Tag name:play-by-mail

août 1624

First published 20th February 2018 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

New arrival from London

Earl Lightfoot, father of the newly arrived Henry Lightfoot

We welcome this month Henry Lightfoot, newly arrived from religious persecution in London. Henry's father, Earl Lightfoot was arrested for non-payment of fines for his recusancy. Henry has thrown himself into the maelstrom of Parisian society, albeit during one of the hottest seasons for both the summer temperatures and the attitudes of those below the bottom of the pile1.

Rioting in quartier rouge

The recent hot weather seemed to have triggered trouble in the poorest district of Paris, Le Quartier Rouge. The cause of the rioting is still very uncertain, with various causes ranging from outrage at poor quality wines being sold to disappearances of some of the inhabitants being suggested. Some of our gentlemen have been caught up in the troubles, with both Aline Yar and Henry Lightfoot reporting that they had been subject of pickpockets in the crowd as they attempted to discreetly leave the area, while Roget Thésaurus claims to have avoided trouble by staying over night.

Formal Challenge

After the physicians at Hôpital de la Charité gave Jean Huile a clean bill of health, Jean Huile has challenged Fourier Transformée to a duel to be resolved during the first week of septembre. As readers will recall M. Huile discovered M. Transformée on the doorstep of his good lady friend, Victoria Gainsbourg during juin. Roget Thésaurus has offered his services as second to Jean Huile.

Relief for rumour mongers

We hear that Auriane Delaunay has been the centre of attention this month with several reports of gentlemen attempting to win her heart this month. However despite the many dinner dates Mlle. Auriane has spurned all comers this month. Perhaps fortunately for both the lady and her gentleman admirers those after her heart chose different weeks to make their attempts and hence avoided giving each other offence.

Meanwhile at the Beaumont household, Albert Kestrel2 was seen delivering flowers and making dinner invitations. All perfectly normal one might imagine given M. Kestrel's love affair with the younger sister, Mlle. Élisabeth Beaumont. Rumours from the household suggest that he was visiting the older sister, Mlle. Lesly Beaumont and that he had to make significant amends to his paramour the following week.

Marius Thibodeux has managed to find the perfect recipe for the gourmand, Mlle. Émilie Beaufils, who not only enjoyed the meal, but allowed M. Thibodeux a long and complex evening of entertainment and explanations.

Plays popular, but no one play wins out

With the hot weather driving most daytime activities out of the question, many of our gentlemen were driven to the cooler night time plays at out theatre. However with the wide variety of plays on offer no one play could be described as the most popular. Perhaps in an attempt to resolve this, Guillame de Batz is sponsoring a new play, Les Boutons Manquant whose opening night will be on the autumnal equinox during the third week of septembre. With plenty of opportunity for hobnobbing with other gentry, the opening night promises to be a busy evening3.

Victory at Château de Montaigle

Reports from the front line of the summer campaign report that the main thrust of the war this year was to secure the approaches to the city of Namur. We believe that the main battle was the siege of the old castle ruins at Château de Montaigle which has been taken by our forces. We hope for a more detailed report and for information about Captain Omer Dalors' endeavours next month.

Renovations at Hunter's

The old court billiard court at Hunter's is being relaid at the expense of Phillipe Lemoine. However old hands are outraged at the changes being made with the old turf being replaced with some kind of wood and fabric construction. We'll have to take this indoors to protect it from the autumn storms fumed one old hand. Suggestions from M. Lemoine that that's actually the point didn't go over too well and Phillipe was seen recovering at the banks of the Seine with his usual cronies and friends including Guillame de Batz (when not practising at Le Perche du Coudray), Gisèle Barthélemy and Rene Descartes (who had suggested that the new billiard surface should be marked out with a grid, further outraging the old hands...).

Le Perche du Coudray Updates

Le Perche du Coudray, the famous fencing master, offers his congratulations to Jean Huile and Marius Thibodeux, who have both completed a course of Coudray's rapier training. Jean Huile's Rapier Expertise is now rated at 11, while Marius Thibodeux is now rated at 17.

Regimental News

Colonel of the Royal Marines


As a general note, each regiment has an unlimited number of Subaltern positions, six Captaincies, three Majors, one Lieutenant Colonel and one Colonel.

King's Musketeers

We regret that we cannot accept Henry Lightfoot's application to join the regiment at this time. Better luck next month.

Royal Marines

Congratulations to both Cochon de Lait and Fourier Transformée for their promotion to Subaltern. We particularly congratulate Cochon de Lait for the presentation of an engraving of our colonel.

Picardy Musketeers

As we continue to promote those best able to achieve the regiment's aims, we welcome both Jean Huile and Marius Thibodeux of their respective companies (D company for M. Huile, B company for M. Thibodeux).

Hortus Bulborum Farms

We have the perfect fields for the growing of perfect tulips and demand for the flower is growing! Plots from only 100 crowns! 10% returns over the last year!4

100 Crowns Reward!

Provision of information leading to the arrest of the known traitor, Helen Transformée will be rewarded with up to 100 crowns.

Apply to the Commissioner of Public Safety


Have you seen this child? Missing since 29 août.

Last seen near the tailor's guild - any information should be supplied to the guild.

