The Chronicle
of the month of Ternost in the year 145
With no more news arriving from Nyskilde, preparations for a spring campaign to free the city from the evil invaders are continuing apace. Much of the King's Navy has been moved into the docks for a re-fitting, whilst other ships brave the weather to protect our city from attack. The road between the City and Kingsport is being kept open by the strenuous efforts of the Kings Infantry. Both the Infantry and the Navy have been carrying out a vigorous recruitment campaign, emphasising the bonus payments and promotion opportunities. Rumours of a full call up of the Marching Watch have not been denied and many of the open areas in the city have become dangerous to cross as citizens refine their archery skills.
The news from Nyskilde has thrown many of the carefully planned election campaigns into disarray. Hawkish factions such as those of "Iron Lady" Beatrice Perignon, and "Crimson" Sheriff Matthew Dixon have been doing well, whilst those who argued against Lady Cox's wise decision to expand the Witanmoot Guard are keeping a low profile. The many attempts by the factions to concentrate on local issues are being ignored as the population searches for the strong, resolute and experienced leadership that it needs. With campaigns on issues faltering many of the factions have turned to sniping at each other. Alan Monterey's attack on Adam Avery and William Trueman was both vitriolic and incisive, accusing both councillors of being more interested political gain than justice in their treatment of the Larken Drumm trial. Both Avery and Trueman have been caught unprepared by this attack and it has clearly done damage to both of them. Aralan Derwent seems to have stayed out of all this, although not for want of trying. A small queue of young men waiting to hear her opening campaign speech were disappointed to discover that the hall had been double booked and they were, in fact, about the to join a practice session for the Midwinter dancing. Derwent's bunting has also been little in evidence. Only last year's tired cloth is on display after a tired councillor allegedly ordered the wrong colour from her local dyer.
Sheriff Dixon has not been campaigning for the Midwinter elections. In a surprise move he appears to have started his campaign for the Lordship. The Chronicle can reveal that one major faction previously loyal to Beatrice has secretly declared its intention to bring her down. The Chroniclers are accepting the highest bidded donation to the King's war fund to disclose (or to hide) who this is. Meanwhile the noble Sheriff has been seen talking to most of the Aldermen in the City this month, with an interesting line of conversation which seems to be attempting to find out whether they will be any use to him once he's Lord. The Chroniclers' source within the Witanmoot suggests that he may be about to pull off a major recruitment coup. Lady Perignon, however, is clearly unconcerned and has responded by emphasising her experience and long service. In a beautifully crafted public interview she reminisced about her time as Matthew's Campaign Manager, "Plugging Matthew has become something of a tradition" she said.
Retired councillor Richard Firethorn was much in evidence at the opening of the new baths in Avigon. Doug and Lavinda Bloggs, the owners of the restored baths, have told the Chronicle, "We remembered that there used to be a major public bath here, but over the years it fell into disrepair and got built upon. Following the fire we bought the land and were delighted to discover most of the structure had survived intact in the basements of the properties. We hope that our new 'Green Glade Private Baths and Clubhouse will provide a centre around which the prosperity of this area can be rebuilt." One party not too happy with the announcement are the proprietors of the Greengrove Tavern in Temple ward. Alicia Lorrin told the Chronicle, "Our tavern is undoubtedly the oldest in the city, and I find this attempt to cash in on that tradition distasteful."
Residents in Castle Bard have been complaining once again about the antics of the college students. Apparently a group of students has invented a new competition which involves seeing how many snow covered roofs you can climb over before breaking your neck. Despite the obvious disruption this is causing to residents, none of the local councillors could bring themselves to attack the students. The closest we could get to a denunciation was Sue Quinn's comment that their time would probably be better spent studying. The Chronicle thinks that their time would be better spent in the King's Navy.
The Chronicle has learnt of a high level inquiry into Witanmoot security after a street urchin was found in Sheriff Griffiths’ office. Rumours persist that the urchin was caught reading through the Sheriffs notes on the defences of the city in the event of a Noordic raid. Certainly Gax the Heretic, and other inhabitants of the orphanage, have already been questioned about the incident. Further details have not been forthcoming and nobody at the Witanmoot was willing to comment.
The private club 'Hunters' is rumoured to be considering banning Cllr Aralan Derwent. Apparently the impetuous councillor got fed up with her failures on the campaign trail and decided to go out for a night on the town. Not satisfied with getting banned from Lady Perignon’s civc balls, Aralan descended upon the poshest club in town and indulged herself (and several other attendees) in what one witness described asx an outrageous display of immoral behaviour. The ban probably won’t take effect, given that a number of the people we spoke to seemed rather more interested in the club hiring Aralan as an understudy to Brandy Bejar. "It was simply spiffing," one said, "Just what we've all been wishing for. I'll wager the rest of those council chaps will be sorry they missed it."
The major docks refurbishment was successfully completed before the final ice closed in. It should put the city's port in a good position to increase its trade in the spring. A large and impromptu celebration by the carpenters, dockers and the ships' crews followed its completion, with Cllr Avery losing no time in providing copious drinks for the celebration of 'his' dock improvements. The event went off fairly smoothly compared to previous dockland binges, however one group of drunken revellers did accidentally manage to release an exotic pet belonging to one of the captains. The creature is apparently not dangerous unless cornered, but it has been creating some disruption on the dockside where it has been seen clambering around rigging, stealing food and vandalising warehouse roofs.
Lady Beatrice has announced plans to throw a Midwinter civic ball to celebrate the first winter for some years not overshadowed by food shortages (and possibly to make up for the abandoned envoy ball). This has also now been thrown into doubt following the death of the chef's wife. An investigation has been launched following the discovery of her body, and the kitchens have been thrown into complete chaos by the distraught chef.
The annual Beer Festival in Portsoken looks like being the largest yet with the hiring of the main Warin warehouse confirmed as the venue. Almost all of the city's master brewers will have representative barrels at the event. This year there will also be a special apprentices' section for the adventurous. Doors open at noon of Kruthos thirdweek seventhday, and will stay open for three further days just to ensure that everyone reaches their desired level of hangover.
The Hahnite Temple has now completed its lengthy re-dedication of the new Law Schools with the unveiling of a central statue of the previous Archimandrite, who is said to be much missed. The occasion marks the re-opening of part of the Temple's law library to the public, as the great re-cataloguing and indexing is now completed. The Pendentites are justly proud of this great work, but remain a tad baffled as to where all the extra books found in storage have come from.