Tag name:Linrodeth

Menderal 143

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Menderal in the year 143

The Witanmoot Guard, in a brave and heroic battle, have destroyed the bandit group which has been plaguing the merchants of this city and seriously damaging trade with Nyskilde. The Guard discovered a bandit ambush and, although terribly outnumbered, they attacked in order to save the caravan which was approaching. Over twenty bandits were killed and many others were captured. All of the guard received serious injuries and Corporal Mojo, who valiantly lead the Guard, unfortunately died of his wounds. In an emotional speech Lady Samantha Cox paid tribute to the Guard and in particular to Corporal Mojo who she described as, "a brave and enterprising man". She went on to say, "The people of Linrodeth can be justly proud of the Guard who provide an example to all of us in their fearless devotion to the service of the city".

The Guard were in the countryside providing an escort to the Astrologer Royal. Citizens are asked not to be concerned by the strange flying boats which he conjured to locate the local burial mounds and stone circles. The Witanmoot was aware of and fully sanctioned this investigation.

Investigations by the Guard into the bandits showed them to be backed by factions within the city. Initially suspicion fell upon councillor Aralan Derwent, whose bodyguard was seen talking to the bandits on a number of occasions, and who is known to have business interests in the city of Nyskilde. However it transpired that the real culprit was an agent of an unknown city state by the name of Theresa Holbourn. This agent had managed to gain a position as the cook to Cllr Gillian Howe and is believed to have passed sensitive trade information out of the city. Unfortunately she ran when confronted by the Guard and, after a cross country chase and a fight with the Guard, she was killed by Cllr Aralan Derwent who had been assisting the investigation.

Alderman Ann Tasker and Lady Cox have been in close consultation with the Citadel about the preparations for the Dragonfeast. In addition to all the usual sports for which magnificent trophies have been prepared, a grand public barbeque is to take place on the Tournyfields with free beer and ale. In an attempt to prevent a plague a vast encampment has been prepared on the far riverbank for all the visitors to the city. Two huge floating bridges will be constructed across the Ishtan to permit free movement during the festival. A tapestry worth £100 will be presented to His Majesty as a token of the city's respect for him. One person who won't be joining in the festivities is Alan Monterey of Levestone, who has spoken out against the expense, arguing that the money could have been better spent upon the freshwater project of Richard Firethorn.

Richard Firethorn's motion of censure against Larken Drumm and Adam Avery was overwhelmingly voted down. Cllr Drumm was less than tactful in his description of Cllr Firethorn, and the Chronicle is surprised that another duel has not yet taken place. Councillors Avery and Drumm have, however, far more to be embarrassed about than the motion of censure as it has become apparent that neither of them issued the challenge, and that they were both duped into the fight. The person responsible for this was none other than Theresa Holbourn, who was killed by Cllr Derwent.

The Hearing of Harry Truestaff resulted in the dismissal of the accusations against him. Despite skilful questioning by Ann Tasker, Poppy Soboll was unable to provide a coherent account of events on the night. Cllr Truestaff was also able to demonstrate that he had left the party by the time the event was claimed to have occurred. Despite this two of the female members of the Truestaff group have decided to move to safer factions this month. Melanie Romanie to Beatrice Perignon's faction and Jenny Davy to Richard Firethorn's.

Late News! Late News! Late News! Late News!

The results of the Sheriffs elections were an overwhelming victory for Beatrice Perignon and Matthew Dixon:

Perignon = 16

(EA, MA, DB, NB, AC, MD, AF, AG, GH, LL, ML, BP, PP, MR, AT, NW)

Dixon = 15

(EA, BB, DB, NB, DD, MD, JD, JI, SF, AS, LL, ML, BP, MR, OW)

Griffiths = 7

(BB, DB, SF, AG, AS, NW, OW)

Andrews = 7

(MA, AC, JD, AF, GH, JI, AT)

Heliora 143

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Heliora in the year 143

It is with deep regret that the Chronicle reports the death of the Archimandrite who died peacefully at the Hahnite Temple. Tributes have been arriving from throughout the country for the man who many see as the architect of our Kingdom. His Majesty is reported to be in deep mourning and has cancelled all his social engagements. Plenipotentiary Jasmine told the Chronicle, "He was a great man who will be missed by everyone who knew him, and who deserves the thanks of all those who have benefited from the Law which he established". When asked about rumours that she will be making a bid to become the next Archimandrite she told us, "I believe it would be inappropriate to discuss the matter at this time, but obviously I am willing to serve should Hahn call upon me".

