Tag name:chronicle

Heliora 157

First published 29th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Heliora in the year 157

Free soup and lively oration have drawn large crowds to Bever Edge's "Citizenship Classes" in North Bridge. The debates were originally held at the Wainers' Rest Inn, but gatherings quickly became too large for an indoor venue and have recently moved to the fields around Pedlars Lane, lately vacated by the Tinker Camp. The popular topics are the nature of "commons" and whether the marshes north of the river by tradition and use qualify as "city commons". Amongst the quotable sentences from the more educated debaters:

"He who is permitted by law to have no property of his own can only with difficulty conceive that property is founded in anything but force."

"Nothing is ours, which another may deprive us of."

"The commons tell a story of co-operation in human society and with the land (and of the gradual imposition of private interests), as fragments of the old economy in a present beset by totalitarian market forces and where the majority are outsiders in their own city."

"Let them not take in their commons, neither make parks nor pastures nor pools, for the gods gave this land for free men to inhabit."

Comments by the majority of the population present are much less quotable, but convey a certain sense of restlessness which combines ill with the annual discussions over garbage disposal in the immediate area.

Her Royal Highness Princess Selina, having professed to enjoy the prison visits so much, found time this week to inspect the famous orphanage founded by Gax. Accompanied by her son and young daughter Her Highness found time to tour the orphanage property, view a play put on by the youngsters, and sit in on a class to test the erudition of the city's wardlings. The orphan children themselves were finely turned out in feast day best, and showed great interest in their august visitors. A mischievous attempt to quote Reg Marc as part of their legal history lesson was firmly suppressed by the governors present.

Representatives from the town of Newbridge along the Eresan road have expressed outrage that the Witanmoot propose to divide their township by a toll bridge on the King's road. The local mayor described the proposals as" an outrageous and extravagant solution to simple repair problem. This investment, which is such a minor matter for a great city, would undoubtedly benefit the city's own trade directly."

Mandatiens and acolytes at the Hahnite temple were roused in the early hours of Firstday morning to help put out a fire burning dangerously high in the vicinity of the library of the law school. The fire is thought to have been started by vandals and the Knights Templar are keen to question anyone seen in the area that night.

Jasmarill 157

First published 29th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Jasmarill in the year 157

As had been widely predicted the Lordship election went unanimously to Olivia Warin. Lady Davy appears to have anticipated this result, and spent the early part of the session signing off a number of "decreettes". Of prime interest was the creation of a "compulsory jurisdiction order", an intriguing legal precedent applying to Baron Denmarsh's new domain, which claims land "from the North Bridge boundary, along the line of Wharf Land and Dock head as far as the marsh opposite the Citadel, down to the Ishtan shore, and back upriver to the boundary marker. Said land to be secured by and for the military for the safety of the Principality." Chroniclers note that this could acquire most of the shipyards of importance to the Consortium, without in any way satisfying the rumbles of discontent from the disenfranchised inhabitants of Northshore. The finest Hahnite minds are already conferring with much interest, but hopefully Her Highness will intervene before too much temple income is generated.

Of less novelty was the assignment of £100 to Midsummer Fayre development, although more novelties might well result. A further £50 was put by for the brief homecoming of the peripatetic Gillian Howe, envoy to wherever Aldermen fear to tread. The rest of this year's city budget has been thrashed out behind closed doors. Full details will be provided later, we are assured. Such details as are leaking out of the wood-panelled rooms suggest that the serious money has followed Thomas Osbert from Shipping to Trade coffers.

The Bards College is investigating the conduct of its lay staff, and especially one Terrence Higgs Esq. (butler) after a number of rare and valuable wine casks went missing from its famously well-stocked cellars. The alert was raised by local Cllr Scathlocke after she observed Higgs loading casks onto a cart in the early hours of the morning. The college, which is famed for the quality of its dining and entertainment, raises funds for its cellar stock by subscription from all its members.