The Greasy Pole

Name SL ± SP Position(s) Last Seen With Club Location
Albert Kestrel 6 9 Queen's Own Carabiniers, Subaltern Élisabeth Beaumont
Aline Yar 4 4 Picardy Musketeers, Subaltern Red Phillips
Fourier Transformée 4 +1 16 Royal Marines, Subaltern Red Phillips
Guillame De Batz 9 12 Bernadette Cuvier Hunter's
Jean Huile 4 12 Picardy Musketeers, Captain Victoria Gainsbourg Red Phillips
Marius Thibodeaux 6 12
Picardy Musketeers, Captain Émilie Beaufils The Frog & Peach
Omer Dalors 1 13th Fusiliers, Captain At War
Phillipe Lemoine 10 16 Gisèle Barthélemy Hunter's
Roget Thésaurus 5 7 Grand Duke Maximillian Dragoons, Private Red Phillips
Sir Alex Kuzbidon 10 13 Royal Marines, Subaltern Aurélie Pueyrredón Hunter's
Cochon de Lait 7 10 Royal Marines, Subaltern Flora Pernet The Blue Gables
Henry Lightfoot 9 -1 1
Status Level as of the end of the month
Change in status level this month
Status Points earned this month (blank if the character is out of Paris during the month).
Regiment and Rank and other posts if any
Location during the current month if out of Paris

Femmes Fatales

Name SL Attributes Last Seen With
Auriane Delaunay 7 Influential, Wealthy
Flora Pernet 7 Stunning, Influential Cochon de Lait
Solène Prudhomme 12 Wealthy
Micheline Barbet 15 Influential
Élisabeth Beaumont 8 Albert Kestrel
Brigitte Silvestre 8
Albane Bacque 15
Lesly Beaumont 11 Wealthy
Aurélie Pueyrredón 9 Wealthy Sir Alex Kuzbidon
Bernadette Cuvier 7 Stunning, Influential Guillame De Batz
Émilie Beaufils 11 Influential, Wealthy Marius Thibodeux
Victoria Gainsbourg 5 Wealthy Jean Huile
Gisèle Barthélemy 14 Stunning, Influential Phillip Lemoine
Roseline Geffroy 11

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm
20 Feb 2018
Minor update to the rank of Cochon de Lait and the club of Fourier Transformée
28 Feb 2018
Image links updated to point to attachment pages.


  1. For those who witnessed the die rolls, I misremembered the tables and hence Henry is at the top end of the social scale rather than the bottom!
  2. Bonus status point for Albert for being the first to spot these two ladies as being sisters.
  3. All attendees of the opening night get to "toady" with the other attendees and Guillame de Batz will gain one status point and one crown for every notable attendee (i.e., including any player characters). If "Les Boutons Manquant" is the most watched play all attendees will also gain two additional status points. Note that attending this event will cost your status level in crowns. If you take your companion with you that will cost her social level in crowns but this will count as visiting your companion.
  4. Fields alrready owned by gentlemen are now worth 110 crowns

Henry Lightfoot

First published 11th February 2018 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

First Son of a wealthy nobleman Earl Lightfoot.

Attribute Currently Notes
Player Peter Seaman
Strength 8 Started at 8
Rapier Expertise 10 Started at 9
Sabre Expertise 9 Started at 9
Cutlass Expertise 9 Started at 9
Constitution 5 Started at 5
Endurance 40 of 40 Started at 40
Military Ability 4 Started at 4
Cash 600 Started at 500
Allowance and/or Pension 100 Started at 100
Social Level 7 Started at 10
Club The Frog & Peach

Order Template

août 1624
Arrives in Paris for the first time.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm

juillet 1624

Payment being taken

Ban on sale of offices?

Cardinal Richelieu has proposed to His Majesty's council that the appointment of office holders on payment of an appropriate fee be banned. The Cardinal claims that this will allow more competent office holders to be found and appointed but has not explained how the massive hole in the state finances this would be filled. In addition it is not clear not this would affect the regiments and their officers. The Cardinal has also been unable to explain how these more competent people would be found if they are unable to prove their suitability by the ability to locate and provide considerable funds to the state treasury. The measures are part of a broader set of reforms which have yet to be approved by the council.

Disappearance of Mlle. Transformée

Investigations have begun into the disappearance of Mlle. Transformée from the Bastille prison. She had been detained last year by the previous regime of M. Sillery, but had not been released by Cardinal Richelieu. She had recently been seen by her brother, Fourier Transformée, on his return from the his duties at the frontier in the support of recent assaults on Mariambourg and Phillipeville. Fourier has denied any involvement, citing, as an alibi, his visit to Victoria Gainsbourg. This alibi can be corroborated by Jean Huile who caught Fourier Transformée on the doorstep of Victoria's home and hence has cause to challenge Fourier to a duel1.

"The consequence of not shifting the leg"

Marius Thibodeaux/Cochon de Lait duel spectacular

The early morning of the 22nd of juillet, the appointed day for the duel between Marius Thibodeaux and Cochon de Lait, proved to be a dank and rainy morning. Despite this, Cochon de Lait was the first to the site (again the gardens of the Palais Royale) having arranged an early morning call from his regiment and an escort. Marius Thibodeaux arrived shortly afterwards and after the formal rejection of any withdrawal of either insult or challenge the two men prepared to fight. Both men were clearly determined to score on their opponent with Marius perhaps measuring his opoonent's skill to gauge his own attack. However when signal for the start of the duel was given, it appears that Cochon de Lait was unprepared for the immediate attack from Marius whose rapier lunge immediately went under Cochon de Lait's Cutlass blade and deep into the side of Cochon de Lait. With Cochon de Lait immediately offering his surrender and its acceptance honour was satisfied. Flora Pernet rushed to the side of Cochon de Lait to aide the local surgeon.2

de Gonde's Hunting Lodge affected by fire

The hunting grounds near the midsummer ball held last month have suffered from a small forest fire in the early hours of the 29th of juillet. Luckily the heavy rain that day doused the incipient disaster and prevented the spread of the fire to the new hunting lodge of de Gonde. Witnesses claim the fire started shortly after the full moon has set while other suggest that a barbecue in the forest may have gotten out of trouble after the discovery of the remains of a small pig carcass in the ashes.

