Tag name:play-by-mail

Guillame De Batz

First published 28th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Second Son of a very wealthy Viscount De Batz.

Attribute Currently Notes
Player Rhodri James
Strength 7 Started at 7
Rapier Expertise 7 Started at 6. 3 weeks of practice
Sabre Expertise 6 Started at 6
Cutlass Expertise 6 Started at 6
Constitution 11 Started at 11
Endurance 77 of 77 Started at 77
Military Ability 2 Started at 2
Cash 601 Started at 750
Allowance and/or Pension 125 Started at 125
Social Level 9 Started at 10
Club Hunter's
Female Companion Bernadette Cuvier Social Level 7, Stunning, Influential
Investments in Tulip Farms 110 Crowns
Investments in Parisian Property 200 Crowns

Order Template

septembre 1624
His Play, Les Boutons Manquant is a great success
avril 1624
Great Egg Race
mars 1624
Pineapple Party!
février 1624
Wins Ostrich joust against Phillipe Lemoine1.
janvier 1624
Wins the companionship of Gisèle Barthélemy and promptly loses it
décembre 1623
Arrives in Paris for the first time.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm


  1. +1 expertise (i.e. 7) in ostrich jousting should it become relevant

Marius Thibodeux

First published 28th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Orphan of a very wealthy merchant.

Attribute Currently Notes
Player Chris Bailey
Strength 9 Started at 9
Rapier Expertise 17 Started at 14. 3 weeks of practice
Sabre Expertise 14 Started at 14
Cutlass Expertise 14 Started at 14
Constitution 15 Started at 15
Endurance 135 of 135 Started at 135
Military Ability 6 Started at 6
Cash 2956 Started at 4000
Allowance and/or Pension 0 Started at 0
Social Level 7 Started at 4
Club The Frog & Peach
Regiment & Rank Picardy Musketeers, Captain Commander of B company
Investments in Parisian Property 200 Crowns Spent 120 crowns per property to get a finer property
Investments in Parisian Property 100 Crowns Rented out to Phillipe Lemoine at a rent of 7 crowns a month
Stable 1 horse
Female Companion Émilie Beaufils Social Level 11, Influential, Wealthy

Order Template

julliet 1624
Wins duel against Cochon de Lait
mai 1624
Successful recital meeting obgainised by Guillame de Batz. Loses the companionship of Flora Pernet to Cochon de Lait
février 1624
Joins the Picardy Musketeers as a private. Gained a social level.
janvier 1624
rejected by the Picardy Musketeers. Accepted by Flora Pernet.
décembre 1623
Arrives in Paris for the first time.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm

Phillipe Lemoine

First published 28th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Second Son of a very wealthy Viscount Lemoine.

Attribute Currently Notes
Player Tina Monk
Strength 13 Started at 13
Rapier Expertise 8 Started at 7. 1 week of practice
Sabre Expertise 8 Started at 7. 1 week of practice
Cutlass Expertise 7 Started at 7
Constitution 11 Started at 11
Endurance 143 of 143 Started at 143
Military Ability 4 Started at 4
Cash 530 Started at 750
Allowance and/or Pension 125 Started at 125
Social Level 10 Started at 10
Club Hunter's
Female Companion Gisèle Barthélemy Social Level 14, Stunning, Influential
Favours Two Level 6 favours, One Level 2 favour

Order Template

avril 1624
Great Egg Race
mars 1624
Pineapple Party!
janvier 1624
Accepted by Gisèle Barthélemy. Organises race to be held in février
décembre 1623
Arrives in Paris for the first time.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm
23rdNovember 2017
Corrected rapier practice count


First published 23rd October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Second son of Marquis Groovy, a very wealthy marquis and claimed to be a descendent of Jean Boutemps.

Attribute Currently Notes
Player Mark Hoggart
Strength 8 Started at 8
Rapier Expertise 9 Started at 9
Sabre Expertise 9 Started at 9
Cutlass Expertise 9 Started at 9
Constitution 9 Started at 9
Endurance 72 of 72 Started at 72
Military Ability 1 Started at 1
Cash 2000 Started at 750
Allowance and/or Pension 125 Started at 125
Social Level 8 Started at 8
Location Provence

Order Template

janvier 1624
Heads to Provence
décembre 1623
Arrives in Paris for the first time.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm

décembre 1623

Corruption in high places

Pierre Brulart

There are rumours swirling around the court about the financial affairs of the Viscount of Puisieux, Pierre Brulart Marquis of Sillery. Puisieux is our Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and questions have been raised as to the exact accounting of the funds of his office which amounts to many ten of thousands of Crowns. His Majesty Louis XIII's Conseil d'État et des finances has demanded a fuller accounting of the disposition of the funds.

