Tag name:Linrodeth

Jasmarill 144

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Jasmarill in the year 144

The City is slowly recovering from the Great Fire, with many parts of the recovery plan devised by Sheriff Dixon and the Crisis Committee now in place. The scale of the damage to the city is becoming apparent; the rebuilding costs are estimated at many thousands of pounds. With the serious budget crisis caused by the devastation of a large area of the city, many of the services to which we have become accustomed are under threat and it is unclear which rebuilding projects, if any, will gain priority this year.

The Crisis Committee has so far concentrated its efforts on housing and feeding the refugees. Following the destruction of many of the city bakeries in the fire emergency bread ovens have been constructed. Alderman Derwent has toured the surrounding lands and has already secured much of the food the city will need in the immediate future. However this years very late winter is likely to mean a poor harvest and her efforts may only have postponed a food crisis. Housing has been a more serious problem. Although the guilds, relatives and friends were able to house most of the refugees, there still remain many hundreds of homeless. All the vacant land and property left over form the plague has been occupied and even the prisons have been pressed into service as temporary accommodation.

The repercussions of the fire on the city's finances are still being worked out. Lady Cox has announced the recalling of the Witanmoot for the purposes of setting a budget. The committee chairs are expected to come forward with their final proposals in the near future. The members of the crisis committee have caused much disruption as they attempt to get their various schemes funded through the appropriate committee. The committee chairs are believed to be resisting the additional expenditure in the light of the severe cuts they are already imposing on their own budgets. Likely things to feel the axe this year are the civic balls, the port and bridge maintenance, Guild examinations (to be abandoned) and the Emissaries. Even the donations to the Temples are rumoured to be under threat.

The newly combined Wharf and Witanmoot guard have defied rumours of an impending disaster following their merger and fought together to defeat a large band of mercenaries. The mercenaries had slain a number of Witanmoot guard and then fled down river on stolen boat pursued by the Wharf Guard. The Guard managed to disable the boat but were fought off by the enemies superior numbers. The Wharf guard continued the pursuit across land and were joined by a large body of mounted Witanmoot Guard. This combined force then fought the mercenaries at a manor house that had taken over and defeated them. The battle was fierce and the Wharf Guard in particular suffered serious losses, the entire force including their Captain being killed. It is believed that a number of very valuable looted goods were recovered from the mercenaries.

Crime remains a major concern following the fire. Despite marshal law and a merciless approach from the Sheriffs, much theft and mugging is being perpetrated. Impostors claiming to be refugees are now becoming a problem. Much of the Athionic section of the floating market has been vacated as these disreputable people move into the city to exploit the unfortunate and prey on the weak.

A number of incidents have occurred in Dowgate following the arrest of Cllr Barns. Some protest meetings have been held by her supporters and on one occasion the Dow entrance was blocked by an angry mob. Fortunately so far the protesters have dispersed before the arrival of the Witanmoot Guard but it is only a matter of time before a confrontation occurs. Whether Lady Cox is prepared to kill citizens in order to maintain her absolute control of the city remains to be seen. A spokesman for the guard told the Chronicle, "We have orders to maintain the rule of Law in this city. These troublemakers in Dowgate can not be tolerated, and we will do whatever we have to to deal with them".

Finally, just to show that the Gods do have a sense of humour, many citizens will no doubt be amused to learn that whilst most of the city has been worrying about the Great Fire, the offices of the Chroniclers have been subjected to flooding.

Pipetal 144

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Pipetal in the year 144

The Great Fire which destroyed most of the Wards of Cripplegate, Avigon and Faringdon has now died down. The smouldering ruins of top of Faringdon hill still dominate the skyline and much of the City's thoughts. A vast funeral pyre lies outside Cripplegate and hundreds of citizens are believed to have perished. The exact cause of the fire remains unknown; it is understood to have started near the top of Faringdon hill, although rumours of the fire starting in a number of places have led some people to suggest it was deliberately set. Throughout the night of the fire many acts of bravery were performed. The Witanmoot Guard led the fight to contain the fire, and without their heroic efforts a far greater area of the city would have been destroyed. Within the area of the fire Cllr Firethorn led the evacuation through Dowgate, returning many time to rescue stricken families. Martial Law was declared during the night and the Witanmoot bell tolled for the first time since the Civil war to summon all citizens to the Marching Watch.

Lady Cox in a speech form the Mootstone the day after the fire made the following announcements:

"First of all I would like to thank everyone for the strenuous efforts they have made on behalf of the City since the fire. My thanks especially go to Sheriff Dixon for collating the suggestions that have come forth since the great fire and to Alderman Shefford for producing a revised budget.

I have a number of announcements:

His Majesty the King has most graciously made a gift of £5,000 to the city to assist us in our moment of need. I am sure all of the City will join me in thanking His Majesty for this most valuable assistance.

Three cheers for the King.....

I have decided to make the following appointments to a crisis committee: Law and Order (Midnight to Midday), Dixon; Law and Order (Midday to Midnight), Perignon; Shelter for the Homeless, Avery; Food provision for the city and feeding of the refugees, Derwent; Planning, title deeds and building priorities, Truestaff; Orphans and Pensioners, Drumm; Drinking supplies for refugees, Firethorn; Assistant to the committee, Monterey.

I will take direct responsibility for Guild issues and the provision of the Kings taxation. All other responsibilities remain as determined in the committee elections. Committee Chairs and members of the Crisis Committee will produce budget proposals this month. In the interim Alderman Shefford will administer spending directly.

It is my intent to lift rule by decree at Midsummer. There will be no Sheriff's election. Sheriffs Dixon and Perignon will hold office until Midsummer 145. All Guild prices are fixed at their pre fire rates. Construction guilds will provide me with proposals for how they intend to manage the increased workload which I will be placing upon them.

I announce a general amnesty. All prisoners are hereby released. The Dow entrance to the city is opened.