Unlucky Marius Thibodeaux

Despite discovering that Mlle. Émilie Beaufils fondness for the dishes and wines served at Lapérouse, he also discovered her allergic reaction to the day's fresh fish dish, freshly caught at Vigneux-sur-Seine. With the meal ruined, Marius was forced to escort Émilie back to her home and then had to travel alone back to his own home.

Le Perche du Coudray Updates

Le Perche du Coudray, the famous fencing master, offers his congratulations to Aline Yar, who has now completed a course of Coudray's rapier training and whose Rapier Expertise is now rated at 9.

Regimental News

Queen's Own Carabiniers

Albert Kestrel is promoted to Subaltern for his excellent military organisational skills.

Royal Marines

We welcome that hero of the Kingdom, Fourier Transformée, to D company as a private.

13th Fusiliers

We note the late arrival of Captain Delors to lead A troop. His explanation that he was assisting the frontier regiment and the presentation of his mention in dispatch has gone some way to provide amelioration for his tardiness (the error in the janvier 1624 issue of Le Journal has also been noted!). Captain Delors' appearance before the board of inquiry is now scheduled for novembre.

The Greasy Pole

Name SL ± SP Position(s) Last Seen With Club Location
Albert Kestrel 6 8 Queen's Own Carabiniers, Subaltern Élisabeth Beaumont
Aline Yar 4 5 Picardy Musketeers, Subaltern Red Phillips
Fourier Transformée 3 +1 12 Royal Marines, Private
Guillame De Batz 9 -1 6 Bernadette Cuvier Hunter's
Jean Huile 4 10 Picardy Musketeers, Subaltern Victoria Gainsbourg Red Phillips
Marius Thibodeaux 6 -1 3
Picardy Musketeers, Subaltern The Frog & Peach
Omer Dalors 1 13th Fusiliers, Captain At War
Phillipe Lemoine 10 14 Gisèle Barthélemy Hunter's
Roget Thésaurus 5 6 Grand Duke Maximillian Dragoons, Private Red Phillips
Sir Alex Kuzbidon 10 12 Royal Marines, Subaltern Aurélie Pueyrredón Hunter's
Cochon de Lait 7 9 Royal Marines, Private Flora Pernet The Blue Gables
Status Level as of the end of the month
Change in status level this month
Status Points earned this month (blank if the character is out of Paris during the month).
Regiment and Rank and other posts if any
Location during the current month if out of Paris

Femmes Fatales

Name SL Attributes Last Seen With
Auriane Delaunay 7 Influential, Wealthy
Flora Pernet 7 Stunning, Influential Cochon de Lait
Solène Prudhomme 12 Wealthy
Micheline Barbet 15 Influential
Élisabeth Beaumont 8 Albert Kestrel
Brigitte Silvestre 8
Albane Bacque 15
Lesly Beaumont 11 Wealthy
Aurélie Pueyrredón 9 Wealthy Sir Alex Kuzbidon
Bernadette Cuvier 7 Stunning, Influential Guillame De Batz
Émilie Beaufils 11 Influential, Wealthy
Victoria Gainsbourg 5 Wealthy Jean Huile
Gisèle Barthélemy 14 Stunning, Influential Phillip Lemoine
Roseline Geffroy 11

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm
28 Feb 2018
Update image links


  1. Jean Huile will lose two status points next month if he does not challenge Fourier to a duel (Jean Huile is above half health and hence cannot decline to challenge on grounds of ill health).
  2. Two status points for Marius Thibodeaux.

juin 1624

Midsummer Masquerade

After the careful preparation and logistics set in train by Albert Kestrel, the Midsummer Masquerade held at the de Gonde estate to the south-west of Paris. Most of the great and the good of Paris attended the event, with some even managing to get into the spirit of the event rather than just hobnob with their better. Phillipe Lemoine (who had arranged the event), Guillame De Batz (who arranged the musicians and entertainment) even managed to convince the normally aloof Sir Alex Kuzbidon to attend the event along with Duke Gaston. All three were companied by the their lady-friends. Marius Thibodeaux was prevailed upon to give a short recital, although he did insist on reciting the melancholy poems from the obscure English poet, John Donne. M. Thibodeaux costume was also one of the more elaborate with a prominent broken heart motif. Also attending the masquerade was Roget Thésaurus and Colonel Henri d'Alembert.

The grounds of the hunting lodge were almost overshadowed by the marquee that had been set up for the festivities and a great time was had by all, even if the event was broken up in the early morning when a herd of wild boar, recently released into the surrounding woods broke into the marquee and started to consume the remains of the feast and charging the musicians! In the resulting fracas many of the attendees received minor injuries. Suggestions of the sounds of laughter from the hunting lodge itself have been denied by the de Gondi family.

