Tag name:play-by-mail


First published 28th November 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Perfect Lunar Orbit from GOSsiP

Earthrise from close to the lunar surface

GOSsiP has made a major advance in the race to the moon by successfully completing a series of manned orbits around the moon and the astronauts returning safely to earth. The only moment of doubt for the mission came as the craft was to leave earth orbit to travel to the moon. There was an agonising pause after the command to fire the main capsule engine to take Maja Hansen, Curtis Adamson and Kristian Swenhaugen on their journey, However after only a couple of seconds delay, the engine fired perfectly and the craft was on its way. A minor course correction was required of the late burn but this proved to be a trivial operation. The rest of the journey proved to be very smooth and uneventful.

GOSsiP followed up this success with a successful lunar probe landing improving their photographic coverage of the lunar surface. With the completion of these missions and bearing in mind the lack of docking experience, GOSsiP are currently quoted with 17 to 2 odds to have a perfect manned lunar landing1.

SHADO's manned lunar orbital mission explodes

SHADO's brave astronauts sadly died when their three stage rocket exploded at a height of 92 miles. The liftoff itself seemed to be going smoothly until two minutes into the flight when the first stage was due to be jettisoned. It appears that the explosive bolts which would normally allow the first stage to be discarded instead ignited the second stage boosters while leaving the first stage still attached to the first stage. The disaster leaves SHADO with no astronauts on its roster and has odds quoted at over 8000 to 1 to have a perfect lunar landing mission (though if they could use a state of the art rocket this improves to a mere 2500 to 1!).

SARSA averts one disaster; suffers explosion on second mission

SARSA launched two missions this year. The first was planned to be a manned lunar orbit but had to be aborted when, already in earth orbit, it was discovered that the fuel for the main capsule engine had either leaked or not be loaded onboard in the first place. Some skilful use of the manoeuvring jets allowed the craft to leave earth orbit to return to the ground and following this the craft safely re-entered the earth's atmosphere. The lack of precise control over the reentry point meant that the craft splashed down off of the coast of Nigeria. However despite the rough splash down and a short delay while the navy negotiated access to the splash down site the crew was safely recovered.

The second SARSA mission was a manned orbital and docking mission to allow docking manoeuvres to be practised. However it seems that the quick introduction of a docking module into the mission plan resulted in some corners being cut in the preparation of the three stage rocket for the launch. As with the SHADO launch earlier in the month the lift off itself seemed to be going smoothly, but the three stage rocket rocket exploded at a height of just 51 miles. As a result of this catastrophic accident SARSA scrubbed their third launch and have odds of 1750 to 1 for a perfect lunar landing mission (though, as with SHADO, this dramatically improves if a state of the art rocket is used, which improves the odds to just 220 to 1).

ASA still without a successful Lunar Probe

ASA's latest probe joined its three earlier companions in failing to successfully land on the lunar surface. This one was, however, the closest yet. Close analysis of the data sent back by the probe revealed that if it had had just a couple of grams more fuel onboard it would have been able to reach the soft landing spot located on the outer edge of the area surveyed by the craft. As it was, the craft was unable to find a safe location and crashed on the edge of the Sea of Tranquillity.

ASA's other launch of the year was an attempt at a manned lunar orbit. In the event this craft failed to even achieve earth orbit, splashing down into the south Atlantic after the main engine of the four person capsule failed to ever fire. All the crew members were recovered safely however, leaving the odds of a perfect ASA lunar landing mission at thirteen to one.

World diplomatic corps awaits Smaug Inc.'s joint mission plans

While Smaug Inc continues its rocket building plan by starting a three stage rocket programme, the world's diplomatic corps is still awaiting news of the joint mission plan that Smaug Inc. has organised. Apparently the delay is caused by a desire to see which of the other agencies is making steady progress and hence a need for the mission to be meticulously planned. Smaug Inc has currently 380 to 1 odds of a perfect lunar landing mission (which is improved to 140 to 1 if a state of the art rocket is used). A mission using the best available equipment from any agency (and led by GOSsiP) has odds of about eleven to two.