The standing watch is disbanded. The Wharf guard and Witanmoot guard are merged. The complement of the new Witanmoot guard will be extended by a further 50 men."

The Chronicle would like to add its congratulations to the people who worked to save the City and to echo the thanks of the people to His Majesty for his most generous gift. Citizens are warned that the Sheriffs are pursuing a very vigorous line against looting. The Witanmoot Guard have already slain a number of suspected looters. The Chroniclers have been told to remind the city's councillors that sedition carries the death penalty and that, with the Witanmoot suspended, they have no right of open speech.

The most immediate problem facing the city is the homeless. The bitter winter which has been gripping the city thankfully broke the day after the fire, but the spring is still tentative and many people still risk death sleeping outside. The guilds are housing their own but this still leaves hundreds homeless, without possessions, or the means to feed themselves. The crisis committee must deal with this problem if another disaster is not to occur.

Tension with the floating market remains high. The closing of the Dow entrance has led to a number of incidents and prior to the fire full conflict between the Ward of Dowgate guard and the Solistel seemed inevitable. Lady Cox's decree reopening the Dow Gate has done much to relieve the pressure, but with the City in such a serious situation many fear that the criminal elements within the market will take this opportunity to strike against the city. Opinions in Dowgate are also running high, with the heavy hand of the Witanmoot Guard very much in evidence. Shortly before her arrest, Cllr Jocelyn Barns of Dowgate told the Chronicle, "Lady Cox has betrayed the ward of Dowgate, first she opposed Alderman Fytton's motion which would once and for all rid us of these creatures, and now she uses the excuse of the fire to overrule democratic decision of the Witanmoot and for us to admit these scum into our ward".

At the last council meeting before the fire the Witanmoot passed a motion revising the budgeting as follows: "In the month of Jasmarill the Chairman of each committee will produce proposals for expenditure in the year from Midsummer. In the month of Heliora, the Chairman of Treasury will propose and the full Council will determine the division of money between committees and levels of taxation. In the month of Menderal the chairman of each committee will propose and full council will determine each committee's spending plans. Each committee shall be responsible for the spending of its budget. Any spending beyond that approved in Heliora must be approved by the full council, the members of the Committee being held responsible for any unauthorised overspending."

This important motion will have major repercussions on future budgets; Lady Cox has declared her intention to lift Martial Law at Midsummer, and many Committee Chairs have been seen desperately negotiation for votes to defend their budgets from the cuts which must inevitably follow the fire. The revised budget produced by Alderman Shefford is rumoured to show £8,000, mainly resulting from the loss of income from the wards of Cripplegate, Avigon and Faringdon. and the reduced payments from the guilds some of whom have been devastated by the fire.

Galemir 144

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Galemir in the year 144

This year's committee elections proved very interesting, with a number of surprise landslides and some very close votes. A powerful alliance between Sheriff Matthew Dixon and Alderman Aralan Derwent just failed to gain a number of key posts. Lack of support from the smaller factions combined to defeat what should have been a winning team. On one occasion the emissary was decided on the Lord's casting vote, with Samantha blowing a kiss across the room and saying "thanks Harry". Adam Avery is however, the clear winner of this round of elections, securing Shipping and Welfare & Education for his relatively small faction. Jenny Davy's election is subject to her being cleared of charges of financial irregularities at a hearing before Alderman Horl. The full election results are provided later in this Chronicle.

The election Council meeting started with considerable confusion when the list of published nominations proved to be wildly inaccurate. After investigation it transpired that a junior scribe had misunderstood the handwriting of the Clerk to the Council's notes during nominations. A motion from Cllr Derwent quickly righted the record, but Cllr Firethorn's motion to have the Clerk to the Council dismissed was defeated. However the junior scribe is now seeking other employment.

Cllr Adam Avery has made a strong attack on the ward of Dowgate for closing the Dow entrance to the floating market. He said, "I do not believe that the closing of this entrance is in the interests of the citizens of Linrodeth and I question the ward's right to do this". Cllr Edge has put down a motion the next council, "This council calls upon the Ward of Dowgate to reopen the Dow entrance to the city and instructs the Witanmoot Guard to enforce the people's right of free access". Alderman Fytton told the Chronicle, "Cllr Edge is a fool, can't he see that the scum of the Market are destroying our once proud City? We will reopen the entrance once the guard have cleared the blight of the Floating Market from our doorstep. And I intend to amend his motion accordingly."

Alderman Aralan Derwent has expressed concern over the worsening apprentice situation in the City. According to her investigations there are a large number of hopefuls reaching the age of fourteen and a growing shortage of apprentice places. She believes that few of next year's fourteen year olds will be able to gain a placement.

Lady Samantha Cox has herself formally proposed the new budget arrangements. As expected these will mean that each committee will propose its budget in Jasmarill, with a vote on the level of tax and split of money between committees taking place in Heliora. Lady Cox is also proposing that the current 143 budget be continued with until the new system can be brought into operation. However another test for her new 'no overspending' policy has appeared in the form of the Shipping budget. Chairman Warin has reported that the committees funds are inadequate to repair the damage done to the docks by the harsh winter, and has requested £100 of additional funds.

This year's lordship elections look set to be particularly boring with both Matthew Dixon and Beatrice Perignon declaring that they have no intention to campaign for the Lordship. Sheriff Dixon described his chances of winning as "practically nil".

