The Chronicle
of the month of Setheran in the year 143
The Dragonfeast was a most outstanding success with thousands of visitors and the citizens of Linrodeth enjoying two days of festivities, feasting and sport. His Majesty is reported to have described it as the best Dragonfeast he had attended, and Ann Tasker's organising committee have been justifiably pleased with the entire event. The only upset seems to have been Charain Meduenin's victory as the best overall performance. This win by a member of the floating market caused much debate however, as Charain pointed out, the competition was open to all comers. Given he had just won the Duelling competition few people were keen to argue. At the prizegiving ceremony Charain and His Majesty are said to have had a prolonged, private conversation.
The prizegiving took place during the sumptuous Civic Ball held that evening. The hall was resplendently decorated with fresh flowers, while the massed candles glittered off the civic plate and the ornate attire of the councillors and Aldermen. Lady Samantha chose a simple emerald gown, decorated only by her insignia of office, rather than compete with the magnificence of her royal guests. Sheriff Perignon wore the gold and black of formal Hahnite mourning, but presumably not as a direct rebuke to the new Sheriff Dixon, who wore elegant deep crimson, proving that some humour is still left in him. The King proved much interested in Sheriff Dixon's conversation during the ball, leaving Sheriff Perignon to fence words with Lord D'Assarn. Lady Samantha eventually moved to rescue Sir Henry Longbridge, colonel of the Kings Rangers, who like many other guests was politely ignoring Cllr Derwent's attempts to doze off throughout the evening. Another elegantly dressed councillor was one Larken Drumm, who spent much of the evening surrounded by young ladies, but elsewhere both Adam Avery and Richard Firethorn drove companions away with their heartless behaviour. Cllr Harry Truestaff opted to host his own roisterous party in one corner with as many wine flagons as he could intercept. This was rumoured to be partly in protest at the size of the banquet portions served to councillors on the junior tables. Cllr Truestaff complained that these were mainly decorative and called for a return to the old spit roasts and an end to experimenting with fancy foreign concepts. Between the meal and the dancing the King was presented with a commemorative tapestry, and invited to present the Dragonfeast prizes. The evening concluded with a bardic recitation in honour of the Witanmoot Guard's heroic battle against the bandits.
Plenipotentiary Darlorn of Alvidian has been elected as the new Archimandrite by the Temple of Hahn. Darlorn is a respected traditionalist Hahnite who is unlikely to initiate, or permit, any major changes to the faith. Many observers are seeing the election of this ageing conservative as a stopgap measure which clearly demonstrates deep and unresolved divisions within the Temple. During the election the Witanmoot Guard prevented a large body of people from marching on the Hahnite Temple to demand the election of Gax the Heretic as Archimandrite.
Unconfirmed rumours suggest that an attempt to summon a daemon during the Dragonfeast Festival was foiled by the Astrologer Royal. Although no direct evidence exists Goodgulf and a number of the Witanmoot Guard were seen throughout the day in the company of the soothsayer 'Mad Mab', who had earlier prophesied doom, engaging in a number of strange activities.
Sheriff Dixon has started his new job by announcing that the Witanmoot Guard is to receive training in horsemanship. Sheriff Dixon is funding this activity himself and explained to the Chronicle, "One never knows when they might need to go out into the countryside to take on some more bandits". This clearly shows that he is backing Sam Cox's commitment to an extending of the role of the guard, and a number of councillors have expressed concern over this militaristic expansion.
Harry Truestaff remains undaunted by his recent hearing. This month he has been voraciously wining and dining both Jenny Davy and Melanie Romanie. Both women appear to have had many 'late night discussions' with him and Jenny has since rejoined his faction. However Melanie Romanie is clearly not having any of it. She told the Chronicle, "Real politics is far more stimulating than anything Harry has to offer".
Due to the holidays, Witanmoot business was concluded in something of a rush this month. An uncontroversial Lands & Agriculture budget was passed through on the nod, and Sheriff Dixon has nominated the absent Envoy Mowbray to replace him as Alderman of Levestone. Sadly, the strain of the celebrations proved to be too much for Cllr Aralan Derwent, who has not been in robust health since her escapades last year. She has again collapsed and has been rushed to the Torian infirmary.
Alan Monterey has become conspicuous by his absence following a summons to the Perignon mansion to explain his comments in the last Chronicle. However, he may take solace in the fact that Beatrice herself was summoned before Guildmaster Alison Shefford to explain "certain unacceptable behaviour". Sheriff Perignon was not available for comment, however investigations by the Chronicle suggest that Madam Perignon has been interfering in the business of her daughter Julia, who has become Malcolm Mowbray's journeyman. Alternate rumours suggest that a major fight is brewing between the Perignon and Mowbray factions as Beatrice positions herself to make a bid for the overlordship next Springtide.