The Princess Eleanor has arrived from Cascorach, accompanied by Plenipotentiary Edward de Belleme, the Astrologer Royal and a number of notable Cascorach citizens. The Princess was greeted by a large crowd of cheering citizens and was clearly pleased to be back in the city. One surprise member of her party was Sir Gawain Carleon who was captured by the Gelt during the Summer 138 campaign, and who has spent the last five years as their prisoner. The Gelt are famed for their policy of never taking prisoners, and Sir Gawain had been reported as killed in action. Clearly something odd has taken place, and Sir Gawain is being kept under close guard until the King grants an audience. Rumour says that Sir Gawain has been refused permission to rejoin his old regiment, or that of his old mentor, Sir Raif Fitz-Payne.

The duel between Councillor Avery and Councillor Drumm has ended with both councillors in the Torian Temple, although Cllr Avery's condition is considered to be far the most serious. The duel started furiously and both councillors drew blood early on during the first exchange. However, neither was willing to yield and the fight continued until Cllr Drumm slipped inside Avery's guard, causing a disabling shoulder wound. Many notable councillors turned out to witness the fight, although the heckling and 'helpful' comments from Cllr Derwent, Alderman Dixon and Sheriff Perignon were probably not appreciated. One councillor not in attendance was Richard Firethorn, who described the fight as a disgraceful way for councillors to settle their differences, and who has proposed a motion of censure. Cllr Avery is reported to have replied that Firethorn was a wimp, and that there was nothing wrong with a good duel.

Another caravan has been attacked by bandits. This time a Mercers' train was hit in the Shottenden hills. Reports suggest that the caravan was attacked by about twenty bandits, mostly on foot. The caravan, which had come from Nyskilde, was not aware of the bandit problem, and this raises concern for the caravan which left Linrodeth last month and which the incoming train should have met.

Our councillors still appear to be having trouble figuring out how to spend all the money they voted through for the Dragonfeast; "Couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery", commented our special reporter, Chinon Starsinger. However, a number of enterprising schemes have been proposed. A great deal of effort seems to be going into figuring out ways of returning the money to the Guilds from which it was levied. For example, Aralan Derwent has been lobbying for the production of a ludicrously expensive tapestry to commemorate the occasion. Perhaps our councillors should be concentrating making the event a success rather than lining the pockets of their friends.

Harry Truestaff is to face a hearing before Alderman Tasker charged with lewdness, disorderly conduct and bringing the council into disrepute. Apparently Councillor Truestaff's drunken debauchery (rumoured to have involved Poppy Soboll) has finally gone too far, and there have been a number of calls for his resignation. Alderman Alan Carter has obviously decided that enough is enough, and he has left the Truestaff camp for that of Larken Drumm.

Nominations for the Sheriff Elections at Midsummer are as follows:

Miranda Andrews

Matthew Dixon

Alan Griffiths

Beatrice Perignon

The Treasury budget was passed with roughly half the Council abstaining.

Jasmarill 143

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Jasmarill in the year 143

The budget debate, which many had expected to be one of the most contentious and aggressive battles seen at the Witanmoot for some time, turned out to be mere farce. A last minute compromise thrashed out between Alderman Shefford and Cllr Avery threw the council into chaos as many late arriving councillors stood up to denounce Alderman Shefford's budget and support Cllr Avery's only to discover, through the barracking of the better informed, that they were now one and the same thing. Alderman Dixon added to the chaos by calling for a separate vote on passing the control of the Wharf Guard to the Witanmoot. After a lengthy and largely futile debate on the floor, both the vote on the Wharf Guard and the single budget were passed overwhelmingly. New councillor Larkin Drumm expressed his disgust at the procedure, describing the new budget as "ill considered and poorly conceived". Nonetheless most people in the city will be pleased to discover that their 3d tax cut is confirmed, although guildsmen may be less pleased with the 6d guild rate rise.