Following her unanimous re-election to the Chairmanship of Welfare & Education, Ann Tasker has been formulating the governing body for the new orphanage. Gax told the Chronicle that he was delighted with the progress which was being made, and the very positive attitude taken by Alderman Tasker to the whole project. Asked if he was upset at losing control of the Orphanage he said, "I opened the orphanage because the rulers of our city were unwilling to accept their responsibility to the citizens. I am pleased that our councillors have been convinced of the orphanage's necessity. I will now be concentrating on a number of other issues where I feel the government is ignoring the aspirations of the citizens, and where the restrictive guild practices are preventing people from fulfilling their potential"

Election Results



11 Votes



10 Votes



2 Votes




21 Votes



2 Votes


Law and Order


21 Votes



2 Votes



No Votes – Poor James



13 Votes



10 Votes


Welfare and Education





No Votes



12 Votes



5 Votes



4 Votes


Blessop, Davy

No Votes



12 Votes

MA, DdB, AF, SF, GH, MK, ML, BP, AS, NW, OW (Lords vote)


11 Votes



1 Vote



No Votes



23 Votes


Blessop, Davy

No Votes



14 Votes



5 Votes



4 Votes


Blessop, Bergeren, Firethorn

No Votes

Skelern 144

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Skelern in the year 144

A large crowd gathered to listen to the full council meeting where Vanessa St-Lawrence put forward a motion calling for the council to fund an orphanage for all the city. An earlier public meeting had made it quite clear to the councillors what the citizens thought of their indifferent attitude to the problem and it was apparent that the crisis had reached a point where our councillors would either do something or face a full scale riot. An amendment to the motion was attempted by the unlikely alliance of Cllrs Richard Firethorn and Adam Avery. Cllr Firethorn's amendment attempted to put the city in overall control of the orphanage and it looked like he would gain sufficient support to push this change through. However a last minute switch by Cllr Avery threw the Witanmoot into turmoil and the amendment was lost by 128 votes to 62. Whether this U-turn was a carefully planned double-cross or whether Cllr Avery had suddenly noticed the large crowd outside, remains unclear. The full motion was then opposed by Sheriff Beatrice Perignon who pointed out that the Hahnites intended to build an orphanage for the city's children if the city did not and hence the project was a waste of money. However many of the non-Hahnite councillors felt that this was an unacceptable solution and, to the cheering of the crowd, the motion was passed by a majority of 149 to 47. The ecstatic crowd carried Vanessa and Gax back to the orphanage where a large celebration was held.

The blizzard sweeping in from the North has caught most of the city by surprise just as the preparations for Springtide were beginning. All but the half dozen main roads have been completely blocked by snowdrifts and the Ishta is now frozen from bank to bank. This has brought commerce in Linrodeth to a complete halt until the wind changes. Soothsayers have been uttering dire warnings about the hatching of Ice Wyrms and other ominous portents if the wind does not die before Springtide.

Complaints have been heard about a dangerous incident when drunken revellers from the Citadel pelted through the city in a sleigh pulled at full gallop by no less than six horses. A number of citizens were injured while scrambling to safety, and an informal debate on the orphanage at the Mootstone was broken up just as Sheriff Perignon had begun her speech. That venerable lady, although unhurt, seems to have been particularly offended by the large amount of Adam Avery's campaign bunting seen trailing from the back of the sleigh.

The city has set its budget for the following year at £83,374. Despite a £4,000 in the tribute due to the King, the extra spending on the orphanage and dire warnings for Sheriff Dixon in the run up to the budget, no extra taxes will be required. The Dragonfeast last summer, much to the surprise of its organisers, has generated a large guild income, and this will more than cover the increase in this year's budget.

The nominations for the Chairmanships have not produced the usual carve up along fractional lines. A complex plan by Sheriff Dixon to distribute the posts evenly among the factions seems to have collapsed and a free for all of nominations ensued.


Anderson, Faithside, Shefford



Law and Order

Andrews, Derwent, Lambourne


Carter, Romanie

Welfare and Education

Tasker, Andrews

Lands and Agriculture



Rimon, Portman, Beaureli, Blessop, Davy


Derwent, Howe, Blessop, Davy


Saunders, Tholin, Firethorn, Bergeren, Blessop, Davy


Mowbray, Blessop, Davy

Aldermen Olivia Warin and Aralan Derwent are therefore elected unopposed.

Despite the recent incident in which outraged citizens stormed his house. Cllr Randy Parkinson has re-iterated his usual call for frozen beggars to be dumped in the marshes rather than the Ishtan. "I will not be intimidated by bleeding heart liberals such as Gax and Cllr Edge" he told the Chronicle.

Alice Fytton, Alderman of Dowgate has ordered the Watch to close the Dow entrance to the Floating Market. "This entrance is the source of most of this Ward's ill. This is the first step in our campaign to remove the blight of the market from our doorstep", she told the Chronicle. A number of incidents have already ensued as citizens attempted to gain access to the market, and rumours speak of at least one unmistakable Councillor stumped for a way to get into the market.

Kruthos 143

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Kruthos in the year 143

Uncertainty about the fate of the orphanage continues into its third month, with citizen's protests becoming increasingly unruly. At one stage this month the Witanmoot Guard were called out to prevent one demonstration from turning into a full scale riot. Anger at the councillors, whose own children are protected by the guild system, was not appeased when Ann Tasker restated the official position, that 'something' would be done 'sometime' next year when funds become available. "It's always 'next year'," shouted one worthy citizen. "I have four young daughters. What's going to happen to them if anything happens to...", whereupon the sudden arrival of a Guard with cudgel terminated the speech. "It's outrageous", added Gax from the safety of the Mootstone. "Once again we see the privileged of our city ignoring the Citizens who it should be their duty to protect. We need fundamental reform. Until we cease to be ruled by the Guild elite, and their Hahnite conspirators, justice will remain the unfulfilled wish of the masses." Vanessa St Lawrence, a long-standing patron of the orphanage, is standing in Castle Bard and has promised to lobby for the reform of the Welfare & Education committee if elected.

With Yuletide approaching our civic streets are once again being decked out in ribbons, flags and colourful bunting. Following the trend of earlier festivals, these garlands are becoming increasingly colour-specific, depending on which ward or street you happen to wander down. The exception to this appears to be Kingsgate, where the exuberant Purple/Gold/Green/Pink/Turquoise combinations can only be the official colours of Harry Truestaff's Party Party. Meanwhile Avery's sea-blue colours are showing heavily in Marshgate, Firethorn's saffron yellow directly competes with Larken Drumm's bottle green in both Avigon and Dracas, while Ma Perignon has paid for extensive burgundy bunting in Faringdon, Arpent, Portsoken and Berewic.