Roget Thésaurus/Jean Huile duel quickly over

In the early morning glare of the 25th of June, Roget Thésaurus and Jean Huile met for their duel under the watchful eye of Albert Kestrel who was acting as Roget's second1. Both men had selected to fight with Sabres. After formally declining to withdraw either the insult or the challenge both men saluted each other and prepared for the fight. When Albert dropped his handkerchief to signal the start of the duel, Roget immediately took sprang to the attack and struck Jean soundly on his left leg causing a serious injury and deep cut which instantly started to bleed. Jean quickly offered his surrender and this was, as quickly, accepted by Roget2. The local surgeon for gardens of the Palais Royale quickly moved in to bind Jean's wounds and, although he is expected to recover, he will have an impressive scar3.

Marius Thibodeaux/Cochon de Lait

As expected, Marius Thibodeaux has challenged Cochon de Lait to a duel for the fourth week of juillet. The challenge was met quite vehemently and definitely and it will be interesting to see how the skilled M. Thibodeaux will approach the duel. M. Thibodeaux has been recently praised by Le Perche du Coudray for dedication to his practice and for being one of the best swordsmen in Paris.

Dispatches from Phillipeville

We now have the reports from the frontier regiments that captured Phillipeville. The commanders of the frontier regiments had called for volunteers to lead a diversionary attack to allow sappers to lay a large bomb at the town gates and our brave gentlemen all volunteered. So, led by Captain Omer Dalors, Harry Covert and Fourier Transformée were part of a team sent to make a noisy attack on the town's water gate. The townsmen had thought that the water gate would be relatively secure since the swamp outside the water gate was also overlooked by the town wall. Indeed as the small team began to set up its light artillery piece (sadly without cannon balls since those cost real money) the townsfolk started to pepper their temporary platform with musket fire. Captain Dalors4 maintained order amongst the team and ensured that several large puffs of gun-smoke were seen coming their position despite several shots whizzing over his shoulders. Fourier Transformée was less lucky, but despite the musket ball in his left shoulder he was able to keep passing the charges of gunpowder to the gun crew, even when a couple of the town lads started chucking lighted torches over the wall towards them5. Sadly Harry Covert took several musket balls as he provided cover to the team.

Misdirected mail?

The following has been delivered to us by an anonymous contact who says that he bought the poem from a servant of Flora Pernet's household. Quite how the letter ended up there is very unclear as it is obvious that the intended recipient was not Flora, but Émilie Beaufils. That lady, however, denies receiving the poem or its covering letter. We are unable to ascertain the author.

I stand here, that hath been Love's gentle Fool
A sadder, but a wiser man become
And though my tears about me form'd a pool
My much lamenting tongue hath fallen dumb.
Those tears have washed the scales from my eyes
And clearer see I than I did before
And dazzled am I by the bright Sunrise
The pallid moon; a thing that I abhor.
I know that by aspiring to the Sun
I stand the chance, mayhap, of being burned
But faint heart never Phoebus' daughter won
And any scorching shall be gladly earned
And so, sweet Émilie, to thee I'll fly
E'en though this Icarus might fall and die.

Devils target Guillame De Batz?

Mystery still surrounds the house fire that has seriously damaged one of the houses being rented out by Guillame De Batz. Several witness report seeing strange lights in the sky during the evening before the fire and state that they saw a glowing orb descend down from above the house and touch down on the thatched roof of the property. The property was badly damaged in the incident and will need considerable work and repair before it can be rented out again.

Power problems for Aline Yar

Aline Yar was called urgently to his father's mill outside of Paris this month to supervise the repair of the water wheel that powers the mill. As result M. Yar was unable to attend any events in Paris during juin.

Regimental News

13th and 53rd Fusiliers, the 27th Musketeers, the 4th and 69th Arquebusiers

Members of these regiments are reminded that they are required to join their regiments for the summer campaign during juillet, août and septembre

The Greasy Pole

Name SL ± SP Position(s) Last Seen With Club Location
Albert Kestrel 6 +1 30 Queen's Own Carabiniers, Private Élisabeth Beaumont
Aline Yar 4 Picardy Musketeers, Subaltern Red Phillips Father's estate
Fourier Transformée 2 At Frontier
Guillame De Batz 10 20 Bernadette Cuvier Hunter's
Jean Huile 4 10 Picardy Musketeers, Subaltern Victoria Gainsbourg Red Phillips
Marius Thibodeaux 7 +1 21
Picardy Musketeers, Subaltern The Frog & Peach
Omer Dalors 1 13th Fusiliers, Captain At Frontier
Phillipe Lemoine 10 17 Gisèle Barthélemy
Roget Thésaurus 5 +1 25 Grand Duke Maximillian Dragoons, Private Red Phillips
Sir Alex Kuzbidon 10 18 Royal Marines, Subaltern Aurélie Pueyrredón Hunter's
Cochon de Lait 7 8 Royal Marines, Private Flora Pernet The Blue Gables
Status Level as of the end of the month
Change in status level this month
Status Points earned this month (blank if the character is out of Paris during the month).
Regiment and Rank and other posts if any
Location during the current month if out of Paris

Femmes Fatales

Name SL Attributes Last Seen With
Auriane Delaunay 7 Influential, Wealthy
Flora Pernet 7 Stunning, Influential Cochon de Lait
Solène Prudhomme 12 Wealthy
Micheline Barbet 15 Influential
Élisabeth Beaumont 8 Albert Kestrel
Brigitte Silvestre 8
Albane Bacque 15
Lesly Beaumont 11 Wealthy
Aurélie Pueyrredón 9 Wealthy Sir Alex Kuzbidon
Bernadette Cuvier 7 Stunning, Influential Guillame De Batz
Émilie Beaufils 11 Influential, Wealthy
Victoria Gainsbourg 5 Wealthy Jean Huile
Gisèle Barthélemy 14 Stunning, Influential Phillip Lemoine
Roseline Geffroy 11

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm
23 January 2018
Note: Duke Gaston and Colonel D'Alembert also attended the Midsummer Masquerade significantly increasing the toadying bonuses and resulting in Marius Thibodeaux, Albert Kestrel and Roget Thésaurus all gaining a social level. Albert Kestrel gained another status point for acting as a second.
3 March 2018
Change image links to the library page (for copyright and attribution)

Versailles hunting lodge drawing created during DensityDesign Integrated Course Final Synthesis Studio at Polytechnic University of Milan, organized by DensityDesign Research Lab in 2016. Image is released under CC-BY-SA licence. Attribution goes to Eyleen Camargo, DensityDesign Research Lab.

