The Chronicle
of the month of Kruthos in the year 156
This year's Frost Fair has at last picked up in popularity despite a very determined attempt to burn through the ice last week. A large bonfire was assembled and lit late one night, and despite spirited attempts by the carpenters apprentices to pull it apart, burned long enough to seriously weaken the surrounding ice. The Guards have declared the usual area unsafe, and traders have removed most of the fair further upriver. The usual fairings of skating, sledding, trinkets, hot snacks and steaming drinks are on offer and the college students are again competing in ice sculpting. Tediously, the masters appear to have set curriculum subject matter, and the displays are of architectural elegance rather than fantastic creatures of imagination. The Orissian brothel may yet prove interesting, and the group reconstructing the Dalethian High Temple may soon find themselves in political deep water.
Sectarian muggings have subsided, thanks mostly to a determined effort by many Witanmoot campaigners to keep city residents as sozzled as possible. The late Sgt Mugge would have approved. Donations kicked off with Cllr Scathlocke's donation of light "Old Athion" ale to anyone assisting with the big public mural in Castle Bard depicting Alderman Bottler (with the O.M. medal prominent) scaring off the competition with a big guard dog who bears a definite resemblance to Alderman de Clare. Very colourful it is too. The following days saw the appearance of many casks of dark "Unity" beer from the much larger supplies of Alderman de Clare and Alderman Trueman, culminating in a large party on Midwinter to celebrate the Naming of Trueman's new baby daughter, Grace. The proud father announced, "Fellow citizens and other dignitaries; it is with great pride and joy that I introduce to you my daughter Grace. Midwinter festival is a time of celebration and we wanted to share our celebration with the people of the city. By that I mean all the people of Linrodeth, both those of Athionic and Kerunian descent. I believe that our cultural diversity and richness is an important part of our success as a city. Compare us to the other cities of Athion, which would you rather live in? Despite being involved in a long, ongoing war our economy is doing well. Can any of the other cities say the same? In some ways Grace symbolizes all that has happened. She was born in a war but is thriving; she is half Athionic and half Kerunian, but all Linrodeth! So as a proud father I ask you to drink to her health. To make this easier I have provided barrels of good Linrodeth beer in many locations around the city. If you prefer Kerunian wine you are very welcome to toast her with that fine beverage. But either way join together and raise your glasses in a spirit of unity to wish Grace; Health, Wealth and Beauty, Long Life and Happiness." The good Alderman was helped off the Mootstone to much cheering.
Also looking flushed this month is Alderman Dominic Horner who has spent most of the month campaigning with Miss Felicity Mint upon his arm, much to the disapproval of Mrs Chant and other senior matrons of Temple. The charming Miss Mint, who clearly believes in mixing business with pleasure, set about enlivening the traditional hustings and is said to be looking forward to "knocking up" the local voters. Alas, her grasp of proper boundaries is still rather loose as she strayed into neighbouring wards several times in her enthusiasm for canvassing. An attempt to campaign within the Hahnite Law School, despite its lack of electors, was firmly prevented by the Knights Templars.