Accounting scandal reveals extra funds

After an audit of the financial status of the various space agencies during the last year and in particular double checking of the arithmetic, a significant set of errors has been discovered and has led to the agencies being granted an additional $20,000,000 each to their cash in hand to resolve the various issues2.

GOSsiP has contingency plans for rocket problems

GOSSiP's extensive work on its two stage rocket aided by liquid fuel strap on rocket motors (which always makes for a dramatic launch!) has allowed its scientists to conduct extensive experiments into the technology. One such experiment nearly ended in tragedy when the O-rings on the liquid fuel strap on rocket were seen to have a significant intolerance to the cold conditions at the Julianehåb launch site and sprayed fuel across the launch site. However it is expected that the resulting safety precautions put in pace to avoid a re-occurrence will mean that GOSsiP will also avoid such an incident marring the use of the rocket in the future3.

Worries hit SARSA launch

A review of the engineering designs at SARSA have identified a potential problem that puts the next launch from SARSA into doubt. The worries centre on the precise combination of stainless steel and concrete used in the No. 1 launch pad at the SARSA launch complex. If a mission is launched from this pad during 1972 the pad could break under the accumulated stress and strain of the various launches from the pad over tyhe past decade and a half of use. If the pad is not used the design flaws can be resolved in time for launches in 19734.

Smaug Inc. Reorganisation causes Ego problems

Following a reorganisation at Smaug Inc., the heads of existing two stage rocket program and the new three stage rocket have been having full and frank discussions regarding funding for the research programs. As a temporary compromise Smaug Inc.'s board have agreed that the two program will have equal R & D funding during 19725.

SHADO board decides that faking a moon landing will be cheaper

The board controlling the funding between SHADO and the other divisions of the organisation appear to have decided that it would be cheaper to produce a film documenting their moon landing (and using fake footage as required) rather than actually performing the moon landing. The board has removed $30,000,000 from SHADO's budget and diverted that to the Harlington-Straker Film Studios based 40 miles west of London.

ASA presented with $8,000,000 bill

ASA has been forced to settle an $8,000,000 bar bill presented to it by Harold's Bar in Woomera. The bill presented the accumulated bar tab by the entire Australian astronaut corps and despite the best attempts by ASA to repudiate the bill, the bar owner, Harold Cooper was able to prove that ASA had guaranteed that he would be paid when he set up the bar back in late fifties. Mr. Cooper denied that he may have discussed the arrangement with the late Steve Zodiac, one of his most famous patrons.

Launch Calendar

The provisional calendar for launches planned in 1972 (assuming none of the missions are rushed or scrubbed) is as follows:

5th Dec
10th Dec
12th Dec
16th Dec
18th Dec
20th Dec
26th Dec
28th Dec
30th Dec
31st Dec

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm


  1. This assumes no additional research or practice missions and does not count mishaps which either do not stop the safe completion of the mission or are resolved by the crew.
  2. I discovered that the spreadsheet column I created last turn to compute the cash in hand was very wrong. As all players used the figure in good faith (and had no good way of validating the results) I concluded that I would fix the problem by granting each and every agency additional funds to ensure that their original orders did not result in them overspending. I have now corrected the spreadsheet error!
  3. The next rocket failure by GOSsiP will be negated.
  4. If the pad is used during 1972 there is a 50% chance that the mission will suffer a rocket explosion on the launch pad.
  5. Any R&D money spent on a rocket program by Smaug Inc. in 1972 must be matched by spending on a different rocket program (it doesn't have to be the two stage and three stage program, though Smaug Inc. would need to start either one stage or mega stage rocket program to spend R&D funds on those programs).
  6. A fourth launch facility will need to be purchased if this mission is not to be automatically scrubbed.

février 1624

First published 21st November 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

L’Ark de Triomphe a success

A safer form of the ostrich racing?

