Tag name:interlude

Linrodeth City Goverance

First published 27th December 2017

Linrodeth City Governance

In Linrodeth the common citizens (householders) of each ward elect an Alderman and 12 Councillors to represent their city ward at the Court of Common Council. Their representatives must also be guildmembers as well as citizens. The Alderman in turn elect three officers who have a great deal of power: the two sheriffs and the Lord Chief Magistrate (normally known simply as the Lord of the City).

The Lord Chief Magistrate

The Lord is elected annually at the Springtide Festival by the Alderman from among the two Sheriffs and the current Lord. The Lord is the first citizen and overlord of the city corporation and the land that it holds. During his years in office he lives at the Witanmoot and is host to the hundreds of official envoys and foreigners that visit. None of the expenses of this office are meant to be borne by the citizens and indeed the Lord is expected to subsidise the city’s annual tax payment to the King. The King holds the Lord entirely responsible for the payment of this tax. As the title implies, the Lord is also Chief Magistrate of the city, presiding as judge in the most important court cases, He is answerable to the King for the peaceful and lawful running of his capital city as long as the taxes are paid in full and on time.

The Sheriffs

The two city Sheriffs are elected annually by the Alderman, from among the Aldermen and Sheriffs, on Midsummer Day. There is always one Sheriff in attendance at every session of the criminal courts, and they are responsible for ensuring that the directions of the judges are carried out. They are jointly responsible for the correct and efficient conduct of the city’s Standing Watches, and in less peaceful rimes they are responsible for raising and ordering the full Marching Watch (the turn-out of every able-bodied citizen). They are responsible for liaising with the Knight Marshall at the Citadel, and with his captains who run the prisons at the city gates.

The Court of Aldermen

The Court of Aldermen meets once a month and is presided over by the Lord, It forms an inner council which advises the Lord. It also appoints the Chairmen of the various committees, which are responsible for administering their respective areas and for submitting policy recommendations to the Court of Common Council.

The Alderman vote a Chairman into power, but the Chairman chooses the rest of his committee from among the common councillors. A Chairman is removed either at the discretion of the Lord, or by the Court if he fails to solve a political problem for three months running. Emissaries (and their spouses) reside in the city they are assigned to.

The Aldermen

There are twenty-one Aldermen, elected by their Ward voters at Midwinter. They are the Justice of the Peace for their Ward, and are answerable to the Sheriffs for the running of the Local Watch within their ward. Since guildmembers tend to concentrate within a particular area of the city, the Alderman is usually a senior officer of the most important local guild.

The Court of Common Council

This is the main policy-making body of Linrodeth. It is made up of the 252 Common Councillors, the 21 Aldermen, 2 Sheriffs and the Lord, and meets twice a month in the Witanmoot. The Court receives recommendations from the Committees and Envoys on the conduct of the city’s business. There are no official party affiliations, each councillor is meant to vote “in light of reason and conscience”. However groupings and alliances are noticeable.

Common Councillors

Elected annually by the citizens at Midwinter, they have to be citizens (householders) themselves, and must also be full guildmembers. Voting is recorded in confidence by a Hahnite priest. At sunset the person with the most votes becomes Alderman and the next twelve become the Common Councillors.

Remains of a recipe

First published 27th December 2017 (Last Modified 28th August 2023)

Remains of a recipe

A map of Eastern Athion

First published 25th December 2017 (Last Modified 28th August 2023)

A Map of Eastern Athion


First published 24th December 2017


Aldor, the Hunter and Far-Wanderer

Aldor is the God of the forests and of the wilderness. He is a remote, wandering God, usually depicted as a grey-cloaked archer. In legend it was he that first taught men the skills of bowmanship. Unsurprisingly for such a solitary deity, there is no organised priesthood or religion although he has a following amongst archers and foresters. He is also supposed to be the protector of travellers, and merchants on the road can often be seen wearing his emblem (a twig of oak leaves) to bring good luck. Tradition has that this God sometimes appears in human form asking to share the evening meal of travellers, so solitary strangers should never be turned away.

