
13th May 2024
A modern clean japanese style kitchen. There is a bowl of cherries next to the kitchen sink

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196,405 bytes
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Other Sizes: thumbnail(150x150) medium(300x300) medium_large(768x768) large(1024x1024) 1536x1536(1024x1024) 2048x2048(1024x1024)
Alt Text
A modern clean japanese style kitchen. There is a bowl of cherries next to the kitchen sink
The only room in the apartment that can be shown
This image was generated using the following prompt: Kitchen in an apartment in modern cyberpunk style kitchen in tokyo. There are cherries on a kitchen worktop that is next to a kitchen sink. The kitchen is used by a family that is well off. The kitchen is roughly 3 metres by 5 metres and is uncluttered. Note that the room portrayed is too small and there should be a door in the far wall - however this was the best image generated.
Copyright Status
© David Vines 2024. This file was generated using Microsoft's copilot AI Image generator. As such Microsoft, its affiliated companies and third-party partners are granted permission to use the Prompts, Creations, customisations (including GPTs) and related content in connection with the operation of its businesses (including, without limitation, all Microsoft Services), including, without limitation, the licence rights to: copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, edit, translate and reformat the Prompts, Creations and other content that were provided to create the image; and the right to sublicense such rights to any supplier of the Online Services. Users other than Microsoft, its affiliated companies and third-party partners may use this file if they abide by the terms of the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.