Householders along Cornhill are watching with concern the growth of a large dent in the main road which is threatening both traffic and shop foundations. The appearance of the dip after the spring flooding might be due to a new underground stream. Local residents are already expressing concern at the impact of the Bottler mansion on the local green, and point to the prodigious use of water in the Bottler baths as the most likely cause of subsidence. Mrs Bottler has made a robust defence of her household and suggested that "if their ward wells were as robustly constructed and maintained as our own private borehole then I have no doubt that those shopkeepers would not be facing their present problem."

The Watermens Guild is calling for more patrols along the riverbanks after several members suffered muggings by gangs of youths loitering around the shores. Complaints have been made of heavy objects thrown at vessels making their way under the bridge, and some old folk have been thrown into the water as a jest.

Pipetal 157

First published 29th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Pipetal in the year 157

The long awaited thaw has arrived slowly during the past month, thankfully limiting the feared flooding to the usual inconsequential areas of Northshore. Ships newly arrived in port bring news from Salvoyn of a harsh winter with much depravation amongst the marines due to the inadequate land base. Luckily, the evil fevers that plagued the army in previous years have been little in evidence and the siege has been tightly maintained. The Linrodeth fleet continues its highly effective blockade and Royal troops have used the winter to secure the lands to the south of Salvoyn, preventing a reopening of land trade with the city states. Preparations are now underway to tighten the stranglehold upon the city.

Witanmoot budget proposals this year yet again include increases in taxes and an increase in funding for the Law and Order committee in order to enable it to reopen the gaols. Surprisingly, given the defeat of the Salvoynian Navy and the absurd overcrowding of Linrodeth's docks, funding for the Consortium ship building programme has been continued. Cllr Tilly Falgar has decided to make an issue of this, complaining vociferously at the budget proposal meeting, that once again merchants are lining their own pockets to subsidise the importing of foreign goods whilst the honest craftsmen of Linrodeth struggle to get by.

Her Highness Princess Selina has underlined her concern for prisoner welfare by conducting a surprise inspection of Marshgate and Kingsgate gatehouses. The warden of Kingsgate took the opportunity to show her around some of the refurbished gentlemen's cells on the upper floor. She seemed very impressed, he commented afterwards, I don't think she'd even been in a prison cell before.

Citizens of Castle Bard have been treated to yet another example of public art. Locals were amused to note recent modifications to Gilbert de Clare's house. A gargoyle bearing a striking resemblance to Cllr Jessamine Scathlocke has taken pride of place adorning Guild Master de Clare's new garderobes. Although there has been some artistic criticism that the mouth is somewhat large, apparently Master Gilbert claims that anything smaller would have been prone to blockages.

Overland news from the court of High King Kieran is still awaited, as is the return of the many adventurers which set out weeks ago in the race to tell Alan Monterey about this year's elections. Meanwhile Princess Selina has decreed Alan Monterey to be her ambassador to the Court of the High King. The appointment has caused consternation in the Witanmoot as has Lord Monterey's elevation to the rank of Baron. Some questions have been raised in the Witanmoot as to the validity of someone being both a citizen envoy and baronial ambassador, however the general mood is one of celebration. Perhaps the greatest debate has been over the shear scope of the empowerment, which effectively gives Cllr Monterey the ability to express opinions as if they were those of Princess Selina herself. Commenting on the appointment, Lady Davy described her delight that Her Highness has once again reaffirmed her trust in the people of the city and shown that she sees the city and the principality as having completely shared objectives.

The number of corpses floating downriver (and returning again at high tide) is causing problems for the city's port and unfavourable comment amongst foreign shippers. Citizens are reminded to do their duty and dispose of frozen beggars tidily out in the marshes and not clutter up the River Ishtan.

Cpl Jack Tucker of the City Guard is being hailed as a hero by locals in Bassishaw. Cpl Tucker was attempting to rescue the Wortley family whose house was ablaze, but had to be pulled from the debris when the shop collapsed. Neighbours quickly contained the fire with the loss of only a handful of nearby shops, but the corporal was taken to the Torian temple with severe injuries, along with several colleagues suffering from the smoke.