Daleth, the Earth Goddess

This is the largest and most popular of all the different religions, being particularly strong amongst the peasants and yeomen farmers. Its priests are either Wellkeepers or Earthspeakers, and work as partners based at a Wellhouse. The Wellkeeper oversees the House and its lands, and attends to the needs of the guests and the inhabitants (usually children or the old). The Earthspeaker travels the surrounding lands acting as a teacher, advisor and preacher. The philosophy of this cult is simple: The Goddess is, and we are the Goddess. The Earth is. Nothing else is needed. Circling a finger over the heart is the sign of the Goddess, and the priests teach the cycle of life and death and rebirth. For them the greatest crime is destroying the land beyond its ability to regenerate, and death is a lesser penalty than living landless. Although neither priest wears any kind of weapon, they are protected by earthspirits. These unseen creatures destroy anyone that murders a priest or desecrates a Wellhouse. They can also be summoned by the large scale destruction of land. This effects anyone from woodcutters who replant as they go, to a general who ensures that his army forages more widely for food. No-one can remember the last time a retreating army pursued a ‘burnt earth’ policy. Occasionally people disbelieve, during the civil war there were several mercenary bands who decided that Wellhouses were easy prey, but the discovery of the corpses reminded everyone that earthspirits are not an ancient and harmless myth. Green and Brown are the colours associated with this cult.

Esprayenna, the Sea Goddess

Esprayenna is the Goddess of the Ocean, beautiful and terrible, both generous and destructive. Her priests, all seafarers, hold that life is a privilege that must be earned. They measure respect by a person’s ability to survive the Goddess, maintaining that only ability, and not luck, affects the outcome; “The Goddess delivers those that deserve”. All priests regularly pit their skill against the tides and the weather, and refuse any retirement. Those that survive to old age are often semi crippled but are recognised as the most expert Master Mariners anywhere. It is not unknown for these mariners to crew a ship together and sail off to make a last gesture, such as riding the winter storms or seeking the Land of the Sun across the western ocean. Deep blue and silver the colours of this order.

Torus, the God of Healing

Not surprisingly, this religion believes in the sanctity of Life. They are organised in a loose hierarchy of respect and experience based around the scattered hospital temples. Each Infirmarium trains new members with as much theory and practice as they can offer, it is then the responsibility of these new Physickians to travel around the land giving help wherever it is required. This duty tends to find Physickians working closely with the Earthspeaker of a region, the Torian Priests however regard all life as sacred, and will fight death rather than treat it as part of a natural cycle. Many priests spend their entire lives as wandering Physickians, but others will return to an Infirmarium when they are older. Here they teach Novices, heal patients and contemplate the benevolence of Torus. These Curofanii often specialise their expertise, becoming herbalists, hypnotists, bone-setters or even one of the very rare chirugeons. Unadorned white is the sacred colour of this religion.


Hahn, the Gold of Law and Justice

This is a God much used by all forms of government. During the civil war it did much to try to maintain the law of the land. The religion has a complex form and initiates sometimes use the idea of a trinity: Hahn, the Father-who-rules (a mature figure, crowned and seated and seated on a cubic throne), Lahm, the Lady-of-Justice (a woman, not blind-folded, balancing a pair of scales), Shin, the Son-that-Judges (a youth, unshielded, holding a gold sword).

All three are normally depicted in red robes, red and gold are holy colours for this order. Initiates, who must be literate, are trained in numeracy and begin a lifelong study of the law. Mandatiens are sent out as clerks and treasurers to the ruling lords around the kingdom. They attend the provincial courts with the Lord, gaining experience of the practical application of the law, keeping the court records. It is interesting to note that they also act as the eyes and ears for the King’s Justice, it being difficult to conceal a corrupt ruling from these ubiquitous clerks. Pendentites are attached to a temple in a city, and work at preparing and presenting cases for judgement at the various secular courts. Their duties sometimes include acting as judges in an internal court. Plenipotentiaries are individuals attached to an Eorl’s court as his legal advisor. They are also entitled to attend the Lord’s council in Linrodeth. The Archimandrite is the absolute leader of this order. In addition to attending the Lord’s council, he is often found to be one of the King’s advisors.

