Tag name:Linrodeth

Skelern 142

First published 22nd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Skelern in the year 142

Councillor Matthew Dixon narrowly escaped death last month when an assassin attacked him in the ward of Dowgate. Cllr Dixon was rushed to the Torian Temple, where his condition is described as critical. It is believed that the assassin, who escaped into the Floating Market, was hired by the Nyskildian Embassy as part of a campaign against Cllr Dixon. Other incidents included the kidnap of his daughter Elizabeth, an attack upon his home during which Roland was nearly killed, and the assassination attempt itself. With Cllr Dixon in the infirmary it was acting Alderman Beatrice Perignon who solved the mystery, tracking down one of the assailants to a bar in Ishtan where he was captured by the watch. It was this prisoner who later identified Elran Calberne, a guard at the Nyskildian Embassy, as the man behind the attack. Suspicion had already fallen on Calberne, and Cllr Perignon ordered his arrest. Beatrice was later able to announce to the Witanmoot the safe recovery of Elizabeth. Harlan Jargelson, a representative at the Embassy told the Chronicle, "This entire incident is a disgraceful example of Linrodeth's arrogance and stupidity. Elran has been framed for this crime in an attempt to cover up political intrigue within the Witanmoot. Why else would an attempt be made on his life, only half an hour after the attack on Cllr Dixon? It is my intention to bring this entire issue before the King upon his return."

This year's midwinter elections have seen the return to politics of the ever popular Kennet Maxil, who has been returned as the Alderman for Cadene. Another upset was Philip Portman, who lost his Aldermanship to Olnorth Dexter. Beatrice Perignon, riding high on popularity following the kidnap investigation, was returned as Alderman of Levestone, ousting fellow vintner Malcolm Mowbray from that post. Leonard Tholin once again gave George Rimon a run for his money, but failed to gain the Aldermanship.

Newly elected councillors this year include Joanna Paynell, Godfrey Russell, Margery Haynes, Harry Truestaff and Adam Avery. The Chroniclers wish them all possible success in their endeavours.

In recognition of Beatrice Perignon's services to the city, Lord Courtney is pleased to confirm that all convictions previously relating to Beatrice Perignon have been repealed and quashed. Lord Courtney stated that the evidence presented at the trial was obviously trumped up as part of Armundus Septer's attempts to discredit respectable citizens and spread sedition, "I am very pleased to have this opportunity of endorsing Beatrice Perignon's election as Alderman". It is believed that Alderman Perignon has also received an undisclosed sum of money as compensation for the wrongful conviction.

With her new-found duties Beatrice has had to turn over further investigation of the Nyskilde incident to Cllr Dixon, who is convinced that further conspiracies remain to be uncovered. Despite these duties Alderman Perignon has found time to wine and dine Sir Henry Longbridge, who is obviously missing the company of Aralan Derwent. Cllr Derwent meanwhile, is slowly convalescing, with frequent visits to the Torian Infirmary to ply the recumbent Witanmoot guard with offers of drink.

Ann Tasker is continuing to lobby the Witanmoot for a full public investigation into Armundus Septer's 'disappearance' while in the custody of the city's prison. "Armundus has gone missing under what can only be described as 'mysterious' circumstances. I find the Law & Order Committee and the Witanmoot's failure to investigate most intriguing, and hope that it is not a sign that an official cover up is taking place." Pending further action by the authorities, Ann Tasker is believed to have hired a group from the 'Dancing Bear' to enquire into Cllr Septer's disappearance.

Kruthos 141

First published 22nd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Kruthos in the year 141

Following the ritual murders carried out last month, an investigation headed by Aralan Derwent resulted in the surveillance of properties in the Ward of Shambles. Despite or because of this (accounts differ) two citizens of the Ward were later found to have been murdered in their bed, and Alderman Bert Belcher has made numerous and loud complaints to the Court of Common Council over the intrusion of the Witanmoot Guard into his Ward. In reply Lord Courtney has been equally scathing of the Shambles Watch disturbance of the surveillance. Meanwhile the investigating patrol of the Witanmoot guard uncovered the existence of a stone circle within the city, centred on Cllr Derwent's own Ward of Berewic. A raid on the house at the centre of the circle resulted in the largest fight the city has seen since the Levestone riots. The "Battle of Berewic" ended with a total of 14 people dead, 9 arrested and 7 Witanmoot Guard plus Cllr Derwent seriously injured. The Committee for Law and Order has set up a Court of Enquiry at Alderman Lansdowne's mansion to look into the incident. Cllr Beatrice Perignon has been appointed Acting Alderman for Levestone during Mowbray's absence.