Elsewhere, our doyenne of Law & Order, Aralan "don't mention the witnesses" Derwent was hosting a lavish party at her promises premises in Berewic. Despite several infringements of highway by-laws as the party spilled over into the street, the event passed noisily but without incident. No doubt this was due to the vigilance of the local watch, who made a point of frequently dropping by to check for problems. Her most notable guest was Sheriff Dixon, who took the opportunity to ask local residents some penetrating questions about the history of the Lansdownes, and their possible future. A serious incident at the home of Sheriff Beatrice Perignon has left one Witanmoot Guard dead and several seriously wounded. A band of skilled mercenaries attacked the Sheriff's mansion and, although their attempt on the Sheriff's life was thwarted by the Guard, it is rumoured they managed to escape with a chest full of gold. The dead guard was Corporal Theo, who will be remembered by many for the tours of the city which he was fond of giving to visitors. It is not yet clear which faction ordered the assault and a major investigation has been launched. One of the assassins was captured and has revealed the names of the other assailants. If anyone knows the whereabouts of Gerald Scrogins (previously a Gardener at the Perignon mansion), Jeremia Davison (mercenary last seen at the Broken Drum) or John Varcail, they should contact the Witanmoot immediately.

In the last full Council session of the year, Lady Samantha's Witanmoot budget was voted through be a wide margin with only Harry Truestaff's faction abstaining and Larken Drumm's faction opposing. Objecting, Cllr Drumm described the level of Witanmoot Guard wages as "crap" and added, "It's disgusting. Even labourers get more." Much later in the session Cllr Firethorn rose to read a prepared statement pointing out that the Freshwater project "has been passed by Council and now comes under the democratic control of the Welfare & Education Committee, which will supervise any expenditure and work carried out, and will not employ anybody who deliberately offends the temples by encroaching upon their grounds without permission from the priests concerned." Afterwards Cllr Avery spoke to the Chroniclers and added, "I believe that the rumours linking Firethorn, the Masons and the Dalethian Well are entirely unfounded, and he retains my full support". So that's all right then.

Public Health Notice: It has been brought to our attention that young Elizabeth Dixon (aged 8 and a half) is receiving her first fencing lessons. You have been warned.

Up at the Citadel the nobility have been gathering for the seasonal celebrations and the King's formal Yuletide Court. The theme of the Grande Ball is not yet known, but there are rumours of a closed off courtyard, and several enthusiastic young knights have been organising the delivery of barrels of hot liquid to it. The only other regular source of steam (as opposed to hot air) in the Citadel are the apartments of the Imperial Envoy.

Fans of the theatre, and especially those of the popular comedy 'Please Yourself', are concerned at the prolonged absence of Ms Madelaine Pompette, the leading lady. Ms Pompette was last seen being escorted across the Bridge to the north side of the river, by a number of unknown cloaked gentlemen. Her shoes have since been discovered in a sack under the Shipwrights Steps, along with a transparent eye-patch, a small wooden vole, a pouch of grey powder and three boiled pigeon eggs.


The surprise result of the elections turned out to be the return of Ann Tasker as Alderman of Kingsgate, fighting off a strong challenge by Harry Truestaff which forced the vote to a recount. The result was all the more surprising given the recent orphanage riots. More predictably, Alan Griffiths was returned to his old Aldermanship of Dracas, and Berewic was finally won over by Aralan Derwent, awarding the Aldermanship to a non-Lansdowne for the first time in seventeen years. Ariane Pencric ran a slick campaign to oust the Carpenters' Guildmaster, Nicholas Bowden. And in the absence of any strong challengers, Martin Key secured his hold on the Aldermanship of Levestone. Alice Fytton was returned by Dowgate with one of the widest margins ever recorded for an Alderman, and her new mandate is likely to result in a firmer line against the scum of the Floating Market.

In the full Court of Common Council, the Chroniclers note two surprise retirements. George Bergeren has retired to concentrate on his business, and Grantham Morgan has retired for unstated 'personal' reasons. Barely avoiding a forced retirement was Larken Drumm whose meteoric rise in Witanmoot influence seems not to be reflected in Avigon popularity. This is in sharp contrast to Richard Firethorn, whose lively endeavours seem to have caught public imagination. Less fortunate was Alan Monterey over in Levestone, who failed to win the last handful of votes needed to reach the Council.

Ternost 143

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Ternost in the year 143

The vigorous pre-election campaigns of our councillors were rudely interrupted by a number of crises last month. The various faction leaders managed to hide their irritation, and didn't embarrass themselves too much in the scramble to gain publicity from the various problems. Probably the least put out has been Harry Truestaff who, despite precipitating a full scale emergency by being kidnapped, seems to have had a fairy relaxed month. Harry's kidnapping was announced to the Witanmoot by Sheriff Matthew Dixon, who explained that he had received a letter from Barondolpho demanding that the city pay a ransom or Truestaff would be killed. Uproar ensued as various councillors loudly insisted that the City could not give in to terrorism while other councillors, mainly in Harry's faction, demanded his safe return with the City's full co-operation. Although the council session was secret the Chronicle has been able to determine that during the heated and noisy debate three resolutions were put forward. The first called for the city to pay the ransom and was spoken against by Councillors Drumm and Avery; "It would only lead to further incidents, I'm sure if Harry were here he would tell us not to pay it.... ". This was voted down overwhelmingly with only the Perignon and Mowbray factions abstaining. The second called upon the councillors to pay the ransom, despite support from Adam Avery and Sheriff Perignon this was similarly defeated. The final motion was proposed by Sheriff Perignon who suggested that the city pretend to pay the ransom whist attempting to rescue Harry. This was also lost with the councillors being unwilling to even appear to be paying a ransom.

