Twenty baronies
Between 1984 and 1987 I ran a play-by-mail campaign that initially has twenty baronies (the number did change during the campaign). I managed, according to my notes, 13 turns in all. Looking back now I'm actually somewhat impressed I managed 13 turns as it was over ambitious. I do still have all the material for the game and this was my first large scale game and the first which I regard as at least semi-successful (even if it, in hindsight, did have some problems). As with many of these games, time is a problem for both the players and the gamemaster. It takes time to do a good job of thinking up and then writing up orders for the barony and similarly for the game master is a similar problem of reliably making the time to process the orders, write up the individual reports and then writing up the general report. The baronies in the campaign are listed in the following table:
Barony | Player |
People's Republic of Archepelogian Territorries (P.R.A.T.) | David Caton |
Dipsomania | Mark Gardiner |
Jerusalem | James Chan |
Gol Gotha | Paul Gausden |
Central Republic of Armenia and Southern States (C.R.A.S.S.) | Simon Perkins |
Kemendor | Michael Borrott |
The Bright Empire | Lewis Jardine |
Chambord | Terry Farrell |
Kammalott | Derek Long |
The Arcadian Islands | Chris Bailey |
Nevele | Matt Williams |
Skander | Tim Macaire |
Mikland | Kim Whitworth |
Albarnon | Tina Monk |
Republic of Westcutt | Brian Hooper |
South East And West Expanding Empire (Dangerous) (S.E.A.W.E.E.D.) | Keith Bristow |
The Hidden Barony | Peter Stuchlik |
Bree | Steve Morton |
Vog-Novia | Chris Carrigan |
Angkor | Nigel Jones |
Numenor | Merger between Skander, Albarnon and Vog-Novia |
Theere were several non-aggression and mutial aid treaties written by the players. Tina did a wonderful job of calligraphy on the ones shown below (click on the image to see the full scanned image of the treaty):