running popfile as a daemon process

This is just a note to myself in case I need it 🙂

To run popfile as a daemon process on Ubuntu. I did the following:

  1. Created a popfile user and home directory and gave it a copy of the popfile executables and copied across its data into /var/popfile.
  2. Created a /etc/init.d/popfile file
  3. Issued
    sudo /etc/init.d/popfile start

It's worth noting that popfile has data in /var/lib/popfile when it comes to backing it up. When restoring/transferring these files I also needed to ensure that the popfile userid owns these files.

Comments: 2

  1. David says:

    Minor update to the /etc/init.d/popfile to allow querying of its status

  2. David says:

    Actually, on ubuntu, it's easier/better to install popfile via sudo apt-get install popfile. I still copy over the data into /var/popfile.