In the run up to the Midwinter elections all factions have put their campaigns into full swing, with more time and money being spent on canvassing and party-coloured bunting than ever before. Once again it appears that the Justice League is the only group to achieve a full campaign across the city, although the Perignon faction has a strong showing in most wards. The only major absence is that of the injured councillor Aralan Derwent, who had previously maintained that, "its never too early to start knocking up".

Citizens in the Ward of Levestone and nearby are urged to assist with an extensive search which is now underway for Lord Courtney's missing granddaughter, five year old Elizabeth Dixon. Little Elizabeth was last seen wearing a pink dress with white apron, and playing with her massive black and grey cat called 'Tiddles'. The cat is also missing.

The Knight Marshall has ordered an audit of the city's granary stores, after a meeting with representatives of the Cornmongers Guild. The two sides had failed to agree a price for the fulfilment of the Citadel's autumn grain order, which was substantially larger than expected. Guild Treasurer Leonard Tholin told the Chronicle, "If the Knight Marshall is going to insist on running the city's reserves down to nothing, I think it only right that he should pay for the privilege".

In an interesting court case Cllr Edge has been defeated in his attempt to have the watch of Dowgate censured for failing to prevent the attack on the Floating Market. Summing up Magistrate Arnold stated, "As Gax has most eloquently shown, the Watch did indeed deliberately fail to prevent the attack on the Floating Market. However, as neither the market nor the wall from which the attack was launched are within the jurisdiction of the Watch they cannot be brought to account over this failure." Charain Meduenin, a Solistel representative of the market called by Gax to give evidence, later told the Chronicle, "This case proves that we in the market cannot expect justice from the City, which made no attempt to stop or investigate this attack. It is clear that we must protect ourselves and I warn those who contemplate attacking us that in future we will administer our own justice".

Ternost 141

First published 22nd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Ternost in the year 141

In the run up to the midwinter elections, and perhaps disconcerted by the downfall of Armundus Septer who until recently was one of the city's most influential people, our remaining councillors have been at pains to demonstrate their good intentions, pureness and wisdom. Both motions, to reform the selection of emissaries and to appoint an emissary to Cascorach, were passed with near unanimous support. The only dissent came from Olivia Warin who succeeded in pushing through an amendment. This will mean that in special circumstances Aldermen can be elected as emissaries, but must now consent to their nomination.

Julia and Roland appear to have settled into the Dixon household, and it looks like the reconciliation between the two families might hold. Beatrice seems especially pleased that they have chosen the name Perignon, although rumour has it that she was somewhat less pleased when she eventually received the bill for that wedding dress.

The grain tax crisis produced the most heated debate of the month, with Alderman Rimon calling for the Linrodeth's marching watch to be raised, in order to quell any potential rebellion of the Barons. How­ever this was thought to be something of an over reaction by most of the council, especially since the city is now deep in snow and the dispute has become somewhat academic. However, resentment is still smouldering, and come the spring the city may once again find itself the centre of unrest.

Cllr Edge of Castle Bard has brought formal charges against the Watch of Dowgate over the incident in Lorinfall where the Watch failed to prevent an attack on the Floating Market. Cllr Edge confirmed to the Chronicle that Gax the Heretic would be willing to present evidence on behalf of the people of the Floating Market. Cllr Buggs Moran of Dowgate commented to the Chroniclers, "Edge is a typical example of the bleeding heart liberals who have let the city slide into its current state of decay. Like the boats of the scum he is seeking to protect, his case is full of holes."

