Tag name:Linrodeth

Kryll 142

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Kryll in the year 142

The harried Alderman of Levestone, Matthew Dixon, is offering a ten shilling reward for information leading to the arrest of the Levestone mugger. Last month this mugger assaulted a resident of Levestone who had attempted to prevent him removing the local copy of the Chronicle. Information gathered so far simply describes him as tall, well dressed with a foreign accent. He was seen to head off in the direction of the Witanmoot.

Lady Amelia and Sheriff Griffiths have been seen out and about town this month, with visits to the College production, music evenings and, most conspicuously, a fund-raising party at 'The Bullion'. This latter event culminated in a long conga of revellers, headed by our august duo, weaving back to the Citadel via the docks, Mrs Blessop's rose garden, the cellars of the Vintners Guild (thrice), Alderman Isembard's kitchen, the city ditch and the Royal Mews.

That well-known hypothetical envoy, Malcolm Mowbray, has been seen much in the vicinity of Sheriff Perignon this month, particularly during full council sessions. At one stage the two were seen in animated conversation, although the subject matter remains unknown since none of the many interested observers circled close enough to overhear. It was noted, however, the Mowbray had previously taken the precaution of acquiring a couple of bodyguards to cover his back.

In a surprise move Sheriff Perignon has appointed Alderman Ann Tasker chair of a special committee to investigate the disappearance of Armundus Septer from his prison cell last year. Alderman Tasker has already appointed Robert Beaureli, Martin Key, Arianne Pencric, David Northropp and Mary Hastings to assist her in this task. With her usual sure nose for where trouble (and a good fight) are to be found, Councillor Aralan Derwent has also been observed hanging around the prisons recently.

In the Witanmoot session there was uproar when Alderman Gibian Horl confessed that no budget or accounts were available for the Shipping Committee this year. He attempted to blame this on repeated meddling by his former faction, but this was perceived as a poor excuse for failing in his duties towards the city. After a noisy afternoon session, Alderman Horl resigned from his post as Chairman. This was followed by an announcement that the proposed Welfare and Education budget would be the same as the previous year.

The following day the Council reconvened to vote on the motion to censure Richard Saunders, which was proposed by Alderman Dixon. After a spirited debate in which the evils of enforced courtesy versus complete freedom of speech were disputed, the motion was passed by the extremely narrow margin of 146 votes to 130.

After a petition by the Vintners Guild, the Treasury has postponed until next budget day the outstanding tax owed by the orphanage founded and run by Gax the Heretic. The orphanage has been built on an abandoned vineyard to the east of the city, and it now appears that this plot of land was an outright gift to the orphanage from the Vintners Guild rather than, as initially assumed, a long term nominal lease. As the trustee landowner, Gax appears to be taking the debt to society very seriously. He has even been observed reprimanding some of the orphans who protested rather bluntly to the Treasury Committee.

Lorinfall 142

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Lorinfall in the year 142

A major meeting of the City's crimelords was disrupted by the Witanmoot Guard, who it is thought came within a few minutes of capturing the Toddman. The guards, who were in the catacombs beneath Faringdon investigating the disappearance of some Masons, stumbled upon the gathering and with swift action captured a number of the criminal scum. Alderman Rimon of Faringdon told the Chronicle, " The audacity of these criminal elements in choosing to hold a meeting within the city, shows that we are failing in our fight against crime. I implore the sheriffs to impose the death sentence upon those captured, in order to set an example to others that crime does not pay." The Chronicle would like to offer its condolences to the relatives of Henry Beecham, Colin Watson, Sandra Coombes and Cory Kale of the Masons Guild, who the guard later determined had been killed in a rockfall.

There are rumours of scandal within both the Vintners and Carpenters guilds this month, with both guilds launching 'behind the scenes' investigations. Cllr Mowbray, treasurer of the Vintners, told the Chronicle, "We were acting on a tip off, which we have determined to be completely unfounded, and I will be having words with the originators." The Carpenter treasurer, Alderman Dixon, is also inspecting the books, and the occurrence of this just weeks after Sir Paston's final public engagement is the cause of much speculation.

