Tag name:play-by-mail

1962 ASA Summary

First published 24th July 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 1 80%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 1 64%
3. Lunar Probe 1 73%
B. Two Stage Rocket 2 91%
D. Mega Stage Rocket 1 25%
c. Three Person Capsule 1 91%
h. Four Person Capsule/Module 1 25%


Name Completed Flights
Colonel Steve Zodiac 1
Captain Ken Ross 1
Professor Matthew "Matt" Matic 0
Dr. Venus 1
Jock Campbell 0
Co-Pilot Chuck 0
Lieutenant 90 0

1 Launch Facility at Woomera

One year, at the choosing of ASA, a launch facility may be used twice in the same year. The second launch will be made on the 31st December. The launch must be planned in advance as usual.

First capsule failure will be ignored.

First module failure will be ignored.1

No Launches planned for 1963

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm


  1. For the four person capsule/module, the mission step determines which kind of failure is involved.

1962 Smaug Summary

First published 24th July 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 1 97%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 1 64%
B. Two Stage Rocket 0 93%
EVA Suits n/a 97%
c. Three person capsule 3 91%


Name Completed Flights
Anna Rivetti 2
Ben Mezera 2
Eric Zevery 0
Frederick Hagiwara 0
Gunther Koska 0
Hannah Kelley 0
Ian Carpenter 0
Johnny King 0
Lawrence Fields 0
Margaret Reynolds 0

1 Launch Facility at an undisclosed location.

2 Launches planned for 1963

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm

1962 SHADO Summary

First published 24th July 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 1 71%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 2 70%
3. Lunar Probe 1 40%
A. One Stage Rocket 1 54%
B. Two Stage Rocket 3 39%
EVA Suits n/a 30%
b. Two Person Capsule 1 35%

One time only, may plan a manned mission to take animal passengers instead of human, thus avoiding most of the risk of a catastrophic accident. Success counts as a subsequent mission for budget purposes.

1 Launch Facility at Honolulu.

1 Launch planned for 1962

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm

1962 GOSsiP Summary

First published 24th July 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
2. Interplanetary Satellite 1 69%
3. Lunar Probe 0 65%
B. Two Stage Rocket 1 80%
c. Three Person Capsule 1 47%


Name Completed Flights
Maja Hansen 0

1 Launch Facility at Julianehåb.

1 Launch planned for 1963

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm

1962 SARSA Summary

First published 24th July 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 0 96%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 0 91%
3. Lunar Probe 1 77%
A. One Stage Rocket 0 85%
C. Three Stage Rocket 0 96%

One time only, may plan a manned mission to take animal passengers instead of human, thus avoiding most of the risk of a catastrophic accident. Success counts as a subsequent mission for budget purposes.

1 Launch Facility at an undisclosed location

1 Launch planned for 1962

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm


First published 24th July 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Dark side of moon photographed

Far side of the moon

One of SARSA's Interplanetary Satellite has successfully returned photographs of the side of the moon that always faces away from the Earth this month. The probe, one of three launched by the same three stage rocket, had a brief software problem. However the new wiring installed in the probe in 1960 meant that the satellite was quickly rebooted by a special radio sequence and the mission was able to proceed normally.

The far side of the moon presents a very different view to that of the moon as seen from Earth. There are no major seas leaving the far side to present a very rocky and cratered view. Scientists are still debating the causes of the difference and why (or even how) the differences could have arisen and the implications for the early history of the Earth and the Moon (and, indeed, for the early history of the entire solar system)

Also launched on the same rocket were two other interplanetary satellites - one sent to Mars and one to Venus. The Mars probe, unfortunately, did not fire its own thrusters once released by the rocket, failed to achieve Earth orbit and then burnt up in the Earth's atmosphere. The Interplanetary Satellite heading to Venus is operating normally and is on its way.

Smaug Inc joins ASA in orbit

On the 20th of December, Smaug Inc's intrepid crew of Anna Rivetti, Ben Mereza and Caroline Freberg became the fourth, fifth and sixth humans to enjoy earth orbit. Their manned orbital mission1 launched on time and the only worrying moment came when it was time for their three person capsule to leave earth orbit. The engine burn needed to slow the craft down did not fire on schedule, but after a few seconds delay the engine fired up and continued for the required four minutes and merely meant that the landing site was about 560 miles to the east of the intended landing zone - requiring the fleet monitoring the landing to move as quickly as possible to the new location. Apart from this hiccup, the re-entry and recovery phases of the mission proceeded smoothly2.

Could SHADO have a satellite?