Grossers from a number of towns upriver have been complaining about the state of Newbridge on the main Eresan road. The double span stone bridge has been unrepaired for nearly a decade, and the latest floods off of the Great Fens have left it looking decidedly worn. Petitions to the Citadel and to Countess Derwent have gone unanswered. Traders are hoping that an appeal to the Witanmoot might produce more action.

Count Cutario is looking decidedly put out this month after it emerged that Alan Monterey has been granted large tracts of land in Northshore as part of his title of Baron Denmarsh. Also annoyed are civic-minded denizens of the slums themselves, who had hoped to organise local families into self-governing manors along the lines of the old style ward watches. Despite this sudden outbreak of democracy amongst the voteless, and the more hazardous humour of the owner of Ye Oval, Monterey's dubious holdings are entirely feudal. Wags at court have even begun to refer to the absent landlord as Baron de Tosher.

Officials from the Citadel have asked the Brynette temple to remove a large metallic structure from the horizon to the south of the city. The construction, described as a warding glyph by its enthusiastic builder Artificer Langerick, is apparently intended to fend off evil influences aimed at Linrodeth by the witches of Salvoyn. The outspoken artificer convinced a good number of concerned citizens to assist him in its erection out at Botmoor after the temple itself declined to provide funding. A spokesperson for |Her Highnesses court described the structure as deeply worrying for ordinary citizens, highly unsafe for passing merchants, and drawing undue attention to the group of burial mounds on the moors.

City Guardsmen are investigating a burglary at the home of Jestin Snedcroft in Dracas. Lord Jester is a flamboyant and well known bookie, in great demand at sporting occasions all around the city. The burglar is understood to have made off with most of the gentleman's takings for the past month. Guardsman are asking for any witnesses to events last Feastnight to come forward and assist the enquiry.

Galemir 157

First published 29th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Galemir in the year 157

This month's committee elections resulted in a startling tied vote for all of the contested committee chairmanships. It was therefore left to Lady Davy to resolve the situation, which she did with her usual decisiveness. Witanmoot watchers have tried to determine a pattern in the voting, but it would appear that the shifts of Alderman last month have resulted in a wider distribution of votes and a reduction in the coherence of some of the old power blocks. Much positioning is going on, but for the first time in many years no clear alliances exist. In fact the Witanmoot is more defined by its divisions with Scathlocke & Bottler and Monterey & Ryman clearly avoiding voting for the same candidate. The final results were as follows


Melanie Romanie


Thomas Osbert

Law and Order

Peter Ryman


Eva Capel

Welfare and Education

Rose Cheping

Lands and Agriculture

Marie Cripstead

Envoy to Kerun

Jemma Downe

Envoy to Orissa

Hugo Merewell

Envoy to Eresan

Alan Monterey

Envoy to Cascorach

Godwin Green

Envoy to Western Isles

Gillian Howe

The cold weather and heavy snows continue without much abatement this month, leading to concerns over flooding when the thaw comes. Nonetheless, the Brynette Temple is pushing for an early resumption of its delayed building work, and Alderman de Clare has begun to repair the abandoned scaffolding along the side of the furnaces.

Last month's fire in Brown's tannery has been followed this month by another major fire in the same area. This time Humbles leather workshop was the focus of the events. Suspicions have been raised that the most recent fire was arson, bringing into question whether the Brown's fire was also not an accident.

The King's Theatre has been forced to suspend its childminding service after being swamped by customers from all over the city. The crush on the final day was such that several youngsters and not a few parents were hurt. Alderman Horner is in negotiations with the Theatre owners to see if alternative arrangements can be made.

Her Highness Princess Selina has conducted a surprise inspection of Kingsport, no mean feat considering the inclement weather. Her Highness departed by sleigh down the river, and transferred to the causeway near the estuary. Some unusual exertion was required by her noble entourage, but almost the entire court had returned safely by sunset.

The Chronicles would like to congratulate the Arch-divide Recorder on this most auspicious landmark publication.

Skelern 157

First published 29th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Skelern in the year 157

High winds and heavy snowfall have driven everyone inside this month. Only the most stubborn apprentices remain out on the Frost Fair, especially after some urchins enlarged the "fishing holes” to a size hazardous in this poor visibility. The blizzards have also collapsed a row of rickety shops in Cripplegate, and have forced a large number of sick and elderly to seek help from the Torians. With regret, the Temple has announced that it has closed its doors to further patients for the time being.

A large fire has destroyed Brown's tannery warehouse on Stoney Lane. The initial cause of the blaze is not known, but neighbours report that the high winds quickly fanned the flames out of control. A number of nearby slums were pulled down and the warehouse left to burn itself out. Luckily most members of the household are accounted for, and only three journeymen are said to be missing

Parents in and near Temple Ward have been very grateful to discover that the Kings Theatre is now operating a cheap crèche on Tenthday mornings. In a radical departure from its usual clientele, junior members of the troupe are encouraging youngsters to try out a number of "short, fun activities", interspersed with some improving storytelling. So far the troupe has run three exhausting sessions. The format has proved enormously popular with kids and parents alike, despite the obvious absence of the theatre's star names.

Agents for Capel Shipping Lines, or possibly for the Consortium, are canvassing senior opinions on the desirability of a deep water dock just below the bridge. Since Portwall already defines the south quays quite definitively, the proposal discusses excavating away a large section of the Northshore bank. Written comments on the proposed re-development are invited to be submitted to the Shipping Office of the Witanmoot within the next few months.

Princess Selina has been hosting a series of musical evenings at the Citadel. The soirées, featuring some of the elite minstrels produced by the Bards College in recent years, has drawn a select audience of nobility and enthusiasts to the Great Hall each evening. This patronage may soothe some feathers ruffled by Her Highnesses' recent choice of Midwinter revels.

Within the Witanmoot veteran Duncan Barnett has joined the Trueman faction, making it the strongest in the Aldermanic court. Alderman Barnett said he was pleased to be aligning himself with a faction "which understood that serving Linrodeth was the primary duty of all councillors". Controversially Alderman Richard Saunders has defected to newcomer Dominic Horner amid rumours that he was going to lose his committee chairmanship because of the opposition to Councillor Jessamine Scathlocke held by a number of faction leaders. The Bottler/De Clare faction, attempting a whitewash of recent artwork, was prevented by the householder but have continued to pursue the matter through the local wardmoot.

Committee Nominations:


Melanie Romanie


Thomas Osbert

Law and Order

Eva Capel, Peter Ryman


Eva Capel

Welfare and Education

Richard Saunders, Rose Cheping, Dominic Horner

Lands and Agriculture

Marie Cripstead, Gilbert de Clare

Envoy to Kerun

Jemma Downe, Graeme Porter

Envoy to Orissa

Hugo Merewell

Envoy to Eresan

Alan Monterey

Envoy to Cascorach

Godwin Green, Gregory Benton

Envoy to Western Isles

Gillian Howe

Elections for the posts of Law & Order, Welfare & Education, Lands & Agriculture, Kerun and Cascorach will therefore take place next month.

Midwinter 157

First published 29th December 2017

The Chronicle

of Midwinter of the year 157

Her Highness Princess Selina's Midwinter Feast was a lively and informal affair this year, with Citadel entertainment provided by many of Linrodeth's own street performers and buskers. Blind Kane, Biddy Vox and Trugger Stubbs proved to be star musicians in front of a discerning audience, and the horde of jugglers and tumblers were also popular despite their tendency to pick up unconsidered trifles. No-one quite knows where the aged palm-reader usually resides, but she had reams of forthright advice for young lovers. Also making an appearance (apparently on the recommendation of Mrs Bottler) was the costumed figure of Grandfather Frost. A traditional Athionic icon, the Kerunian youngsters were delighted to learn about the toys and sweetmeats he distributed, the coal and holly goad having been diplomatically omitted. Proudly displayed above the high table was Princess Selina's Linrodeth Standard, which had been re-dyed dark Athionic blue for the occasion.

As is usual, the election results were announced at the end of the feast. In what was otherwise an uneventful night the loss of Alan Monterey's Aldermanic seat to Vernon Stripe in Levestone was a massive shock. It will undoubtedly be a blow to the good vintner when he returns to the city. The other changes of Alderman were in Arpent where Judi Spich recovered the seat she lost last year to Hugo Merewell and in Avigon where, after 3 recounts, the victory was awarded to Samuel Rucche by one vote.