Despite a low turnout for the event of the month, the grand menagerie race and the associated activities proved to be a fairly successful day for the organisers, Phillipe Lemoine and Gulliame De Batz. The day itself was overcast, but at least the mud of the street had a delightful crust for the racers to crunch through. The day started with an initial set of races to determine the fastest animal of each type. Getting the ostriches to race proved relatively easy after the stand providing mulled wine to the spectators collapsed in flames (it appears that the stallholders weren't watching over the candles used to keep the mulled wine to temperature), bu the armadillos proved to be much more reluctant to race and embarrassingly were eventually overtaken by the tortoises that had only been added to the roster as an additional late entry by a pair of enterprising bookies.

Before the main event, Guillame rose to make his challenge to Phillipe: Phillipe, you scoundrel, you leave me no choice but to challenge you to a duel, to which Phillipe quickly responded with Accepted, I choose to fight with Lances with us mounted on these Ostriches..... Although there was some mutterings as to whether this was an honourable way to settle the issue1, the road was quickly cleared by Albert Kestrel and his quickly organised band of gofers all ably overseen by Élisabeth Beaumont. One of the nearby stalls was dismantled to be converted into lances and then Phillipe and Guillame retreated to opposite ends of the road and attempted to mount their new steeds. Their first attempt was marred for both of them when their respective ostriches dodged their dramatic leaps with the pair ending up in the mud. After their mounts had been recaptured both took a more cautious approach and eventually both were on their ostrich. They then attempted to do the run down the street towards their opponent. While Guillame was able, miraculously, to keep his balance and keep his steed on the line of the street, Phillipe was less lucky as his ostrich dove down a side street, reaching Le Pont Neuf and dodging around La pompe de la Samaritaine, dumping the unfortunate Phillipe into the Seine.

After the rescue of Phillipe from the waters, and a short break for him to recover his composure (and luckily he was otherwise unhurt), Phillipe declared himself to have lost the joust on grounds that Guillame had, at least, managed a run down the course without losing his way!2

The final race of the day was then easily won by the Guillame's ostrich Gisèle Barthélemy awarded him the grand prize cup in her role as Queen of the Revels and the winnings from his bets on himself!

Marquis of Sillery dismissed by Louis XIII

His Majesty, King Louis XIII is looking to form a new council after dismissing the Marquis of Sillery from his court for the financial irregularities in the foreign affairs department. Attempts by the marquis to prevent further investigation seem to have failed and the ramifications of the plot have yet to become clear.

Mariembourg falls to the Royal North Highland Regiment

Frontier Regiments try new mentorship programme

After a furious assault, the town of Mariembourg has been taken by the frontier regiments preparing the route for this summer campaign. The assault was led by the elite Royal North Highland Regiment who broke through the town gates after a very short siege of only a couple of days. However it seems that the inhabitants had attempted to set a trap for our brave frontier forces when the main force was ambushed inside the town itself as it attempted to assert its control of the main square of the town. Control was re-established after two days of heavy fighting3.

Those concerned for the well being of our raw recruits will be relieved to hear that the frontier regiments have adopted a mentorship scheme to attempt to improve the general survivability of the regiments. In the scheme raw recruits are looked after by veterans of earlier campaigns to stop them from making simple errors of judgement and help them gain some initial experience4.

Guillame De Batz turns to Bernadette Cuvier's shoulder

Following his success at L’Ark de Triomphe, Guillame De Batz has been seen with the stunningly beautiful Bernadette Cuvier who has apparently already forgiven him for forgetting about Saint Valentine's Day on the 14th. To be fair to Guillame, it seems that almost all of the gentlemen in Paris (with the honourable exception of Phillipe Lemoine) had also ignored this most auspicious day leaving the ladies of Paris somewhat disappointed.

Victoria Gainsbourg seen with Roget Thésaurus

Despite her rejection of Omer Dalors5 earlier in the month (perhaps she was upset that Omer didn't suggest attending L’Ark de Triomphe?), Victoria was later seen in the company of Roget Thésaurus who seems to have gained her favour this month after flowers and a picnic in the Tuilleries gardens.

