While on the subject of Cllr Perignon, can anyone guess the origin of the following limerick, overheard in various taverns around town?

There was a young councillor called Beatrice

Who's faction got up to beer tricks.

They insulted Miranda

Upon the veranda,

And so Beatrice now on a bier rests.

Cllr Perignon, while still under the care in the Torian Temple, stated firmly that she was alive and kicking and looking forward to resuming her duties in the new year.

The Vintners Guildhall in Levestone was packed out this month with the charity ball for Gax's orphanage. The charity made over £20 on entrance fees, and a further £8 in voluntary donations. Gax thanked the many councillors and aldermen for their generosity, saying that he was particularly delighted to see so many carpenters in the audience – and he hoped to be able to put some work their way in the spring. The city has this week been shocked and saddened by the despicable murder of Thomas Castlemaine. The facts, as far as the Chroniclers have been able to discover, are the following;

At midday on seventhday Thomas was released from the Citadel and went home. That evening he was admitted to the Torian Infirmary with severe food poisoning. The following afternoon Duke Alexander moved into a house 50 yards from, and in sight of, Oldgate. At sunset Thomas, now recovered, turned up at Oldgate to serenade the Princess. Before he could start he was accosted by a beautiful, although scantily-clad woman, who had to be forcibly removed by some friends. Unfortunately she took large handfuls of his clothes with her, and Thomas duly retired to repair the damage. In Thomas' absence, the Princess agreed to dine out with Duke Alexander at Mrs Blessop's Carvery. We are reliably informed that the Duke proposed to the Princess at the end of the meal.

On ninthday morning their guild, acting on a tip-off, raided the Castlemaine's house and 'recovered' the sum of £17.10s.6d. As The Guildmaster readily admitted, this sum was rather excessive for lost dues, and on advice from the Hahnite Temple, the charges were subsequently dropped. By the afternoon Thomas had arranged to take the Princess to dine at private rooms at the 'Greengrove' tavern, and had bought a large engagement ring. At sunset he went to Oldgate and started the evening by serenading the Princess. As the first ballad drew to a close Thomas was shot in the back by an unknown assailant. The watching crowd perused a figure, presumed to be the assassin, down into Temple Ward where they lost her. Thomas Castlemaine, meanwhile, died at sunset on the ninth day of Kruthos Firstweek, in the arms of the Princess. Rumour insists that in his last moments he asked her to marry him, and she accepted.

Castlemaine's body is now lying in state in the Temple of Torus just outside Oldgate. Duke Alexander was rescued by a detachment of the Kings Cavalry from an angry crowd surrounding his house, and escorted to the Citadel. His adviser, Baron Tancred Mendoza, was "celebrating" at the Greengrove at the time. Subsequent investigations by a Royal Commission have tracked down and arrested the assassin at a private gambling club known to be frequented by the Baron. Baron Tancred, who had earlier confessed to planting the £17.10s.6d and hiring the woman to embarrass Thomas, was then arrested. At a meeting of King Edmund's Star Chamber, during which the confession of the assassin is believed to have been pivotal, Tancred Mendoza was convicted of the murder of Thomas Castlemaine. Princess Eleanor has sentenced Mendoza to be hung, drawn and quartered within the month.

The Royal Household is currently arranging a State Funeral for Thomas Castlemaine, It will be held at the Temple of Torus on the first day next month. It is understood that all members of the Witanmoot and the Ironmongers Guild have been invited to attend.


In a rather subdued day of elections, two new Aldermen have been elected. The cornmonger, Gemma Downe, replaces the controversial George Bergeren as Alderman of Bassishaw, while in Levestone Malcolm Mowbray replaces his father-in-law as the Alderman. The latter result is believed to be due to a backlash by the locally powerful Vintners Guild against recent attacks; both against the guild itself, and against Cllr Perignon – one of its senior members.

