
There are several investments that gentlemen may care to make that are described below. A gentleman can sell his investments to another gentleman at any time for any agreed price, or can cash out his investment at a 10% loss. To make a transaction does not take a weekly action, so simply record your desires in the other
on the order template.
Arms Companies
Investments in Arms companies may be made in any month except julliet, août or septembre. Each investment in an arms company must be made in multiple of one thousand crowns. The investment pays out in septembre based on the number of brigades being sent to the front in the following summer campaign as follows:
- 3 brigades
- If the gentleman does not pay 500 crowns for each block of 1000 crowns invested during octobre his investment is completely lost.
- 4 brigades
- If the gentleman does not pay 200 crowns for each block of 1000 crowns invested during octobre his investment is completely lost.
- 5 brigades
- 300 crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
- 6 brigades
- 500 crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
- 7 brigades
- 800 crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
- 8 brigades
- 1000 crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
Parisian Finance Houses
Investments in Parisian Finance Houses may be made in any month except julliet, août or septembre. Each investment in a Parisian Finance House must be made in multiple of one thousand crowns. The investment pays out in septembre based on the number of brigades being sent to the front in the following summer campaign as follows:
- 3 brigades
- 400 crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
- 4 brigades
- 200 crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
- 5 brigades
- 100 crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
- 6 or more brigades
- If the gentleman does not pay 600 crowns for each block of 1000 crowns invested during octobre his investment is completely lost.
Parisian Commercial Businesses
Investments in Parisian Commercial Businesses may be made in any month except julliet, août or septembre. Each investment in a Parisian Commercial Business must be made in multiple of one thousand crowns. The investment pays out in septembre based on the battle results of the previous summer campaign as follows:
- 1
- 400 Crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
- 2
- 200 Crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
- 3
- 100 Crowns paid per each block of 1000 crowns invested.
- 4
- No money paid out, but the investment remains unaffected.
- 5
- If the gentleman does not pay 100 crowns for each block of 1000 crowns invested during octobre his investmentx is completely lost.
- 6
- If the gentleman does not pay 100 crowns for each block of 1000 crowns invested during octobre his investment is completely lost.
Parisian property
Gentleman may invest in property at any time in blocks of 100 Crowns. For each plot a 2d6 dice roll on the following table will be made each month:
2 | The building on this plot has been badly affected by fire. Until 80 crowns is spent on repairs, no income can be made from the property. |
3, 4, 5 or 6 | No one is renting the property during this month. No income this month |
7, 8 or 9 | The property has been rented out for this month. Two crowns of income this month |
10 or 11 | A wealthy merchant has hired the property for the month to use as temporary storage. Ten Crowns income this month. |
12 | A nobleman from the countryside needs a residence for the month and hires the property. Income of twenty crowns and a bonus status point. |
Tulips from Amsterdam
Paris has recently become aware of the attractions and beauty of the tulip and possibilities of growing the attractive flower and exporting them into the Spanish Netherlands and beyond. Gentleman may currently invest in the farms in blocks of 100 crowns.
Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm