Liftoff! Mission Budget Effects

By David
First published 4th April 2017 (Last Modified 4th January 2022)

Liftoff! Mission Budget Effects

Mission Type First Nation Bonus Second Nation Bonus Third Nation Bonus Subsequent Mission Bonus Failed Mission Penalty
Orbital Satellite +16 +10 +6 +2 -3
Manned Space Mission +24 +12 +6 +2 -10
Manned Orbital +16 +10 +6 +2 -10
Manned Docking +11 +7 +4 +1 -2
Space Walk +11 +7 +4 +1 -2
International Docking (Each) +12 +6 +4 +2 -4
Two-Person Craft +10 +4 +2 0 -10
Three-Person Craft +20 +10 +5 0 -10
Four-Person Craft +30 +16 +10 0 -10
Reusable Shuttle +30 +16 +10 0 -10
International Crew (Each) +12 +6 +4 +2 -4
Lunar Fly-by +6 +4 +3 +2 -3
Mars Fly-by +8 +6 +4 +2 -3
Venus Fly-by +8 +6 +4 +2 -3
Manned Lunar Pass +15 +7 +3 +1 -10
Manned Lunar Orbit +30 +14 +10 +4 -10
Lunar Probe Landing +20 +12 +8 +4 -6
Rescue Attempt +12 +12 +12 +12 +8

If a mission is successful and qualifies for more than one bonus, all will apply (for example if the first manned orbital mission is also the first two-person crew then your mission bonus will be $26m.

Only the worst mission penalty will apply (so if the two-person manned orbital mission failed, the penalty would be $10m).

If a large crew (3 or 4 person crew) mission happens before a smaller crew, only one crew bonus is awarded and the smaller crew bonus will not longer be available.

If a manned lunar orbital mission happens before a manned lunar pass only the bonus for the orbital is awarded and the lunar pass bonus will not longer be available.

Last updated: January 4, 2022 at 14:19 pm