With no chance of a ransom it looked like Truestaff would be killed. For some unknown reason our councillors appear to have become convinced that he was to be sacrificed at the barrows on the edge of Botmoor. Bravely, a Witanmoot Guard contingent lead by Sheriff Dixon and accompanied by Aralan Derwent (there to deal with any inconvenient witnesses one presumes) set out on a rescue mission. Officially they didn't find anything, however rumour suggests that they disturbed yet another necromantic ceremony and prevented the summoning of a demon. Certainly at least one guard member was so shocked by the experience that she has had to retire from the guard. Meanwhile Cllr Truestaff emerged from his captivity none the worse for his experience, having been wined and dined by his captors and released unharmed on Ternost Firstday.

The other major problem to face our Councillors this month was the Welfare and Education budget. With citizens still calling for more money for the orphanage, rumours of a big overspend and a threatened veto from Lady Cox it looked like Chairman Ann Tasker might well stand up and make a resignation speech rather than attempting to put forward a budget. However some impressive backstage manoeuvring by her colleague Adam Avery led to an unlikely compromise under which Lady Cox has loaned the city the money to make up the deficit. The Councillors leapt upon this way out of a sticky situation and it received overwhelming backing. There is no more money for the orphanage, however plans are afoot for a Hahnite backed replacement to be run, it is suggested, by Lilith Lansdowne.

Following the Truestaff kidnapping a number of councillors have strengthened their security, providing an unexpected bonus for the mercenaries over-wintering in the city. A number of councillors have also had official guards allocated to them following rumours of another kidnap attempt against Adam Avery. One person who won't be looking for Witanmoot Guards is Richard Saunders. During the Truestaff debate Richard Saunders and Sheriff Dixon got into a heated argument when Saunders accused the Sheriff of using the Guard for his own political ends. This led inevitably led to them duelling the next morning. Both are accomplished duellists and a large crowd gathered to watch the contest. It looked like it would all be over when Saunders opened with a lightening thrust which penetrated Dixon's defence and drew blood. However Sheriff Dixon was unwilling to end the contest there and insisted on the fight continuing. An angry Saunders renewed his attack with deadly precision and both contestants appeared to be doing their best to kill each other. Dixon's skill looked to be giving him the upper hand, but Saunders held out long enough that Dixon's earlier wound began to tell, and with blood now streaming down his arm the Crimson ex-Councillor was forced to concede defeat.

Our sources at the Citadel suggest that, as a result of the Gelt offensive, His Majesty is considering a large increase in the tax paid to him by the city and it will be interesting to see which of the many pet schemes survive: the guard increases, the water project, the orphanage, the expansion of the guild training system, or the removal of the floating market.

Alison Shefford's new budgeting proposals look set to provide a good debate for the new councillors to cut their teeth on next year. Under the scheme each committee would propose its budget in Jasmarill, a vote on the level of tax and split of money between committees would take place in Setheran, and each committee would then bring forward a budget to that amount in Arvinoth. The most controversial part of the proposal is to require the committee to come back to the full council for extra money and to make the committee responsible for any overspend.

The opening night of the play 'Please Yourself' was disrupted by a rowdy (and probably drunk) contingent from the Citadel, who continually interrupted the performance, and who at one stage took over the stage. There were also reports of a werewolf roaming the backstage area. Despite this the actors performed well and the large, and notable, audience were treated to a marvellous entertainment.

Guildmaster of the Poulterers, Alice Fytton, has announced that an unknown disease has lead to a serious shortages. The disease does not seem to harm the birds, but anyone eating their eggs becomes violently ill. A number of deaths have been reported. The Temple of Daleth is investigating the problem and has ordered the destruction of a number of affected flocks. Guildmaster Fytton assured the people that all the affected birds had been killed and that it was still safe to buy eggs. However she warned that a number of infected birds had been stolen and stressed the importance of only purchasing from Guildmembers.

Cllr Firethorn has dispelled much of the confusion surrounding the recent coinage and kidnapping crises. At the last council meeting he explained that most of the Witanmoot knew that the forgeries and the kidnapping had both been perpetrated by Barondolpho, that Barondolpho had attempted to kill a number of councillors, was a known Necromancer who had infiltrated the Bards College and who had connections in the floating market. He demanded to know what measures, beyond Sheriff Dixon's pitiful reward, were being taken to capture this arch criminal. Sheriff Dixon refused to confirm the accusations and suggested that if Cllr Firethorn had evidence to present he should do so forthwith.

Kryll 143

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Kryll in the year 143

Citizens have been most surprised by a generous move by the councillors of Linrodeth. In response to an initiative by Sheriff Matthew Dixon, the councillors have forestalled an emergency tax increase by dipping into their own pockets to the tune of 3s 6d each. The potential tax crisis was precipitated by Lady Samantha Cox who has made it clear to councillors that she intends to veto any committee budget which fails to meet its target. This radical move sent our councillors into a panic, when it became clear that the trade budget was many pounds overspent. Unwilling to face cutting services or increasing taxes in the run-up to the Midwinter elections, our good councillors have met the deficit themselves. How they will cope with the rumoured 'significant' overspend by the Welfare and Education committee is yet to be seen.

In an attempt to forestall similar crisis next year, Treasury Chairman Alison Shefford has proposed the total reform of the budgetary process. Commenting informally at a recent lunch at the Goldsmiths hall she said; " The budgetary system of Linrodeth is a historic and much amended entity. Committees which produce their budgets late in the year, are in effect publishing a fait accompli, with the vast majority of the funds having been spent. I will be formally proposing a completely new system to next month's Witanmoot." She refused to be drawn on the exact nature of the new system, and it is clearly still the subject of much back room discussion between the various Witanmoot factions.

