Games I've Created

By David
First published 18th January 2015 (Last Modified 15th April 2022)

I have created some browser based games including two based in the Linrodeth universe. They're all either ASCII games or HTML games. They all use Ondrej Zara's rot.js javascript library (though often just for the random number functions). The roguelike game Spider Caves also uses Alexandru Marasteanu's sprintf javascript library and is based on Dominic Charley-Roy's Coding cookies blog.

The games hosted here are:

Get Elected
A game based on the City of Linrodeth's election system - Can you become Alderman of your ward?
Spider Caves
A Roguelike based on exploring a dangerous cave system
Sumo Oyakata
Will, eventually, be an xxx Manager style game for Sumo - or maybe not depending on how development/creation goes! Currently it does simulate most of a Sumo honbasho.
Domain of the Ancients
A single player browser version of my play by mail game Domain of the Ancients 2.

In the past I've written plenty of games on my (now retired) BBC micro and Archimedes computers. Obviously1 these aren't hosted here (or actually on any currently working computer I own) although one of them, Snazzy Snake has the source code hosted here. I also, in my youth, wrote games for the Commodore Pet - but that's really showing my age 🙂

Last updated: April 15, 2022 at 12:49 pm


  1. Of course there are emulators for both of these, even emulators that run in the browser - however the code is on discs that would now be very hard to recover the data from. That's a shame