The Chronicle
of the month of Jasmarill in the year 143
The budget debate, which many had expected to be one of the most contentious and aggressive battles seen at the Witanmoot for some time, turned out to be mere farce. A last minute compromise thrashed out between Alderman Shefford and Cllr Avery threw the council into chaos as many late arriving councillors stood up to denounce Alderman Shefford's budget and support Cllr Avery's only to discover, through the barracking of the better informed, that they were now one and the same thing. Alderman Dixon added to the chaos by calling for a separate vote on passing the control of the Wharf Guard to the Witanmoot. After a lengthy and largely futile debate on the floor, both the vote on the Wharf Guard and the single budget were passed overwhelmingly. New councillor Larkin Drumm expressed his disgust at the procedure, describing the new budget as "ill considered and poorly conceived". Nonetheless most people in the city will be pleased to discover that their 3d tax cut is confirmed, although guildsmen may be less pleased with the 6d guild rate rise.
Aralan Derwent's and Ann Tasker's investigation into the Septer disappearance, has come up with the startling revelation that Armundus Septer escaped normally, without the influence of arcane magics or mysterious assassins. Aralan told the Chronicle, "I believe that Armundus Septer walked out of the Cripplegate prison in the company of his assistant. Any person knowing the whereabouts of Peter Fluke, former oddjob man to Armundus Septer, please come forward to myself or Alderman Tasker." Cllr Derwent refused to comment on rumours that members of his faction were involved in the escape, arguing that it would be wrong to bring charges that she could not prove. Chairman Lansdowne has announced an immediate investigation into security at the Cripplegate prison.
The Skinners & Leathersellers Guild has (not too politely) been told what to do with their request to the city for compensation. Chairman for Lands and Agriculture Gemma Downe told the Chronicle, "This is one of the most ludicrous proposals I've come across in some time. Of course the city has an obligation to prevent banditry in the surrounding area, and matters are already being taken to deal with the problem. If the Skinners are too stingy to hire enough wagon guards, then that's their problem not ours."
The Archimandrite remains seriously ill, and it would appear by the continuous stream of Plenipotentiaries arriving from the outlying Duchies, that hopes for his recovery remain low. Pendentite Antonious told the Chronicle, "We are all praying to Hahn for the Archimandrite's recovery, and it is only right for us to gather near to him in his moment of need".
Preparations for the Dragonfeast are continuing apace, with the council voting through an unprecedented £1000 funding for the project. This looks set to be one of the most lavish shows the country has ever seen. Indeed it would appear that having decided to spend such a large sum, our councillors are stuck for ideas on what to do with it. One person with some advice for them has been Gax the Heretic, although quite how "regenerating the rotting educational infrastructure, and liberating the downtrodden from the chains of ignorance" is meant to help us enjoy the Dragonfeast remains to be explained. Citizens with novel suggestions are encouraged to lobby their local councillors and Alderman for sponsorship.
Following the budget debacle, Cllrs Avery and Drumm are to meet in a duel next month. A combination of Cllr Avery's sudden budget capitulation and Cllr Drumm's scathing condemnation of this has led to the two seeking to have their honour satisfied.