Aralan Derwent's and Ann Tasker's investigation into the Septer disappearance, has come up with the startling revelation that Armundus Septer escaped normally, without the influence of arcane magics or mysterious assassins. Aralan told the Chronicle, "I believe that Armundus Septer walked out of the Cripplegate prison in the company of his assistant. Any person knowing the whereabouts of Peter Fluke, former oddjob man to Armundus Septer, please come forward to myself or Alderman Tasker." Cllr Derwent refused to comment on rumours that members of his faction were involved in the escape, arguing that it would be wrong to bring charges that she could not prove. Chairman Lansdowne has announced an immediate investigation into security at the Cripplegate prison.

The Skinners & Leathersellers Guild has (not too politely) been told what to do with their request to the city for compensation. Chairman for Lands and Agriculture Gemma Downe told the Chronicle, "This is one of the most ludicrous proposals I've come across in some time. Of course the city has an obligation to prevent banditry in the surrounding area, and matters are already being taken to deal with the problem. If the Skinners are too stingy to hire enough wagon guards, then that's their problem not ours."

The Archimandrite remains seriously ill, and it would appear by the continuous stream of Plenipotentiaries arriving from the outlying Duchies, that hopes for his recovery remain low. Pendentite Antonious told the Chronicle, "We are all praying to Hahn for the Archimandrite's recovery, and it is only right for us to gather near to him in his moment of need".

Preparations for the Dragonfeast are continuing apace, with the council voting through an unprecedented £1000 funding for the project. This looks set to be one of the most lavish shows the country has ever seen. Indeed it would appear that having decided to spend such a large sum, our councillors are stuck for ideas on what to do with it. One person with some advice for them has been Gax the Heretic, although quite how "regenerating the rotting educational infrastructure, and liberating the downtrodden from the chains of ignorance" is meant to help us enjoy the Dragonfeast remains to be explained. Citizens with novel suggestions are encouraged to lobby their local councillors and Alderman for sponsorship.

Following the budget debacle, Cllrs Avery and Drumm are to meet in a duel next month. A combination of Cllr Avery's sudden budget capitulation and Cllr Drumm's scathing condemnation of this has led to the two seeking to have their honour satisfied.

Pipetal 143

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Pipetal in the year 143

Alderman Shefford's first budget as Chairman of the Treasury is the most controversial for many years, although undoubtedly popular as a 3d tax cut is proposed for citizens. Because of this many long established committee funds have been slashed and traditional areas of spending are called into question. Particularly hard hit is the Shipping budget, which funds the elite Wharf Guards who are trained to fight both on land and water. Alderman Shefford commented, "The Wharf Guard has long been an excuse for members of the wards of Portsoken and Ishtan to have a well paid retirement. I was shocked to discover that they cost over twice as much as the Witanmoot Guard and am proposing that they be disbanded immediately and their duties subsumed into an appropriately expanded Witanmoot Guard. It is my belief that this will provide the docks with greater security as well as saving the city over £200 a year. The existing increases to the Witanmoot Guard remain in place, and Lady Cox continues to take a personal interest in its restructuring.

The Citadel has officially confirmed that the King will be holding court in Linrodeth for the Dragonfeast. Lady Samantha Cox and other senior members of the Witanmoot are busy meeting Guildmasters to thrash out arrangements for the holiday and, hopefully, to prevent a subsequent increase in plague victims. As part of the budget, an entirely new fund has been created for this year's Dragonfeast. Alderman Shefford explained, "I believe that the citizens of Linrodeth will be honoured to assist in repaying His Majesty's confidence by making this one of the best Dragonfeast festivals ever held".

The Skinners & Leathersellers Guild is still in uproar after learning that Oakley Goodwin's caravan was ambushed by bandits barely two dozen miles from Linrodeth's city walls. The caravan contained furs and skins from Nyskilde, and was one of the first due in after the winter. The goods were vandalised but not taken by the outlaws. The Chronicle understands that the Guildmaster has already demanded compensation of £67 from the city coffers for damages to the company's assets.

The Hahnite Temple is in an extreme state of tension due to the continued illness of the Archimandrite. Extra services and prayers for his recovery are being held in the main temple, although the priests refuse to comment upon the state of their esteemed and very elderly leader, the absolute head of the Hahnite order throughout Athion. The Archimandrite receiving regular weekly visits from the King, and extra guard have been positioned along Wheat Hill and Temple Hill for the duration. Perhaps the best indicator of the seriousness of the illness are rumours of the impending arrival of some of the nearer Plenipotentiaries.

