Omer Dalors

Second Son of a well to-do gentleman.

Attribute Currently Notes
Player Richard Ellis (Rik)
Strength 14 Started at 14
Rapier Expertise 10 Started at 9
Sabre Expertise 9 Started at 9
Cutlass Expertise 9 Started at 9
Constitution 7 Started at 7
Endurance 98 of 98 Started at 98
Military Ability 4 Started at 4
Cash 1542 Started at 250
Allowance and/or Pension 50 Started at 50
Social Level 2 Started at 4
Regiment & Rank 13th Fusiliers, Major Brevet Rank. Commander of 1st Battalion, actually Captain of A troop
Stable 3 horses
Female Companion Victoria Gainsbourg Social Level 5, Wealthy

Order Template

septembre 1624
Promoted for his actions at Château de Montaigle
juin 1624
Mentioned in dispatches (4SP) for his actions during the assault on Phillipeville
avril 1624
Heads to the frontier
janvier 1624
Joins the 13th Fusiliers as a captain.
décembre 1623
Arrives in Paris for the first time.

Last updated: December 21, 2021 at 19:36 pm