Cannon image © Copyright Dave Hitchborne, used under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.


  1. Albert Kestrel gains a status point for acting as a second.
  2. As the winner of the duel, Roget's Sabre expertise increases by one and he gains two status points this month.
  3. Jean's endurance was halved by this single blow - Jean's health will slowly recover over the coming months.
  4. Four bonus status points for Omer Dalors for three months on his return to Paris and one permanently thereafter. (As Omer Dalors is a member of the 13th Fusiliers he is required to join that regiment during the months of juillet, août and septembre.
  5. Fourier Transformée gains another six status points for the first three months of his return to join those gained in the previous campaigning season and will have two statis points permanently thereafter.

mai 1624

First published 9th January 2018 (Last Modified 22nd June 2022)

Recital by Marius Thibodeux a big success

Rapt attention being paid to Marius Thibodeux

Several of the notable gentlemen in Paris took advantage of the opportunity to listen to the latest works by Marius Thibodeux in the prestigious surroundings of Hunter's. Several of the spectators, including Aline Yar and Roget Thésaurus, took advantage of the opportuity to hobnob with their better and gawp at the opulent furnishings. The usual suspects of Phillipe Lemoine and Guillame De Batz (the host) were in attendance with their good lady friends, Bernadette Cuvier and Gisèle Barthélemy, along with a still somewhat bemused René Descartes. In honour of the occasion, Marius presented two new sonnets:

Should I by happenstance be rendered blind
Or, since a newborn babe, be lacking sight
Cast into darkness by a Fate unkind
In deepest cavern, quite bereft of light
My hands outstretched before me as I tread
A stumbling path set out before my feet
How then to fix my pounding heart 'gainst dread
When that my senses be thus incomplete
Yet, in the darkness I should not be lost
However Stygian remain the gloom
Not I, an unremark-ed, wild'ring ghost
Fated to be alone in silent tomb
For thy love shines a beacon on my way
In that dear light, how can'st I step astray?

What is it that a man may truly dread?
'Tis not the battlefield that some surmise
To lie amongst the fallen, valiant dead
May be considered Fortune's dearest prize
It is the thought that he shall be alone
Unthought of, unremarked, a bladeless haft
A heart that stays unmoved as a stone
Or broken and ill-served by Cupid's haft.
'Gainst such a fate, I threw up ramparts high
Sufficient strong that none should ever breach
With sturdy watchtowers clamb'ring to the sky
To keep my tender heart safe out of reach
I kneel now, midst the ruins of that wall
The proof that love can truly conquer all.

Duke Gaston's ball lightly attended

Much to the chagrin of the Duke, the mai ball was only lightly attended, particularly in comparison to the poetry recital. Aline Yar and Roget Thésaurus (who did keep being mistaken for a servant) joined Phillipe Lemoine and Guillame de Batz at the ball (along with Bernadette Cuvier and Gisèle Barthélemy). The uncrowded dance floor did allow Phillipe to show off his Rigaudon dance moves and he was able to direct the dancers in their moves by the end of the evening. Guillame de Batz and the Duke were seen having a long discussion and it later transpired that the Duke has rented one of Guillame de Batz properties for the month.

Cardinal Richelieu reshuffle

The reshuffle caused by the recent promotion of Cardinal Richelieu to the council of ministers. The reshuffle is affects all the appointments to both the government and the military. While most of the posts require either a high military or noble rank (for example the Commissioner of Public Safety requires a Colonel or Knight to be the office holder), the various brigades are looking for subalterns who wish to serve as the aide to the Brigadier1.

Roget Thésaurus Challenges Jean Huile

Roget Thésaurus has, as expected, challenged Jean Huile to a duel. This will be fought at the start of the fourth week of juin2.

Fickle Love

Despite the excellent poetry of Marius Thibodeux, his erstwhile partner, Flora Pernet, appears to have a new beau in the shape of Cochon de Lait. M. de Lait took advantage of the absence of his rival at his fencing school to woo Mlle. Pernet presenting her with a bouquet of exotic flowers from the Carribean3.

In a less decisive move Aurélie Pueyrredón has finally accepted the entreaties of Sir Alex Kuzbidon and is now his companion. Apparently his persistence wasn't a factor in her acceptance of her fate. She claims that her servants had not been passing on his enquiries to her - though we couldn't confirm with the staff concerned.

Rumours of a midsummer event

Is something is being planned? Guillame de Batz has been seen at the theatre, but only to talk with the minstrels providing the accompaniment to the show. At the same time, Phillipe Lemoine has been seen on the outskirts of Paris looking for a location where where tedious stuff such as peasants and farm animals can be excluded

Sir Alex Kuzbidon planning a barbeque?

Is the notoriously staid Sir Alex Kuzbidon planning something special for the autumn? He has been seen talking with several chefs well known for their hot fires and tasty food. On the other hand he has also been talking with several tradesmen too...

Frontier regiments take Phillipeville

The success of our frontier army has continued with the capture of Phillipeville. We are awaiting the reports on the activities of our gentlemen at the scene with interest4.

Praise from Le Perche du Coudray

In a break from the more usual rapier, Le Perche du Coudray has praised Albert Kestrel's sabre work saying that the improvements shown by the young gentleman shows great promise. Le Perche du Coudray also complimented Guillame de Batz for the improvements in his rapier techniques, though he did comment that Guillame still has a lot to learn!

More gentlemen for Provence

Following their troubles last month, both Côte de Boeuf and Lombard Chequers have retreated to the country to avoid the pressures of the city5. Investigations into the mugging of Lombard Chequers are continuing however after Phillipe Lemoine suggested to the current Commissioner for public safety that perhaps an actual investigation into the events could be warranted. After all if a newly arrived gentleman can't travel safely around Paris one wonders if any one is safe. The investigation could be hampered by the absence of both the victims and, apparently, any witnesses willing to talk.

Regimental News

Queen's Own Carabiniers

Albert Kestrel is commended for his devotion, giving up his club membership to concentrate on his duties within the regiment

Royal Marines

Cochon De Lait joins A troop as a private. We thank M. de Lait for the recruitment posters recently seen around Paris.

Picardy Musketeers

Both Jean Huile and Marius Thibodeux have been promoted to Subaltern.

13th and 53rd Fusiliers, the 27th Musketeers, the 4th and 69th Arquebusiers

Members of these regiments are reminded that they will be required to join their regiments for the summer campaign during juillet, août and septembre

The Greasy Pole

Name SL ± SP Position(s) Last Seen With Club Location
Albert Kestrel 5 8 Queen's Own Carabiniers, Private Élisabeth Beaumont
Aline Yar 4 +1 24 Picardy Musketeers, Subaltern Red Phillips
Côte de Boeuf 1 Provence (out of game for the time being)
Fourier Transformée 2 At Frontier
Groovy 8 Provence (out of game for the time being)
Guillame De Batz 10 11 Bernadette Cuvier Hunter's
Harry Covert 4 At Frontier
Jean Huile 4 10 Picardy Musketeers, Subaltern Victoria Gainsbourg Red Phillips
Marius Thibodeaux 6 +1 27
Picardy Musketeers, Subaltern The Frog & Peach
Omer Dalors 1 13th Fusiliers, Captain At Frontier
Phillipe Lemoine 10 10 Gisèle Barthélemy
Roget Thésaurus 4 +1 20 Grand Duke Maximillian Dragoons, Private Red Phillips
Sir Alex Kuzbidon 10 12 Royal Marines, Subaltern Aurélie Pueyrredón Hunter's
5 Provence (out of game for the time being)
Cochon de Lait 7 Royal Marines, Private Flora Pernet The Blue Gables
Status Level as of the end of the month
Change in status level this month
Status Points earned this month (blank if the character is out of Paris during the month).
Regiment and Rank and other posts if any
Location during the current month if out of Paris

Femmes Fatales

Name SL Attributes Last Seen With
Auriane Delaunay 7 Influential, Wealthy
Flora Pernet 7 Stunning, Influential Cochon de Lait
Solène Prudhomme 12 Wealthy
Micheline Barbet 15 Influential
Élisabeth Beaumont 8 Albert Kestrel
Brigitte Silvestre 8
Albane Bacque 15
Lesly Beaumont 11 Wealthy
Aurélie Pueyrredón 9 Wealthy Sir Alex Kuzbidon
Bernadette Cuvier 7 Stunning, Influential Guillame De Batz
Émilie Beaufils 11 Influential, Wealthy
Victoria Gainsbourg 5 Wealthy Jean Huile
Gisèle Barthélemy 14 Stunning, Influential Phillip Lemoine
Roseline Geffroy 11

Last updated: June 22, 2022 at 16:53 pm
4 March 2018
Update image links to point to media page
22 June 2022
Update image to avoid accented characters causing trouble in my build process for the static version of the website


  1. It is, however, hard to get appointed. You need to roll a seven on 1d6 to be appointed, i.e., you will need one or more favours (level 4 or higher) to stand a chance of being appointed. Aides to the brigadier gain 3 status points a month, a level 1 favour a season and will need to accompany the brigade when the brigade goes on campaign.
  2. If Jean Huile refuses the challenge he will lose 2 status points during Juin. If he accepts both players need to indicate how they will divide their expertise between attack and defence and say when (or if) they will offer and/or accept surrender to/from their opponent.
  3. Marius Thibodeux has cause to challenge Cochon de Lait to a duel. If Marius declines to make a challenge he will lose three status points in juin.
  4. Those at the frontier will again have to choose how brave they were at the front. Note that the die rolls shown on the order template include all bonuses including those for mentoring provided by the regiment.
  5. Both players have decided to withdraw from the game. Should they wish to rejoin, their characters will be waiting for them.

avril 1624

First published 19th December 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Mai ball details announced

Last years ball

Duke Gaston of Anjou, younger brother of his Majesty Louis XIII, has announced details of a mai ball1. It will be held on le mercredi 1er mai at Bothwell's. All gentleman and ladies can attend on presentation of their invitation which can be obtained on application to the Duke's secretary2.

