Turn 3
Turn 3
Strata Inc. went for a quick expansion policy and was lucky enough to find a habitable planet straight away (on Turn 2!). With colony ships at the ready Strata Inc. was the first empire to gain a second colony.
The Kellesonians were also exploring well. They achieved TL3 communications on Turn 1 and built four 100% scout ships on Turn 2.
The Drahmini, the Jerandi People's Republic, the Regul, the Saggitarians, the Fleet and the Worati had invested almost all their Production into Research.
The Caffeinians had all their Turn 1 and Turn 2 productions pumped into Weaponary and continued their research into other topics on this turn.
All the other empires adopted a mixed approach whereby they built some ships on these first few turns while still doing some research.