Tag name:spider.caves

Spider Caves Fixed

Yesterday I discovered that my spider caves plugin was broken (in fact it looks like it's been broken since at least the conversion to wordpress. All the problems I discovered have now been fixed 🙂

Spider Caves

First published 18th January 2015 (Last Modified 15th April 2017)
Spider Caves Version 3.161.0

Based on Wayland Games rule set 2014a, but you can modify the rules!

Base rule set:

Note that this controls the scale used for character attributes and the table used for skill levels based on development points awarded.

[+] More specific options and modifications


You're represented by the @ sign. Use the cursor keys or the numeric keypad to move. '>' represents stairs up and '<' stairs down. Press > or < (as appropriate) to move up or down the stairs. You can dig by trying to move into a wall and you attack by trying to move onto a creature. 'I' to view your inventory, 'D' to drop items and ',' (comma) to pick up items. 'W' to wield an object in your sword hand, '[SHIFT]+W' to wear some armour, 'S' to wield an object in your shield hand and 'U' to use/consume an item.

Last updated: April 15, 2017 at 11:48 am