More panoramas
I enjoy taking panoramas (usually stitched together using Microsoft's Image Composite Editor1. They are quite a few on this website and here's a few more:
- Apparently now no longer available for download 🙁 ↩
I enjoy taking panoramas (usually stitched together using Microsoft's Image Composite Editor1. They are quite a few on this website and here's a few more:
In 2011 I was sent to Rome to help support the Italian Post Office with problems they were having with their new computerised terminals. While there I was able to do some sightseeing in Rome and managed a day trip to Florence (which, if you ever get the chance I highly recommend - it lived up to its hype!). I did manage to take some photos with my mobile phone shown below.
While I'm not a keen photographer like Zygmunt, I do take photographs and use them on this website. Some of my earliest photographs come from the pre-digital era but I have scanned some them in and present them here. You might also find quite a few of the others indirectly via the Image Tag Cloud for my images and photos.