Shocked and outraged citizens have been calling for the city to either close or directly supervise the running of Gax's orphanage. This follows the conviction of one of the youngsters on charges of arson, burglary, breaking and entering, resisting arrest and entering the city illegally. Indeed many more of the orphans were fined after they gave evidence at the trial, and it is clear that their sense of morality and ethics has not been improved by their contact with Gax. The orphan was sentenced to death but in fact died during an ill-judged escape attempt at the Law Courts. Chairman for Welfare and Education Ann Tasker has called for the city to fund Gax's orphanage next year rather than attempting to create its own. However her call has met with opposition from an unlikely alliance of the Thatchers Guild and the supporters of the Hahnites. Both groups maintain that the Orphanage is an unsuitable institution for the city to support. Lilith Lansdowne called for Sheriff Perignon's original proposal of a city orphanage to be implemented; "where the destitute children can be taught strict discipline and respect for the Kings Law".

The great Ship of the Dawn has sailed for the Western Isles where it will overwinter before stetting off on its journey of discovery. At a noisy and emotional ceremony the Navarch of Esprayenna named the ship The Avatar, and gave a personal blessing to each member of the volunteer crew. Many mysterious packages and holy gifts were loaded into the cargo, along with a stunning large amount of provisions. The Avatar sailed out on the evening tide and into a dramatic blood red sunset, and provided the citizens of Linrodeth with a fitting end to what has been a most colourful and eventful season.

We have been asked to remind citizens that a curfew is still in effect during the night of the Ghostmoons, it being a crime to venture onto the streets during the hours of darkness. Given the recent discovery of large cat-like footprints found in the early snows around the city walls, and Mad Mab's recent prophecy of "the gathering of the lost ones during the night of evil", this reminder seems unnecessary. In a clear attempt to recover from the damaging 'lake affair', Richard Firethorn has been making strenuous efforts to distance himself from the events leading up to the crisis. He vehemently seconded Cllr Derwent's motion of support for the Torians, and insisted that the Masons' Guild formally apologises to the city for its over-zealousness. This did indeed result in a rather stiff little speech of apology from Robert Beaureli, which managed to imply that he was deeply sorry about any distress that may have been caused, without ever admitting any liability for it whatsoever. As well as this very public change of mind, Richard has also started pouring money into an early re-election campaign in a determined attempt to repair his image.

Not content with killing every suspect that the Witanmoot Guard can find, Cllr Aralan Derwent has spent the month seeking an assassin to duel with. A number of the more imaginative councillors did at one stage start up a fund to hire one for her, but this eventually died out when no-one would admit to being responsible for collecting the money.

Meanwhile socialite Harry Truestaff has thrown his faction into further turmoil. After throwing his considerable weight behind talk of a major reshuffle, and making a number of conflicting promises to his various supporters, the great man appears to have abdicated responsibility for finalising his new organisational structure. Unkind rumours suggest that he has yet to sober up from the last 'interesting' party that he attended.

Another person launching an early election campaign is Alan Monterey, who started his bid to join the Levestone wardmoot with a wine tasting party. Amongst the notable attendees were most of the Vintners Guild of Levestone and a number of senior council members, such as Ann Tasker, who Alan was clearly sounding out on the possibilities of joining their faction.

The only good news this month is an announcement of the opening of the notorious comedy 'Please Yourself' at the Theatre Regale. The play stars famous actors Greville Danvers and Ms Madelaine Pompette, who have brought the play to Linrodeth following its runaway success in the playhouses of Salvoyn.

Lorinfall 143

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Lorinfall in the year 143

The unannounced arrival of Crown Prince Edward has sent ripples of concern throughout the city and the royal court. As soon as his ship docked the Prince rode up to the Citadel where he had a long, private audience with His Majesty. Rumours abound with the possibility of a massive Gelt invasion, or war with the City States, causing the most concern. The Prince returned to Salvoyn after one week, but the cause of his visit remains a mystery.

Citizens are warned to stay clear of the Floating Market, which is dangerously riven with interfactional fighting. The reason for the problem remains unclear. Following the initial outbreak of fighting, no major incidents have been reported. The trouble seems to centre on the Solistel/Cursos boundary, although other areas are showing more armed activity than normal. The Witanmoot Guard seems to have become entangled in the activities with Guard officers having been seen entering different areas of the market to hold 'negotiations' the day before the fight. Rumour also suggests that a major assault by the Guard on the Cursos section was called off just before the trouble broke out. Official sources at the Witanmoot are denying all knowledge of the incident. Cllr Richard Saunders has been demanding a full enquiry. He told the Chronicle, "I have for some time been warning of the increasingly active role the Witanmoot Guard has been taking. Over the last few years Lady Cox has built the guard up into a large and effective military force. What we are seeing now is that force beginning to be used by the Sheriffs to their own ends. This Floating Market involvement and the recent incident in Castle Bard convince me it is vital that they be brought under the democratic control of the entire Witanmoot, before a major disaster occurs."

A major dispute has broken out between the Temple of Torus and the freshwater project. It would appear that Cllr Derwent discovered some masons surveying the Torians' holy lake as a possible source of water. She, being a good Torian, immediately told the Temple and stormed off to the Witanmoot to confront Cllr Firethorn. The normally passive Torians called out the Knight Hospitallers and mounted a guard on the lake. It is also rumoured that a strongly worded communication was sent to the Witanmoot threatening to excommunicate the city and deny it the services of the temple. Cllr Derwent has proposed a motion to council apologising for the unfortunate incident, and confirming that the lake will be in no way be affected by the project. Cllr Firethorn denied that there was ever a plan to use the lake and blamed the incident on over zealous interpretation of his instructions to the Masons' guild. He described Cllr Derwent's activities as deliberate troublemaking.

There have been a number of movements within the Witanmoot factions this month as the councillors position themselves for the run up to the Midwinter elections. Marc Bergeren, a long standing supporter of Aralan Derwent, has deserted her for the faction of Harry Truestaff. Marc is rumoured to have become dissatisfied with the increasingly establishment position taken by Cllr Derwent. Meanwhile Grantham Morgan, an important member of the Firethorn faction, has moved to join Larken Drumm and his new ally Martin Key. Melanie Romarnie has completed her tour of the factions by returning to the Mowbray faction, with which she saw success some years ago. Lady Amelia's birthday ball proved to be one of the most important social events of the year. The theme of a masked ball seems to have caught the attention of the court and vast amount of money were spent of ever more impressive costumes. The unexpected attendance of the Crown Prince added to the importance of the occasion and may people now expect lady Amelia’s masquerade to become one to the regular events of the court calendar.