Rumour has it that the Chairman for Law and Order, Malcolm Mowbray, spent a fair part of the month canvassing support for a motion to outlaw duelling. However, given Cllrs Dixon and Dexter's inclination towards the activity he didn't appear to get very far, and has instead turned to practising with his rapier. He was last seen mumbling bitterly about people fighting with toys, and seen still wielding it like a broadsword.

Overheard late one night in the approximate vicinity of Cllr Derwent, "I wonder what happens if I seduce a Chronicler?" We will be dispatching our intrepid reporters to find out!

The city was shocked and disgusted by a vile display of necromancy and demon worship which occurred last night (the 13th day of Ternost). Ritual murders were committed through the wards of Levestone, Berewic, Bridge, Dowgate, Arpent and Faringdon, with perhaps the most audacious being committed at the Mootstone itself. The murders all occurred at midnight, with the bodies being left bleeding into the snow. All the murderers escaped, except for one man who was killed by Hahn Temple guards, and a number of councillors have been highly critical of the local Watches. Lord Courtney has ordered an immediate investigation, and any citizen who may have any relevant information should contact the Witanmoot Guard.

Kryll 141

First published 22nd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Kryll in the year 141

Lord Courtney has proposed another change in the electoral system of Linrodeth, which would prevent Aldermen from being elected as Emissaries. He stated that, "as the Alderman is the ward magistrate, it is quite iniquitous to have them away from the city for an extended period of time". The proposal has gained widespread support from amongst the Aldermen and the Councillors. Alderman Alan Carter has also proposed that the post of Emissary to Cascorach be created to reflect that city's growing importance since the Princess' marriage. Both motions will go to a full vote of the Witanmoot next month.

The surprise social event of the month has been the second wedding of Julia Perignon and Roland Dixon. It would appear that once the families recovered from the shock they decided that a 'proper' wedding was in order and a stupendously extravagant ceremony took place at the Temple of Hahn. Julia Perignon managed to outshine the Temple itself with an incredible dress in dazzling cloth of gold which cascaded from her waist to a full length train edged in pearls which flowed behind. The tight bodice was intricately embroidered with pearl motifs depicting symbols of love and fidelity. The long wide sleeves fell to the floor showing the close fitted of the red velvet underdress. Her hair was in a circlet of plaits which were adorned with pearls and a floor-length veil of pale gold gauze embroidered with golden thread. Roland by contrast wore a simple crimson doublet and cape, with gold knotwork and ceremonial rapier. A small private reception was held at the Vintners Hall that evening and the Watch of Levestone spent most of the night keeping uninvited well wishers and the merely curious out.

Armundus Septer has escaped from prison, and is believed to have left the city despite the snow. Ex-councillor Septer escaped on the night of the Ghostmoons. The guards at Cripplegate prison are convinced it was with demonic assistance, describing arcane blue light radiating out from under the door. Their subsequent courageous entrance proved that Septer no longer occupied the cell, and their search of the surrounding area was further hampered by the new law which closed the city gates for the duration of the night. The following morning revealed no footprints in the snow surrounding the city, further evidence of the use of unknown magicks, Alderman Mowbray, the Chairman for Law and Order, is predictably furious and has ordered a full investigation. However with the Astrologer Royal away from the city, this could take some time.

The unrest over the high grain tax has continued this month, with a number of barons joining the dispute on the side of the peasants. Baron Scrope is reported to have complained that the city is milking his lands dry, and has lodged a protest with the King. The Chairman for Lands and Agriculture, Susan Faithside, told the chronicle, "The problem is that people are taking a short term view. It's true that this years harvest has been a good one, however our stocks have been seriously depleted over the last few years and unless strong action is taken to replenish them now, a poor harvest next year could prove devastating." She refused to comment on rumours that the city has been considering dispatching the Witanmoot Guard to deal with the situation.

One person missing from the council chambers this month is Aralan Derwent, who has been suffering from a mysterious illness. The Chronicle has been unable to confirm rumours that the arch-seducer has finally fallen for Sir Henry, and is actually lovesick.