Reg Marc's 'Uncle Marcus' brew seems to have had an odd effect on some members of the Witanmoot Guard, who were seen attempting to 'repair a shutter' on an upstairs window of the Empty Barrel. What the guard were actually doing breaking into this popular councillors' pub is unclear and James Isenbard, the Alderman of Welland, has made a formal complaint to the Witanmoot. He told the Chronicle, "I was not aware that the guard were in the ward, and the possibility that a crime may have been committed worries me greatly. It is clear that the guard is getting out of control."

Alderman Dixon has been having a busy time. Not content with the quiet passage of the Trade budget, the demands of the new job and the time-consuming Carpenter's investigation, Dixon has proposed a motion of censure. The motion, seconded by Nicholas Bowden, condemns Cllr Richard Saunders and demands that he retract his statements reported in the Chronicle last month. Sheriff Perignon may not have time to worry about Richard Saunders, following the disintegration of her faction. What caused this sudden rush to defect from the most powerful grouping in the Witanmoot is unclear, but as far as the Chronicle can gather nearly 50 councillors have abandoned her faction this month. One councillor reported that the faction was disintegrating so fast that people were being hit by the shrapnel. To further complicate matters, Ann Tasker has marked the anniversary of the disappearance of Armundus Septer with a renewal of her campaign to have the matter investigated. She told the Chronicle, "Armundus has now been missing for a year, and we are no further towards discovering what actually happened. Last month the 'Levestone Mafia' again showed its true face and I and the rest of my group will be continuing our campaign to expose their abuses of power."

Seasoned readers of the Chronicle may remember an incident a few years ago when a fire at a dockland pub managed to inflict a number of sword wounds. It would appear that this damage is contagious, since a number of the Witanmoot Guard have sustained serious slashes and burn injuries in a catacomb 'rockfall' a few days after their successful raid on the crimelords meeting. Rumour has it that the crimelords successfully ambushed the guards as they continued their search, and an embarrassed Witanmoot has concocted the rockfall story to cover it up.

Arvinoth 142

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Arvinoth in the year 142

The City has averted the threatened constitutional crisis over Bridge Ward refusing to pay its taxes. A last minute switch of vote at the Wardmoot by Cllr Hugo Kelly meant that (on the Alderman's casting vote) the non-payment motion was defeated. Cllr Kelly told the Chronicle, "I still believe that we were right to register a protest in the way we did, but the whole situation was getting out of hand and I decided to defuse the issue before someone got hurt". Indeed, until this point the situation was looking increasingly dangerous with a number of confrontations taking place between the Local Watch and the Witanmoot Guard. At one stage two of the guards were arrested by the Watch for assaulting a citizen, and an armed confrontation seemed inevitable. A large proportion of the Wardmoot remains unrepentant; their leader Cllr Richard Saunders told the Chronicle that, "Kelly's defection was the result of blatant intimidation by Sheriff Perignon and her professional thugs. I think she threatened to 'disappear' him in the same way as she, and the rest of the Levestone Mafia, arranged the 'disappearance' of Armundus Septer."

Tension remains high in the Floating Market and the nearby Ward of Dowgate, after two Solistel were killed by Dowgate citizens. According to Jocelyn Barnes, a Mercer of Dowgate, "The people were only protecting the ward from these criminals". Accusing the Witanmoot Guard of co-operating with the scum, she called for the Knight Marshal to, "wipe out this infestation on the City's doorstep, before an attack is launched upon the ward". However Charain Meduenin, spokesman for the Solistel told the Chronicle, "We have no feud with the citizens of Dowgate. Cllr Edge has assured us that Alderman Clifford is honourable, and the attacks were not of her doing. Our dead have already been avenged." Unconfirmed reports suggest that perpetrators of the killing were captured by the Witanmoot Guard, however no official statement on the matter has yet been made.

Floating Market tensions have also been raised by an apparent coup within the Toddman's organisation. Rumour suggests that the city's crime lord has had a significant part of his organisation usurped by someone called Skillet. A number of killings and the large number of fights which have recently taken place around the docks, and the Floating Market would tend to confirm this rumour.

Witanmoot business remained subdued this month, possibly out of respect for the King's presence in the City. The Law & Order budget was passed without opposition, while the Dixon amendment to the Election of Sheriffs (itself amended by Mowbray's proposal) was passed overwhelmingly. Surprisingly, despite fierce battles earlier in the year, there appears to be no further debate over the spending of the Trade budget. The Chroniclers suspect that most councillors have already lost the draft of the proposed budget (cunningly circulated by Matthew Dixon before the summer festivities) and are to embarrassed to admit it.

