The Chronicle
of the month of Pipetal in the year 156
Spring flooding has isolated the city following the thaw of an especially icy winter. The newly thriving North bank of the Ishtan has survived the experience better than previous years, possibly due to the improved drainage but more likely because its vast garbage heaps have finally raised its streets above water level. At the port a small number of coastal vessels have begun to arrive, but there is no sign yet of the large trading cogs from other cities. The merchant guilds are nervously awaiting news of developments around the blockade of Salvoyn.
The Witanmoot dealt with business in an uncharacteristically efficient session this month. Lady Jenny Davy was elected with an overwhelming majority, with only the Monterey faction opposing. Cllr Scathlocke's motion to have the option to refuse office on whim was summarily defeated by 202 votes to 43. Alderman Bottler proposes to move both the funding and reporting of the notorious Witanmoot Investigation Agency over to the Lord's Office. Alderman Monterey proposes the addition of a funded post of Envoy to Adaqua. All parties seem to be keen to get their teeth into the latest budget figures amid widely varied rumours of big tax cuts or big tax increases.
Alderman William Trueman is apparently not feeling the pinch as he has embarked on a major rebuilding and expansion of his Faringdon estate. Interestingly, he has acquired a consortium of builders not aligned to the Bottler faction, a considerable feat as such were considered an extinct species within this city. Rumours that his family is also expanding have not yet been confirmed or denied.
Local watchdog Mrs Chant has been campaigning in Temple Ward to bring about the closure of the King's Theatre. Its recent productions of drama have not generated as much profit as previous runs, and management has begun to resort to dancing girls with predictable changes in clientele. What particularly worries Mrs Chant, however, is what allegedly goes on in the back of the dress circle. She may have a point. The theatre's increasing notoriety was further helped last week when an elderly Brynette, Artificer Jeremiah Hock, stabbed to death his mistress Martha Ray, as she emerged from the theatre on the arms of the Eorl of Lockwood. The Artificer was arrested immediately and his trial will take place next month.
Two of Linrodeth's most notoriously bribable jockeys met their match at Ye Oval yesterday. Punters have been lodging a growing number of complaints over fixed races, and Count Cutario responded with something other than the expected ban. The promise of a lucrative two horse race attracted the skills of Messrs Smirke and Breary, each of whom had staked a considerable sum of money on the other to win. After two circuits both were proceeding at a cautious trot. Coming into the final straight Breary slowed his horse to a walk. Smirke retaliated by stopping his horse altogether. So Breary fell off. An irate audience of punters and owners were in an unforgiving mood as the two jockeys escaped from the arena.