Turn 4
Turn 4
The Kellesonians capitalised on their effective scouting and colonised the two worlds they had found. Similarly the Kallikanzaroi colonised the world their scouts had found.
Meanwhile most of the other empires had now launched at least one scout ship. The exceptions were the Drahmini (researching deep into Planetary Defences), the Caffeinians (who had a deliberate plan to let the other empires build its colonies) and the Fleet (going for a good spread of technologies before building ships).
Impressively Strata Inc. lost a scout ship due to a lack of fuel. This loss was achieved in the minimum possible game time (built on Turn 1, lost on Turn 4). The wreckage of this ship on the world it had just scanned caused the Kellesonians no end of confusion when they scanned it during the next turn.