The mysterious absence of Cllrs Dixon, Mowbray and Derwent, which was beginning to be a cause for concern, has been explained. The three Councillors returned from a tour of the surrounding Duchy where they have been negotiating with the Barons in an attempt to avert a repeat of last year's grain crisis. Although they have steadfastly refused to comment, their buoyant mood would suggest that the mission was a success. Upon their return both Levestone councillors set about creating a further stir. In a surprise move, Cllr Mowbray turned down a nomination for Alderman, and has instead accepted an appointment to the position of Envoy to Cascorach. This has enabled Cllr Dixon to be elected unopposed to the position of Alderman of Levestone, and the Chronicle would like to congratulate him on this long overdue reward for his tireless efforts. Those citizens who had been looking forward to a bruising fight between the two for the position of Alderman, and who at least thought that Mowbray would go down fighting, have been further disappointed by Cllr Mowbray's apparent delight at the way things have turned out. The new envoy, a largely theoretical post this late in the year, immediately opened his cellars and threw a truly memorable party. The cellars, famed for their select contents of City States' vintage wine, proved to be a very popular location, and just about every member of the Witanmoot turned up during the course of the evening. Even Sheriff Perignon, herself a renown vintner, remarked favourably on the evening's libations. Sheriff Griffiths also attended, and spent much of the evening welcoming Lady Amelia Fortesque to the delights of the capital city. All in all, only Aldermen Dexter and Andrews, away on a second honeymoon, missed out on the festivities.

Chinon Starsinger reports that the new 'Uncle Marcus' winter brew, which has been produced by 'The Empty Barrel' in Welland, is the best he's tasted in years. If you'd like to try some go there soon, otherwise Chinon assures us that he intends to drink the place dry himself if at all possible.

The Highsun Fete appears to have been a reasonable success, with a large crowd attending this first event. Most Guilds had made an attempt to put on a good display, although many had obviously simply picked a senior member to set up shop in the market for the day. Perhaps if the event is repeated more competition and display will take place. Despite this the event was clearly a success and raised a large sum of money, although wrangling over what exactly each exhibitor was meant to contribute marred some of the goodwill generated. In a clear snub to Sheriff Perignon, who is known to have offered her services, the event was opened by Sir Paston Courtney. Ma Perignon obviously forgot that the event was in aid of Gax's orphanage where, following the announcement of her plans to establish a Hahnite orphanage, she is not the most popular of people. Possibly it was her that Mad Mab was warning when she told the baffled crowd, "Honour the dragon's heart, for he treads the wine of life, and few can taste of his truth". Then again, perhaps not.

Setheran 142

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Setheran in the year 142

The Midsummer Fair has been a scorching occasion this year, with many revellers picnicking in the shade of the city wall for the afternoon. Despite the heat, there were no shortages of contenders for the main prizes, with Ned Bockran winning the freestyle wrestling, Di Taggart taking the horse racing trophy and 'Gutsy' Ginley retaining the pie eating prize. Most surprising win of the afternoon was the victory of young squint-eyed Sam Wallis in the 50 yard archery contest. His unflappable composure was largely due to the fact that he didn't recognise the King, whose unexpected arrival on the main stand caused panic amongst contestants and Aldermen alike. The King, his entire household and a detachment of cavalry rode in off the main road from Cascorach completely unannounced. An omission which seems to be being blamed on the lack (still) of an Envoy in that city. Our loyal councillors spent the next few hours rushing around trying to put things in order before Lady Samantha Cox was summoned to the Citadel. Why his Majesty should choose to return unannounced is unclear, some commentators have mentioned the grain taxation problems which will inevitably arise after the harvest.

Irving Grendle's rescheduled duel took place on Firstday at noon, amongst the half-cleared debris of the Midsummer fair. The audience were interested to note that Miranda Andrews, herself a mean duellist, turned out to replace Alderman Dexter for the occasion. The duel started badly for Grendle when his initial attack left him overextended and Andrews inflicted a light cut along his arm. Suspecting a trick, Andrews refused to attack and drew back, giving Grendle ample opportunity to recover himself. This move appeared to annoy both of them and the duel resumed with a furious exchange which drew applause from the onlookers. This was followed by a prolonged pause as both participants reconsidered their tactics, and restarted with a vicious exchange which left Andrews with a light cut and Grendle with a deep wound on the leg. This second wound bled profusely and quickly forced him to yield the fight. While the Torian Physickian attended to Grendle, onlookers were startled to observe Andrews, a veteran of many such encounters, make a sudden rush to the city ditch in order to throw up. The worried Torian eventually carted both duellists off to the infirmary for further attention.