Ternost 139

First published 21st December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Ternost in the year 139

Unease has been growing in the city since the early hours of the Ghostmoons, when a tall pillar of white flame was seen far across the marshes in the direction of Botmoor. Local villagers claim that this was the result of necromantic experiments by the Astrologer Royal, an opinion confirmed by several citizens who had spoken with him the day before. A group of young citizens were seen arguing and leaving with him through Marshgate the previous evening, and have not been seen since. An area on the edge of Botmoor has now been cordoned off by a detachment of the King's Rangers, but rumour speaks of glowing protective circles, barrows ripped open, corpses of chickens, pigs and mules littering the ground, and blood everywhere. There is even, it is whispered, a burnt and incomplete human corpse. Concern is growing that the old rites and practices for the Death God have been rediscovered. Several temples have already sent representatives to the Citadel seeking reassurances from the King, and pressure is now growing for the Lord of the City to take action.

After last month's unrest over alleged price fixing by the Vintners Guild, Alderman James Isenbard (Chair of the Trade committee) has been investigating the incident and has released the following statement: "The Guild of Vintners has a responsibility both to its members and to its customers, and they have agreed to investigate all incidences of mis-pricing. If, as I suspect, trouble is needlessly being stirred up by agitators, then if civil unrest doesn't calm down this will become purely a Law & Order matter. This office, and I'm sure the entire Council, strongly disapproves of anyone trying to stir up trouble merely for political ends. I hope that this is not just an attempt to attack Vintners before the forthcoming elections. This office endorses the role of the Guild in sorting out its own market, and if citizens feel that the wine is too expensive or unpleasant, then don't buy it." There have been no further incidents of unrest over wine-pricing.

Councillor Armundus Septer has been denouncing Cllr Beatrice Perignon in the Witanmoot this month, accusing her of conspiring to steal grain from the Cornmongers Guild. Alderman Martin Key has ordered that she attends a Hearing next month. Fellow guildmember Malcolm Mowbray, in an informal comment to the chroniclers said; "I'm sure that this is just a manifestation of the ongoing rivalry between Cllrs Perignon and Septer, and I'm sure Martin will not permit his close association with Cllr Septer to influence his judgement in any way."

Meanwhile, outside Oldgate, the same Cllr Perignon was meeting the athletic Miranda Andrews in a duel to settle alleged insults at the Higharvestide Ball. Beatrice, looking rather stiff and uneasy, made the first attack. Miranda lightly avoided the cut and bounced forward to run her foil through Beatrice's shoulder. The Torian Priest stopped the fight immediately and ordered Cllr Perignon to be taken to the Temple. The Temple has since advised Alderman Key that Beatrice will not be able to attend a Hearing before Skelern next year. It appears that once again our intrepid Cllr Castlemaine is under arrest, this time he appears to have been detained upon entering the Citadel and asking for a private audience with the Princess. We understand that he is not actually being charged with an offense; a spokeswoman for the Knight-Marshall stated "It has been decided that, for his own safety, Cllr Castlemaine should be held in protective custody." We conclude that the two lovers have not yet managed to elope, but are still working on the idea.

At a packed trial, Ellis Devon, formerly a councillor in the ward of Faringdon, was convicted of numerous counts of Treachery. Lord Raphael in summing up stated that "We must make an example of this man. Those who stand for office take upon themselves a great duty, a trust which the people of their ward rely upon. Ellis Devon has abused this honour and must be made to pay for this betrayal. I have no hesitation in ordering his execution." Cllr Falgar, who once again was the prime witness at the trial, commented; "I wholeheartedly endorse the comments of Lord Raphael, there is no no alternative to clobbering people who commit, or even contemplate, foul treachery". Following a plea for clemency from the Skinners Guild, the sentence was reduced to indefinite imprisonment.

The Marcs' consortium are pleased to announce the opening of a new tavern in Faringdon's Coinchase Hill, by the name of the 'Hat and Firkin'. All the popular beers from their other pub, the 'Empty Barrel' in Welland, will be available here. Fellow Brewers are also reminded that entries are now invited for the annual Beer Festival in Portsoken.

The Weston family of Portsoken is offering a reward for information leading to the safe return of their children, Susan and Philip, who went missing on the last day of Kryll. The children were last seen near the docks at midday, and it is feared that they have been abducted by some foreign ship.