It is still unclear what happened to the latest orbital satellite mission from SHADO. The launch was perfect, with no unexpected fireworks and telescopes trained on the launch all claim that the satellite separated from the rocket with no problems. The observers even claim that the satellite entered earth orbit. However as no radio signals have ever been detected from the satellite all these claims are just that: claims3.

ASA goes even bigger

Dr Matt and his team's delight has become stratospheric. Even Steve Zodiac has become affected by the enthusiasm, expressing his view of the research into XL2, ASA's new Mega Stage Rocket Program as Yaaay! Bigger! Louder! Faster! as he wiped a strange cream moustache from his upper lips.

Zodiac's compliance with the Amber Liquid Ban has been surprisingly complete and much easier than expected - too easy for some observers. Harold's Bar has denied that its move to a greater focus on spirits and that the sale of its new whisky reinforced Irish Coffee and Rum based Jamaican Coffee in the Mess had nothing to do with them. When asked if she knew anything of the development Dr Venus simply rolled her eyes and walked away.

SHADO interested in Tracy Island?

Rumours are spreading that the large cash surplus in SHADO is not being saved, as claimed, as a rainy day fund for the next set of launches but are being diverted into a new fund. Suggestions that the head of SHADO is looking at islands in the south pacific in which to base their next launch and research facility are being denied. However eager estate agents hired by several islands in the south pacific, including the recently converted Tracy Island have been seen at the reputed headquarters of SHADO.

Smaug Inc's new astronauts

There was heated debate within Smaug Inc. as the Science team argued for the completion of the second launch facility this year. However things changed when the members of the team where inducted into the astronaut programme so that they could more closely assess the impact of the sabotage. As a result of the investigation and repair work, the second mission launch planned by Smaug this year has been scrubbed.

SARSA planning ICBMs?

SARSA was forced last month to deny that its three stage rocket program was in any way linked to suggestions that it could be re-purposed as an intercontinental ballistic missile and further suggestions that the rocket could carry multiple warheads was firmly denied by the agency.

Stamp Scandal hits Smaug Inc.

An example of the stamps sold by the errant astronauts

Shortly after Smaug Inc's successful manned orbital and just in time for the late Christmas shopper several auction halls successfully sold authenticated, but definitely unauthorised, first day cover envelopes and franked stamps from the the mission. Investigations into the sales revealed a conspiracy between two of Smaug Inc.'s astronauts, Caroline Freburg (who flew on the recent successful manned orbital flight) and Kathy Wilson (one of the scientists recently moved to the astronaut program and who organised the sale). As a result of furore Smaug Inc has been forced to sack the two astronauts4. Apparently the last straw for Smaug Inc.'s senior management was the revelation that the two astronauts had initially sold the stamps to Smaug's major competitor Drogon&co.

R&D bonus for SARSA

South Africa has instituted a major industrial trainee program for its space industries. The program, which claims to be open for all with the relevant qualifications, is expected to add a major boost to the research efforts of SARSA and allow its programs to make significant improvements in the coming year5.

Major Engineering Advance for SHADO

It appears that the engineering divisions of SHADO are also eyeing up the large cash balances that have built up in SHADO bank. They have announced that they believe that they have been able to make significant advances and savings in their production facilities and are able to offer, for one year only, a 50% cost saving to the rest of the organisation. The engineering division was unable to comment if their head had joined SHADO's chairman in his window shopping trip across the South Pacific6.

Espionage row between ASA and SARSA

The Australian Space Agency has claimed to have uncovered an espionage program from SARSA aimed at its Interplanetary Satellite. ASA says that the reportedly high safety factor of SARSA's program is a fabrication as the actual satellite bears a remarkable similarity to ASA's model which has a much lower safety factor. SARSA, whilst denying that it has any espionage program, states that Having seen the plans, we wouldn't touch the Australian Satellite with a barge pole!7.

Nobel announces production difficulties

GOSsiP's main rocket manufacturers, Bofors (founded by Alfred Noble), has announced that production difficulties mean that it will be unable to provide any new rockets to GOSsiP during 1963. Bofors has denied that the recent focus by its board members on boosting the size of the famous Nobel prizes (including, in particular, the Nobel peace prize) has had any impact on the delays, claiming that the delays are purely down to the discovery of significant impurities in the titanium ingots used in the early stages of the construction of the structural elements of the rockets8.