A serious dispute has broken out between the Ward of Bridge and the Court of Common Council over the city's deployment of the Witanmoot Guard onto the bridge. The Wardmoot of Bridge has refused to collect the additional levy from its citizens, describing the extra taxation as an unnecessary and pointless burden. Alderman for the ward, Gibian Horl, deplored the Council's decision but maintained that the Wardmoot had a duty to uphold the decisions of the Council. However the rest of the Wardmoot apparently thought differently and Alderman Horl was outvoted. How the council will respond to this unprecedented action is unclear, but at least one angry councillor has suggested that the Witanmoot Guard extend its jurisdiction beyond the bridge.

Councillor Matthew Dixon is pleased to announce the birth of his second child, Paston Dixon. Mother and son are both said to be well. The Chroniclers would like to offer their congratulation and hope that the youngster will have a less interesting life than his elder sister.

With half the Council away on their estates and most of the Aldermen preoccupied with the King, much of this month's business has been postponed. This includes Cllr Dixon's proposals concerning the election of sheriffs, and Cllr Mowbray's amendment to it. Both of these will now be debated next month. In one of the few sessions to be held the Land & Agriculture budget, unchanged from last year, was passed without opposition. The proposed Law & Order budget is also unchanged from previous years, contrary to public expectation. Chairman for Law & Order, Alison Shefford, commented; "Although we wished to strengthen our support for the prisons, there simply isn't any money in the budget with which to do it. The existing budget is the fairest distribution of our inadequate funding, and I therefore see no reason to change it."

With the recent hot weather, the city was lucky to escape relatively unscathed from a fire which broke out in the Ward of Dowgate earlier this week. The fire was brought under control only after several houses had been destroyed. Most of the citizens from the surrounding area, and many of the Witanmoot Guard, were involved in the action to stop the fire's spread. The reason for the fire is unclear, however unconfirmed reports claim that a resident of Dowgate, who was seen on the wall with a number of fire arrows shortly before the fire started, was shot and fell backwards onto the thatched roof of the building below. Our informant was unclear as to whether the shot was fired from the Floating Market or, as some people have been claiming, from the bridge by a member of the Witanmoot Guard.

Menderal 142

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Menderal in the year 142

The proposal that the Witanmoot Guard patrols Linrodeth Bridge has been passed overwhelmingly by Council, despite protests from the Ward of Bridge and the Chairman of the Trade Committee. The proposal was passed by 158 votes to 50, and included a requirement for the Trade budget to provide funds, hence presumably, the protests. The Land & Agriculture budget has also been unveiled, and remains unchanged from last year. In anticipation of the forthcoming Midsummer elections, Matthew Dixon has suggested some electoral reform, and in a full session of the council proposed, "That from the Midsummer 143 election, each elector for the sheriffs shall have two votes. The two votes must be cast for different candidates (but one or both votes may be abstentions). In the event of a tie, the votes of the Lord of the City shall count double." Cllr Mowbray, while claiming to support the principle of the motion, offered the following amendment, which he claimed would prevent a number of potential problems with the original motion. "That the Lord of the City shall not normally vote, but shall have a casting vote with which to resolve any tie."

Aralan Derwent has once again been seen dining at Mrs Blessop's carvery in the company of Sir Henry Longbridge, and once more it would appear that Sir Henry has added to her jewellery collection. Perhaps Sir Henry is unaware that the reason Aralan keeps needing new jewellery is that she has flogged off all his previous gifts in order to finance her speculative business ventures.

Adverts have started to appear about the new Avigon fête, scheduled for Setheran Lastday, which Gax the Heretic has been promoting in his latest speaking tour. Sir Paston Courtney has confirmed that he will be opening the fête and signing autographs in positively his last public engagement before retiring to his manor. Unkind eavesdroppers have noted that Alderman Perignon also offered to open the fête, and is now having to get her ego reinflated.