The Vintners' Guild is pleased to announce a Yuletide Ball in aid of Gax's Orphanage. Cllr Mowbray, who is organising the event, commented that Lord Raphael, the Knight-Marshall and many other notables had already agreed to attend what promises to be a marvellous social occasion. He also expressed the hope that all councillors would take time off from their Midwinter campaigning to support this worthy cause. Tickets cost 5 shillings and, since the Guild is covering the cost of the event, all proceeds will go directly to the Orphanage.

His Majesty the King is delighted to announce that, from Ternost, Her Highness the Princess Eleanor will be attending the Temple of Torus. Her Highness will be residing, for the duration of her instruction, in apartments above Oldgate. The Temple of Hahn has refused to comment on this apparent rebuff.


First published 21st December 2017 (Last Modified 28th August 2023)


Ghostmoons is one of the five main feast days occurring in the Athion year. It marks the onset of the winter snows, and the end of travelling and of war until the spring re-melting. It is a day for remembering the dead; graves and shrines are decorated, and many tales are told of ancient heroes and lost treasure.

For the dead, burial and cremation are both common, possibly reflecting the lasting popularity of the Earth Goddess Daleth, and the Fire Goddess Brynette. In the City of Linrodeth it is rare for a family to have a nearby burial ground, so ancestors are usually honoured with a house shrine (with or without ancestral ashes). Burial rites vary greatly between religions; the Hahnites are noted for their enormously elaborate ceremonies, the Dalethians for their spartan practicality, and the Torians for their twilight dirges.

An odd device is found in ceremonies and on shrines of many denominations. This complex labyrinth is known as the Path of the Dead and is popularly supposed to represent the journey that the soul must undertake after death. What is found at the centre (Judgement, Healing, Rebirth or Eternal Rest) again depends on one’s beliefs. Souls attempting to take a short-cut are doomed to be trapped in Limbo forever. It is believed that on Ghostmoons, it is these souls that return to the world. These ghosts are felt as an area of intense cold or seen as a pale flicker. Although often disturbing and sometimes frightening to meet, ghosts rarely have enough energy to disturb the material world, and there are no reliable accounts of them ever harming a living person.


The times of Cascorach Ghostmoons 139

First published 20th December 2017

The times of Cascorach

for the festival of Ghostmoons in the Year 139

News from Linrodeth

Duke Alexander ‘gravely ill’

Duke Alexander is reported to be ‘gravely ill’ in Linrodeth, following a duel with a local city councillor, Thomas Castlemaine. The best chirugeons of the Temple of Torus are reported to have been summoned to the Citadel to tend to the Duke, and Baron Tancred Mendoza is refusing to comment on events.

Thomas Castlemaine, an active councillor for the Dowgate ward of the city, apparently challenged the Duke to a duel over the hand of the Princess. The Duke accepted the challenge, confident that his superior skill and Thomas Castlemaine’s painful gout would see him through.

The duel was fought in one of the halls of the citadel (it is rumoured that Princess Eleanor was secretly watching the duel). Duke Alexander quickly gained first blood but then lowered his guard, assuming that the duel was over. However, Thomas Castlemaine then launched a vicious attack on Duke Alexander, which left the Duke unconscious on the floor and the Duke’s second, Baron Mendoza, rushed him to the safety of his chambers.

Thomas Castlemaine was detained prior to the Princess’ eighteenth birthday celebrations following the discovery of his serenading of the Princess at the Temple of Hahn. He was released following the Ball but was suffering from gout at the time of the duel as a result of his confinement.

Thomas Castlemaine has not been seen since the duel.

Local News

Grave concern and best wishes for the Duke’s early recovery were expressed by the Steward of Caradache on receiving the news of the Duke’s injuries. Baroness Shellay Silveria of Rosendale said “I am sure that I speak for all of Cascorach when I say that I wish for the Duke’s early recovery to good health. I appeal for calm in the city and request that all citizens of Cascorach return to their usual activities as soon as possible. News will be given to the public as we receive it here at the Castle.”

When the news first arrived in Cascorach, it was strongly rumoured that the Duke was already dead, and speculation on who King Edmund would appoint as his successor was rife. Prices of all goods rocketed on receipt of the of the news and several riots had to be put down by the City Guard and, on two occasions, the Caradache Garrison.

Baroness Shellay Silveria of Rosendale has imposed a night curfew on the city until further notice.