Lorinfall 141

First published 22nd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Lorinfall in the year 141

On the first day after the Higharvestide feast, Lord Paston Courtney convened a special court for the trial of Councillor Armundus Septer. The defendant was noticeably more alert than on the previous occasion, but even from the public galleries it was apparent that the year's events had taken a toll on his health.

The prosecution opened with a lengthy account of the riot in Levestone during Heliora, and of Alderman Mowbray's subsequent investigation into its start. A number of ringleaders were identified, both by the Alderman and during the testimony of a pale Beatrice Perignon, whose house was the main target of the rioters. Oddly, Cllr Perignon also appeared to blame the rioters for the death of her son Guimar. Testimony from Charles Smith, a journeyman of the Dixon household, described how one of the ringleaders had approached him the afternoon before the riots, and had tried to bribe him to join in. The prosecution concluded with the results of the interrogation of the ringleaders, which revealed that their funding had come from a cloaked patron, who they identified as Armundus Septer due to his distinctively slurred voice.

The defending Mandatien began by establishing an alibi for Armundus on the night he was suspected of having met the rioters. She then called several of the Witanmoot Guard to confirm that the mob had been chanting in support of the exiled Roland Dixon throughout the night of rioting. The defence went on to show that a person matching Roland's description had been seen in the area on the night of the meeting, the implication being that Roland had been impersonating Armundus for his own ends. As the court adjourned for the night it appeared that this explanation was accepted, and Lord Courtney indicated that a verdict would be given first thing in the morning.

The following day Lord Courtney's summing up was rudely interrupted by the sudden and noisy appearance of Roland Dixon himself, dragging a less than serene Wellkeeper behind him. Despite the efforts of the Witanmoot Guard, Roland refused to be quieted until Lord Courtney allowed him to take the oath and give testimony. Roland then insisted that much of Armundus' defence was based on a lie because he, Roland, had been in a Wellhouse of Daleth at the time.

"So you spent all that month in prayer and meditation then, hmm?" enquired Courtney.

‘Well not exactly, no," Roland admitted.

Why not?"

"I was on honeymoon."

"? __________ ?"

In fact," continued Roland, glancing apprehensively at Beatrice, "it was Julia Perignon I had just got married to. So you see I really didn't have any reason for starting the riots."

When the ensuing uproar finally died down, the Dalethian priest was able to confirm these extraordinary events, and a rather belated round of congratulations took place. At the conclusion of this Armundus Septer was found guilty and sentenced to 5 years in prison.

Reports from the countryside confirm that a bumper harvest has been reaped this year, and a moderately high tribute has been set in order to replenish the city granaries this year. Additionally, the city hopes to be able to fill the equally large order from the Citadel, whose stocks have also been reduced over the past few years. Unfortunately, it appears that the peasantry have taken exception to these precautions, and have attacked a number of city officers and cornmongers attempting to organise granary trains. A number of troops have been sent out to keep order and to protect the reeves, and it is thought that no further protests will occur.

The dispute between the Carpenters and the Thatchers Guilds escalated this month when Marc Bergeren refused to retract his comments in last month's Chronicle, claiming that he was only acting in his official capacity as Guildmaster of the Thatchers. After a closed session in their 'Guildhall', the Thatchers confirmed that he was speaking for the Guild. A livid Paston Courtney added the matter onto the agenda of the Court of Common Council for the following day. During the debate Marc spiritedly defended the right of Thatchers to call the Carpenters "bastards", before agreeing to abide by the decision of the Council. It quickly became apparent that the other speakers objected to the remarks and the matter quickly went to a vote. The Council was unanimous in condemning the action of the Thatchers as "bringing the city into disrepute", and demanded an apology as well as fining the Guild £3. A delighted Marc Bergeren obliged with a payment and apology on the spot. A senior Hahnite has confirmed for the Chroniclers that this motion did, in fact, amount to official recognition by the Council of the existence of an independent Thatchers Guild. A spokesman for the Carpenters Guild would only comment, "Oh shit!" before disappearing at a run.

The Chroniclers found time this month to attend the duel between Arianne Pencric, commonly held to be one of the three best duellists in the city, and Alderman Malcolm Mowbray, whose distaste for the sport is legendary. Presumably at the cautious Alderman's insistence, the duel itself was held outside the Torian Temple, which was just as well since the duel quickly came to its predicted conclusion. The Chroniclers wish Alderman Mowbray a speedy recovery.