The melting of the river has started the annual sinking of part of the Floating market. At one stage it was looking to be particularly effective as most of the upstream part of the market began to break up. This turned out to be unduly optimistic, however, as the swarming boats proceeded to re-form a completely new set of island and rafts over the next two days. Despite the fears of the onlooking citizens, the whole event settled down without more than the usual number of deaths and injuries over disputed territory. More worrying are the reports that the Witanmoot Guard have been seen supplying food to the Toddman section of the market.


The results of the Lordship elections are as follows:

Samantha Cox


(Anderson, Barnett, Carter, Cox, Downe, Faithside, Griffiths, Isenbard, Romanie, Shefford, Tasker, Warin)

Beatrice Perignon


(du Bolay, Bowden, Dixon, Horl, Lambourne. Lansdowne, Perignon, Portman, Worton)

Alan Griffiths


(Andrews, Belcher, Fytton)

The Chroniclers would like to congratulate Samantha Cox on her re-election to this august post.

Galemir 143

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Galemir in the year 143

This year's committee elections have seen some of the closest contests ever, with Marcus Lambourne, Alan Carter and John Madigan taking the Law and Order, Shipping and Nyskilde seats by very narrow margins. The contests for Treasury and Salvoyn produced resounding victories for Alison Shefford and Arianne Pencric. Whilst clear wins were also recorded by Ann Tasker for Welfare, Jemma Downe for Lands & Ag and Mark Bergeren for Eresan. The full voting is recorded later in this Chronicle.

The committee results evidence a major shift of power within the Witanmoot, with Harry Truestaff and Adam Avery both gaining significant influence at the expense of Beatrice Perignon and Malcolm Mowbray. Aralan Derwent and Matthew Dixon seemed content to consolidate last year's gains. Miranda Andrews, the only Alderman in the Drumm faction, missing the powerful Law & Order chairmanship by only one vote. In the other two close votes the defection of Melanie Romanie to the Truestaff grouping proved decisive, and confirms Truestaff's position as a major power. The result of this realignment is a much more balanced council, with each of the major factions controlling a committee. The Treasury budget will no doubt see a significant amount of horse trading, and in the power gap left by the demise of the Justice League and the collapse of the Perignon faction, it will be interesting to see what new alliances are formed.

Malcolm Mowbray spent much of the campaigning time chasing round after an alleged conspiracy against himself and Beatrice Perignon. With his usual tact he managed to upset nearly every other councillor and undoubtedly strengthened their resolve to pack him off to Cascorach as soon as possible. Rumour has it that at one stage Mowbray was seen seen being dragged back into his house after heading off to duel with the Crimson Councillor clad in chainmail and carrying a very large sword. Although the Mowbray camp is strongly denying the whole incident, we expect to see a flurry of guard hiring within the Witanmoot.

The Floating Market appears quiet following last month's violence, and the guard have been reduced to the normal levels. The political repercussions are still being sorted out and a strong lobby had been formed by some of the councillors in the wards of Bridge and Dowgate arguing for the destruction of the Market. Cllr Saunders of Bridge has been its most outspoken proponent arguing that, "Paying to increase the Witanmoot Guard has been about as useful as throwing the money in the Ishtan." He went on to describe the guard as, "a bunch of cowardly, overpaid fairies", and demanded that if they were unwilling to do the job themselves, they should get out of the way and let the people burn the market down. A spokesman for the guard would only comment, "We know where he lives".

Cllr Saunders additional remarks about Lady Samantha Cox appear to have landed him even deeper trouble with a number of people, including a couple of knights from the Citadel, queuing up for the privilege of defending her honour. Lady Samantha has however refused to be drawn into the mud slinging. She has instead written to the wards of Dowgate and Bridge asking if Cllr Saunders representations should be taken as a formal request to withdraw the protection of the Witanmoot Guard from those Wards. Cllr Aralan Derwent has shocked the city society by venturing into the Floating Market. A disbelieving Witanmoot Guard report that she and her bodyguard, Brytewine, entered the market by the bridge stairs and then headed for the area of last month's major battle. Several hours later, just as the Guard were beginning to organise a gratuitously violent rescue mission, they both re-emerged. By this stage Aralan was holding a large bundle of stinking rags, and her red-headed bodyguard was holding off a large pack of besotted Nordic warriors. Both went immediately to the house of Alderman Ann Tasker, who later explained that the rags were the remnants of clothes worn by Armundus Septer at the time of his 'disappearance' in prison. Ann told the Chronicle, "This is the first major clue to the circumstances of Armundus' death, and finally puts an end to the ludicrous story of his escape by magic. The fact they were recovered from the market, and the subsequent 'disappearance' of his two prison guards, clearly indicates the involvement of criminal elements. The same criminal elements who were responsible for the riots for which he was framed."

