Turn 17
Turn 17
The Caffeinians now moved onto L21, the Worati homeworld and on N11, a second Worati colony. The sideshow of N11 fell easily to the attacking Caffeinians. However, at L12, the Worati had managed to arrange a deal with the Fleet. The fleet had two fighters of an identical design to that of the Worati and so by repainting the ships and by using Worati communication officers from their trading fleets these were sent to aid the defence of the Worati Capital.
This, the first major space battle of the game, ended in victory for the Worati. The two major factors:
- The two extra ships from the Fleet meant that the Worati defenders still had ships available even after taking the initial hits from the Caffeinian attackers
- The diversion of forces to the attack on N11 meant that the attacking forces counldn't destroy the defending ships fast enough.
The result left the Caffeinians with only one fighting ship (at N11) while the Worati and Fleet still had most of their ships.
The Fleet achieved Tech Level 4 in Maneuver Drive while Strata Inc. achieved the same level in Communications.