News just in from the Duchy of Cascorach reports a significant victory by the Princess' army against an unexpected invasion by the City State of Adaqua. The Adaquan forces were apparently repelled after a major battle on the Athion border. The Princess is thought to be particularly pleased by the heroic actions of the Hahnite Cavalry, under the leadership of Sir Menzies, who fought off a decisive ambush attempt without a single loss from their own forces. Along with a noticeable reduction in the number of Gelt raids, this has ensured a superb harvest this year. The omens are therefore looking extremely good for the birth of the Princess' first child in the new year.

A deliberate attempt was made last week to set fire to the Floating Market. A number of unknown assailants shot fire arrows into the market from the top of the overlooking city wall. The attack lasted for several minutes, and the Watch of Dowgate has been criticised for failing to respond to the attack. Councillor Edges of Castle Bard told the Chronicle, "I was in Dowgate at the time and, seeing the attack, summoned the watch. However, when they arrived they just stood there and did nothing." Cllr Moran, replying on behalf of the Watch explained, "There wasn't anything we could do. The wall is the King's property."

An unexpected arrival in the port last week was The Allapsus, which collected the ambassador Festus Perara and household before returning to Salvoyn for the winter. It appears the Princess Selina is insisting on his presence after all!

Arvinoth 141

First published 22nd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Arvinoth in the year 141

In his first act as Sheriff, Alan Griffiths has placed Cllr Armundus Septer under house arrest, pending a trial to take place next month. Sheriff Griffiths was at pains throughout the hearing to show impartiality, and after careful consideration he decided that sufficient evidence had been presented by Alderman Mowbray and Cllr Perignon for a full trial to be held. Many citizens will remember that Armundus is no stranger to such events, in Galemir of last year he faced a trial on charges of sedition which were brought by the same people. Indeed the similarity of the events has led Ariane Pencric to accuse Alderman Mowbray of "hounding a disabled old man to his death", and she has challenged him to a duel.

The election of the new Alderman of Dracas has produced a surprise result. Nearly everyone had assumed that Olnorth Dexter would easily win the contest, however Philip Portman was elected with 121 votes to Dexter's 99, and Sharon Berhon trailing at 50 votes. Philip ascribed his success to the support of Cllr Perignon whose large faction swamped the combined efforts of the Justice League. Two people noticeably absent from the vote were Sheriff Cox and Alderman Mowbray. Alderman Mowbray later denied rumours of a split; "We were simply far too busy working on the Septer case" he claimed.

His Majesty the King has announced that Prince Kieran is to lead a detachment of the Kings Rangers to the Gravelkinden, which has recently been suffering from serious banditry. The Chronicle notes that this appointment strengthens Prince Kieran's involvement with the Rangers, and give credence to the rumours that he will be given formal command on them come his Eighteenth birthday next Skelern.

A major dispute seems to be brewing between the Carpenters Guild and the Thatchers Guild. The Carpenters have accused the Thatchers of wildly inflating the prices they are charging when working for the Carpenters Guild. When the Chronicle asked Guildmaster Marc 'the Thatcher' Bergeren for a comment on the dispute, he told us, "The Carpenters have treated the thatchers as slave labour for years. Now that His Majesty has granted us a guild charter we are merely redressing the balance. In my opinion the bastards deserve everything they get." Lord Courtney has demanded that Marc withdraw these statements against his guild, however the Thatchers are remaining defiant.

Plans for the relocation of the Floating Market seem to be progressing slowly, Cllr Duncan Barnett has been expressing his support for the scheme, as a means of eliminating the competition the market presents to the Guilds of Linrodeth. However although everyone seems to support the idea, few constructive suggestions have come forward on how it should be achieved. Cllr Buggs Moran of Dowgate has proposed one novel solution, " We set fire to this end of it and see how fast it moves".

