Turn 33
Turn 33
The Kallikanzaroi, aware of their desperate straits (with their planets attacked by four other empires and with, apparently no friends) make a surrender offer to the Aurons. However the new Kallikazaroi capital (F13) is immediately interdicted by the Regul and E16 is captured by the Sagittarians.
On the other side of the map, the Caffeinians homeworld is attacked by a joint Worati/Fleet attack force and the homeworld is captured by the Worati. This leaves the Caffeinians with two interdicted colonies and a group of ships heading for M8.
Elsewhere one of the many Drahmini scout ships encounters the Clanger homeworld. As per the Clanger standing orders the vessel is boarded by teleporting marines and is captured.
The Kellesonians bring their Planetary Defence research up to Tech Level 5 while the Fleet raise their Weaponary Tech Level to 5 (helping to bring the average weaponary Tech Level to 4).