Aside from his own ward, support across the city suggests a recovery for Alan Monterey whose efforts are clearly appreciated. If his faction had considered Stripe a threat, it is likely that Alan would have retained the seat. Supporters of William Trueman also did well across the city, with his faction commanding the broadest base of support. The Bottler faction suffered badly with the events of the budget and the frost fair clearly being held against them. Benefiting from this was the Scathlocke Faction which campaigned directly against Bottler. However her faction did less well in wards where there was no Bottler vote to take. Support for the Ryman and Horner factions, with their bias away from the Witanmoot, was very low outside of the wards in which they are active.

Kruthos 156

First published 29th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Kruthos in the year 156

This year's Frost Fair has at last picked up in popularity despite a very determined attempt to burn through the ice last week. A large bonfire was assembled and lit late one night, and despite spirited attempts by the carpenters apprentices to pull it apart, burned long enough to seriously weaken the surrounding ice. The Guards have declared the usual area unsafe, and traders have removed most of the fair further upriver. The usual fairings of skating, sledding, trinkets, hot snacks and steaming drinks are on offer and the college students are again competing in ice sculpting. Tediously, the masters appear to have set curriculum subject matter, and the displays are of architectural elegance rather than fantastic creatures of imagination. The Orissian brothel may yet prove interesting, and the group reconstructing the Dalethian High Temple may soon find themselves in political deep water.

Sectarian muggings have subsided, thanks mostly to a determined effort by many Witanmoot campaigners to keep city residents as sozzled as possible. The late Sgt Mugge would have approved. Donations kicked off with Cllr Scathlocke's donation of light "Old Athion" ale to anyone assisting with the big public mural in Castle Bard depicting Alderman Bottler (with the O.M. medal prominent) scaring off the competition with a big guard dog who bears a definite resemblance to Alderman de Clare. Very colourful it is too. The following days saw the appearance of many casks of dark "Unity" beer from the much larger supplies of Alderman de Clare and Alderman Trueman, culminating in a large party on Midwinter to celebrate the Naming of Trueman's new baby daughter, Grace. The proud father announced, "Fellow citizens and other dignitaries; it is with great pride and joy that I introduce to you my daughter Grace. Midwinter festival is a time of celebration and we wanted to share our celebration with the people of the city. By that I mean all the people of Linrodeth, both those of Athionic and Kerunian descent. I believe that our cultural diversity and richness is an important part of our success as a city. Compare us to the other cities of Athion, which would you rather live in? Despite being involved in a long, ongoing war our economy is doing well. Can any of the other cities say the same? In some ways Grace symbolizes all that has happened. She was born in a war but is thriving; she is half Athionic and half Kerunian, but all Linrodeth! So as a proud father I ask you to drink to her health. To make this easier I have provided barrels of good Linrodeth beer in many locations around the city. If you prefer Kerunian wine you are very welcome to toast her with that fine beverage. But either way join together and raise your glasses in a spirit of unity to wish Grace; Health, Wealth and Beauty, Long Life and Happiness." The good Alderman was helped off the Mootstone to much cheering.

Also looking flushed this month is Alderman Dominic Horner who has spent most of the month campaigning with Miss Felicity Mint upon his arm, much to the disapproval of Mrs Chant and other senior matrons of Temple. The charming Miss Mint, who clearly believes in mixing business with pleasure, set about enlivening the traditional hustings and is said to be looking forward to "knocking up" the local voters. Alas, her grasp of proper boundaries is still rather loose as she strayed into neighbouring wards several times in her enthusiasm for canvassing. An attempt to campaign within the Hahnite Law School, despite its lack of electors, was firmly prevented by the Knights Templars.