Elsewhere, the hectic social whirlwind of Olnorth Dexter has been halted by an unexpected challenge to duel. The challenge comes from none other than his own sidekick, Irving Grendle, who is reckoned to be a fairly flashy wielder of the rapier outside his hours in the council chamber. The challenge appears to stem from certain derogatory remarks made by Alderman Dexter at a glittering summer ball hosted by Augustus Merle of the Goldsmiths guild. The duel will be at sunrise on Setheran Firstday, and will undoubtedly be a more exciting affair than Alderman Dexter's previous, unfortunate encounter.

Cllr Buggs Moran of Dowgate has demanded that the City take action against the drumming from the floating market, which has if anything increased in both intensity and volume. She told the Chronicle, "This is just typical of our Government's 'somebody else's problem' attitude over the Floating Market. It's about time someone actually did something, rather than just hoping that if they ignore it long enough it will go away."


The results of the hotly contested sheriffs posts are;

Beatrice Perignon 11

Alan Griffiths 6

Elliot Anderson 5

Heliora 142

First published 22nd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Heliora in the year 142

The Court of Common Council reached a deadlock last month over the two budget amendments proposed following the controversial 1s.2d tax hike announced in this years budget. Both amendments were closer to last years figures, with the Perignon proposal suggesting a 6d average increase per household, and the Dixon one a 10d equivalent. It was left to newcomer Councillor Adam Avery to break the deadlock, with a speech pointing out that the Dixon amendment suffered from the same flaw as the original budget – that it contained items not yet approved by full Council session. The final council vote then went to 142 votes for the Perignon amendment, and 121 votes for the Dixon amendment. Councillor Avery then rose to his feet again to suggest that Councillor Dixon's suggestions should now be examined in more detail. He formally proposed "That the Council investigate the extension of the Witanmoot Guards' area of responsibility to include the Bridge, and the resultant transfer of funds from the Committee for Trade to the Sheriffs' Office." The vote on this will take place next month. Earlier this month the Treasury's budget outline was proposed for the year. It was identical to those of previous years and was passed without dissent.

Beatrice Perignon, Alan Griffiths, Eliott Anderson were nominated for Sheriff.

Somewhat belatedly, Gax the Heretic has spoken out against proposals for a new city orphanage. In a scathing attack delivered from the Mootstone, he told a large crowd, "The proposals of Ms Perignon that the city establish an orphanage, are indicative of the Establishment's failure to respond to the true needs of its citizens, and of the perversion of projects of the common good to the service of self interest. Citizens should be under no illusions as to the true purpose of Ms Perignon's proposals which is to establish a centre for the indoctrination of the youth of the city in the Hahnite faith". The good natured, although puzzled, cheering of the crowd subsided in time for them to hear about the new Highsun Fete, to be held in Avigon, the proceeds from which will go to Gax's orphanage out eastside.

Following the retirement of Sir Paston Courtney, the Carpenters Guild has been holding elections to determine the new look of the Guild. Punters had expected the high profile Matthew Dixon to emerge as the new leader, but it turned out that Nicholas Bowden was returned as the new Guildmaster. Cllr Dixon managed to land the office of Treasurer instead, and Mervyn James becomes the new Secretary.

Residents of the Ward of Dowgate have been losing sleep and temper to a fresh irritation from the Floating Market. On odd nights for the past two weeks a persistent noise, described variously as a low thrumming or deep drumming sound, has been emanating from the river slum. Angry residents have already started to shoot the occasional fire arrow into the area, but these have so far failed to make any difference. However, a petition has been sent to the Knight Marshal, Sir Salverian, asking him to clear this public nuisance from the King's Highway. Maybe we shall see sparks flying soon.

The Shipwrights are noted to be working on a particularly large and ornate ocean-going vessel, apparently a commission from the Temple of Esprayenna. Rumours continue that this is one of the rare, exploratory, Ships of the Dawn.