News from Salvoyn

The heavy tariffs imposed earlier this year by the Ladies of Salvoyn have been lifted following reassurances from both the City States and the City of Linrodeth. Both groups deny any attempt to undercut the merchant families of Salvoyn and have undertaken to match prices offered by the families. For their part the Ladies have lifted the tariffs, but insist that if any undercutting takes place they will be reimposed immediately.

Gelt activity has been very scarce this year according to Prince Edward, The fifth Infantry Regiment has not been involved in any major battles this year, thus vindicating his decision not to request that another regiment be sent to the area. The envoys from the City States report some activity by the Gelt barbarians on their side of the mountains, but nothing out of the ordinary (for the Gelt) and nothing that the City States can’t handle.

Kryll 139

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Kryll in the year 139

Civil unrest has been reported in many parts of the city after rumours of severe price fixing by the Vintners Guild. With the Crown Prince holding the pass to the Southern States, the continued high price of imported wine has come under increasing attack. A spokesman for the guild told our reporter "The problem is one of supply; the trade routes may be open now but no one in their right palate wants to drink this years wine, the good stuff (particularly the 137) is still in short supply. The guild will be pressing charges of misconduct as soon as we find out who is behind this blatant attempt to drum up unfounded discontent".

The Archimandrite of the Temple of Hahn is pleased to announce the following appointments: Plenipotentiary Llevelys (formally of Cortaine) is to oversee Orosius; Jasmine Beauvaire is now Plenipotentiary of Coritane; Mandatiens Jeremiah Bradwell and Torrel Bryneberian become Pendentites in Linrodeth. Plenipotentiary Jasmine and her entourage have already left the city in order to reach her homeland before the first snows. The departure of the Princess' principal tutor casts further doubt on whether Princess Eleanor will return to the temple. An alternative rumour, noting the continuing absence of Thomas Castlemaine, suggests that the young couple have already eloped.

Cllr Ellis Devon's trial opened this week before Sheriff Paston Courtney. Cllrs Falgar and Mowbray presented their evidence, but the Hahnite priest acting for Cllr Devon then appealed for more time to prepare the defence. Sheriff Courtney granted the request ant the trial was adjourned until Ternost 10th.

Back at the Witanmoot several interesting new alliances seem to be forming; surprise of the month is Matthew Dixon's wooing of Beatrice Perignon. Matthew appears to have decided to put their past disagreements behind him and make up, however his fawning efforts do not appear to be making much impression on Cllr Perignon, who appears to be barely tolerating his presence. More tasteful has been the careful manoeuvrings of councillors Marc and Falgar, who have had a number of evening meetings in Cllr Marc's private rooms at the Empty Barrel to 'discuss various matters'.

Cllr Howe of Shambles, has expressed distress at the agreement between Aldermen Belcher and Isenbard not to change the boundaries of Shambles and Welland. She stated that "We're used to Alderman Belcher doing our area down, but to have the Welland councillors capitulate like this has been a big disappointment. I'm particularly upset by Cllr Falgar's part in this, I really thought she would be on our side. We will continue to fight for what is an obviously sensible change, and I shall be appealing to the Overlord".

Prince Pharos and his retinue have boarded the 'Allapus' and departed for home, amid much well wishing and invitations to return. The Prince regretted that urgent matters of state forced him to return home, and expressed his hope that the King would consider visiting the City State of Kerun when the winter has passed.

Residents of Bardsgate are warned to be on their guard after a sudden increase in robberies around the college. The professionalism of the burglars has led Alderman Shefford to discount the original suspicion that this was the work of drunken students. The thieves appear to be specialists in gems, often leaving behind imitations and costume jewellery.