Flora Pernet and Marius Thibodeaux

We have managed to find another example of Marius's poetry (suggestions that, perhaps, Flora is our source cannot be confirmed or denied!):6

Full well I know how fortunate am I
That hath the beauteous Flora hand in mine
And when apart, my thoughts to her must fly
And comfort seek in memory of her eyne

Suggestions that Marius's application to join the Picardy Musketeers was only accepted after Flora Pernet was seen visiting the Regiment headquarters are being refuted by the regiment. Colonel Henri d'Alembert7 is quoted as saying We do not judge recruits based on their connections even when Mademoiselle Pernet visits. On the other hand rumours suggest that Marius' application was on the verge of being rejected...

Investment opportunities abound

After the 40% investment returns from financial investments that was drawn by investors last septembre, many of the richer gentlemen in Paris are considering whether to make investments before the summer. The potential returns are high, but then so are the risks that the investments may turn sour and require yet more funds to keep the investment solvent8.

Le Perche du Coudray Updates

Le Perche du Coudray, the famous fencing master, offers his congratulations to Albert Kestrel, who has now completed a course of Coudray's rapier training and whose Rapier Expertise is rated at 11.

Regimental News

Picardy Musketeers

Marius Thibodeaux joins B company as a private. Aline Yar joins C company as a private.

We regret that we were unable to accept an application from Albert Kestrel - better luck next time.

La maison de blanc

Best Gambling tables in town! Still the premier inn of the quartier rouge! Visited by Nobility! Still no crime reported! (we are as safe as your house!)

The house accepts no responsibility for your losses at the table, gaming or otherwise.

The Greasy Pole

Name SL ± SP Position(s) Last Seen With Club Location
Albert Kestrel 4 11 Élisabeth Beaumont Red Phillips
Alembic D'Gustion 3 At the Frontier
Aline Yar 3 4 Picardy Musketeers, Private Red Phillips
Côte de Boeuf 2 At the Frontier
Fourier Transformée 2 At the Frontier
Groovy 8 Provence (out of game for the time being)
Guillame De Batz 10 15 Bernadette Cuvier Hunter's
Harry Covert 4 At the Frontier
Jean Huile 3 Picardy Musketeers, Private At the Frontier
Marius Thibodeaux 5 +1 12
Picardy Musketeers, Private Flora Pernet Red Phillips
Omer Dalors 3 -1 0
13th Fusiliers, Captain
Phillipe Lemoine 10 14 Gisèle Barthélemy
Roget Thésaurus 4 7 Grand Duke Maximillian Dragoons, Private Victoria Gainsbourg Red Phillips
Sir Alex Kuzbidon 10 11 Royal Marines, Subaltern Hunter's
Status Level as of the end of the month
Change in status level this month
Status Points earned this month (blank if the character is out of Paris during the month).
Regiment and Rank and other posts if any
Location during the current month if out of Paris

Femmes Fatales

Name SL Attributes Last Seen With
Auriane Delaunay 7 Influential, Wealthy
Flora Pernet 7 Stunning, Influential Marius Thibodeaux
Solène Prudhomme 12 Wealthy
Micheline Barbet 15 Influential
Élisabeth Beaumont 8 Albert Kestrel
Brigitte Silvestre 8
Albane Bacque 15
Lesly Beaumont 11 Wealthy
Aurélie Pueyrredón 9 Wealthy
Bernadette Cuvier 7 Stunning, Influential Guillame De Batz
Émilie Beaufils 11 Influential, Wealthy
Victoria Gainsbourg 5 Wealthy Roget Thésaurus
Gisèle Barthélemy 14 Stunning, Influential Phillip Lemoine
Roseline Geffroy 11

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm
21st November
Marius goes up a level as the rules summary incorrectly stated you only need three times your current social level to go up one level. You actually need three times the next level to go one level, which is the rule that will apply from mars 1624 onwards....