Ternost 156

First published 29th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Ternost in the year 156

Sectarian hostility between Athionic and Kerunian citizens continues to simmer this month. Tavern brawls between class factions have become more common than those between political rivals, and several twilight muggings have been blamed on Athionic revivalists. As well as campaign bunting, flags of the Principality of Linrodeth are being flown by many households, but in the royal blue colours of the old King. So far established politicians and hopeful candidates alike have steered away from this issue, but it will inevitably become a factor at the midwinter elections.

Next month's elections are turning out to be hard fought, although in most wards clear leaders for the aldermanships are emerging. Close contests are occurring in Arpent ward where Hugo Merewell and Judi Spich are inseparable; in Berwick where Mary Hastings, Aldric Houghton and Emma Chireton are locked in a three way fight; in Cartage where Brunstan Blackbeard and Alice Barbiter look set to draw; and also in Oldgate where Duncan Barnett is being closed on by Joanna Russell. Upsets look most likely in Avigon ward where Samuel Rucche has been campaigning hard, and in Temple where David Northropp may recover his seat. Perhaps the most startling events are in Levestone (home of the infamous beer slick) where local activist Vernon Stripe and the entire Ryman faction have launched a huge campaign focusing on the needs of the ward. This is clearly taking advantage, somewhat unfairly the Chronicle feels, of the absent Alderman Alan Monterey who (like Jim Bottler) is loyally serving Linrodeth elsewhere.

After the blizzards of last month, a deep cold has settled over the city causing a great many deaths among the poor, sick and elderly. The Torians are trying to organise alms for the poor in many wards, and have criticised many wealthy households for hoarding excessive quantities of fuel and food. In these unusually low temperatures very few people are venturing outside unnecessarily, even to visit the Frost Fair on the river. The Bottler Building Company has settled a dispute over "their' ice market following the advice of the Temple of Hahn. Master De Clare demonstrate that in ancient statute the river constituted a "King's Highway' and hence people who claimed that they had a right to use a certain area of it were incorrect. Master De Clare also asserted that pitches on the Frost Fair have traditionally been obtained on a first come basis and as his apprentices were first onto the ice they were sub-letting an area they had a right to. So far this assertion stands, as the various apprentices seem to be far too cold to fight over the ice.

Patrons of the Dancing Bear in Welland are reeling at the introduction of the new menu and the sudden lack of decent beer. The owner of the inn has upset many of the more traditional clients with her "high prices", "poncy menu", and "fussy attitude". A local veteran Guzzler Gimshaw told the Chronicle, "The Bear used to be a great mercenaries pub, but now it just wants to cater to the rich guildmembers who live hereabouts. It's ages since we had a decent tussle and there never be no musicians to heckle". In reply Ms Susie explained, "The Bear is a major business. We have to pay our taxes to the wardmoot like everyone else. This year Alderman Bottler set a very high rate for us, so we had to make changes to bring in more money. The mercenary crowd will still be welcome at Erik's other place, the Falcon on Dracas docks.

With the Brynette Temple work halted, Alderman De Clare has thrown himself at political business this month. He launched a vociferous attach on young Jessamine Scathlocke whom he described as an "opportunistic, self serving, troublemaker". He was sure that people would prefer thriving business, the greatness of Linrodeth, and the wealth of all rather than for a return to the bad old days of endless diatribes in Witanmoot council, the decline of Linrodeth's economy, and widespread poverty. The Archimandrite of the Temple of Hahn has bestirred himself to the Citadel this month to formally protest at the status and condition of gaols and gaolers throughout the Principality. The minimal upkeep of these institutions has become notorious throughout the lands, and has bought the justice system into great difficulties. The massive death rate of prisoners in the cold this month merely highlights an ongoing problem of high mortality, even amongst prisoners merely awaiting trial. The Archimandrite emphasised the difficulty facing judges in civic cases, where fines and compensation could not be reclaimed from a defendant who had already paid with his life. Her Highness is understood to have encountered similar difficulties with tax arrears, and was sympathetic to the call for change. The Citadel has sent official notice to the Witanmoot that the incoming administration will be expected to tackle this problem as a matter of priority.