The Chairmanship Voting



(SC, AG, BP, EA, MR, PP, AT, BB, NW, GH, JD, ML, AC, OW, DB, MD, AS, JI, AF, LL, DB, SF)



Law & Order


(SC, AG, BP, EA, PP, NW, ML, OW, AS, LL, DB, SF)


(MR, MA, BB, GH, JD, AC, DB, NB, MD, JI, AF)





(AG, EA, MR, MA, AT, BB, GH, JD, AC, DB, NB, MD, JI)


(SC, BP, PP, NW, ML, OW, AS, AF, LL, DB, SF)

Welfare & Ed


(SC, AG, EA, MR, MA, AT, BB, GH, JD, AC, OW, AS, JI, AF, DB, SF)


(BP, PP, NW, ML, LL, DB)


(NB, MD )

Lands & Ag


(AG, BP, MR, MA, PP, AT, BB, NW, GH, JD, ML, AC, DB, NB, MD, JI, AF, LL, DB)








(AG, BP, MR, MA, PP, AT, NW, GH, ML, AC, AF, LL, DB)


(SC, EA, BB, JD, OW, DB, NB, MD, AS, JI, SF)



(AG, BP, MR, MA, PP, AT, BB, NW, GH, JD, ML, AC, DB, JI, AF, LL, DB)



Floating Market Factions

First published 23rd December 2017

Floating Market Factions

The Toddman

The Toddman is arguably the most feared crimelord in the city. Until recently he was the Boss of the entire Athion sector of the market. The Toddman is rumoured to have connections throughout the Linrodeth, even into the Council. His greatest asset is that his true identity is unknown, and all instructions are passed on via his lieutenants. The Athionic sections of the market are the roughest since its inhabitants are the lowest scum of the whole city. Should they make an effort though, an Athion marketer is indistinguishable from an ordinary citizen.


Skillet, once a lieutenant of the Toddman, controls two Athionic sections of the market. These are believed to be have just begun to yield profits after the unexpected coup during the autumn of 142. Skillet has a reputation as a particularly ruthless Boss, although this may be because of the relative newness of his power.

The Cursos

The Cursos are humans from the Conglomerate of the City States. The word ‘Cursos’ roughly translates as ‘survive by running away’’. The Cursos were originally led by the Bordeci but during 138, the Babel and Solistel launched an attack on the Cursos causing a major fire within the market and splitting the Cursos between a faction under the control of the Solistel and an independent group of Cursos.

The Noord

The isolated valleys of the Western Isles are inhabited by a pale and stocky race of mariners known as the Noord. These people have a high regard for independence, and have been known to cause trouble by their disregard for the King’s Laws when they visit the mainland. A large group of Noord used to live in the market, but a large majority of these sailed away upstream in a makeshift longboat during 139, leaving behind a small group of Noord civilians behind. A new boatload of warrior Noord arrived in the market during the summer of 142.

The Solistel

This group of Solistel are very representative of their race, originally from the High Plateau. They work hard to preserve and increase the honour of their tribe, despite their surroundings. Since no-one quite knows what action or comment will be interpreted as an insult to their honour, dealing with the Solistel has always been regarded as a chancy business. The foremost family among the Solistel in the market is the Medunel. The Matriarch, Andenar Medunel, has never granted an audience to anyone outside the tribe. It is known that the Solistel and the Babel have has some form of alliance since the fire in 138.

The Kinjuru

Those Kezriakor exiled by the Empire of the Inner Sea are known as Kinjuru, and they are occasionally find their way as far north as Linrodeth. Lord Sato Shikoku is the ruler of this far flung group of exiles, and his people are highly valued as being scriveners under a sacred oath not to reveal their customer’s business.

