Turn 35
Turn 35
An interesting turn for the Caffeinians as they are given
M8 by Strata Inc. and lose M16 to the Fleet.
The rest of the map is relatively quite on this turn.
The Picans reach Tech Level 5 weaponary.
An interesting turn for the Caffeinians as they are given
M8 by Strata Inc. and lose M16 to the Fleet.
The rest of the map is relatively quite on this turn.
The Picans reach Tech Level 5 weaponary.
The new Caffeinian capital of L13 unsurprisely immediately falls to an invasion by the Fleet.
F16 is handed over
to the Sagittarians by the Clangers. This was an agreed invasion but still resulted in the loss of nearly half of the invading Sagittarians.
Nigel, due to work pressures, resigns the position of the Kallikanzaroi. As this was late game I took over the running of this empire (which, to be fair, isn't too much of a problem as they are on the decline and unlikely to recover in the long term from the attacks of their neighbours).
The Kallikanzaroi, aware of their desperate straits (with their planets attacked by four other empires and with, apparently no friends) make a surrender offer to the Aurons. However the new Kallikazaroi capital (F13) is immediately interdicted by the Regul and E16 is captured by the Sagittarians.
On the other side of the map, the Caffeinians homeworld is attacked by a joint Worati/Fleet attack force and the homeworld is captured by the Worati. This leaves the Caffeinians with two interdicted colonies and a group of ships heading for M8.
Elsewhere one of the many Drahmini scout ships encounters the Clanger homeworld. As per the Clanger standing orders the vessel is boarded by teleporting marines and is captured.
The Kellesonians bring their Planetary Defence research up to Tech Level 5 while the Fleet raise their Weaponary Tech Level to 5 (helping to bring the average weaponary Tech Level to 4).
The Clangers managed to capture their second homeworld by launching a surprise attack on the Kallikanzaroi. This attack was in support of the Regul who did take part in the space battle but didn't have any marines to conquer the world.
The Sagittarians and the Chroniomancy of Iyanden also took part by interdicting E16.
The Clanger's star is definitely in the ascendancy as they also made the Tech Level 4 breakthrough in Power Plant technology (which happened to take the average across all technologies area to Tech Level 3).
In D16 the Regul and the Kallikanzaroi again clashed as Kallikanzaroi scout ships encountered a Regul troop transport. In this case the Aurons became involved as they had an armed scout ship present which then aided the escape of the Regul Troop Transport when the Kallikanzaroi opened fire.
The Clangers had been moving a warship towards the Kallikanzaroi homeworld. This warship was now in E13 but was being very polite so as to disguise its intentions.
The Fleet also continued to attack the Jerandi People's Republic (as well as planing revenge on the Caffeinians) and captured K17.
The Caffeinians knew that the counter-attack against them would be coming very soon and that it was unlikely that the would be able to defend their homeworld from the invasion. So they made an agreement with Strata Inc. to take over one of the Strata Inc. worlds in return for providing marines as required. The Caffeinians started sending ships via P12 and P10 towards the chosen world of M9.
At E12 both Regul and Kallikanzaroi colony ships arrived accompanied by armed escorts. A shooting match resulted following the orders with the Regul fleet. This was a very close battle with the Kallikanzaroi on the losing side but with the Regul losing one ship and having a second badly damaged.
The Kallikanzaroi achieved Tech Level 5 in Computers while the Drahmini reached the same level in Communications. The Fleet's Tech Level 5 in Maneuver Drive meant that three empires reached Tech Level in a research area during this turn.
The Aurons now scanned the Kallikanzaroi homeworld making it easy for the League of non-Aligned Worlds (Sagittarians, Regul, Aurons and the Clangers) to plan their attack on the Kallikanzaroi.
The Fleet acted against the Caffeinian invaders and destroyed the fleets above L13 and M16 (and placing those worlds under interdict). Meanwhile the Worati landed 66 marine companies on N13.
The Caffeinians now struck at L13. This was a good choice as this had been a joint colony (i.e., one without any marines). It did, however, confirm to the Fleet and the Worati that there was a need to remove this dangerous thorn in their side.
In the other major war, the Clangers rebuilt I18 (the old homeworld of the Jerandi People's Republic homeworld) back up to class 20 which allows it to again be used as a ship building facility. As a side effect it gave the Clangers an excellent excuse as to why they had to keep hold of the world rather than handing it over to the Sagittarians as originally agreed. (The agreement was that the Clangers would capture the world and its technology and then withdraw the troops to allow the Sagittarians to occupy the world in the longer term.)
The Kallikazaroi took over the joint colony at E13 by buying marines. This upset the Regul who called on their allies (Sagittarians, Aurons and the Clangers) to attack the Kallikanzaroi.
The attack on the Jerandi People's Republic continued with the Clangers using the interdiction of F16 to move marines to F16 and cpature this world as well.
Meanwhile the Fleet attacked and captured J18 as part of the joint actions. I'm sure that this attack would have continued to mop up most of the remaining worlds if it hadn't been for the opportunistic attack and capture by the Caffeinians of the world of M16.
Elsewhere a fleet of Kallikanzaroi colony ships arrived at E13 and discovered it had already been colonised by the Regul. Since there were no Regul marines there a joint colony was formed. This, indirectly, led to the start of another major war in the cluster.
The Sagittarians (and friends) attacked the homeworld of the Jerandi People's Republic and overcame its defending space base and fighters. The attackers did lose a fighter and some damage to the other ships in the attacking fleet.
The attackers then landed Clanger marines who were able to relatively easily take the world.
The misplaced Auron ships, together with a few Sagittarian and Regul vessels interdicted F16.
The attackers were a little lucky in their timing. The Jerandi People's Republic had been building a size 30 space base which would have been armed with 10 fusion guns and have 11 armour blocks to help with their durability. If this had been in place for this battle would have been much more even (perhaps it would have led to a Pyrrhic victory).
The Clangers did very well out of this battle. They gained Tech Level 5 computers from the Jerandi, a good complement for their Tech Level 5 weaponary.