Lorinfall 139

First published 20th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Lorinfall in the year 139

This year's Higharvestide Ball opened with the traditional announcement by Shinannon the Wellkeeper of the harvest yield. This year's is poor but not alarming unless, as the Wellkeeper warned, certain people indulge in excessive hoarding. After polite applause the musicians struck up and the councillors swirled back to a world of their own. Lord Raphael circulated restlessly all evening, leaving Armundus largely to his lackeys, and paying most attention to Matthew Dixon, with Malcolm Mowbray, Olnorth Dexter and Tilly Falgar close behind. Reg Marc was largely ignored, as was Ellis Devon who was getting quietly drunk in one corner despite Alderman Faithside's best efforts. Towards the early hours civility decreased, and one of the noisier squabbles arose after Lilith Lansdowne unleashed some choice comments about Cllr Dexter's followers. Miranda Andrews (acting with rather more decorum than the banned Mrs Blessop) has asked Cllr Perignon to apologise for her follower's remarks, or face her in a duel within the month. Noticeably absent throughout the whole evening was Cllr Castlemaine, rumoured fiancée of the Princess, who has not been seen in public since the famous duel.

Cllr Ellis Devon's hearing took place last week under the critical gaze of Alderman George Rimon. Councillors Tiliniel Falgar and Malcolm Mowbray both produced evidence of his association with the more unsavoury elements within our city, then the questions began. Things started to go badly when Cllr Devon tried to out-bluster ol' George himself, and deteriorated when he was discovered 'being economical with the truth'. A "disgusted" Alderman Rimon ordered Councillor Devon to be brought to trial next month.

The council chamber is rife with rumours this month concerning the scandalous conduct of Cllr Matthew Jardine. Cllr Jardine, recently defected to the Septer faction from that of his erstwhile friend and mentor Cllr Perignon, is attempting to seduce Alderman Samantha Cox back to Armundus' party. He seems to be following his brief rather more literally than is normally thought wise for a married man with six children. Rumours of his successful tete a tete at a local restaurant appear to have preceded him home. Mrs Jardine’s comments are unpublishable.

A witness to the 'Dancing Bear' murder has come forward following our appeal in this paper last month. Subsequent investigations by Alderman Bert Belcher, with the assistance of a number of musicians, quickly tracked the killer down to a squalid tavern in Cadene. The killer, one John Pollenpox Bastard, severely wounded two members of the watch before being overpowered. Justice was speedily carried out and the felon hung at dawn the following day.

The Hahn Temple has been thrown into some confusion this month with the arrival of a messenger bearing news of the demise of Plenipotentiary Kirkmichael. Amid the manoeuvring and speculation the continued absence of the Princess Eleanor has almost gone unnoticed; the Princess was due to resume studies at the Temple after harvest.

Torian priests at the Citadel have announced that the Duke Alexander is now in a stable but highly uncomfortable condition, and will be unable to return to Cascorach before the spring thaw. Prince Pharos meanwhile has spent the month touring the nearby provinces in the company of Prince Kieran. It is not yet known whether he intends to overwinter in Linrodeth or return to Kerun.

The times of Cascorach Harvestide 139

First published 20th December 2017

The times of Cascorach

for the festival of Harvestide in the Year 139

Activity by the Gelt Barbarians appears to have occurred at much lower levels than in previous years,. No major raids on property or people have been reported during the past six months. Several factors are believed to be resp9onsible for this change in the balance of power in the area. The first major reason is believed to be last year’s harsh winter, which coupled with the bad harvest and low grain stocks throughout Athion is believed to have reduced the numbers of Gelt to new low levels. Secondly the loss of Cair Taned two years ago, and the failure of the Gelt to recapture the stronghold in the last year is believed to have reduced the morale of the Gelt barbarians. Finally the actions of Baron Morgan de Huengenaunt (aided by Baroness Shellay Silveria) in the local area is believed to have had a major effect on the willingness of the local Gelt to continue their attacks.

Baroness Shellay Silveria, acting as the Steward of Cascorach, held the Dragonfeast at Caradache Castle. Several petitions were heard, including one from Baron Morgan de Huengenaunt for a reduced tithe this year to help his Barony recover from last autumn’s and winter’s attacks by the Gelt.

Eorliane Cynthia Fitzholme and Baron Edvard Caerlon have returned to Cascorach following their ‘Honeymoon’ in Bethesda. The couple are refusing to talk about events of about a year ago, but sources in the Castle report that if Eorliane Fitzholme finds out exactly what happened, someone is going to pay.

News from Linrodeth

Princess Eleanor’s eighteenth birthday celebrations were held in the Temple of Hahn, and started at eight o’clock in the evening. Duke Alexander and two of the other suitors were introduced to the Princess, but Prince Pharos of Kerun arrived late. Gifts and compliments were exchanged with the Princess, however polite insults were exchanged with Lady Caroline (originally from the Barony of Rothesay) until her lapdog became mysteriously ill.

The guests were, at times, more interested in discussing trade rather than talking to the Princess, much to the Princess’ disgust. Lady Caroline, at times, seemed more interested in Pendentite Edward (the senior Hahnite present as the Archimandrite was attending his Majesty at Salvoyn). Prince Konrad of Garth appears to have been planning to kidnap the fair Princess, and nearly succeeded but for the intervention of the other guests.

Following the Princess’ retirement, Prince Pharos of Kerun and Prince Khalid of Orissa indulged in undiplomatic exchanges concerning the State Regalia of Orissa, These two City States have subsequently declared war.

Duke Alexander remains in Linrodeth following the Princess’ Ball, as does Prince Pharos. Prince Pharos has been suffering unexplained outbreaks of fire on board his ship.

News from Salvoyn

The King held Dragonfeast here in Salvoyn and heard several petitions. One of the petitions included one from the Baron Rothesay arguing that the Duchy of Cranbourne should be administered from Cascorach, but should revert to the Crown. In reply, his Majesty regretted that he did not feel able to act at this time, particularly as Duke Alexander was currently in Linrodeth and so could not be consulted for his side of the argument.

Arvinoth 139

First published 20th December 2017 (Last Modified 28th August 2023)

The Chronicle

of the month of Arvinoth in the year 139

Unconfirmed rumours from the Citadel suggest that the dashing young councillor, Thomas Castlemaine, has won the Princess' hand in marriage after a bloody duel with Duke Alexander Calverin. The best of the Torian chirugeons have been summoned to the Citadel where the Duke is said to be "gravely ill". Thomas Castlemaine's flamboyant (and possibly successful) courtship of the Princess appears to be one in the eye for Lady Sapphire who rejected him as a suitor earlier in the year. An exasperated and irritable chancellor, Baron Tancred Mendoza, is refusing to comment further on the Duke's current status.

Residents from Welland and Shambles have been helping to clear up after a group of armed men attacked customers in the "Dancing Bear" inn. The customers, mostly 'resting' mercenaries, defended themselves without loss; but an unarmed 12 year old boy was killed in the backyard as the attackers withdrew. Any witnesses to this despicable murder are asked to contact Alderman Bert Belcher immediately. The proprietor, Erik Wyvernsfield, would like to re-assure neighbours that the use of swords in no way conforms to the in-house brawling rules.

There are mysterious manoeuvrings in the Armundus Septer camp. After a thorough re-organisation of his faction, Armundus appears to have 'given' Samantha Cox to the Mowbray faction. Discarding such an experienced follower as Alderman Cox is unprecedented, is an Alliance party about to be formed?

Cllr Ellis Devon has been accused of misconduct and is required to attend a hearing before his Alderman, George 'hang em high' Rimon, early next month. Cllr Devon is accused by Cllr Tilly Falgar, who claims to have uncovered evidence of Treachery, and is determined to bring him to justice. Cllr Falgar has of course, only recently recruited Alderman Belcher away from Ellis Devon's faction.

Party time! Those citizens who had any energy left under the blazing summer heat, had a choice of entertainment this month. Ex-gaolbird Matthew Dixon was throwing a discrete binge above his carpenters shop for all his old friends and lackeys. Over in Dracas ward Cllr Olnorth Dexter was throwing a not so discrete banquet and orgy in his ancestral hall. For some strange reason, Cllr Perignon was the only notable not to receive an invite to either of these freebies.

Wanted – A small group of sensible citizens to participate in a series of arcane investigations over the night of the Ghostmoons. Pay negligible but opportunities for education unlimited. Apply to Astrologer Royal, Citadel.