  1. I did dock a couple of status points for this approach - but these were easily outweighed by bonus points for style and newsworthiness! 🙂
  2. I ruled that you needed a roll of 5 or 6 on 1d6 to ride the ostrich and a 1 was fumble - only if both succeeded to get on the ostrich in the first place would any attempt at combat be needed.
  3. Those at the frontier will see that they need to decide how brave they were in the battle. Those who take increased risk of death will also have a better chance at the rewards. Those choosing to be cowardly will have a better chance at survival, but will not gain any plunder and their cowardice may be spotted. Note that those at frontier will need to submit orders this turn.
  4. Since I'm feeling generous and because I don't want to kill too many characters straight away, I've applied a hefty +4 bonus to a character's chance of survival in their first tour of duty at the frontier (This will be reduced to a +2 bonus on your second tour and removed entirely on your third or later tours). However since your mentors are better at spotting the loot, the amount of plunder you could get as been reduced, this penalty also reduces on the later tours. I would advise those not at the front to take a glance at the order template for those at the front. Be warned that while an assault is quite deadly to its participants the other potential battle outcomes are not that much safer! Higher ranks and regiments do get bonuses
  5. The two gentlemen did not court Victoria in the same week. Omer Dalors' courting happened before that of Roget Thésaurus so as Omer was unable to convince Victoria of his charms he does not have cause for a duel at this point.
  6. Another bonus status point for Marius Thibodeaux.
  7. As the colonel of the Picardy Musketeers is now named, the post of Colonel for the Picardy Musketeers is no longer available for purchase until Colonel d'Alembert resigns or is killed in battle.
  8. See the investments page for more details.

1970 Smaug Summary

First published 14th November 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 1 98%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 0 89%
3. Lunar Probe 1 86%
4. Docking Module 0 50%
B. Two Stage Rocket 2 98%
F. Kicker 1 95%
EVA Suits n/a 98%
b. Two person capsule 3 20%
c. Three person capsule 2 91%
d. Two person Lander 1 51%
Photo-reconnaissance n/a 95%


Name Completed Flights
Johnny King 1
Nehemiah Juarez 1
Patricia McNeely 0
Rosa Williams 0
Spencer Snyder 0
Terrence Graves 0

3 Launch Facilities at an undisclosed locations.

0 Launches planned for 1971

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm
31 October 2017
Missed research on the Two Person Lunar Lander, corrected the rating for the two person capsule.

1970 SHADO Summary

First published 14th November 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 1 71%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 0 91%
3. Lunar Probe 0 85%
4. Docking Module 1 45%
A. One Stage Rocket 1 54%
B. Two Stage Rocket 0 95%
C. Three Stage Rocket 1 70%
F. Kicker 1 74%
EVA Suits n/a 98%
b. Two Person Capsule 0 86%
f. Three Person Minishuttle 1 48%
Photo Reconnaissance n/a 80%


Name Completed Flights
Walter Clark 1
Judith Harris 1

One time only, may plan a manned mission to take animal passengers instead of human, thus avoiding most of the risk of a catastrophic accident. Success counts as a subsequent mission for budget purposes.

Astronauts may be recruited for only $1,000,000 each for the rest of the game

2 Launch Facilities at Honolulu and Lenur Island.

1 Launch planned for 1971

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm

1970 SARSA Summary

First published 14th November 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 0 96%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 0 92%1
3. Lunar Probe 0 86%2
A. One Stage Rocket 0 85%
C. Three Stage Rocket 1 98%
EVA Suits n/a 98%
d. Two Person Lunar Module 2 90%
f. Three Person Capsule 1 92%
Photo-Reconnaissance n/a 80%


Name Completed Flights
Wei Engel 1
Fiona Ngubane 0
Ryan Cilliers 0
Herman Hanekom 0
Yolandi Schutte 0
Victor Nzimande 0
Gugulethu Turner 0
Celeste Maseko 0
Jacques Swartz 0
Paul Mbatha 0

One time only, may plan a manned mission to take animal passengers instead of human, thus avoiding most of the risk of a catastrophic accident. Success counts as a subsequent mission for budget purposes.

