Turn 38
Turn 38
The Clangers continued their attack on the Jerandi People's Republic by interdicting the new Jerandi capital at K20. Although the Jerandi People's Republic had taken advantage of the respite provided by the attack on the Kallikanzaroi the improvements in the Clanger ships (from new technology discoveries) had overtaken these improvements and the Clangers took no losses whilst establishing their interdict. In addition the Clanger had now reached Tech Level 7 in Weaponary.
By this point the Federation (Kellsonians, Picans, Gobbanean Principalities and Strata Inc.) felt that it had done enough research between them to switch production over to producing ships. Far from having ignored the wars in the south of the map they had been biding their time. By using freighters to move ship components the federation was able to build ships using the best technologies from across their empires.
The Fleet used its Tech Level 6 in manuever drive to develop a system defence boat capable of a speed 25, the best ship speed attained in the game. This vessel also had Tech Level 4 computer so had it been involved a battle it would have acted before anything else.