The Babel

Although there are many Babel within the floating market to be found under the protection of Lord Sato, there is also a sizeable independent Babel sector under the leadership of the Dingol family who own the ‘Merry Whore’’.


Skelern 143

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Skelern in the year 143

The first day of the new year saw a major breakout of violence within the Floating Market. A large and bloody battle appears to have taken place between the forces of the Toddman and Skillet with both sides appearing to have hired mercenaries. The Witanmoot Guard were quickly on the scene and all accesses to the market were closed. By mid morning the King's Archers had deployed onto the wall and with their arrows raining down, the market was finally calmed around midday. The following day saw many requests from the councillors and citizens of Bridge and Dowgate that the market be put to the flame. Lady Samantha refused all of these requests, and made it quite clear that she saw the Witanmoot's responsibility being to stop the fight spreading. Some citizens attempted to take the matter into their own hands but, with the King's Rangers shooting anything that moved near the market, they were soon dissuaded. At one point a fire did break out, but this appears to have been contained. It is rumoured that during this confusion, Draco, crimelord of the Cursos was killed by a Solistel assassin, although the Chronicle has been unable to confirm this. On Fifthday, with no further incidents having occurred, the King's troops withdrew and this almost immediately precipitated a resurgence in violence, with fights breaking out in the Babel area and a general mobilisation taking place through the rest of the market. However, whilst the Council debated whether or not to request the return of the troops, further action within the market seems to have taken place. At noon on Seventhday the bloody head of Skillet was displayed at the edge of the River Dow. This seams to have had a near instant calming effect on the whole area, with the Toddman regaining control of the entire Athion area. No further incidents have been reported.

This year's committee elections look set to see one of the hardest fought contests for some time with major posts, such as Treasury and Law and Order, having three or four nominations. The only exceptions are Nicolas Bowden's uncontested election to Trade and the embarrassingly widespread support for sending Malcolm Mowbray to Cascorach. The full nominations were as follows:


Dixon, Shefford, Barnett



Law & Order

Anderson, Andrews, Faithside, Lambourne


Belcher, Carter, Warin

Welfare & Ed

Horl, Isenbard, Lansdowne, Tasker

Lands & Ag

Downe, Romanie


Horl, Pencric


Madigan, Travers, Spring


Bergeren, Morgan



In between campaigning to have their people elected and making pronouncements on the Floating Market, our councillors have spent much of their time swapping between the various factions in the aftermath of the elections. George Rimon has moved to the Mowbray faction, where we suspect his blunt speaking will be much at home. Meanwhile the increasingly mobile Gibian Horl has switched to the growing Truestaff group; and a major scare was caused when Suzan Faithside, rising star of the Mowbray camp, was seen in deep discussions with Miranda Andrews, who has been carrying out a powerful recruitment campaign on behalf of Larken Drumm.

Kruthos 142

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Kruthos in the year 142

The motion to increase the Witanmoot Guard has been passed by an overwhelming majority, bringing the Guards' full complement up to 75. Lady Samantha Cox has expressed delight that her motion gained so much support and went on to tell the Chronicle, "This is an excellent result and proves once and for all the Council's ability to make difficult decisions decisively". The Chronicle, whilst not wishing to argue with Her Ladyship, suspects that the decision had more to do with the fact that none of the councillors dared risk upsetting the guard. We have noted many privately voiced reservations. Many citizens fear more interference with the ward watches and the use of the Witanmoot's troops to crush dissent. It will be interesting to see if our rulers can resist the temptation to use the personal army they are creating.

His Majesty King Edmund has announced his intention to hold the Dragonfeast Council at the Citadel. Any person wishing to seek audience with him should approach Lord D'Assarn, who will be administering the lottery. In celebration of the day the King has announced a major tournament and has declared that a special archery contest will take place in which a team from each of the four great cities, Linrodeth, Salvoyn, Eresan and Cascorach, will compete with a team from the Kings Rangers. Acting Guildmaster Helen Kreft has announced that all citizens interested in representing the city should apply initially to the Bowyers Guild.

