The Chronicle
of the month of Ternost in the year 144
The relative peace of the council chambers has again been disturbed by protesting citizens. The protests, so far conspicuously peaceful, have been by people demanding more money to spend on increasing the stores in the city's granaries. Sue Quinn, speaking to the Chroniclers yesterday, allowed that the grain stores were still marginal and that a prolonged winter might cause problems. "Despite this, I do pledge that the guild will do all it can to maintain the current price of a penny farthing a loaf." Amongst the protesters, opinion was strongly divided over the role of Aralan Derwent, with some grateful for her intervention in the negotiations with Salvoyn, and others saying that she could have got more from other sources, and yet others criticising her recent disposal of good grain in return for stores of greens and other cattle fodder.
The ambiguity is reflected by their elders within the council chambers where councillors were once again debating Derwent's fine for damage to Reg Marc's business. A new motion was proposed by Cllr Adam Avery, "That, in accordance with Lady Cox's wish, the Court of Common Council permit Aralan Derwent to pay the fine over time with a minimum of a guinea per year. The payment will be restricted to Aralan Derwent herself, and not the heirs of her estate." Several strongly worded protests by indignant councillors on Reg Marc's behalf were quieted after a compromise was proposed by Cllr Lilith Lansdowne. "Out of fairness to both Aralan and Reg, I would like to amend Adam's motion by deleting 'one guinea' and replacing it with £5".
Rumours abound of a major cover up at the Witanmoot following the apparent theft and recovery of the city regalia. Sheriff Matthew Dixon was, despite his illness, drafted in to sort out the problem and is believed to have led a pursuit into the countryside. Matthew returned a few days before the guard who had accompanied him, bearing the regalia of the Lord of the city. along with his own Sheriff's sword. However all suggestions that anything at all happened are being strenuously denied. The only comment which the Chronicle has been able to get was when our reporter caught Sheriff Dixon in an unguarded moment and got him to admit that he, "could become accustomed" to the feel of the Lord's sword.
Sheriff Beatrice Perignon has reappeared on the political scene and confounded those who had been claiming that she was near death with a mysterious wasting disease. Beatrice has been seen in many parts of the city rallying her faction and campaigning hard in the run up to the Midwinter elections. She has been most in evidence in the ward of Berewic where her faction has strong hopes of unseating the much troubled Alderman Aralan Derwent.
A number of mysterious deaths have been linked to an arcane scroll which has now been confiscated by the Bards college. Brad Hardacre, a well known shipwright of Bridge, literally disappeared in a column of flame whist working at the dockyards. Rumours persist of a similar fate being suffered by a student at the Bards college. Brad's family has now disappeared, apparently taking with them a large haul of ancient silver which had been found with the scroll. Apart from these strange events the annually prophesied destruction of the city failed to materialise, with the night of the Ghostmoons passing uneventfully.
One surprise item which is selling well in the run up to the Midwinter feast and elections is a new range of dolls depicting the two Sheriffs of the city. The manufacture, Bill Gowther of Oldgate, told the Chronicle, "quite a few people are buying them for their kids. I'm thinking of expanding the range to include other notable citizens, but the cost of the first doll is quite high. So who gets produced may well depend on whether I can get some commissions." Bill refused to be drawn on which of the two Sheriffs was selling better.
The Winter snows have hit the city with a vengeance. Following the prolonged summer a storm blew and dumped several feet of snow on the city during a single day. The weather has now settled down to a more normal pattern but may unwary people have been left trapped in the surrounding villages by the unexpected blizzard.