The Chronicle

of the month of Galemir in the year 151

The fall out from last month's oath debate continues to disrupt the old faction loyalties. Marcus Lambourne has used the nominations for the Lordship to make a further attack on Lady Tasker and has accused Alan Monterey of deliberately attempting to create dissent within the Witanmoot. An accusation which may have some foundation given that Tilly Falgar, who has been a long standing member of the Lambourne faction, has defected to Alan Monterey. However celebrations in the Monterey camp were muted by the loss of senior member Randolf Flambourd. Cllr Flambourd, whilst reiterating his respect for the excellent way the city has been run, told the Chronicle that he could no longer tolerate Monterey's "failure to support the rightful leadership of King Kieran".

Richard Saunders and Duncan Barnet have taken the Oath of Loyalty. Both sought to keep the matter a low key affair. However as no formal arrangements had been made for taking the oath after Midwinter, they were required by Lady Tasker to take the oath in front of the Witanmoot before the committee chair vote. Marcus Lambourne once again used the occasion to attack Lady Tasker and to describe the taking of the oaths as a sacrifice made under duress.

General Olvini has expressed his growing satisfaction with the performance of the city's armed forces. The General told a private gathering of leading Bowyers and Fletchers that he was becoming increasingly impressed with the city's practice of archery and suggested that next year would see much opportunity for its use to be demonstrated. The General's interest is rumoured to stem from his growing frustration at weapons supply problems related to the Brynettes activities. Several prominent Brynettes remain under arrest, although no hearing or trial has been held.

The most interesting shift in the Witanmoot this month is the emergence of a new faction. Alderman Petro Cutario has gathered together with fellow aldermen Thomas Osbert and Adam Povre to form a powerful group which is already lobbying hard on a pro-trade, pro-Selina agenda. Alderman Povre told the Chronicle "I have spent the last month considering taking the Oath and trying to decide what would be best for the City. We face a difficult year which we will only survive as a city if we pull together. Having thought long and hard and witnessed last week's divisive debate. I have decided to throw my whole hearted and unequivocal support behind Princess Selina. I hope many of my fellow councillors will stop sitting on the fence and do the same." Several Witanmoot watchers have expressed themselves daunted by the idea of a group which has split off from Alan Monterey because he wasn't pro-Selina enough.

This months weather has been surprisingly mild and it looks as though an early end to the winter is likely. Several outlying towns have already re-established contact with the City and a few ships are being prepared to make early runs south. The city navy is already active and is currently celebrating a successful raid on an overwintering group of pirates. The returning marines described how "the last remaining pirate group" was surprised with their ship still hauled up onto the beach and "overwhelmed in minutes". The prisoners are currently being interrogated in at the Citadel and a mass hanging has been scheduled for next week. In a rare show of unity the Council passed Jim Bottler's proposal on trade envoys without debate. Alderman Bottler expressed his delight at the "sensible and positive move".

Late News

This month's committee elections have dealt a devastating blow to the hopes of Alan Monterey who has been excluded from all the leading roles and who must now expect his wife to also lose the lordship election. Petro Cutario's faction has gained control of the powerful combination of Trade and Shipping; a victory which appears to owe much to the forthcoming fight between Miranda Andrews and Jenny Davy. Judy Spitch suffered the indignity of receiving no votes. Whilst Jim Bottler's decision not vote for himself caught William Trueman by surprise. It is clear that Bottler and Lambourne have made some form of deal and that they may have gained the support of Cutario. Jenny Davy therefore looks set to become Lord of the City.

Full election results:


Alison Shefford

Andrews, Barbiter, Capel, Downe, Monterey, Shefford, Tasker, Trueman, Warin

Melanie Romanie

Barnett, Belcher, Bottler, Bowden, Cutario, Davy, Hastings, Hubold, Osbert, Povre, Romanie, Saunders, Spich, Wirstan, Worton


Petro Cutario

Barnett, Belcher, Bottler, Bowden, Cutario, Davy, Hubold, Monterey, Osbert, Povre, Romanie, Saunders, Shefford, Spich, Tasker, Wirstan, Worton

Jim Bottler

Andrews, Barbiter, Capel, Downe, Hastings, Trueman, Warin

Law and Order

Duncan Barnett

Barnett, Belcher, Bottler, Bowden, Cutario, Davy, Hubold, Osbert, Povre, Romanie, Saunders, Spich, Wirstan, Worton

Eva Capel

Andrews, Barbiter, Capel, Downe, Hastings, Monterey, Shefford, Tasker, Trueman, Warin


Thomas Osbert

Barnett, Belcher, Bottler, Bowden, Cutario, Davy, Hubold, Osbert, Povre, Romanie, Saunders, Spich, Wirstan, Worton

Olivia Warin

Andrews, Barbiter, Capel, Downe, Hastings, Monterey, Shefford, Tasker, Trueman, Warin

Welfare and Education

Richard Saunders

Andrews, Barbiter, Barnett, Belcher, Bottler, Bowden, Capel, Cutario, Davy, Downe, Hastings, Hubold, Monterey, Osbert, Povre, Romanie, Saunders, Shefford, Spich, Tasker, Trueman, Wirstan, Worton, Warin