Amid much pomp, Plenipotentiary Belleme has left for the Dukedom of Cascorach. He will be accompanied by Sir Menzies, the Archimandrite's personal envoy, and a full company of the Knights Templar, led by Sir Magnus. The Temple has been unwilling to comment on the reason for all this military might, however they have denied rumours that it is there to protect Edward from the attentions of the Lady Caroline.

Setheran 141

First published 22nd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Setheran in the year 141

The Archimandrite is pleased to announce that, at the special request of the Princess Eleanor, Edward de Belleme is to become the new Plenipotentiary of Cascorach. The appointment follows the retirement due to ill health of the current Plenipotentiary, Henry Algernon Persevanten, who will be leaving for a Hahnite retreat in the Celidon Forest. Edward de Belleme, currently a Pendentite in the Linrodeth Temple, said that he was "pleased and honoured" to have been chosen for the task, and that he hoped to be in Cascorach by Higharvestide.

The Chroniclers are pleased to announce the results of the elections held at Midsummer are:

Samantha Cox

10 Votes

Alan Griffiths

7 Votes

Kennet Maxil

6 Votes

So long-serving Kennet Maxil retires from the Witanmoot for the time being, refusing to comment on whether he will stand again at the Midwinter elections. Likewise Sheriff Cox, her position obviously strengthened by topping the poll, is refusing to say if she intends standing for Lord of the City next year.

The Chair of Law and Order, Alderman Malcolm Mowbray, has formally accused Cllr Armundus Septer of misconduct, creating turmoil in the previously torpid council chambers. The Hearing is scheduled to take place before the new sheriff, Alan Griffiths, early next month. Mowbray has so far refused to release details of his investigations into the Levestone riots of recent months, but this latest announcement is believed to be connected to the investigation. Unfortunately for the watch serving notice of the summons, it appears that the Old Man of the Witanmoot has already done a bunk. Shutters on his Levestone house are closed and the servants quarters are empty – although neighbours have pointed out that Armundus often visits his summer estate during the height of the summer.

The Chroniclers note the absence of both Alderman Andrews and Cllr Dexter from the council proceedings this month. Our impartial enquiries have confirmed that the pair have left the city to celebrate the passing of Midsummer in a deeply traditional manner; a nuptial hunting. The Chroniclers, along with all the other interested followers of their prolonged courtship, offer their heartiest congratulations.

In a poorly attended debate in the Witanmoot, Alderman Mowbray has proposed the mandatory removal of the Floating Market to a point further upstream from its present position, and on the far bank. Details of how this would be achieved were sparse, but Mowbray invited constructive suggestions. The move was supported by Cllr Aralan Derwent who said, "I hope that citizens will welcome this proposal, which will reduce the problems that the residents of Dowgate have been having, while maintaining the market." The proposal seemed to gather cautious support from the chamber, although several councillors could be heard suggesting that the whole caboodle was removed to about five mile beyond the Ishtan estuary and left there.

Lord Festus Perara, Ambassador from the Court of Kerun, is conspicuously avoiding the vicinity of Salvoyn this summer. This seems to be despite (or perhaps because of) the presence of his liege lady, the Princess Selina Karandreos, who is making a state visit this summer.

Gax the Heretic has returned to his old haunt; the steps of the Hahn Temple. Apparently a couple of the youngsters from his orphanage have been denied entrance to the Law School, and Gax is demanding to know why. The reason seems obvious to the Chroniclers – but according to Gax its because of, "the archaic establishment's repression of potential debate through the deliberate under-education of the people".

Due to the appointment of Alan Griffiths as Sheriff, there will be an election of the Alderman of Dracas ward next month, in the Court of Common Council.

Nyskilde in 141

First published 22nd December 2017

Nyskilde in 141


A report by Councillor Matthew Dixon, Emissary to Nyskilde


Nyskilde is a small city about 200 miles to the north of Linrodeth. The trip normally takes about twenty days, allowing for time to shelter in little bays and inlets while the storms of the sea rage outside. Nyskilde is built on the shores of a circular bay and is surrounded by stone cliffs. The City’s defences are impressive even by comparison with his majesty’s castle in Linrodeth.