3 Launch Facilities at undisclosed locations3.

3 Launches planned for 1971

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm


  1. May be researched to 95%, absolute maximum of 98%
  2. May be researched to 90%, absolute maximum of 93%
  3. 1 damaged - cannot be used until repaired at a cost of $15,000,000

1970 GOSsiP Summary

First published 14th November 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
2. Interplanetary Satellite 1 69%
3. Lunar Probe 0 83%
B. Two Stage Rocket 4 98%
D. Liquid Fuel Strap-Ons 4 92%
EVA Suits n/a 81%
c. Three Person Capsule 4 95%
g. Two Person Lunar Lander 1 84%


Name Completed Flights
Maja Hansen 2
Curtis Adamson 2
Kristian Swenhaugen 2
Torkild Bendixen 1
Thomas Ditlevsen 1
Malthe Jørgensen 1
Casper Ovesen 1
Jacob Abrahamsen 1
Malthe Bisgaard 1
Niels Svendsen 2
Ferdinand Winther 2
Ulrik Rohde 2

One time only, may plan a manned mission to take animal passengers instead of human, thus avoiding most of the risk of a catastrophic accident. Success counts as a subsequent mission for budget purposes.

3 Launch Facilities at Julianehåb.

2 Launches planned for 1971

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm
28th November
Deleted footnote about Lunar Probe needing repairs - the $10,000,000 was paid.

1970 ASA Summary

First published 14th November 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 0 96%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 0 91%
3. Lunar Probe 2 85%
B. Two Stage Rocket 2 94%
D. Mega Stage Rocket 3 98%
EVA Suits n/a 98%
c. Three Person Capsule 2 72%
h. Four Person Capsule/Module 4 90%
Photo Reconnaissance n/a 70%


Name Completed Flights
Professor Matthew "Matt" Matic 0
Croc Hogan 1
Dingo Dan 1
Bob Hoskins 1
Larry Hoskins 1
Mel Dawson 0
Tezza Baker 0
Kieran Creek 0
Smith Zomburg 0

One time only, a launch can be delayed to gain a 10% safety factor (for that launch) to the rocket used in the launch.

3 Launch Facilities at Woomera

First module failure will be ignored.

3 Launches planned for 1971

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm


First published 14th November 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Near Perfect Lunar Pass from GOSsiP

Image of the Earth from near the Lunar Surface

GOSsiP's third mission was a near perfect manned lunar pass gaining a brilliant shot of the earth just as the craft passed by the moon on the furthest extent of its orbital manoeuvres. The success means that GOSsiP joins ASA with successful lunar passes1 (no one has, as yet, completed a full orbit of the moon, the last proving mission before an actual lunar landing). GOSsiP's two earlier missions in 1970 suffered problems. The first mission launched was an attempt at a manned orbital and spacewalk. However the spacewalk was cancelled after the space suit developed leaks while Maja Hansen, the astronaut, was de-pressurising the airlock ready for the actual space walk.

The remaining mission from GOSsiP, a manned orbital had the mission experiments cancelled after the crew of Torkild Bendixen, Thomas Ditlevsen and Malthe Jørgensen reported problems with the waste elimination facilities in their craft. The crew were unable to clear a blockage in the system and even helpful advice from ground control was unable to solve the problem. After several hurried consultations the rest of the mission was scrubbed (unlike the craft itself) and the mission plan quickly changed to Get the crew home as quickly (and safely) as possible. Despite the speed with the plans were drawn up the craft returned to ground safely2.

Tropical cyclone Eugenie damages SARSA launch facility.

SARSA's recently built launch facility has been seriously damaged as a result of the passage of Tropical cyclone Eugenie3 over the facility. The repairs will cost an estimated $15,000,000 and until made the facility cannot be used for any launches. SARSA's two other launch facilities are unaffected by the shutdown.

SHADO's Lunar Fireworks

SHADO has successfully lit up the lunar sky when its latest lunar probe exploded on the Lunar surface. The Probe had been performing brillantly up to that point - it had even found a safe place to land and had landed. However when the internal electrics signalled for the landing rocket to shut down it instead exploded according to the conclusion of a report into the loss of the lander based on observations from many observatories that had been studying the landing site with Earth based telescopes.