Cardinal Richelieu appointed to the royal council of ministers

Following the dismissal of Marquis of Sillery, his Majesty Louis XIII has appointed Cardinal Richelieu to his council of ministers. Observers believe that his Majesty has been relying on the advice of the Cardinal for many months and expect that the current aggressive foreign policy will continue to be pursued.

Victoria Gainsbourg spurns Roget Thésaurus; seen with Jean Huile

It would seem that Victoria Gainsbourg has a new beau in the shape of Jean Huile. Victoria was won by Jean's attentions while Roget was nowhere to be seen3.

Elsewhere in Paris, Sir Alex Kuzbidon has been seen at the door of Aurélie Pueyrredón but she has not yet seen fit to let him into her home.

Praise from Le Perche du Coudray

Phillipe Lemoine and Sir Alex Kuzbidon have both improved their rapier expertise sufficiently to gain praise from the fencing master, Le Perche du Coudray: I commend both these gentlemen for their dedication to the fine skill of the rapier. I look forward to working further with them.

The Great Egg Race

Monkey stealing one of Guillame's painted eggs

Guillame De Batz and Phillipe Lemoine have continued to provide entertainment and innovation to Parisian society by adapting the La Chasse aux Oeufs4. Guillame provided a set of colourfully painted hen eggs while Phillipe went one better by having the master chocolatiers create chocolate eggs. The pair then hid around Le Jardin des Tuileries. Having invited all the fashionable young ladies and their partners to join the hunt after the Easter Service at Notre Dame. Great fun was had by all as they attempted to collect the greatest total of eggs, including finding those hidden in those hard to reach places on the cages of the menageries (some eggs were lost to the cages' inhabitants!)

New boy Lombard Chequers robbed in red light district

Lombard Chequers, the first son of M. Chequers (the noted banker), has had an interesting first month in our fair city. Lombard decided he had to experience the best that Paris has to offer by visiting (repeatedly) the red light district. After complaining about the play at the baccarat tables (Lombard expressed a suspicion about exactly how often the house won the card play by exactly matching his score and hence winning by the house advantage), Lombard was returning home when he was accosted by some masked thieves who then proceeded to abscond with Lombard's stake and winnings for that week. This, combined with Lombard losing streak means that Lombard has lost some of his initial status5. Perhaps Lombard needs to learn from Aline Yar and Sir Alex Kuzbidon, who have been able to make monthly visits inside the red light district without getting accosted by ne'er-do-wells.

One hopes that the same run of bad luck does not affect Cochon de Lait, second son of Baron De Lait who arrives in Paris in time for the Mai activities. Our best wishes to both new gentlemen.

Small housewarming party held at Descartes house

Much to the surprise of M. Descartes, a housewarming party was held at his house on 24 avril. M. Descartes was overwhelmed by the visitation by Phillipe Lemoine and Marius Thibodeaux since M. Descartes has been at his current address for several months. It turned out the house being warmed was that of Phillipe Lemoine who was moving into a new property owned by Marius Thibodeaux and the two gentlemen had been shuffled out of the house as their respective young ladies took over the management and preparations of the property.

Outbreak of Dysentery affecting our gentlemen?

An outbreak of dysentery amongst the lower classes seems to have had an effect on a couple of our gentlemen this month. No sign of Côte de Boeuf nor of Roget Thésaurus has been apparent for this past few weeks and their failure to appear has been the cause of some rumours and discussions in the bars and cafés of Paris6

Regimental News

Queen's Own Carabineers

Albert Kestrel joins A troop as a private.

Frontier Regiments7

The frontier regiments thank Harry Covert and Fourier Transformée for their somewhat surprising decision to remain with the regiments for another season8. Fourier continues to serve with the elite Royal Highland Border Regiment. In addition, the frontier regiments welcome Omer Dalors to the frontier for the first time.

Guillame De Batz cordially invites all ladies and gentlemen to a recital of his poetry by Marius Thibodeaux9 at Hunter's10 on le 10 mai. Be the first to hear his latest composition:

'Tis April and the gentle showers start
Foreshadowing the tender blooms of May
But I that hath sweet Flora in my heart
Have beauteous blossom each and every day.

The Greasy Pole

Name SL ± SP Position(s) Last Seen With Club Location
Albert Kestrel 5 +1 16 Queen's Own Carabiniers, Private Élisabeth Beaumont Red Phillips
Aline Yar 3 6 Picardy Musketeers, Subaltern Red Phillips
Côte de Boeuf 1 -1 -1
Fourier Transformée 2 At Frontier
Groovy 8 Provence (out of game for the time being)
Guillame De Batz 10 11 Bernadette Cuvier Hunter's
Harry Covert 4 At Frontier
Jean Huile 4 +1 13 Picardy Musketeers, Private Victoria Gainsbourg Red Phillips
Marius Thibodeaux 5 16
Picardy Musketeers, Private Flora Pernet The Frog & Peach
Omer Dalors 1 13th Fusiliers, Captain At Frontier
Phillipe Lemoine 10 12 Gisèle Barthélemy
Roget Thésaurus 3 -1 2 Grand Duke Maximillian Dragoons, Private Red Phillips
Sir Alex Kuzbidon 10 10 Royal Marines, Subaltern Hunter's
5 -1 -4 Newly Arrived
Cochon de Lait 7 Arriving in Paris
Status Level as of the end of the month
Change in status level this month
Status Points earned this month (blank if the character is out of Paris during the month).
Regiment and Rank and other posts if any
Location during the current month if out of Paris