The girl students and other young ladies of Castle Bard have been keeping themselves warm lately over the activities of a minstrel band with the unlikely name of Brass Monkeys. Arriving in hordes (possibly for warmth) at any venue where the band is said to be playing, the massed females have been curdling ale with their wild, high-pitched screaming. Local wags have designated them the nazgirls, and have advised neighbours to steer well clear.

The Temple of Esprayenna is holding lively discussions with its most senior navigators over the design and remit of the next Ship of the Dawn. This regular offering to the sea goddess is traditionally built with the finest resources available, manned with the most seasoned volunteers, and launched into the West with absolutely no expectation that it will ever be seen again. The new designs of Linrodeth's ships, especially combined with the massive tonnages recently built by the Consortium, imply that the next Ship of the Dawn will be suitable for ocean travel for a very long time indeed. The Chronicle is given to understand that much of the present debate in the depths of the temple is over what to do if the Ship of the Dawn eventually returns. This thorny theological issue shows no sign of being resolved anytime soon.

The long-suffering Northshore patrol of the City Guards has closed off access to the tinker encampment along the Pennine Road after a number of pitched battles with innkeepers and slum-dwellers nearby. The guards admit that this effectively closes off the Pennine Road to all travellers, but since the city is thoroughly snowed in they are confident that "honest tradesmen" will remain untroubled by this measure. It is unclear whether they expect the problem to continue past the thaw, but undoubtedly any surviving tinkers will be encouraged to leave in a Northeasterly direction away from the city.

Our readers will be pleased to hear that the foul problem of Bassishaw was entirely self-correcting, much to Mrs Malley's distress. A number of battered but well-fed urchins and guttersnipes have been noted in the vicinity.

Kryll 156

First published 29th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Kryll in the year 156

The occasion of the Royal Wedding has rekindled animosity between the Kerunian and Athionic citizens. The largely Kerunian high society was set to ignore the event almost entirely, with nothing being done either by the Citadel or the Witanmoot to mark the event. By contrast the majority of Linrodeth's workers were keen to wish their High-King and his mysterious bride well, and set about organising street parties and temple celebrations with dogged enthusiasm. In the absence of official funding, the streets flowed with good Athionic beer rather than wine, and many a passing Kerunian was forced to quaff the King and Queen's Health. Witanmoot honour was saved by the redoubtable Mrs Bottler, who organised a lavish entertainment at short notice. In attendance were famous names such as Andrews, Cox, Cutario, Cyarçon, Davy, Tasker, Portinari, Trueman and Warin. It is unclear whether they wished to celebrate the royal marriage, or merely know better than to miss a quasi-political meeting at the Bottler mansion. Out on the streets Cllr Jessamine Scathlocke did a brisk business with her sale of commemorative plates, based allegedly on a true likeness of the High King's obscure bride. And it was the Scathlocke faction which tried to get into the spirit of celebration by organising a number of ward level events. Rumours persist that Cllr Scathlocke attempted to organise a formal Witanmoot event but was rebuffed by Lady Davy. Explanations from the Office of the Lord about a real celebration being planned for next year have done little to heal the renewed divisions within Linrodeth society.

Sleet and continued high winds have forced work to stop on the new chimneys for the Brynette temple. Master De Clare abandoned the work after losing two labourers. The scaffolding was roped off and guarded, but this did not prevent the planking from being stolen during the blizzard. It is now thought that the work is unlikely now to be completed before Midwinter. The Bards' College has controversially added a new course to the syllabus of its young students. The intriguingly named "Practicalities" appears only to be an attempt to teach Kerunian building principles to the artistes, and its relevance to future minstrels seems small.

A riot was narrowly avoided when City Guard stepped in to resolve a dispute at the new frost fair. Many people had been bemused to see Bottler's faction casting sawdust into the forming ice last month. When it transpired that the faction intended to charge people for access to the "new improved ice”, tempers flared. Traders who had traditionally used that area objected vigorously. One butcher demanded, "Doesn't Bottler own enough of this city already? I've been pitching here for 16 years and I'm dammed if I'm going to pay him a penny". However many of the apprentices who had seen this as a way of earning a few extra pennies were equally adamant that they be recompensed. The ensuing fight was large and bloody, and if the ice had been its normal strength the whole thing could have come to a very bad end. Fortunately the ice held just long enough and the guard were able to forcibly separate the two groups. The area has been cordoned off as unsafe and several traders have expressed their intention to sue the Bottler household for loss of business.