Launch Calendar

The provisional calendar for launches planned in 1963 (assuming none of the missions are rushed or scrubbed) is as follows:

6th Dec
18th Dec
27th Dec
Smaug Inc.
29th Dec
Smaug Inc.9

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm
27th July 2017
Clarified that the Mars Probe launched by SARSA failed to achieve Earth orbit. Removed planned launch from SARSA (I misread the orders 🙁 )


  1. This Manned Orbital mission was launched before a successful Manned Sub-Orbital mission and so was at a 3% mission penalty for all mission steps.
  2. Smaug Inc. thus earns the second agency bonus for: Manned Space Mission, Manned Orbital and three person craft
  3. Although the satellite did enter orbit, the satellite failed to power on, and so the mission counts as a failure
  4. If either of these two astronauts are part of the two launches planned by Smaug Inc. for 1963, those launches will be scrubbed unless a backup crew has also been planned
  5. +1 to every R&D die purchased by SARSA for 1963
  6. All Hardware purchased by SHADO in 1963 will be half price.
  7. A combination of ASA's event card and orders from SARSA makes the relevant event card have no effect
  8. No new rockets may be purchased by GOSsiP during 1963 (unless purchased indirectly via another agency)
  9. Smaug Inc. will need to purchase a second launch facility this year or this mission will be automatically scrubbed.

Liftoff! Statistics

First published 11th July 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Agency Statistics for 1972

Budget column does NOT include any budget collected that would be collected in 1973.

Name Planned Launches Successful missions Scrubbed Missions Astronauts in roster/hired Total Budget Cost of Launch Facility Repairs
ASA 18 4 6 9/17 $1,900,000,000 -
GOSsiP 19 8 3 12/13 $1,181,000,000 $40,000,000
SARSA 19 (1 Launch carried 3 Satellites, 1 Launch carried 2 Satellites) 7 4 7/13 $1,633,000,000 $15,000,000
SHADO 16 3 1 0/3 $1,243,000,000 $40,000,000
Smaug Inc. 23 5 10 6/18 $1,369,000,000 -
Totals 95 (1 Launch carried 3 Satellites, 1 Launch carried 2 Satellites, 1 Launch carried 2 capsules) 27 24 34/64 $7,326,000,000 $95,000,000

Mission Completions (as of 1972)

Mission Type First Agency to complete Second Agency to complete Third Agency to complete
Orbital Satellite SARSA in 1957 Smaug Inc. in 1960 ASA in 1964
Manned Space Mission ASA in 1960 Smaug Inc in 1962 SARSA in 1866
Manned Orbital ASA in 1960 Smaug Inc in 1962 SARSA in 1966
Manned Docking
Space Walk SARSA in 1966 GOSsiP in 1969
International Docking
Two-Person Craft (No Bonus) (No Bonus) (No Bonus)
Three-Person Craft ASA in 1960 Smaug Inc in 1962 SARSA in 1966
Four-Person Craft
Re-usable Shuttle
International Crew
Lunar Fly-by SARSA in 1962 Smaug Inc in 1964 SHADO in 1965
Mars Fly-by SARSA in 1965 SHADO in 1966
Venus Fly-by SARSA in 1963 SHADO in 1965
Manned Lunar Pass ASA in 1965 GOSsiP in 1970 (*) See Note
Manned Lunar Orbit GOSsiP in 1971
Lunar Probe Landing SARSA in 1964 Smaug Inc in 1966 GOSsiP in 1971

No bonus award for first or second completion of a manned mission using a two person craft as both ASA and Smaug Inc. completed manned missions using a three person craft before any one else launched a two person craft.

(*) While the third nation bonus for a Manned Lunar Pass is still available, SARSA has completed a lunar pass with monkeys as the crew. This does count as a manned lunar pass for the purposes of avoiding the -3% safety factor for skipping required missions.

Mission History (as of 31st December 1972)