Jasmarill 142

First published 22nd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Jasmarill in the year 142

At the end of the voting during Springtide, it was revealed that the city now has a new overlord in the person of Lady Samantha Cox. The full voting was as follows:

Paston Courtney 7 (Courtney, Griffiths, Andrews, Dexter, Bowden, Anderson, Tasker)

Samantha Cox 15 (Cox, Warin, Shefford, Faithside, Isenbard, Barnett, Downe, Belcher, Maxil, Worton, Horl, Rimon, Perignon, Lansdowne, du Bolay)

Alan Griffiths 1 (Carter)

A disappointed Paston Courtney confirmed that he will now also be retiring from his post as Guildmaster of the Carpenters, and will no longer take part in civic affairs. He added that he intended to take advantage of his retirement and indulge a long standing ambition to travel to distant lands. After some prompting he allowed that it might also be pleasant to spend more time with his family.

At a recent surprise trial, the city has learned that Ferdinand Lansdowne, named heir to the vast Lansdowne fortunes, paid for the attacks upon the Dixon household which led to an assassination attempt on Cllr Matthew Dixon. The news dawned on the city at a trial before the then Sheriff Sam Cox, who revealed that Ferdinand, along with his brother Antoine and Sara Warfdon, had hired an assassin to kill Roland Dixon in retaliation for the death of Guimar Perignon. In her summing up Samantha Cox described how the three had been enticed by the assassin into paying £15 for the attack, and how the assassin had then gone on to kidnap Elizabeth Dixon, and perpetrate other crimes which led to the near death of Matthew Dixon. Samantha Cox told the court how the assassin had laid a careful and many layered plan to blame the Nyskildians for the crimes, and that she had been convinced that creating a conflict between the two cities had been the main objective of the scheme. She described Ferdinand and his accomplices as unfortunate dupes, paying for an attack which would have taken place anyway. She told the court how, to his credit, Ferdinand had co-operated fully with the investigation's attempts to track down the assassin and how he, along with Cllrs Dixon and Derwent, was injured in the fight which ensued. The assassin was eventually tracked down and killed following a late night chase along the Old Gavelkinden Road. In pronouncing the death sentence she made it clear that conspiracy to commit murder is as great an offence as the crime itself, and should receive the severest sentence. However, considering Ferdinand's assistance of the investigation she commuted the death sentence to exile and loss of citizenship. The assassin, one Carol Bardsdale, had been a resident of Castle Bard for the past two years. Any citizen with information regarding her is requested to contact the Witanmoot.

The Chair for the Treasury, George Rimon, caused uproar in the chamber with the announce­ment of the coming year's budget, which will be funded by an extra tax of 1s.2d off each householder, and an extra 2% tax off each guild. This, he assured the house, would be a special measure for one year only in order to cover the initial setting up costs of the Cascorach Emissary and an official city orphanage. Amid an increasingly noisy background of heckling he stated that he hoped the new emissary would stimulate trade and bring in­creased wealth to the city. The council was then adjourned until order was once again restored.

Pipetal 142

First published 22nd December 2017 (Last Modified 23rd December 2017)

The Chronicle

of the month of Pipetal in the year 142

This year's voting results from the Aldermanic Council show a sharp decrease in support for the Justice League, with the traditional Mowbray/Dexter alliance losing out to the new and rather tentative Dixon/Perignon axis. Interestingly Cllr Derwent's faction, although still claiming loose affiliation to the League, has chosen to vote with the newer team. One of the more landslide returns was for George 'hang em high' Rimon, who recently changed to Perignon's faction after some years with Olnorth Dexter, a fact which has either escaped the notice of the League (they voted for him anyway) or which shows devious plans are afoot. The only Alderman to escape the general purge seems to be Alison Shefford, and we're sure the fact that she is Ma Perignon's guildmaster is entirely coincidental. The full results of the voting were as follows:

Chair for the Treasury George Rimon 21 Kennet Maxil 2

Chair for Trade Nicholas Bowden 13 Miranda Andrews 10

Chair for Law & Order Alison Shefford 15 Duncan Barnett 7

Chair for Lands & Agriculture Jemma Downe

Emissary to Nyskilde Arianne Pencric 13 John Madigan 10

Following the season's elections, most active factions have spent the past month in internal rearrangements and self-investigation. Meanwhile Alderman Rimon is hard at work drawing up the new budget, while Lord Courtney still has the appointments of the Emissaries to Cascorach and Salvoyn to ponder. Should these be delayed they will become the appointments of the new Lord. Paston Courtney, Samantha Cox and Alan Griffiths have all been nominated for this post as expected.