Opal, the Star Queen

This order claims that all stars, including the sun, are daughters of the Star-Queen and that her messengers fly from star to star carrying her blessings. One day, aeons hence, her blessings will be free and the world will find peace and happiness. They are, of course, completely mad.


The Holy Son Resh is described as the beloved child of Daleth and Torus and is an incarnation of that aspect of Hahn that is the Son-that-Judges. Worship of Resh has many adherents in the Daleth, Torus and Hahn religions but with many orthodox priests denouncing worship of Resh as Heresy he is a brave god to follow.


Azial is seen by most as a demon. As such worshippers of Azial are reviled as demon-worshippers.

The Dragonborn

The Dragonborn are a particularly obscure religious sect of warriors reputed to live high in the Kalkas Mountains. Once every generation or so they appear at a major battle, often causing mass desertion of the opposition. They have never been known to be defeated, and after a battle they disappear as mysteriously as they come. They are known to all share the distinction of having been born on Dragonfeast. A child destined to become one of the Dragonborn vanishes on his first birthday and a small shield (depicting the four elements) is left in their place.

Religions in Kerun

Religions in the City States, such as Kerun, include many gods that are different to those in Athion. Even those that are similar have many unfamiliar differences. For example while there is a god of healing, the priests that follow it are a lot more mercenary than those of Torus, so that your access to their services (both spiritual and practical) are often determined by your ability to pay.

Amongst the gods unique to the City States are: Miros, Baccelos, Hermos, Poseiros and Hippone.


A map of Athion

First published 24th December 2017 (Last Modified 28th August 2023)

A map of Athion

Military Units

First published 24th December 2017

Military Units


There are several military units that have, over time, been mentioned in the newspapers of Athion. Among them are:

2nd Cavalry Regiment

One of the few cavalry regiments of the Kingdom of Athion, this regiment typically accompanies the King on his progresses around the kingdom.

5th Infantry Regiment

Initially stationed at the Citadel, this regiment was reassigned to Salvoyn and tool part in the campaigns against the Gelt.

7th Infantry Regiment

Replaced the 5th Infantry Regiment and seen as more uncouth than that regiment.

Knights Hospitallers

There are those who will obstruct the Temple of Torus in its Divine Duty. To protect those in service of the Temple there is a martial arm, the Knights Hospitaller. The Knights Hospitaller are stationed at the Infirmarium they serve.

While the units of the Knights Hospitaller are typically smaller than the King’s Regiments and often smaller than many mercenary bands, they are typically by far the healthiest and fittest of the troops on a battle ground. They are also as well trained as any army and their love for Torus for Torus to drive them further than any mercenary army will go for love of gold.

Knights Illuminati

Order of Knights who defend the Temple of Brynette. The traditional livery of the Knights Illuminati is black.

Knights Templar

Order of knights who defend the Temple of Hahn. The traditional livery of the Knights Templar is red.

Queens Infantry

An infantry regiment whose patron is the Queen.

A map of Linrodeth

First published 24th December 2017 (Last Modified 28th August 2023)

A map of Linrodeth

On the far side of the river, west of the bridge, lies the port and docks, while the area to the east of the bridge on the far side lies the slums and tosh heaps.

In the very centre of the City surrounding the Mootstone lies the Witanmoot, the seat of the City’s governance.

Adjacent to the wards of Dracas and Ishtan and dominating the river is the Citadel, the residence of his majesty the King of Athion.