Date Agency Mission Result/Status Budget Effect Notes
12 Dec 1957 SARSA Orbital Satellite Success +16
13 Dec 1957 SHADO Orbital Satellite Catastrophic Failure -10 Repair Cost of 15m
15 Dec 1958 GOSsiP Orbital Satellite Catastrophic Failure -10 Repair Cost of 25m
10 Dec 1959 SHADO Orbital Satellite Catastrophic Failure -10 Repair Cost of 25m
20 Dec 1959 SARSA Orbital Satellite Failure -62 -3 for the failure, budget then halved as the government ordered mission failed.
10 Oct 1960 GOSsiP Lunar Fly-by and Mars Fly-by Failure -6
15 Dec 1960 ASA Manned Orbital by Steve Zodiac, Ken Ross & Dr. Venus Success +60
20 Dec 1960 Smaug Inc. Orbital Satellite Success +10
1 Dec 1961 GOSsiP Orbital Satellite Failure -3
15 Dec 1961 Smaug Inc. Orbital Satellite Success +2
31 Dec 1961 Smaug Inc. Manned Orbital by Anna Rivetti, Ben Mezera and Caroline Freburg Failure -10
10 Dec 1962 SARSA Lunar Fly-by Success +6
10 Dec 1962 SARSA Mars Fly-by Failure -3
10 Dec 1962 SARSA Venus Fly-by Success +8
15 Dec 1962 SHADO Orbital Satellite Failure -3
20 Dec 1962 Smaug Inc. Manned Orbital by Anna Rivetti, Ben Mezera and Caroline Freburg Success +32
23 Dec 1962 Smaug Inc. Scrubbed -3
6 Dec 1963 GOSsiP Lunar Fly-by Failure -3
18 Dec 1963 SHADO Lunar Fly-by Failure -3
27 Dec 1963 Smaug Inc. Manned Orbital by Lawrence Fields, Eric Zevery, Frederick Hagiwara Catastrophic Failure -10 Heat shield failed during re-entry
29 Dec 1963 Smaug Inc. Scrubbed -3
6 Dec 1964 GOSsiP Scrubbed -3
10 Dec 1964 SHADO Venus Fly-by Success +6
15 Dec 1964 SARSA Lunar Probe Landing Success +20
15 Dec 1864 SARSA Mars Fly-by Success +8
20 Dec 1964 Smaug Inc. Lunar Fly-by Success +4
22 Dec 1964 Smaug Inc. Scrubbed -3
29 Dec 1964 ASA Orbital Satellite Success +6
10 August 1965 SHADO Lunar and Mars Fly-by Success flying by the moon, Failed to reach Mars +3, -3
12 August 1965 SHADO Mars and Venus Fly-by Success flying by Mars, Success flying by Venus +6, +2
5 Dec 1965 GOSsiP Lunar Probe Landing Failure -3
18 Dec 1965 ASA Lunar Fly-by Success +2
27 Dec 1965 SARSA Monkey Manned Lunar Pass Success +5
31 Dec 1965 ASA Manned Lunar Pass by Colonel Steve Zodiac, Captain Ken Ross, Jock Campbell Success +19
15 Nov 1966 SHADO Lunar and Venus Fly-by Success flying by the moon, Failed to fly-by Venus +2, -3
5 Dec 1966 GOSsiP Scrubbed -3
10 Dec 1966 Smaug Inc. Success +12
11 Dec 1966 Smaug Inc. Scrubbed -3
12 Dec 1966 Smaug Inc. Scrubbed -3
17 Dec 1966 SHADO Lunar Probe Landing Failure -6
23 Dec 1966 SARSA Manned Orbital and EVA by William Baxter,Thomas Mills and Wei Engel
Success +28
28 Dec 1966 ASA Lunar Probe Landing Failure -6
5 Dec 1967 GOSsiP Unmanned Sub Orbital Success 0
10 Dec 1967 Smaug Inc Lunar Probe Lander (+Docking Module into Earth Orbit) Success +4
11 Dec 1967 Smaug Inc Manned Orbital and EVA Catastrophic Failure -10 Failed to make Earth Orbit; Heat Shield failed on re-entry due to tumbling craft
12 Dec 1967 Smaug Inc Scrubbed -3
15 Dec 1967 SARSA Manned Lunar Pass Catastrophic Failure -10 Failed Earth Orbital Mission Burn on return from the moon; Heat Shield failed during re-entry
17 Dec 1967 SARSA Scrubbed -3
21 Dec 1967 ASA Manned Lunar Pass Catastrophic Failure -10 Capsule sank during recovery.
7 Nov 1968 SHADO Lunar Probe Landing Failed -3
5 Dec 1968 SHADO Mars and Venus Fly-by Success +2 for Mars, +2 for Venus
11 Dec 1968 GOSsiP Manned Orbital Failed -3 Failed to achieve earth orbit; Reentered and Recovered safely
15 Dec 1968 Smaug Inc Scrubbed -3
17 Dec 1968 Smaug Inc Scrubbed -3
20 Dec 1968 SARSA Scrubbed -3
23 Dec 1968 SARSA Scrubbed -3
27 Dec 1968 ASA Lunar Probe Landing Failed -3 Exploded during ascent
29 Dec 1968 ASA Scrubbed -3
31 Dec 1968 ASA Scrubbed -3
5 Dec 1969 SARSA Lunar Probe Landing Failed -6
10 Dec 1969 SHADO Manned Orbital Success +2
14 Dec 1969 GOSsiP Manned Orbital and EVA Success +11
21 Dec 1969 ASA Manned Lunar Pass Catastrophic Failure -10 Major fire during earth mission burn
23 Dec 1969 ASA Manned Lunar Orbit Failed -10 Permanent communications failure in lunar orbit. Crew returned safely.
27 Dec 1969 ASA Lunar Probe Lander Failed -6 Couldn't find a safe landing spot
5 Dec 1970 SHADO Lunar Probe Lander Failed -6 Crashed on Lunar Surface
11 Dec 1970 Smaug Inc Docking Module plus 2xManned Orbital and Docking Failed -10 and 0 Craft 1 burnt up on Re-entry. Craft 2 failed to power on Docking Module
14 Dec 1970 Smaug Inc Scrubbed -3
17 Dec 1970 Smaug Inc Scrubbed -3
26 Dec 1970 GOSsiP Manned Orbital and EVA EVA Scrubbed 0 Suit venting detected before leaving craft
29 Dec 1970 GOSsiP Manned Orbital Scrubbed while in earth orbit -1 Systems problem escalated and rest of mission scrubbed
31 Dec 1970 GOSsiP Manned Lunar Pass Success +7
5 Dec 1971 SHADO Manned Lunar Orbit Catastrophic Failure -10 Explosion during ascent
12 Dec 1971 SARSA Manned Lunar Orbit Failed -3
Earth Mission Burn failure mission scrubbed at that point
14 Dec 1971 SARSA Manned Orbital and Docking Catastrophic Failure -10 Explosion during ascent
16 Dec 1971 SARSA Scrubbed -3
20 Dec 1971 ASA Lunar Probe Lander Failed -6 Just failed to locate a landing site
22 Dec 1971 ASA Scrubbed -3
24 Dec 1971 ASA Manned Lunar Orbit Failed -10 Engine Burn Failure in Earth Orbit. Returned to Earth Safely
29 Dec 1971 GOSsiP Manned Lunar Orbit Success +30
31 Dec 1971 GOSsiP Lunar Probe Landing Success +8
5 Dec 1972 SHADO Scrubbed -3
10 Dec 1972 SARSA Scrubbed -3
12 Dec 1972 SARSA Scrubbed -3
16 Dec 1972 ASA Scrubbed -3
18 Dec 1972 ASA Scrubbed -3
20 Dec 1972 ASA Scrubbed -3
26 Dec 1972 GOSsiP Lunar Probe Landing Success +4
28 Dec 1972 GOSsiP Manned Lunar Orbit and Docking Failed Docking +2
30 Dec 1972 GOSsiP Manned Lunar Landing Success GAME WIN
31 Dec 1972 GOSsiP Scrubbed
5 Dec 1973 SHADO Planned
10 Dec 1973 Smaug Inc Planned
12 Dec 1973 Smaug Inc Planned
14 Dec 1973 Smaug Inc Planned