The Nyskildian vice-emissary has lodged a formal complaint with the Witanmoot over the continuing detention, without trial, of one of his guards. The guard is suspected of having been behind the attacks on the Dixon household, which led to the near death of Cllr Dixon and the kidnapping of Lord Courtney's granddaughter. The vice-emissary accused the Witanmoot of attempting to frame the Nyskildians for the attacks, and has hinted at dire consequences should the matter not be resolved by the time the Nyskildian ambassador returns.

The first ships from the south have reached harbour after a particularly mild spring, and bring several pieces of news from the Royal court. Citizens will be delighted to hear that the Princess Alexis Emma was born to Princess Eleanor on Eighthday Thirdweek of Kruthos. Both mother and daughter are now said to be doing well. The ship also carried the news that, on the occasion of Prince Kieran's 18th birthday back in Skelern, the King appointed the Prince as Commander of the King's Rangers. The Prince will be joining the Rangers who are currently based in the highlands of east Athion. Last but not least, the long overwintering in Salvoyn has led to the happy announcement that Her Highness the Princess Selina Karandreos of Kerun is to become betrothed to the young Prince Edwin. This somewhat unexpected conclusion has confounded court watchers who had expected Crown Prince Edward to be the subject of the Princess' attention.

Galemir 142

First published 22nd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Galemir in the year 142

The Chroniclers are pleased to announce that the following officers have been elected unopposed:

Chair for Shipping Olivia Warin

Chair for Welfare & Education Beatrice Perignon

Emissary to Eresan Marc Bergeren

Nominations have been received for the following posts:

Chair for the Treasury George Rimon (OD) Kennet Maxil (BP)

Chair for Trade Nicholas Bowden (MD) Miranda Andrews (OD)

Chair for Law & Order Alison Shefford (MM) Duncan Barnett (AD)

Chair for Lands & Agriculture Nicholas Bowden (subject to Trade) Jemma Downe (AD)

Emissary to Nyskilde John Madigan (HT) Arianne Pencric (AA)

Letters in brackets indicate the nominating faction. The posts of Emissaries to Salvoyn, and to Cascorach did not receive any nominations (councillors obviously take no notice of their own resolutions), and so will be the direct appointment of the Lord of the City.

The surprise move of the new council session appears to be Beatrice Perignon's sudden progress, having managed to get many of her supporters returned unopposed while blocking some of Olnorth Dexter's moves. She appears to have gained the active support of Cllr Matthew Dixon, and this surprise alliance of two established factions is thought to have profound consequences for the balance of the Witanmoot. The nominations were followed up by the surprise recruitment of Nicholas Worton into Perignon's faction, away from Olnorth Dexter, in a move strongly reminiscent of Beatrice's earlier demolition of his faction by the timely removal of Lilith Lansdowne.

Followers of the Witanmoot's informal duelling league have been awaiting with interest the outcome of Aralan Derwent's latest duel after a prolonged period in the Torian infirmary. A fair amount of money changed hands over Mary Clifford ability to pull a surprise victory in what would normally have been easy challenge for Cllr Derwent. The morning of the duel dawned bright and clear, but with a bitterly cold wind which kept temperatures below freezing and deterred all but three onlookers. Cllr Derwent arrived early with an impressive entourage consisting of her second, a senior Torian Physickian and a number of Torian acolytes as assistants. This caused some surprise as it was not thought that Aralan had been that ill. Indeed Aralan proceeded to go through a number of warm up exercises and looked to be in nearly top form. The sun continued to climb higher into the sky (without any noticeable change in the temperature) and the aggrieved party had still not appeared. Eventually, when even the Physickian began to look impatient, a messenger from the Clifford household slipped through the city gates and delivered a note to Cllr Derwent. The exact contents are not known, but the gist appeared to be that after a prolonged and intense discussion with Matthew Dixon, Alderman Clifford had been persuaded that she had been a little precipitate. She now accepted that Aralan had acted entirely for the good of the city and so, after due consideration, she was prepared to accept Aralan's apologies. Cllr Derwent was then seen to retire, muttering, to the Empty Barrel in Welland, where she was joined by a number of Witanmoot Guards for what should have been a victory drink. Unhappily, the earlier exertion seems to have triggered a relapse in the councillor, and by lunchtime she once again had to be rushed to the Torian infirmary.