A warm welcome

We would like to extend a warm welcome to all gentlemen recently arrived in Paris and intending to improve their situation. We are expecting great things of Sir Alex Kuzbidon, who recently took over the knighthood of his father. All the other recent arrivals that we have noted are second sons of their father and hence are unlike to inherit their father' position (for M. Transformée and M. Côte de Boeuf this is probably a blessing in disguise given their current lowly place!). Apart from Aline Yar (a member of the very wealthy Yar family) the remaining newcomers are all the sons of gentlemen of varying funds

War Preparations

Work by the Secrétaire d'État de la Guerre continue to prepare for the summer campaign of 1624. The Frontier Regiment and the Royal Highland Border Regiment will be joined by 6 regiments of Infantry. The regiments to be sent are the 13th and 53rd Fusiliers, the 27th Musketeers, the 4th and 69th Arquebusiers as well as the Gascon Regiment. All members of these regiments will go to the front during the months of juin, juillet and aôut. The regular army units will be conducting a siege although the Secrétaire d'État de la Guerre has not yet determined where!

Short of funds?

If you can't maintain your standard of living why not consider our no quibble loans.

Easy terms!

Contact Shylock in the quartier rouge.

Loan Term: Six Months; Interest Rate: 10%

Please note: Non payment of our loans will result in an appointment with the frontier regiment.

Volunteers Wanted!

We're looking for brave men to help defend France from our numerous neighbours. If you join us in Janvier, you'll be back in Paris in time for the month of mars!
All frontier regiment members will be involved in any battles and so will have the opportunity for glory and plunder!

You may even be eligible1 to serve in our elite Royal Highland Border Regiment as a private!

The regiment takes no responsibility for any injuries or deaths that may occur during the campaign

Visit La maison de blanc

The premier inn of the quartier rouge! Best Wine in Paris!

The management accepts no responsibility for any untoward activity in or around La maison de blanc

Late News

We hear that Groovy, the son of Marquis Groovy and a descendant of the notorious pirate Jean Boutemps has also arrived in Paris. His arrival was announced in advance by the appearance of a band of minstrels who appear to claim that he is continuing his illustrious ancestor's work and we look forward to his addition to our community spirit!2.


As the weather turns colder, several more up and coming (or, at least, striving) young men have arrived in Paris. We welcome Phillipe Lemoine and Guillame De Batz (son of the Viscount De Batz (both second sons of their respective fathers both very wealthy viscounts). Also in their party was Albert Kestrel, the son of a well-to-do gentleman, Marius Thibodeaux, the first son of the late but very successful merchant, and Alembic D'Gustion, the first son of a less successful merchant who is still very much in business. We wish them all well in all their endeavours.

Also recently arrived are beautiful and well connected Gisèle Barthélemy with her companion Roseline Geffroy. We also note the arrival of Victoria Gainsbourg, a young lady who is overwintering in Paris while her father continues to accompany his trade caravan carrying English woollen carpets down to the rural south.

The Greasy Pole

Name SL ± SP Position(s) Last Seen With Club
Aline Yar 3
Côte de Boeuf 2
Fourier Transformée 2
Harry Covert 4
Jean Huile 4
Omer Dalors 4
Roget Thésaurus 4
Sir Alex Kuzbidon 10
Groovy 8
Phillipe Lemoine 10
Marius Thibodeaux 4
Guillame De Batz 10
Alembic D'Gustion 3
Albert Kestrel 4
Status Level as of the end of the month
Change in status level this month
Status Points earned this month.

Femmes Fatales

Name SL Attributes Last Seen With
Auriane Delaunay 7 Influential, Wealthy
Flora Pernet 7 Stunning, Influential
Solène Prudhomme 12 Wealthy
Micheline Barbet 15 Influential
Élisabeth Beaumont 8
Brigitte Silvestre 8
Albane Bacque 15
Lesly Beaumont 11 Wealthy
Aurélie Pueyrredón 9 Wealthy
Bernadette Cuvier 7 Stunning, Influential
Émilie Beaufils 11 Influential, Wealthy
Victoria Gainsbourg 5 Wealthy
Gisèle Barthélemy 14 Stunning, Influential
Roseline Geffroy 11

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm
19th December 2017
Correct typo


  1. An endurance of 110 and an expertise of 9.
  2. Those curious can follow the youtube link I was sent! This is worth a bonus status point for Groovy this month

Omer Dalors

First published 18th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Second Son of a well to-do gentleman.