The society is very male dominated with age having considerable influence. The Jarl of Nyskilde (the equivalent of Lord Courtney) is Jarl Gudmund Thorkeleson. Other important citizens are Harond Garlok, Guildmaster of the Guild of Merchant Adventurers; Sten Bargeld, head of the Furriers’ Guild; Kertald Grine, Marshall of the City Watch; and Stella Kimble, leader of the Weavers’ Guild. Of these, only the latter, Stella Kimble is a woman. All of the civic leaders wish to maintain good relations with Linrodeth (but see below!), but in general have only limited horizons. It seems that Nyskilde keeps to itself in almost all matters.


Following Alderman Baldwin Under­wood’s excellent handling of relations with Nyskilde, I found that little needed to be done. Indeed the only progress that can be reported is that a new trading agreement between the Weavers of Linrodeth and the Weavers of Nyskilde has been concluded.


During my stay in Nyskilde, it came to my attention that the envoy’s residence in Nyskilde is in need of urgent maintenance. I therefore humbly re­quest that the budget for this Emissary be increased next year to prevent much larger expenditures in the future. In addition, the Merchants of Nyskilde are very parochial and may take offense at the slightest pretext. As an example, the Merchant Adventurers’ guild of Nyskilde seems to be bent on a course of ex­cluding all access to Nyskilde’s trade markets except when conducted by their guild. It is my belief that the guild charters of the guilds in Linrodeth grant us the right to trade (in the relevant goods of course!) wherever we wish and so we should resist this as much as possible. It is also worth pointing out that if the worst came to the worst (for example if the City States attacked Athion) that the City of Nyskilde would act in any interest (including that of his Majesty’s) other than their own.

Menderal 141

First published 22nd December 2017 (Last Modified 28th August 2023)

The Chronicle

of the month of Menderal in the year 141

Their Majesties King Edmund and Queen Emma are delighted to announce that Her Royal Highness, the Princess Eleanor, is expecting the birth of her first child around Midwinter. Their Majesties will be providing scores of casks of ale to the wards of Linrodeth on Midsummer Day, so that all loyal citizens can celebrate this announcement. The Chroniclers offer their congratulations, and have two questions: (a) is this the reason for Goodgulf re-arranging the astrological charts, and (b) has anyone told the father yet?

The Witanmoot have announced the following nominations for the two Sheriff posts. They are: Alan Griffiths (Andrews, Rimon) Samantha Cox (Warin, Mowbray) Kennet Maxil (Lansdowne, Horl) Voting will take place over the Midsummer festival at the Witanmoot.

An open letter to Cllr Beatrice Perignon Councillor,

So you had to take the first move. Not only do you condone a murderous attack on my nephew, Roland Dixon, but you cause trouble in Levestone, and cause Malcolm Mowbray, both yours and my Alderman, a great deal of trouble. But the last straw has to be your false accusation that Alderman Elliot Anderson started the riots! How could he? He was in Ishtan being visited by all and sundry (e.g., Alderman Malcolm Mowbray and Cllr Aralan Derwent). So please, don't do anything that would mean that I had to request Lord Paston Courtney to relieve me of my duties as emissary to Nyskilde, and thus return to solve the pending matters between us.

Yours Sincerely, Cllr Matthew Dixon

Lord Paston Courtney wishes to announce that Roland Dixon has been pardoned of the responsibility for the death of Guimar Perignon. The Committee for Law & Order is tracking down the person or persons responsible for stirring up the trouble between the families which led to this tragic incident. Commenting on the announcement, Malcolm Mowbray, Chair of the committee said, "I wish he'd make his mind up".

After the recent months of blisteringly hot weather, the harvest this year is likely to be early. Although Temple of Daleth is still expressing concern over the lack of rain, this year's harvest should also be very good. Following the problems experienced in the last few years this will come as a welcome change for the Cornmongers and their customers.

Matters in the ward of Levestone seem to have settled down and the watch has once again taken over responsibility for the ward. Commenting on the situation Alderman Mowbray told the Chronicle, "I can assure the citizens of this city that the troublemakers who started this will be tracked down and dealt with. One thing I would like to clear up is the report that I had summoned Elliot Anderson to a hearing over the matter. That hearing was in fact to discuss some rumours concerning Beatrice Perignon which I believed him to be the source of. Although his actions may well have contributed to situation, I have now been convinced that he himself was not behind the riots."