Sheriff Matthew Dixon has initiated a city-wide manhunt for the twin brother of Witanmoot Sergeant Nicolo Barondolpho. The Sheriff has determined that this man was behind the forgery ring which nearly ruined the city's finances. Sergeant Barondolpho was killed in a 'rockfall' incident a year ago which has never been fully explained. Some commentators have suggested that the family may now be waging a bloodfued against the entire city.

The recent Civic Ball to welcome the Salvoynian Envoy passed without any undue incidents. Harry Truestaff charmed his way around the female delegation, and finds himself in high favour. Richard Firethorn and Beatrice Perignon made elegant appearances, but Sheriff Dixon was unexpectedly ignored by the Envoy's entourage. Cllrs Aralan Derwent and Larken Drumm brought the ball to standstill with a dazzling display of complex dancing, which drew applause from all onlookers at its finish. Noticeably, Aralan was escorted to the ball not by Sir Henry, but by Chinon Starsinger, surprising everyone (especially this editor). Chinon's wit and eloquence seem to have riveted Aralan's attention for much of the evening. Perhaps a new romance is in the air for her?

The freshwater project of Cllr Firethorn has gained overall approval from the Witanmoot., although the Derwent and Dixon factions chose to abstain. Had the vote taken place after the incident with the Torians it is unlikely that it would have been passed so easily. An aggressive Cllr Firethorn is already believed to be manoeuvring to gain the Treasurer's post for a member of his faction. One other vote which was passed without comment was the Law and Order budget. A question was raised by Cllr Larken Drumm, who demanded to know what the Council intended to do about the 'tent city' left behind after the Dragonfeast.

The Levestone Aldermanship election has generated a close result, with old timer Martin Key beating his son-in-law Malcolm Mowbray by 15 votes. Martin described himself delighted to be "once more back in the fray" and confessed that he had been "missing the inner council". He put his success down to the skill of his new faction leader Larken Drumm and described the Mowbray campaign as "lacklustre". The Mowbray camp does not seem too dismayed by the result, Cllr Mowbray has surprised everyone by deciding to overwinter in Cascorach, and it is unlikely that he could have held the position come the Midwinter elections. Alison Shefford described the election as, "a useful exercise in finding out who our real allies are".

The final piece of council gossip to reach the Chronicle this month is news of a luncheon date between Alderman Ann Tasker and the up and coming Alan Monterey. It would appear the Ann is casting around for fresh blood following the incapacitation of her previous flunky Adam Avery.

Arvinoth 143

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Arvinoth in the year 143

Sheriff Matthew Dixon has headed off a major Treasury crisis by foiling an attempt to debase Linrodeth's coinage. The plotters, working from a forge in Cadene, are thought to have passed nearly £3000 of debased coinage into circulation. However, due to prompt action by the Sheriff, nearly all these coins have been recovered, and Dixon assures us that there is no threat to the value of our coinage. Anyone who believes that they have a suspect coin should present it the Witanmoot where it will be replaced on a one for one basis. This offer will be maintained for a year and a day. Sheriff Dixon announced the exposure of the plot to a packed emergency meeting of the Court of Common Council, and the Chronicle was most interested to note the obvious division between those guilds in the know and those to whom it came as a nasty surprise. News of the counterfeiting had clearly been leaked beforehand. We suspect that many guilds will be increasing their political funding in an attempt to avoid future embarrassment. Shortly before the meeting the plotters had been apprehended by the Witanmoot Guard, led by Sheriff Dixon and Cllrs Avery, Firethorn and Derwent, in raids throughout the city. In one fight Cllr Adam Avery was seriously injured, and has lost an arm despite the best efforts of the Torian chirugeon. The Chronicle wishes him a speedy recovery.

The vacant Levestone Aldermanship has resulted in a sudden influx of inquisitorial councillors into the ward. Despite endorsements from both Sheriffs, the councillors are determined that the absent Envoy Mowbray will not be returned uncontested. Many retired aldermen or up and coming young councillors have been interviewed, but so far the nominations stand at Malcolm Mowbray, Martin Key and William Hoskyns.

Concern is growing over the 'tent city' which has remained outside Linrodeth following the Dragonfeast. Some estimates suggest that as many as two thousand people are still inhabiting the temporary accommodation set up for the feast. Many councillors have been expressing fears about the possibility of plague, or the establishment of a second 'floating market'. Councillor Randy Parkinson has also warned of the serious implications for the environment if they have not moved before winter.

The Harvestide Festival looks set to be a generous celebration, with many predictions for an excellent corn harvest. Concern remains over the possible damage wrought to the fruit crops by the unexpectedly early frost this month.

Councillor Richard Firethorn has renewed his campaign for the 'sweet' water project and has been pressing the Chair for Welfare and Education, Ann Tasker, to include it in her forthcoming budget. However the most influential member of Tasker's Faction, Adam Avery, is known to bear a strong dislike for the project, indeed his last comment on the subject is unprintable. In order to gain more leverage, Cllr Firethorn has therefore formally proposed a motion that the Council approves, in principle, the allocation of funding for the sweetwater project as part of the Welfare and Education budget for 144. This will be voted on next month. The Esprayenna Ship of the Dawn is nearing completion. The ship, which is currently completely filling the Temple Dock at the port, is attracting much attention and the people of Linrodeth are look forward to witnessing an elaborate consecration ceremony next month. Sheriff Dixon has also been showing unusual interest in the project and rumours persist that the Temple of Esprayenna received a number of generous donations from the coinage counterfeiters.