Attribute Currently Notes
Player Richard Ellis (Rik)
Strength 14 Started at 14
Rapier Expertise 10 Started at 9
Sabre Expertise 9 Started at 9
Cutlass Expertise 9 Started at 9
Constitution 7 Started at 7
Endurance 98 of 98 Started at 98
Military Ability 4 Started at 4
Cash 1542 Started at 250
Allowance and/or Pension 50 Started at 50
Social Level 2 Started at 4
Regiment & Rank 13th Fusiliers, Major Brevet Rank. Commander of 1st Battalion, actually Captain of A troop
Stable 3 horses
Female Companion Victoria Gainsbourg Social Level 5, Wealthy

Order Template

septembre 1624
Promoted for his actions at Château de Montaigle
juin 1624
Mentioned in dispatches (4SP) for his actions during the assault on Phillipeville
avril 1624
Heads to the frontier
janvier 1624
Joins the 13th Fusiliers as a captain.
décembre 1623
Arrives in Paris for the first time.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm

Jean Huile

First published 18th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Second Son of an impoverished gentleman.

Attribute Currently Notes
Player Geoff Titchener
Location At Frontier
Strength 5 Started at 5
Rapier Expertise 11 Started at 10
Sabre Expertise 10 Started at 10. 1 week of practice
Cutlass Expertise 10 Started at 10
Constitution 12 Started at 12
Endurance 60 of 60 Started at 60
Military Ability 3 Started at 3
Cash 316 Started at 40
Allowance and/or Pension 0 Started at 0
Social Level 5 Started at 4
Regiment & Rank Picardy Musketeers, Captain Commander of D company
Club Red Phillips
Stable 1 horse

Order Template

juin 1624
Lost duel against Roget Thésaurus
mars 1624
Mentioned in dispatches (4SP) for actions during the assault of Mariambourg with the frontier regiments
janvier 1624
Accepted into the Picardy Musketers. Rejected by Flora Pernet.
décembre 1623
Arrives in Paris for the first time.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm

Roget Thésaurus

First published 18th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Second Son of a well to-do gentleman.

Attribute Currently Notes
Player Sudhir Sood
Strength 15 Started at 15
Rapier Expertise 9 Started at 9. 2 weeks of practice
Sabre Expertise 10 Started at 9. 1 week of practice
Cutlass Expertise 9 Started at 9. 1 week of practice
Constitution 8 Started at 8
Endurance 120 of 120 Started at 120
Military Ability 2 Started at 3
Cash 148 Started at 250
Allowance and/or Pension 50 Started at 50
Social Level 4 Started at 4
Club Red Phillips
Regiment & Rank Grand Duke Maximillian Dragoons, Subaltern Member of E troop
Stable 1 horse
Investments in Parisian Property 100 Crowns
Investments in Tulip Farms 110 Crowns
Club Red Phillips

Order Template

octobre 1624
Promoted to Subaltern
juin 1624
Won duel against Jean Huile
avril 1624
Victoria Gainsbourg leaves him for Jean Huile
février 1624
Victoria Gainsbourg accepts him as her companion
janvier 1624
Accepted by Grand Duke Maximillian Dragoons.
décembre 1623
Arrives in Paris for the first time.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm

Harry Covert

First published 18th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)

Second Son of an impoverished gentleman.

Attribute Currently Notes
Player Peter Seaman
Strength 7 Started at 7
Rapier Expertise 15 Started at 15
Sabre Expertise 15 Started at 15
Cutlass Expertise 15 Started at 15
Constitution 8 Started at 8
Endurance 56 of 56 Started at 56
Military Ability 2 Started at 2
Cash 812 Started at 40
Allowance and/or Pension 0 Started at 0
Social Level 4 Started at 4
juin 1624
Died during the assault of Phillipeville with the frontier regiments
avril 1624
Rejoins the frontier regiments (Royal North Highland Regiment)
mars 1624
Mentioned in dispatches (4SP) for actions during the assault of Mariambourg with the frontier regiments
janvier 1624
Joins the frontier regiments (Royal North Highland Regiment)
décembre 1623
Arrives in Paris for the first time.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm

1968 ASA Summary

First published 17th October 2017 (Last Modified 21st December 2021)
Program Units Safety Factor
1. Orbital Satellite 0 96%
2. Interplanetary Satellite 0 91%
3. Lunar Probe 0 85%
B. Two Stage Rocket 2 94%
D. Mega Stage Rocket 5 97%
EVA Suits n/a 98%
c. Three Person Capsule 3 92%
h. Four Person Capsule/Module 3 59%


Name Completed Flights
Professor Matthew "Matt" Matic 0
Lieutenant 90 0
Zak Zodiac 0
Mel Bourne 0
Croc Hogan 0
Dingo Dan 0
Bob Hoskins 0
Larry Hoskins 0

3 Launch Facilities at Woomera

First module failure will be ignored.

Next launch will have a +10% bonus to the safety factor of the rocket

3 Launches planned for 1969

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:38 pm