Femmes Fatales

Name SL Attributes Last Seen With
Auriane Delaunay 7 Influential, Wealthy
Flora Pernet 7 Stunning, Influential Marius Thibodeaux
Solène Prudhomme 12 Wealthy
Micheline Barbet 15 Influential
Élisabeth Beaumont 8 Albert Kestrel
Brigitte Silvestre 8
Albane Bacque 15
Lesly Beaumont 11 Wealthy
Aurélie Pueyrredón 9 Wealthy
Bernadette Cuvier 7 Stunning, Influential Guillame De Batz
Émilie Beaufils 11 Influential, Wealthy
Victoria Gainsbourg 5 Wealthy Jean Huile
Gisèle Barthélemy 14 Stunning, Influential Phillip Lemoine
Roseline Geffroy 11

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm
Correct typo's


  1. This is anachronistic but that isn't going to stop me! As long as you (or me) can make some kind of reasonable justification I will be very open to this kind of idea.
  2. Note that the secretary will require 25 crowns per ticket.
  3. Roget Thésaurus does have cause for a duel with Jean Huile. If Roget declines to make a challenge he will lose three status points in mai.
  4. literally egg hunt
  5. As it happens, Lombard would have made a profit from his gambling if he hadn't been robbed during one of week's worth of gambling.
  6. No order received from either player. Each suffered the two status point penalty for lack of female companionship for the month.
  7. Those at the frontier need not submit orders for mai 1624
  8. Remember that the novice bonus drops to +2 for a character's second season at the frontier
  9. Attendance is free and counts as toadying to both Guillame and Marius. Marius will also gain an additional status point for every attendee other than himself and Guillame. Guillame will receive half of that bonus (rounded down).
  10. Each club has a good room available to members for purposes such as these. Rooms can be reserved on a first come first served basis

Cochon de Lait

First published 14th December 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Second Son of Baron de Lait.

Attribute Currently Notes
Player Zygmunt Lozinski
Strength 5 Started at 5
Rapier Expertise 10 Started at 10
Sabre Expertise 10 Started at 10
Cutlass Expertise 11 Started at 10
Constitution 12 Started at 12
Endurance 80 of 80 Started at 80
Military Ability 3 Started at 3
Cash 138 Started at 250
Allowance and/or Pension 50 Started at 50
Social Level 7 Started at 7
Club The Blue Gables
Regiment & Rank Royal Marines, Subaltern Member of A company
Female Companion Flora Pernet Social Level 7, Stunning, Influential

Order Template

août 1624
Promoted to subaltern
juillet 1624
Loses a duel against Marius Thibodeux
mai 1624
Becomes the companion of Flora Pernet
avril 1624
Arrives in Paris for the first time.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm

1972 ASA Summary

First published 12th December 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 0 96%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 0 91%
3. Lunar Probe 2 85%
B. Two Stage Rocket 1 94%
D. Mega Stage Rocket 5 98%
EVA Suits n/a 98%
c. Three Person Capsule 4 90%
h. Four Person Capsule/Module 5 92%
Photo Reconnaissance n/a 75%


Name Completed Flights
Professor Matthew "Matt" Matic 0
Croc Hogan 1
Dingo Dan 1
Bob Hoskins 1
Larry Hoskins 1
Mel Dawson 1
Tezza Baker 1
Kieran Creek 1
Smith Zomburg 1

One time only, a launch can be delayed to gain a 10% safety factor (for that launch) to the rocket used in the launch.

3 Launch Facilities at Woomera

First module failure will be ignored.

0 Launches planned for 1973

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm

1972 GOSsiP Summary

First published 12th December 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
2. Interplanetary Satellite 1 69%
3. Lunar Probe 1 84%
4. Docking Module 1 80%
B. Two Stage Rocket 3 98%
D. Liquid Fuel Strap-Ons 3 97%
EVA Suits n/a 98%
c. Three Person Capsule 4 98%
g. Two Person Lunar Lander 2 91%
Photo-Reconnaissance n/a 100%


Name Completed Flights
Maja Hansen 4
Curtis Adamson 4
Kristian Swenhaugen 4
Torkild Bendixen 2
Thomas Ditlevsen 1
Malthe Jørgensen 1
Casper Ovesen 1
Jacob Abrahamsen 1
Malthe Bisgaard 1
Niels Svendsen 3
Ferdinand Winther 3
Ulrik Rohde 2

One time only, may plan a manned mission to take animal passengers instead of human, thus avoiding most of the risk of a catastrophic accident. Success counts as a subsequent mission for budget purposes.

The next rocket failure from GOSsiP will be negated.

3 Launch Facilities at Julianehåb.

0 Launches planned for 1973

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm

1972 SARSA Summary

First published 12th December 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 0 96%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 0 92%1
3. Lunar Probe 1 90%2
4. Docking Module 1 45%
A. One Stage Rocket 0 85%
C. Three Stage Rocket 2 46%
EVA Suits n/a 98%
d. Two Person Lunar Module 3 90%
f. Three Person Capsule 2 93%
Photo-Reconnaissance n/a 80%


Name Completed Flights
Wei Engel 2
Fiona Ngubane 1
Ryan Cilliers 1
Gugulethu Turner 0
Celeste Maseko 0
Jacques Swartz 0
Paul Mbatha 0

One time only, may plan a manned mission to take animal passengers instead of human, thus avoiding most of the risk of a catastrophic accident. Success counts as a subsequent mission for budget purposes.

3 Launch Facilities at undisclosed locations.

0 Launches planned for 1973

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm


  1. May be researched to 95%, absolute maximum of 98%
  2. May be researched to 90%, absolute maximum of 93%