The Chronicle
of the month of Skelern in the year 140
The day of Councillor Castlemaine's cremation dawned bleak and bitterly cold, but this did not deter a large number of citizens from turning out to pay their last respects. The procession from the Torian Temple started in the early afternoon, and was led by the late councillors' father; Clem Castlemaine. Members of the Castlemaine household and the Royal Court followed, then the body borne by six journeymen, then members of the Ironmongers Guild, the Witanmoot and the recognised Religious Orders; all in full ceremonial livery or regalia. To the sound of drums the colourful procession crossed slowly to the field opposite, where a substantial pyre had been built during the previous days. Entering the area through the traditional west gate, they trod the circular path to the centre and placed Castlemaine on the pyre. As the participants fanned out to the to the edge of the circle, leaving the gates at east and west open, it became clear that four eulogies would be delivered that afternoon.
Interspersed by the chanting of the priests, the eulogies delivered by Guildmaster Whitcombe and Lord Raphael Fitz-Simmons both emphasised the late councillor's deeds as a worthy citizen of the city. As the second chant ended the King summoned a Bard from his retinue and, instead of delivering the expected speech, she sang a new ballad. Describing the story of Castlemaine's last courtship and eventual murder, the power of the song evoked a poignant silence amongst the crowd. The priests filled the silence with a third chant, and then old Clem Castlemaine stepped forward to make the final eulogy. Not unusually in these circumstances, he was unable to speak, and his other son took up the recital, delivering a dramatic (and hopefully exaggerated) account of his brothers private life. But it was left to Clem, once the final chant had died away, to step forward with the black torch to light the pyre. By this time it had begun to snow again, and for a long time it was not clear whether the fire would catch. Many watchers outside the circle returned to the city. Only a few remained to honour the final pillar of flame as the oil-soaked wood finally ignited.
The Princess, who was present amongst the mourners, returned to the Torian Temple to continue her studies. It is understood that her remaining suitor, Duke Alexander Calverin, will be returning to his Duchy as soon as the seasons permit.
Citizens attending the Sheriffs Court this month, in the hope of witnessing a major confrontation, were much disappointed. A confused and tired Armundus Septer made no move to refute the allegations of sedition, and indeed appeared to corroborate the Prosecutions' points at some stages. Speculation that the Old Man of the Witanmoot is totally senile has now become popular opinion. On the Prosecution side Alderman Malcolm Mowbray presented evidence from both his own investigations and those of Councillor Beatrice Perignon. However the chief prosecution witness, Cllr Matthew Jardine, inexplicably failed to turn up. Nonetheless, Sheriff Paston Courtney ruled that the case warranted a full Trial and has ordered Armundus Septer to appear before Lord Raphael next month.
Later in the month Alderman Mowbray presided over Beatrice Perignon's Hearing. No evidence at all was presented to back Cllr Septer's allegations, and the case was firmly dismissed. Tragically, the strain of attending proved too much for the convalescing Cllr Perignon, and she later had to be rushed to the Torian Temple. Despite the upsetting affairs of the past month, His Majesty the King found time to meet Lord Raphael Fitz-Simmons in a private audience to discuss the worrying recent incidents of necromancy. Lord Raphael later assured the Witanmoot that the King had the situation firmly in hand, that necromantic activities would continue to be outlawed, and would suffer the fullest penalty of the law. However, on the advice of his close friend Cllr Armundus Septer, Lord Raphael has imposed a "purely precautionary" curfew over the whole of the city. This has not been well received by the Brewers and Hostellers Guild, who stand to lose much income, nor by the bulk of the citizens, who are unwilling to spend the long winter nights confined to their houses. Unkind citizens have suggested that this is merely a belated attempt to prevent rooftop archery contests.
Cllr Sergio Aragones appears to be the man buying all the drinks this month (or not as the curfew dictates). A well-informed investment in a newly opened Chandlers store has reaped him a handsome profit. We wonder if he will be using any of it to Cllr Septers defence?
The Chronicle is pleased to announce that the following have been returned unopposed: George Rimon remains Chair of the Treasury Gibian Horl remains Chair for Shipping.
And the following nominations have been received for the other offices:
James Isenbard (E, RM) Miranda Andrews (OD) Jemma Downe (TF) Samantha Cox (MM)
Law & Order
Elliot Sparman (E, AS) Samantha Cox (TF, MM) Malcolm Mowbray (OD)
Welfare & Ed.
Ann Tasker (AS) Jemma Downe (OD) Suzan Faithside (TF) Samantha Cox (E, MM) Alison Shefford (MM)
Lands & Ag.
Samantha Cox (OD) Miranda Andrews (TF) Suzan Faithside (E, MM)
Suzan Faithside (MM) Alan Griffiths (E)
Malcolm Mowbray (TF) Baldwin Underwood (E)
Olivia Warin (MD) Nicholas Bowden (E)
The letters in brackets indicate the nominating faction (E = current incumbent). Rumours that the senile Armundus Septer accidentally nominated councillors for some of these posts have been officially confirmed.
And finally, regular readers may remember the unfortunate outcome of Cllr Matthew Jardine's intimate soiree with Alderman Cox last Lorinfall. The Chroniclers are pleased to report news of a reconciliation between the chastened Councillor and his good lady wife. Pity they can't go out to celebrate.…