On a happier note, SHADO's mission from 1968 has now returned lots of useful data from Venus.

Big announcement due from Smaug Inc.

Persistent Rumours suggest that Smaug Inc. is on the verge of announcing a major agreement with one of the other space agencies. The suggestion is that a joint mission is to be launched in 1972 at the direction of Smaug Inc.'s board of directors but with a subsidy (and perhaps crew and equipment) from another agency4.

SHADO seen with EVA Suits that look Australian

Suspicions of another spy scandal in Woomera has been intensified with the suspiciously Australian looking spacesuits now being sported by SHADO's astronauts. Since ASA's suits are state of the art, SHADO's EVA suits are now rated at the same 98% safety factor.

Smaug Inc.'s scrubs more missions following loss

Smaug Inc. has scrubbed two of its three missions after the loss of one of the capsules launched on its first mission. The first mission launched a docking module together with a pair of two person capsules. The first capsule, crewed by Hannah Kelley and Ian Carpenter attempted a docking with docking module, but was unable to complete the manoeuvre after failing to get the craft aligned. This was, however, better than the second capsule, crewed by Johnny King and Nehemiah Juarez, which failed to even get a signal from the docking module - suggesting that the batteries on the docking module had failed. Both capsules then attempted a de-orbit burn ready to return to earth. However it appears that Kelley and Carpenter had used too much of their fuel reserves on the attempted docking and their craft was unable to achieve a safe re-entry profile and their craft burnt up in the upper atmosphere. The other two person capsule returned safely back to Earth, but with the safety factor of the two-person capsule re-rated to 20%, the other launches from Smaug Inc were scrubbed.

Flu epidemic hits Australia

This year's strain of Influenza appears to have mutated sufficiently to defeat the Australian vaccination program. Croc Hogan, Dingo Dan, Bob Hoskins and Larry Hoskins have all succumbed to the virus and will unable to take part in missions during 19715.

Top Danish test pilots join GOSsiP

Notwithstanding the massive astronaut recruitment program launched by all of the space agencies (apart from SHADO) this year, three top Danish test pilots, Niels Svendsen, Ferdinand Winther and Ulrik Rohde have joined GOSsiP on a free transfer from the Danish Air Force. It is expected that their experience will carry over into their astronaut making them better than their civilian counterparts when trouble strikes. A total of nineteen astronauts have been recruited across the agencies this year.

Launch Calendar

The provisional calendar for launches planned in 1971 (assuming none of the missions are rushed or scrubbed) is as follows:

5th Dec
12th Dec
14th Dec
16th Dec
20th Dec
22th Dec
24th Dec
29th Dec
31st Dec

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm
15th November
Added footnote 1 on SARSA's monkey manned lunar pass.
27th November
Corrected typo


  1. Note that while SARSA has not performed a manned lunar pass with actual people onboard, it has completed one with monkeys on board. As such the third nation bonus for a manned lunar pass is still available, but SARSA does not need to perform a manned lunar pass to avoid the 3% penalty for not performing this mission.
  2. The mission counts as a failure for budget purposes, but not a catastrophic one and the crew gain a mission flight to add to their résumé.
  3. An actual storm name that affected South Africa - admittedly in 1972!
  4. Smaug Inc.'s next mission planned must be a joint mission with another agency. Smaug Inc determines the other agency, the mission type and the equipment used (including crew, if any). The costs and rewards will be split equally between Smaug Inc and the chosen agency. Should the chosen mission be a successful lunar landing, this will count as a joint win. I will not permit sabotage of equipment on this mission and will adjust cash in hand appropriately if the equipment used has already been purchased.
  5. Any missions on which they are due to fly will be automatically scrubbed.


First published 9th November 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

There are several investments that gentlemen may care to make that are described below. A gentleman can sell his investments to another gentleman at any time for any agreed price, or can cash out his investment at a 10% loss. To make a transaction does not take a weekly action, so simply record your desires in the other on the order template.