Lord Festus Perara, Ambassador from the Court of Kerun, is pleased to announce that the Princess Selina Karandreos will be visiting Salvoyn over the summer months. The state visit is at the personal invitation of the King and Queen.

Heliora 141

First published 22nd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Heliora in the year 141

There were dramatic events in the Witanmoot this month. Cllr Neville Vincent, the Treasurer of the Watermen, had just tabled a motion calling for an emergency debate on the raiding of the Watermens Guild by the Witanmoot Guard, when Cllr Derwent rose and, amid a general uproar, charged Cllr Vincent and the Watermens Guild with Embezzlement, Conspiracy and Evasion of Taxes. Sheriff Cox ordered in the Guard to arrest Cllr Vincent and the Watermen faction rose to meet them. Lord Courtney was forced to suspend the session, and the Witanmoot guard, with swords drawn, cleared the hall and forced their way through to Cllr Vincent.

Our reporters have discovered that investigations by Cllr Derwent into the death of Baldwin Underwood and the disappearance of Cllr O'Leeny had led her to suspect the Watermen's Guildmaster Denys Spittle of corruption. In a midnight raid members of the Witanmoot Guard seized the Guild Offices and arrested Guildmaster Spittle. The next morning Guildmaster Spittle and 'a wagonload of books' were taken under a very heavy guard to the Witanmoot, where Cllr Spittle confessed that he, Gus O'Leeny and most of the Watermens Guild had been defrauding the city of a vast amount of tax for the last 5 years. Lord Courtney has ordered the assets of the Guild and all its senior members seized and it is believed that he is considering revoking their Guild Charter. A number of the more cynical members of the Council have commented that, given Lord Courtney's need to raise extra revenue this year, the chances of any of the Watermen's assets avoiding forfeiture to the city are pretty minimal.

The violence in Levestone has broken out into open warfare with supporters of the exiled Roland Dixon attempting to storm the Perignon household. Alderman Mowbray called in the Witanmoot Guard and a number of people were killed in the ensuing fight. Alderman Mowbray has now become a target, following his suspension of the ward council and watch. Only the presence of two squads of the Witanmoot Guard acting under his direct control is preventing further violence. Cllr Perignon appears to have collapsed during the attack on her house and was rushed to the Torian Temple, where her condition is described as serious.

The Witanmoot Guard seem to have been excelling themselves this month, earlier in the week two members of the guard captured an assassin after a dramatic chase through the streets of Portsoken and Bridge. The patrol leader, Sgt Mugge, has refused to comment on rumours that the target of the assassination was Cllr Olnorth Dexter.

Alderman Elliot Anderson of Ishtan must be Linrodeth's least happy man this month. Not only has one of the major guilds in his ward had most of its assets seized, and half of its councillors arrested, but he himself has been called to appear at a hearing before Sheriff Samantha Cox charged with a seditious involvement in the Levestone riots.

In perhaps the only light event this month, Cllr Dexter was almost arrested when he was found in the rear garden of Maud Blessop's restaurant in Levestone at three in the morning. A sheepish Cllr Dexter explained that he had been up all night with Aralan Derwent and Sam Cox and he needed to obtain a rose before he went back to Miranda. The watch sent him on his way and wished him luck – he was going to need it.

Amid rumours that the King was considering sending in troops to seize the accounts of all the guilds, Lord Courtney and Sheriff Cox have been summoned to the Citidel. Lord Courtney dismissed the rumours as unfounded, and stated that His Majesty was merely concerned about the situation in the Wards of Ishtan and Levestone, and he was at pains to assure the city that at no stage had the King threatened to send in his regiments unless the city failed to sort out its affairs.


The Witanmoot was rocked yesterday by the shock announcement of the deaths in prison of Denys Spittle, Neville Vincent and Tony Walker, all of whom were under investigation over the Waterman scandal. Unconfirmed reports suggest that they were deliberately poisoned.