Setheran 139

First published 20th December 2017 (Last Modified 28th August 2023)

The Chronicle

of the month of Setheran in the year 139

This years Midsummer Fair on a cloudy and showery day, was subdued in nature, with many stallholders making ominous comments on the Salvoyn tariffs. The archery competition fortunately showed a marked improvement over previous years, drawing the comment "adequate" from Sir Salverian. The eventual winner of the gilt arrow was Captain Kurt, looking fully recovered from the wounds inflicted by the floating market scum. The Stone Cup was this year won by some surprise outsiders – the college students, who were still celebrating well into the following day. Fat Sal retained the pig -wrestling prize, and although aficionados spoke wistfully of Erik the Finger's stunning new technique, the big man himself was not competing. The day ended with a formal announcement that the two sheriffs had been re-elected unopposed.

The following day, Dragonfeast, dawned grey but dry. The Knight-Marshall and Lord Raphael Fitz-Simmons held open audiences by the Mootstone. The huge pile of petitions will probably take some time to clear, although some were granted immediately. These fortunate petitioners included Gax (official founder of the new orphanage) and Baron Scrope.

Early in the month the Court of Common Council convened to tackle the problems of civil unrest and the Salvoyn tariffs. On both subjects Alderman James Isenbard gave a lengthy and competent speech submitting, by way of conclusion, a number of motions for the council to debate in the coming month; one being a motion of censure and the others essentially escalating Linrodeth's own tariffs. These motions were seconded by Samantha Cox.

Citizens appear to be reassured by this firm response and no further incidents of protest have been reported, although the guilds remain wary and secretive. A little over a week after the announcement a reply was received from Salvoyn via the Envoy, Alan Griffiths. Salvoyn has agreed to drop the tariffs rather than compete in an unprofitable tariff war.

The ships 'Uselysses' and 'Allapsus' continue to dominate the docklands while their owners, Duke Alexander and Prince Pharos, await the King's return. The two failed suitors have already sailed home. While in port the Allapsus has been suffering from mysterious outbreaks of fires. The guard has been doubled, but the local watch remain unable to discover the cause of these fires.

The political disaster of the season has descended on Olnorth Dexter while he was relaxing into a series of informal concerts. Lilith Lansdowne has resigned her post as one of his chief lieutenants, returning to her old crony, Beatrice Perignon's party. Her departure has caused so much dissent and confusion that Olnorth's party has shrunk to a tiny faction of its former state. Disinterested observers have described Alderman Lansdowne's timing as "impeccable". The other Alderman on the move this month is Bert Belcher, who has quietly teamed up with the young apothecary Tilly Falgar. Rumour has it that the worthy meatmonger remains unconvinced of Ellis Devon's recovery. Since his disastrous duel Cllr Devon has made only sporadic forays into public life.

Our love-lorn councillor, Thomas Castlemaine, has been released from his luxurious detainment in the Hahnite temple. Unfortunately, no-one thought to warn him of an excellent reputation of their cellars and kitchens, and he is now suffering from a painful relapse into gout. Elsewhere socialite Poppy Soboll has fallen heavily for the respectable widower Osgeard Dunn. An unlikely pairing one might have thought, still, the Chroniclers wish them the best of luck.

Best news of the month is that the floating market has been broken up by the Noord living there. The large, mysterious structure built in the centre of the market was revealed as a longship when the Noord stepped the mast and rigged a colourful patchwork sail. Breaking out of the market with much enthusiasm, little skill and total disregard for anything in their path, the Noord took a couple of turns around the Ishta before heading upriver with a following wind. The Citadel appears to have been taken totally by surprise and although riders have been sent upriver to warn the market towns, it is unlikely that they will outpace the longship until the wind drops.

The duel between Malcolm Mowbray and Elliot Anderson was quickly resolved. The two councillors managed a few exchanges before Elliot, being even more cautious than Malcolm, retreated too hastily and stumbled. He was forced to concede before Cllr Mowbray would allow him to regain his feet and his dignity.

Late news from the Mootstone! Gibian Horl has returned from the Dragonfeast at Salvoyn bearing a writ from the King. Hurrying straight to the Mootstone from the ship, Alderman Horl read the scroll aloud to the curious onlookers:

Let it be known that we are much pleased by our subject Matthew Dixon and his fellows for their prompt and most effective actions during the time of famine which afflicted our beloved city of Linrodeth. Thereof we are pleased to bestow a Free Pardon on the said Matthew Dixon. By our hand, this Dragonfeast day:

With only a brief delay for repetitions and verification of the seal, Matthew Dixon was duly released.