Anonymously donated papers have revealed that Philip Portman's fletching business is much overdue for a tax re-assessment. The reason for the sudden appearance of this paperwork is unknown, but at least one councillor has been brave enough to suggest that it may be related to Portman's defection from the Perignon camp to that of Larken Drumm's.

Regular visitors to Hunters will be distressed to learn that Brandy is re-negotiating her contract there. Rumour has it that an unknown rival patron is tempting Linrodeth's most popular dancer to leave the city.

News from the Citadel is that the Gelt have retaken the foothills of Slievekallen. This sudden reawakening of the Gelt has concerned many who had assumed that, following a series of defeats, they had given up. Most of the fighting is in the west with the area around Cascorach remaining quiet. However, the Princess has cut short her visit to Linrodeth and is returning to Cascorach immediately to prepare for any potential attack and to deal with a plague which is sweeping the city.

On a lighter note Lady Amelia Fortesque, the youngest and most ravishing of the Queen's Ladies-in-Waiting, is looking for suitable ideas for her birthday ball later this autumn. The Chronicle is collecting suggestions for appropriate catering, music and surprises. Contact Chinon Starsinger with your inspiration at the Empty Barrel in Welland.

Setheran 143

First published 23rd December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Setheran in the year 143

The Dragonfeast was a most outstanding success with thousands of visitors and the citizens of Linrodeth enjoying two days of festivities, feasting and sport. His Majesty is reported to have described it as the best Dragonfeast he had attended, and Ann Tasker's organising committee have been justifiably pleased with the entire event. The only upset seems to have been Charain Meduenin's victory as the best overall performance. This win by a member of the floating market caused much debate however, as Charain pointed out, the competition was open to all comers. Given he had just won the Duelling competition few people were keen to argue. At the prizegiving ceremony Charain and His Majesty are said to have had a prolonged, private conversation.

The prizegiving took place during the sumptuous Civic Ball held that evening. The hall was resplendently decorated with fresh flowers, while the massed candles glittered off the civic plate and the ornate attire of the councillors and Aldermen. Lady Samantha chose a simple emerald gown, decorated only by her insignia of office, rather than compete with the magnificence of her royal guests. Sheriff Perignon wore the gold and black of formal Hahnite mourning, but presumably not as a direct rebuke to the new Sheriff Dixon, who wore elegant deep crimson, proving that some humour is still left in him. The King proved much interested in Sheriff Dixon's conversation during the ball, leaving Sheriff Perignon to fence words with Lord D'Assarn. Lady Samantha eventually moved to rescue Sir Henry Longbridge, colonel of the Kings Rangers, who like many other guests was politely ignoring Cllr Derwent's attempts to doze off throughout the evening. Another elegantly dressed councillor was one Larken Drumm, who spent much of the evening surrounded by young ladies, but elsewhere both Adam Avery and Richard Firethorn drove companions away with their heartless behaviour. Cllr Harry Truestaff opted to host his own roisterous party in one corner with as many wine flagons as he could intercept. This was rumoured to be partly in protest at the size of the banquet portions served to councillors on the junior tables. Cllr Truestaff complained that these were mainly decorative and called for a return to the old spit roasts and an end to experimenting with fancy foreign concepts. Between the meal and the dancing the King was presented with a commemorative tapestry, and invited to present the Dragonfeast prizes. The evening concluded with a bardic recitation in honour of the Witanmoot Guard's heroic battle against the bandits.

Plenipotentiary Darlorn of Alvidian has been elected as the new Archimandrite by the Temple of Hahn. Darlorn is a respected traditionalist Hahnite who is unlikely to initiate, or permit, any major changes to the faith. Many observers are seeing the election of this ageing conservative as a stopgap measure which clearly demonstrates deep and unresolved divisions within the Temple. During the election the Witanmoot Guard prevented a large body of people from marching on the Hahnite Temple to demand the election of Gax the Heretic as Archimandrite.

Unconfirmed rumours suggest that an attempt to summon a daemon during the Dragonfeast Festival was foiled by the Astrologer Royal. Although no direct evidence exists Goodgulf and a number of the Witanmoot Guard were seen throughout the day in the company of the soothsayer 'Mad Mab', who had earlier prophesied doom, engaging in a number of strange activities.

Sheriff Dixon has started his new job by announcing that the Witanmoot Guard is to receive training in horsemanship. Sheriff Dixon is funding this activity himself and explained to the Chronicle, "One never knows when they might need to go out into the countryside to take on some more bandits". This clearly shows that he is backing Sam Cox's commitment to an extending of the role of the guard, and a number of councillors have expressed concern over this militaristic expansion.

Harry Truestaff remains undaunted by his recent hearing. This month he has been voraciously wining and dining both Jenny Davy and Melanie Romanie. Both women appear to have had many 'late night discussions' with him and Jenny has since rejoined his faction. However Melanie Romanie is clearly not having any of it. She told the Chronicle, "Real politics is far more stimulating than anything Harry has to offer".

Due to the holidays, Witanmoot business was concluded in something of a rush this month. An uncontroversial Lands & Agriculture budget was passed through on the nod, and Sheriff Dixon has nominated the absent Envoy Mowbray to replace him as Alderman of Levestone. Sadly, the strain of the celebrations proved to be too much for Cllr Aralan Derwent, who has not been in robust health since her escapades last year. She has again collapsed and has been rushed to the Torian infirmary.

Alan Monterey has become conspicuous by his absence following a summons to the Perignon mansion to explain his comments in the last Chronicle. However, he may take solace in the fact that Beatrice herself was summoned before Guildmaster Alison Shefford to explain "certain unacceptable behaviour". Sheriff Perignon was not available for comment, however investigations by the Chronicle suggest that Madam Perignon has been interfering in the business of her daughter Julia, who has become Malcolm Mowbray's journeyman. Alternate rumours suggest that a major fight is brewing between the Perignon and Mowbray factions as Beatrice positions herself to make a bid for the overlordship next Springtide.