Following the wedding celebrations last week, when a number of beer barrels were accidentally smashed at the top of Levestone Hill, citizens are reminded to use alternatives to reach the Witanmoot from the docks or the bridge. Levestone Wardmoot would also like to remind youngsters that, although the brown ice down the Hill is indeed excellent for sledding, the stone gatehouse at the bottom is especially unforgiving.

The harried City Guard patrols along Northshore have been trying to deal with many complaints from the slum quarters who are tired of the tinker encampment strung out along the Pennine Road. The tinkers would normally have been heading south by now, but have been trapped at the city by the sudden turn of bad weather. Allegations of theft, brawling and child abduction abound, which citizens of the more sedate wards of the city proper might find ironic. Cutario's investments have also come under attack, but clearly the Count is no longer relying on the guard, preferring instead to hire a ruthless mercenary patrol to protect Ye Oval.

Householders in the ward of Bassishaw have been terrorised by a gaggle of geese nominally belonging to Mrs Malley. Trade through this previously well-ordered quarter of the city has been unexpectedly disrupted by vicious ambushes and random attacks by these bad-tempered birds. The wardmoot has issued Mrs Malley with a deadline for penning up her property, otherwise the fowl will be declared a public nuisance and be available to any hunter brave enough to tackle them.

Lorinfall 156

First published 29th December 2017

The Chronicle

of the month of Lorinfall in the year 156

Cllr Jessamine Scathlocke's faction has taken a decisive lead this month with a number of major breakthroughs for her campaign. The month started with the defection of Kyle Makeland. Ms Makeland was, until recently, the most active member of the Horner faction and is widely credited with the superbly run campaign that got him elected as Alderman. Ms Makeland declared that she was "deeply impressed with the way the Scathlocke faction was focusing on the big issues facing Linrodeth" and she felt that by joining it she would be "able to make change happen". Another equally impressed person is Alderman Adam Povre who has spent the month explaining to the members of his ward why he has now joined the Scathlocke grouping. Other factions have been focusing on local campaigns to shore up favoured Alderman and there is still, thankfully, a lack of the cross city bunting which has been such a feature of earlier elections.

The Theatre Royale has been attempting to clean up its image this month with the presentation of a number of favourite children's tales. The shows, which have been sponsored by Alderman Horner, have gone a long way towards defusing the tensions in the ward. However Ms Felicity Mint's depiction of the Faerie Queen has also been appealing to a more adult audience.

A surprise early frost has given many people concern that this winter will be particularly harsh. Whilst grain supplies are not seriously low a particularly hard winter could put a strain on he city. Ice has begun to form on the Ishtan and there is concern for a number of ships that were trading with the Western Isles are late to port.

The city guard has been struggling this week to cope with a new crime wave. Apprentices throughout the city have taken, for reasons not entirely clear, to stealing peoples washing and arranging it in interesting poses. The problem appears to have originated in Castle Bard where some very creative arrangements supported by sticks are still being done. However throughout the rest of the city rather crude displays, often just lying on the ground seem to be the norm. There has already been one death. Young Tony Bakehouse was shot by an elderly citizen who saw "a figure stealing my jerkin" as he was returning from archery practice.

News has just reached the city that High King Kieran is to be married. His bride is the almost unknown Lady Serena Allen who has lands near the Dalethian Temple and whom it can be supposed he has recently met whist staying in the area. The news was announced by Princess Selina after it was brought to her by a member of Alderman Monterey's entourage who had made a record breaking dash across country. The wedding is due to take place on the 20th of Kryll leaving little time for anyone to reach the Temple. It is understood that a major celebration will be held next year. Princess Selina declared herself "Delighted that my royal brother has found a bride" and wished her "new sister a long and happy life". Hasty preparations are being made for celebrations at many of the city's hostelries although as yet no Civic or Citadel events have been announced.