Note that if an interplanetary mission was aimed at two targets, it is only counted as successful if it performs orbital activities at both targets.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm
27 July 2017
Added Mission History

1961 SARSA Summary

First published 11th July 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 0 96%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 1 90%
A. One Stage Rocket 0 85%
C. Three Stage Rocket 1 95%

First failure of a satellite or probe will be negated.

1 Launch Facility at an undisclosed location

1 Launch planned for 1962

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm

1961 ASA Summary

First published 11th July 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 1 65%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 1 64%
3. Lunar Probe 1 73%
B. Two Stage Rocket 2 91%
c. Three Person Capsule 1 91%
h. Four Person Capsule/Module 1 25%


Name Completed Flights
Colonel Steve Zodiac 1
Captain Ken Ross 1
Professor Matthew "Matt" Matic 0
Dr. Venus 1
Jock Campbell 0
Co-Pilot Chuck 0
Lieutenant 90 0

1 Launch Facility at Woomera

One year, at the choosing of ASA, a launch facility may be used twice in the same year. The second launch will be made on the 31st December. The launch must be planned in advance as usual.

First capsule failure will be ignored.

First module failure will be ignored.1

No Launches planned for 1962

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm

Correct count of equipment and flights by astronauts


  1. For the four person capsule/module, the mission step determines which kind of failure is involved.

1961 Smaug Summary

First published 11th July 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 1 97%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 1 45%
B. Two Stage Rocket 1 92%
EVA Suits n/a 63%
c. Three person capsule 4 81%


Name Completed Flights
Anna Rivetti 1
Ben Mezera 1
Caroline Freberg 1
Eric Zevery 0
Frederick Hagiwara 0
Gunther Koska 0

1 Launch Facility at an undisclosed location.

2 Launches planned for 1962

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm
Corrected Orb Sat Count (Had 1, Bought 1, Launched 1, Net Total 1)
Corrected Three Person Count (Had 5, Launched 1, Net Total 4)
(Two Stage Rocket total correct (Had 1, Bought 2, Launched 2, Net Total 1)