Arms Companies

Investments in Arms companies may be made in any month except julliet, août or septembre. Each investment in an arms company must be made in multiple of one thousand crowns. The investment pays out in septembre based on the number of brigades being sent to the front in the following summer campaign as follows:

3 brigades
If the gentleman does not pay 500 crowns for each block of 1000 crowns invested during octobre his investment is completely lost.
4 brigades
If the gentleman does not pay 200 crowns for each block of 1000 crowns invested during octobre his investment is completely lost.
5 brigades
300 crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
6 brigades
500 crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
7 brigades
800 crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
8 brigades
1000 crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.

Parisian Finance Houses

Investments in Parisian Finance Houses may be made in any month except julliet, août or septembre. Each investment in a Parisian Finance House must be made in multiple of one thousand crowns. The investment pays out in septembre based on the number of brigades being sent to the front in the following summer campaign as follows:

3 brigades
400 crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
4 brigades
200 crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
5 brigades
100 crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
6 or more brigades
If the gentleman does not pay 600 crowns for each block of 1000 crowns invested during octobre his investment is completely lost.

Parisian Commercial Businesses

Investments in Parisian Commercial Businesses may be made in any month except julliet, août or septembre. Each investment in a Parisian Commercial Business must be made in multiple of one thousand crowns. The investment pays out in septembre based on the battle results of the previous summer campaign as follows:

400 Crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
200 Crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
100 Crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
No money paid out, but the investment remains unaffected.
If the gentleman does not pay 100 crowns for each block of 1000 crowns invested during octobre his investmentx is completely lost.
If the gentleman does not pay 100 crowns for each block of 1000 crowns invested during octobre his investment is completely lost.

Parisian property

Gentleman may invest in property at any time in blocks of 100 Crowns. For each plot a 2d6 dice roll on the following table will be made each month:

2 The building on this plot has been badly affected by fire. Until 80 crowns is spent on repairs, no income can be made from the property.
3, 4, 5 or 6 No one is renting the property during this month. No income this month
7, 8 or 9 The property has been rented out for this month. Two crowns of income this month
10 or 11 A wealthy merchant has hired the property for the month to use as temporary storage. Ten Crowns income this month.
12 A nobleman from the countryside needs a residence for the month and hires the property. Income of twenty crowns and a bonus status point.

Tulips from Amsterdam

Paris has recently become aware of the attractions and beauty of the tulip and possibilities of growing the attractive flower and exporting them into the Spanish Netherlands and beyond. Gentleman may currently invest in the farms in blocks of 100 crowns.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm


First published 7th November 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Shady dealings

An important resource for all gentleman is the favours owed to them. In game terms there are nine classes of favour ranging from the lowly level one favour to the mighty level nine favours.
Gentlemen with a social level of 8 or higher will gain a favour every season (i.e., during janvier, avril, juillet and octobre). Female companions grant favours at the end of janvier (with additional favours from influential companions, and with the high social standing ladies providing higher level favours.

The level of favour needed to influence an NPC is shown in the table below. Each favour can provide a modifier of either +1 or -1 at the discretion of the character using the favour. Favours can be used to affect decisions affecting other players. If you are an member of the same regiment as an NPC any favour used is will be used as if it is of one class higher than in actually is. Favours can be converted to and from the immediate next highest class at a ratio of two to one (e.g. a level 4 favour can be converted to/from two level 3 favours).

Level 9
The King
Level 8
The Crown Prince, Cardinals
Level 7
Minsters1,Field Marshals
Level 6
Level 5
Lieutenant Generals
Level 4
Brigadier Generals
Level 3
Level 2
Lieutenant Colonels
Level 1
Majors, Captains3

Favours recorded in this manner do not affect player character decision should they be in post.

Using a favour is assumed to take no time (you are assumed to be calling in the favour via a quit tete-a-tete, this does not take a whole week!

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm
9 November 2017
Favours take no time to use


  1. Includes Commissioner of Public Safety, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Minsters without Portfolio, Minster of Justice, Minister of War and Minister of State.
  2. Determines admission into regiments and appointments within the regiment.
  3. Determines if a private or subaltern may skip being on duty for a week.