The Chronicle
of the month of Kruthos in the year 142
The motion to increase the Witanmoot Guard has been passed by an overwhelming majority, bringing the Guards' full complement up to 75. Lady Samantha Cox has expressed delight that her motion gained so much support and went on to tell the Chronicle, "This is an excellent result and proves once and for all the Council's ability to make difficult decisions decisively". The Chronicle, whilst not wishing to argue with Her Ladyship, suspects that the decision had more to do with the fact that none of the councillors dared risk upsetting the guard. We have noted many privately voiced reservations. Many citizens fear more interference with the ward watches and the use of the Witanmoot's troops to crush dissent. It will be interesting to see if our rulers can resist the temptation to use the personal army they are creating.
His Majesty King Edmund has announced his intention to hold the Dragonfeast Council at the Citadel. Any person wishing to seek audience with him should approach Lord D'Assarn, who will be administering the lottery. In celebration of the day the King has announced a major tournament and has declared that a special archery contest will take place in which a team from each of the four great cities, Linrodeth, Salvoyn, Eresan and Cascorach, will compete with a team from the Kings Rangers. Acting Guildmaster Helen Kreft has announced that all citizens interested in representing the city should apply initially to the Bowyers Guild.
Miranda Andrews and Olnorth Dexter are delighted to announce the birth of their son, Oliver George Alexander Wesley, on Sixthday Secondweek during the early hours of the morning. Both mother and son are described as 'vociferous and lively', although Olnorth is looking a little tired nowadays. Olnorth has recently shocked the ward of Dracas by selling the Dexter mansion and moving into the Andrews household, "in order to spend more time looking after my family". This, obviously, makes him ineligible for re-election in Dracas.
This year has seen some of the most intensive campaigning ever, with all the major factions fighting to maintain their position against an upsurge of dissatisfaction with the establishment. There has been a notable closing of the ranks with very little inter faction fighting, as everyone concentrates on keeping their seat against a large number of new hopefuls. Money has been flowing out of the Guilds to support their people and the city has been bedecked in coloured ribbons and each faction attempts to demonstrate their supremacy. The drab brown and green of Adam Avery has been much in evidence, although this may be because it's a lot cheaper to produce. The most expensive campaign appears to be that of Matthew Dixon with intricate wooden gifts being dispensed to all and sundry. Sheriff Perignon's blue banners have also been much in evidence as she throws her weight behind the campaigns of Lilith Lansdowne, Philip Portman and Matthew Dixon, much to the latter's surprise. Amused residents of Levestone have commented that Dixon appears to be running to keep up with his own bandwaggon. More surprisingly still, Beatrice has put money into the campaign of Richard Saunders, although Richard strenuously denies any involvement in her faction.
The winter is proving surprisingly mild and with no snow drifts to bury them, Cllr Randy Parkinson has been early to issue his usual warning against the dumping of dead beggars in the Ishtan. He told the Chronicle, "It's the duty of all our citizens to keep the city clean and safe for decent people to live in. Those who dump dead beggars in the Ishtan are simply lazy and inconsiderate of their fellow citizens. The Witanmoot Guard should be instructed to put an end to this practice." The celebrations at the Andrews household may have been dampened by the news that the purchaser of the Dexter mansion was none other than Sheriff Beatrice Perignon, who made the purchase through an intermediary. Beatrice told the Chronicle, "Of course it will probably need a lot of renovation, but I'm looking forward to putting things in order".
As predicted, the establishment has suffered a number of setbacks with four Aldermen losing their seats. Kennet Maxil was defeated by Melanie Romanie in Cadene whilst in Dowgate the battle turned into a four way fight with Alice Fytton emerging victorious from the bitter fight between Moran, Clifford and Barnes (although all three gained a seat on the wardmoot). In Faringdon the longstanding Alderman George Rimon was defeated by Marcus Lambourne in a backlash against the raising of taxes this year. Over in Dracas Philip Portman, backed by a late but powerful Perignon bandwaggon, swept to victory. Other Aldermen given a close call this year were Ann Tasker in Kingsgate and Douglas du Bolay in Arpent, who just fought off David Ravensdale and Margery Haynes respectively. Lilith Lansdowne in Berewic managed to weather the storm produced by the treachery of the family, with Aralan Derwent offering the strongest challenge. In Levestone Matthew Dixon fought off strong challenges from Martin Key and Malcolm Mowbray, whilst in Welland James Isenbard scraped home by three votes, and if Reg Marc had not made a last minute offer of free beer to anyone supporting James, Gillian Howe would probably have defeated him. Joanna Paynell lost her seat on the Wardmoot of Ishtan. Richard Firethorn and Larken Drumm, both of Avigon, succeeded in their campaigns to be elected and the Chroniclers welcome them to the strange and wonderful world of the Court of Common Council.