1. Castle Bard

12. Levestone

2. Temple

13. Bridge

3. Oldgate

14. Portsoken

4. Avigon

15. Shambles

5. Cripplegate

16. Welland

6. Faringdon

17. Kingsgate

7. Dowgate

18. Cadene

8. Berewic

19. Cartage

9. Arpent

20. Dracas

10. Marshgate

21. Ishtan

11. Bassishaw

The City Guilds

First published 24th December 2017

The City Guilds


The chartered and liveried guilds of Linrodeth are:

The Worshipful Company of Mercers

The Worshipful Company of Grossers

The Worshipful Company of Cornmongers

The Worshipful Company of Dairiers

The Worshipful Company of Fishmongers

The Worshipful Company of Meatmongers

The Worshipful Company of Poulterers

The Worshipful Company of Fruiterers

The Worshipful Company of Bakes & Pastriers

The Worshipful Company of Drapers & Tailors

The Worshipful Company of Clothworkers & Weavers

The Worshipful Company of Dyers

The Worshipful Company of Skinners & Leathersellers

The Worshipful Company of Saddlers & Harnessers

The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths

The Worshipful Company of Armourers

The Worshipful Company of Bowyers

The Worshipful Company of Fletchers

The Worshipful Company of Masons

The Worshipful Company of Carpenters

The Worshipful Company of Coopers

The Worshipful Company of Woodturners

The Worshipful Company of Vintners

The Worshipful Company of Brewers & Hostellers

The Worshipful Company of Apothecaries

The Worshipful Company of Broiderers & Tapissers

The Worshipful Company of Glaziers

The Worshipful Company of Painters

The Worshipful Company of Plasterers

The Worshipful Company of Scriveners

The Worshipful Company of Chandlers

The Worshipful Company of Watermen's

The Worshipful Company of Shipwrights

The Worshipful Company of Thatchers

The Worshipful Company of Thatchers was granted a guild charter during Heliora 138.

The Shipwrights are the only guild based north of the river. They have always worked just outside the City because of the fire hazard of their wood stands.

Mercers are travelling traders who sell ‘by the balance’, i.e., smaller scale goods. Grossers are travelling traders selling ‘by the beam’ or wholesale.

Weights and Measures are maintained by particular guilds: lengths by the Clothworkers; weight by the Armourers; volume by the Coopers and alloy quality by the Goldsmiths.


First published 24th December 2017 (Last Modified 28th August 2023)


Shimaguchi is one of the main ports in the Empire of the Inner Sea. The city grew from a small settlement on the banks of the river Nichiguchigawa. The island of Nichishima was, at one time, the lowest crossing point on the river.

When the Empire of the Inner Sea ex­panded to the Northwest Shimaguchi became a Kezriakor settlement. The original settlements were in what is now Furimachi on the eastern riverbank. In the usual Kezriakor style many canals were dug here. Later development turned to the western bank which is now Atarashiimachi. This area is much more regularly planned. The final development was to excavate the two canals at the north of the city which channel excess water from the Nichiguchigawa river to the sea by way of the outermost canals. The river could then be safely terraced. Now the river meanders slowly down to the island and many fine tree line its banks.

The Imperial Road crosses the river at the bridging point and runs through the town. It runs along the coast to the west and eventually to the border of the Empire. To the east the road runs to join another Imperial Road that runs north/south.

The network of canals serve two purposes: as an efficient transport network and as an important aspect of Kezriakor lifestyle. Canals typically have a deep central channel, while on either side is a just submerged terrace; never more than a meter in depth. Here Kezriakor sit to rest when tired and there are many “inns” on the canal banks supplying refreshments. Steps or a gentle incline lead up to dry land. The place where two or more canals join thus become very much like a square or plaza in human society.

There are two forms of money which are in widespread us in the Empire: Small circular metallic disks with a hole in the centre known as “shu” and very fine rectangular sheets of silk known as “Shimei”. The silk is woven from specially dyed threads and patterned into very beautiful designs. Since Shimei are a fabric sheets (sealed at the edges to prevent unravelling) and use permanent waterproof pigments they can be carried at all times, both on land and in the water.