The Chronicle
of the month of Kryll in the year 149
Last month's tensions between the Witanmoot and Princess Selina continued to run high following the arrest of Ralf Seagrim. It is believed that most of the prominent members of the Council, including those who are known enemies of King Edward, have lobbied for his release. Tensions were raised when a new scaffold was erected outside the city walls. However rumours that he was about to be executed proved false and after a week of incarceration Cllr Seagrim was released from prison. Soon after his release he spoke from the Mootstone and has made a formal and public apology to Princess Selina. He declared "I recognise Princess Selina as the rightful and only ruler of the Principality of Linrodeth. I reaffirm my support for King Edward in his battle with the usurper Kieran and call upon Princess Selina to ally the great city of Linrodeth with the rightful King of the rest of Athion". This latter proposal will probably not have pleased many of the people who lobbied for his release. Late returning merchants bring news of the elaborate and lavish celebrations held in Salvoyn over Harvestide to mark the official naming of baby Prince Edmund. The festivities, although subdued in the wake of Queen Kybele's murder, clearly demonstrated the growing prestige of Salvoyn as King Edward's capital city. The royal court has been enriched by the wealth and glamour of Salvoyn's noble matriarchs, and their generous patronage of the arts has already encouraged an explosion of new and exciting work. The naming ceremony also saw the traditional temples arrayed in a new order as a single pantheon under the unification of the Holy Son Resh.
The Guild membership debate proved to be a highly charged occasion. Sheriff Davy opened the discussion by explaining the background to the proposals which, she explained, were the result of many hours work by herself and Marcus Lambourne. The speech has consolidated her position as the leading threat to Lady Tasker, she skilfully explained the reasoning behind what she described as "Genuinely the best solution possible" and warned of the "potentially disastrous implications" if this compromise was not accepted. It looked as though this motion would go through virtually unopposed with Bottler, Monterey, Trueman and many other leading Guild members all rising in quick succession to support it. However an amendment proposed by Jim Bottler to delete the penultimate word so that provisional guild members be prevented from voting in the Midwinter elections caused uproar in the chamber. Sheriff Davy weighed in first announcing in a commanding voice that she seconded the amendment, which had been part of her original proposal to Princess Selina. Cllr Petro Cutario was first off the mark in opposing the motion, describing it as an outrageous attempt to remove the right to vote from the householders of Linrodeth. Cllr Cutario was strongly supported by William Trueman who described the proposal as confused beyond belief. Alderman Trueman had clearly been well briefed. In a devastatingly well argued speech he reminded the Council of the great "Definitions of Citizenship" reform enacted by Lord Dixon and the rather unfortunate effect this amendment would have upon it. Using examples which had many Councillors roaring with laughter he explained that in effect immigrants who bought property in the city would be able to vote in elections, unless they joined a guild. His closing words "I ask you fellow Councillors, reject this lunacy, and let us get back to the simple, clear politics this city needs" received a standing ovation and it looked as though the amendment would be lost. However the strong Lambourne faction fought back and argued vehemently that the motion was not intended to affect the definition of citizenship. In a hurried conference with Cllr Bottler they revised the amendment to "Except that such provisional Guild membership, shall not in itself confer the right to hold guild posts or vote in elections". A proposal which passed by 112 votes to 108, with the main motion then being passed by a margin of 80 votes.
The city orphans, under the encouragement of their board of governors, is to put on a Yuletide miracle play to entertain and raise money for their coffers. The story of Persilus and the Golden Acorn was selected in honour of Her Highness Princess Selina and her foreign entourage. Tickets are on sale from the Trueman and Lambourne households in Faringdon for sixpence each.
The fallout from the guild membership debate is playing out in the already heavy campaigning for the midwinter elections. Observers suggest that major changes may be on the way. Many wards have been resettled following the disruptions of previous years and clear political positions are beginning to emerge in the Witanmoot. The Monterey and Lambourne factions were expected to do well in this environment as people seek stability, however William Trueman's many recent successes appear to have started a bandwagon rolling behind his "Efficient, Responsible and Honest" slogan, and across the city Trueman candidates are doing well. In contrast to last year the Bottler faction is struggling to hold ground against accusations that it has lost direction, and amongst suspicion that Princess Selina has withdrawn her support for him.
Alderman Alan Monterey has been at pains to recover from his embracing defeat by Gax the Heretic last month. Thanking Gax for pointing out the legal situation he has reiterated the need for people to gain fluency in Athionic, in particular to avoid "guild rules, and indeed the laws of the city being broken simply thorough ignorance". Unusually for our civic leaders Alderman Monterey has taken action to help the situation by arranging for the Bards College to provide formal teaching of the language. A move which has received significant funding from the Carpenters and a number of other guilds.
Gilbert de Clare has marked the end of the building season with a major celebration culminating in the completion of the first gate through the new Portwall. Announcing that the project is significantly ahead of schedule he assured the oversight committee that, funds permitting, it could be completed by the middle of next year. Cllr de Clare did however express concern that the repairs to the Citadel and the new docks extension could draw off many skilled craftsmen.
A week of thick fog in Linrodeth has closed the city more effectively than any curfew. Torches and improvised railings have not always helped disoriented citizens when fog concealed even houses across the street. Rivermen braving the water crossing have been spooked by mysterious shapes afloat in the port, and one patrol of the city guard has reported following a trail of blood which vanished at Levestone crossroads. The blanketing fog has brought an abrupt halt to the city's meagre trading convoys this year. It now seems unlikely that we will discover the outcome of the vital battle for Cascorach before the Springtide melting.