Miranda Andrews and Olnorth Dexter are delighted to announce the birth of their son, Oliver George Alexander Wesley, on Sixthday Secondweek during the early hours of the morning. Both mother and son are described as 'vociferous and lively', although Olnorth is looking a little tired nowadays. Olnorth has recently shocked the ward of Dracas by selling the Dexter mansion and moving into the Andrews household, "in order to spend more time looking after my family". This, obviously, makes him ineligible for re-election in Dracas.

This year has seen some of the most intensive campaigning ever, with all the major factions fighting to maintain their position against an upsurge of dissatisfaction with the establishment. There has been a notable closing of the ranks with very little inter faction fighting, as everyone concentrates on keeping their seat against a large number of new hopefuls. Money has been flowing out of the Guilds to support their people and the city has been bedecked in coloured ribbons and each faction attempts to demonstrate their supremacy. The drab brown and green of Adam Avery has been much in evidence, although this may be because it's a lot cheaper to produce. The most expensive campaign appears to be that of Matthew Dixon with intricate wooden gifts being dispensed to all and sundry. Sheriff Perignon's blue banners have also been much in evidence as she throws her weight behind the campaigns of Lilith Lansdowne, Philip Portman and Matthew Dixon, much to the latter's surprise. Amused residents of Levestone have commented that Dixon appears to be running to keep up with his own bandwaggon. More surprisingly still, Beatrice has put money into the campaign of Richard Saunders, although Richard strenuously denies any involvement in her faction.

The winter is proving surprisingly mild and with no snow drifts to bury them, Cllr Randy Parkinson has been early to issue his usual warning against the dumping of dead beggars in the Ishtan. He told the Chronicle, "It's the duty of all our citizens to keep the city clean and safe for decent people to live in. Those who dump dead beggars in the Ishtan are simply lazy and inconsiderate of their fellow citizens. The Witanmoot Guard should be instructed to put an end to this practice." The celebrations at the Andrews household may have been dampened by the news that the purchaser of the Dexter mansion was none other than Sheriff Beatrice Perignon, who made the purchase through an intermediary. Beatrice told the Chronicle, "Of course it will probably need a lot of renovation, but I'm looking forward to putting things in order".


As predicted, the establishment has suffered a number of setbacks with four Aldermen losing their seats. Kennet Maxil was defeated by Melanie Romanie in Cadene whilst in Dowgate the battle turned into a four way fight with Alice Fytton emerging victorious from the bitter fight between Moran, Clifford and Barnes (although all three gained a seat on the wardmoot). In Faringdon the longstanding Alderman George Rimon was defeated by Marcus Lambourne in a backlash against the raising of taxes this year. Over in Dracas Philip Portman, backed by a late but powerful Perignon bandwaggon, swept to victory. Other Aldermen given a close call this year were Ann Tasker in Kingsgate and Douglas du Bolay in Arpent, who just fought off David Ravensdale and Margery Haynes respectively. Lilith Lansdowne in Berewic managed to weather the storm produced by the treachery of the family, with Aralan Derwent offering the strongest challenge. In Levestone Matthew Dixon fought off strong challenges from Martin Key and Malcolm Mowbray, whilst in Welland James Isenbard scraped home by three votes, and if Reg Marc had not made a last minute offer of free beer to anyone supporting James, Gillian Howe would probably have defeated him. Joanna Paynell lost her seat on the Wardmoot of Ishtan. Richard Firethorn and Larken Drumm, both of Avigon, succeeded in their campaigns to be elected and the Chroniclers welcome them to the strange and wonderful world of the Court of Common Council.

Furrin' Countries

First published 23rd December 2017

Furrin’ Countries

The Conglomerate of City States is a term for the populous lands on the other side of the Gelt mountains to the south. These states are characterised by the complex and lethal form of politics known as The Game, whereby alliances and war are declared and broken with equal ease in the continual bid for more power. The Game affects everyone from a city ruler to a street urchin who is paid to act as his ‘listener’. Unwary travellers can easily be killed as pawns in a game which they never knew existed.

The isolated valleys of the Western Isles are inhabited by a pale and stocky race of mariners known as the Noord. These people have a high regard for independence, and have been known to cause trouble by their disregard for the King’s Laws when they visit the mainland.

Between the City States and the Inner Sea is the Theocracy of the High Plateau. Their people are tall, with brown skin and a mane of hair which roots down the spine. They also have a nictitating membrane over their whiteless eyes. In this arid upland the Church maintains a strict control over the water supply and the agriculture. The church is an austere and extreme version of the cult of Daleth the Earthmother in Athion.

Between the City States and the Flooded Plains is the Land of the Children of Herne, ruled by the Abeys. This country is set between two mountain ranges, and all trade between the coast and the heartlands goes through it.

East of the land of Herne are the Flooded Plains. This is a vast area of boggy fields worked by the Babel, a small yellowish people who also have a third eyelid and the whiteless eyes. They are a race enslaved to grow food for the Empire of the Inner Sea.

The Empire of the Inner Sea is ruled by the Kinjuru, a semi-aquatic race with dappled green skin and the strange eyes. Their capital is a huge and ornate collection of floating and semi-submerged palaces drifting in the Inner Sea. It is renown as a Court of extreme etiquette, artistry and courtesy, where the business of actually running the Empire is left to an immense and bizarre bureaucracy. The Empire influences or controls all lands surrounding the Inner Sea except one; the Menteshe.

The Menteshe is a hot, windy desert only traversed by the warrior tribes who search for and mine the bedrock, which is sometimes revealed beneath the shifting sands. The valuable metals and minerals which they bring to the coast to trade are much sought after.

To the East of Athion lie the immense and impenetrable Kalkas Mountains, sometimes called the Wall of the World. To the North lies nothing but snow and ice and the Frost-Wyrms.


Ternost 142

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Ternost in the year 142

Lady of the City Samantha Cox has caused uproar in the council by proposing a £50 increase in the Witanmoot budget. The lion's share of this increase is to fund an expansion of the Witanmoot Guard to a total strength of 75. Proposing the new budget she told the council, "The council has seen fit to bestow many further duties on the guard this year. This is the minimum increase necessary for the guard to fulfil these duties properly. I don't believe it is right to fiddle the books by partially funding this from the trade budget or any of the other fudges that have been proposed. It's about time some members of this council realised that when they vote for an increase in service, they have to be prepared to back it up with an increased budget." What prompted this uncharacteristic outburst is unclear, but some sources have suggested that Lady Cox is becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the number of 'worthy' motions which are being passed and then forgotten.

The campaigning for the midwinter elections is beginning to get underway, with Levestone, Welland and Dowgate emerging as the hottest wards. Cllr Buggs Moran has been canvassing to replace Alderman Mary Clifford. Buggs told the Chronicle, "Mary is a nice person, but the time when there were any nice solutions to Dowgate's problems has long passed." However, it looks as though the anti-Clifford vote will be split by Jocelyn Barnes who is campaigning vociferously on a policy of, "burn out the vermin in the floating market". Elsewhere in the city Matthew Dixon has been working hard to retain his Aldermanship, and Gillian Howe has launched a surprisingly strong campaign for the Welland Aldermanship.

Perhaps taking up the point made by Lady Samantha, Richard Firethorn has been continuing his work to bring fresh water to the city. An idea which the council voted for, but which it has been singularly ineffective in pursuing. In a surprise move Richard brought two Abbotts, of the Brynettes and the Torians, together for a meal to discuss the project. The Chronicle believes that this is the first time the religions have met since the Brynette bombardment of the Abbey of Gerlantia during the civil war, and congratulates him on this major breakthrough.

Roland and Julia Perignon have been seen looking at houses in Levestone, however the Chronicle expects that rather than buy an old house they will be acquiring some of the land freed up in certain riots last year, and building it themselves. The incentive behind this business expansion is rumoured to be a certain sheriff who has mentioned that "we wish to become a grandmother".

Ann Tasker has been continuing her investigation into the disappearance of Armundus Septer however, as she and Aralan Derwent have been discovering, the trail is somewhat cold. On the subject of Aralan Derwent, devoted Chronicle readers may be wondering as to the outcome of the article in last year's Chronicle of Ternost. We are now happy to report that our intrepid reporter Chinon has investigated and has been walking around with a smile on his face ever since.

Big, hearty Harry Truestaff has pulled of the, to him, coup of the year with Maud Blessop joining his faction. A faction which has never been noted for its abstinence and which may now be changing its title to the Party Party! Detailed planning for the Midwinter celebrations are already said to be underway, regardless of the election results.